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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Healing Operatives


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I am a healing Sorc and I still have that sour grape taste from when all the heal Ops were in the 1.2 heal thread telling us we needed to be nerfed for a more balanced game. Especially for PVE as they were being passed over for Sorc healers.


I truelly think healing Sorcs, especially with rated coming up next week, should be buffed up to the healing Operative level.


I'm sure many will say pvp Operatives are not that much better that healing Sorcs so I'm overdoing it, and I partially agree with this. What pushed me over the edge to come here crying is I realised no matter who the healing Operative is, whether Republic or Imperial people will say "Hey it so-and-so.. that guy is a good healer".


No matter who is playing a healing Operative, no matter what gear they have on, people will call them a good healer. It cant be that everyone that plays a healing Operative/Scoundrel was born with the regal birthmark on their butt.


I don't see the same enthusiasm for healing Sorcs/Sages. There is definatly a distinction in the pvp world between good and bad Sage/Sorc healers or geared and ungeared Sage/Sorc healers.


So I dont know what it is they have that we dont.. their stylish wardrobe, their good taste , their better keyboards.. they sleep at Holday Inn. Whatever it is we heal Sorcs/Sages need it too.


Yes I am in phear of their grass.. it defintly looks greener and come next week with rated we will not be picked for rated WZs unless there are no operatives available. :o

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I would say the DPS of Operatives have been nerfed so hard, that they should at least get a good healing spec right?


Then again, then Sorc/Sage has been hit with just as many nerfs when they destroyed the hyrbid spec, so it seems even.

Edited by FourTwent
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I am a healing Sorc and I still have that sour grape taste from when all the heal Ops were in the 1.2 heal thread telling us we needed to be nerfed for a more balanced game. Especially for PVE as they were being passed over for Sorc healers.


I truelly think healing Sorcs, especially with rated coming up next week, should be buffed up to the healing Operative level.


I'm sure many will say pvp Operatives are not that much better that healing Sorcs so I'm overdoing it, and I partially agree with this. What pushed me over the edge to come here crying is I realised no matter who the healing Operative is, whether Republic or Imperial people will say "Hey it so-and-so.. that guy is a good healer".


No matter who is playing a healing Operative, no matter what gear they have on, people will call them a good healer. It cant be that everyone that plays a healing Operative/Scoundrel was born with the regal birthmark on their butt.


I don't see the same enthusiasm for healing Sorcs/Sages. There is definatly a distinction in the pvp world between good and bad Sage/Sorc healers or geared and ungeared Sage/Sorc healers.


So I dont know what it is they have that we dont.. their stylish wardrobe, their good taste , their better keyboards.. they sleep at Holday Inn. Whatever it is we heal Sorcs/Sages need it too.


Yes I am in phear of their grass.. it defintly looks greener and come next week with rated we will not be picked for rated WZs unless there are no operatives available. :o


Not every healing operative/scoundrel is good.. but there are more good then bade.. would you like to know why??


being the most nerfed class in the game = lots of people rerolling to new toons... not to mention operatives and scoundrels are the lowest played heal class in the game..


the more there is of something, the more bad there is to find in it.

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How are Sorc healers second rate? I don't play a healer so I have no dog in this fight. I can see the argument that operatives have a very nice pvp tool set. However, they really lack any form of burst healing and they don't have a bubble to put on other people. I also consider Sorc AoE healing to be superior. If your complaint is based on their survivability in pvp rest assured that is getting nerfed with losing 6% self healing.
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Not that it means much more than I play a lot but I'm Valor rank 90. Commiting this much time to PVP, I've played with many like minded people. From all this interaction and from my own time spent I've come to the conclusion that people, if pressed to choose healers for the best team performance in pvp, (like rated WZs) will reach to an operative healer.
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How are Sorc healers second rate? I don't play a healer so I have no dog in this fight. I can see the argument that operatives have a very nice pvp tool set. However, they really lack any form of burst healing and they don't have a bubble to put on other people. I also consider Sorc AoE healing to be superior. If your complaint is based on their survivability in pvp rest assured that is getting nerfed with losing 6% self healing.


just a few things heres....


1.) sorc's have more burst healing.. if they can get there big heal off, with just a long cast time its so easy to interupt its not even funny.. my injection crits in the high 5's and my infusion crits in the high 4's low 5's (both are under 2 sec cast time).


2.) alot of sorc's will argue with you on the AoE healing aspect in pvp because people have to "stand" in it. where as the operative can cast it on the target on the go and it heal people.


3.) 6% self heal nerf was so minor that i've hardly if at all noticed it on the pts with the removal of relics/adrenals. still getting around.. still getting 3% all around and 3% self from survival training, and a 3% all time and 6% addiotional while TA is active from medical consult.

Edited by Mrunlimited
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just a few things heres....


1.) sorc's have more burst healing.. if they can get there big heal off, with just a long cast time its so easy to interupt its not even funny.. my injection crits in the high 5's and my infusion crits in the high 4's low 5's (both are under 2 sec cast time).


2.) alot of sorc's will argue with you on the AoE healing aspect in pvp because people have to "stand" in it. where as the operative can cast it on the target on the go and it heal people.


3.) 6% self heal nerf was so minor that i've hardly if at all noticed it on the pts with the removal of relics/adrenals. still getting around.. still getting 3% all around and 3% self from survival training, and a 3% all time and 6% addiotional while TA is active from medical consult.




I know what you are saying but bubbles count as heals and they are hugely important. (Especially if they are mezz talented) Yes KI casts faster but Sorcs do have multiple ways to gain distance on opponents where Ops do not. In my opinion op healers might be slightly over tuned; but mercs are the second-rate healers.

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I know what you are saying but bubbles count as heals and they are hugely important. (Especially if they are mezz talented) Yes KI casts faster but Sorcs do have multiple ways to gain distance on opponents where Ops do not. In my opinion op healers might be slightly over tuned; but mercs are the second-rate healers.


i didnt touch on bubbles because that is your upper hand.. the upper hand for a sorc/sage is the ability to knock/back - bubble - sprint.. having said that i have an insta cast heal that crits for 2.5-3.2k that re-procs when im below 30%.. also the ability to stealth when being focused and go somewhere unseen... you can sprint away but only to get pulled back.


and merc's are far from second rate... just noone seems to know how to play them........ THEY have the highest single target HPS above you and me. you have the highest utility out of the 3.. and we have the on the go survivability.. thats kinda of a quick TL;DR version of things..

Edited by Mrunlimited
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i didnt touch on bubbles because that is your upper hand.. the upper hand for a sorc/sage is the ability to knock/back - bubble - sprint.. having said that i have an insta cast heal that crits for 2.5-3.2k that re-procs when im below 30%.. also the ability to stealth when being focused and go somewhere unseen... you can sprint away but only to get pulled back.


and merc's are far from second rate... just noone seems to know how to play them........ THEY have the highest single target HPS above you and me. you have the highest utility out of the 3.. and we have the on the go survivability.. thats kinda of a quick TL;DR version of things..


I don't play a healer so let me first say that. I was asking the OP what exactly makes a sorc second rate because I think they are good where they are. From my point of view (concealment) mercs are the easiest healer in the game to kill.

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I have seen a ton of bad operative/smug healers as a lot of them like to stand in the middle of the fight thinking they are invincible and not LOSing the other team. I hate to say it but instead of coming to forums "crying" and asking for a buff why don't you try running with a tank having guard on you and spamming taunt on the guys fousing you. I have seen more good sorc healers then I have operative healers.
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I have seen a ton of bad operative/smug healers as a lot of them like to stand in the middle of the fight thinking they are invincible and not LOSing the other team. I hate to say it but instead of coming to forums "crying" and asking for a buff why don't you try running with a tank having guard on you and spamming taunt on the guys fousing you. I have seen more good sorc healers then I have operative healers.


I do that to draw aggro (so to speak), with shield probe and evasion on hand it's easier to heal myself then my team mates. I'm not sure it's a sound strategy but if I can take the heat off of someone i'll do it.

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There are far more terrible sage/sorc healers in this game than operatives - it has been that way since launch.


Sage either appeals because it's iconic or because of its once-easy mechanics. Many weak sages have been unable to adapt post 1.2, where their status as supreme healers was heavily diminished, forcing them once again to use some element of skill.


That said, I far prefer my Scoundrel healer to my sage healer. (I have both over valor rank 70 with war hero).

Reasons as follows :


- Scoundrel healer a lot more fun

-Scoundrel healer a lot more challenging

-Sage healer too easily neutralized by interrupts.


So, whilst I definitely think that scoundrel requires more from the player, I do also think that sage healers are the weakest healer in competitive PVP. They can too easily be chained interrupted. I certainly don't think operative/scoundrel healers should be weakened, but there's definitely room for nurturing of the sage healer within competitive PVP (and that doesn't mean increasing their direct healing output, which is already one if/the highest).

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I don't play a healer so let me first say that. I was asking the OP what exactly makes a sorc second rate because I think they are good where they are. From my point of view (concealment) mercs are the easiest healer in the game to kill.


i truely have no idea what merc's you have been fighting.. because your blade specced ops. you should be able to LOL a sorc/sage WAY before a merc

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i truely have no idea what merc's you have been fighting.. because your blade specced ops. you should be able to LOL a sorc/sage WAY before a merc



Sorcs have a decent tool set to get away from melee classes. Mercs have only a meager set of escape tools to get heals off. Sorcs are easier to kill than operative healers yes but to me, mercs are the easiest.

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Sorcs have a decent tool set to get away from melee classes. Mercs have only a meager set of escape tools to get heals off. Sorcs are easier to kill than operative healers yes but to me, mercs are the easiest.


Sorcs are completely hardcountered by roots. No other class is affected by them as much as Sorcs are.

Because of the lack of burst heal and defensive cooldowns, this has nearly the same impact as a stun, but without generating resolve. A Sorc who can't get away is a dead Sorc.


Operative and Merc do both have at least 2 defensive cooldowns to survive situations like this.


On the other hand, with all the crowd control and utility Sorc gets, it's a great support class, but still, it's to squishy, it's gonna be target #1 for any premade and will die in focusfire within seconds.


What Sorc needs is some kind of burstheal, ohsh*tbutton or defensive cooldown.



I don't really know about Mercs, I've only seen 2-3 of them since patch 1.2.

They seem to have a terrible resource management system, this should be adjusted.



Operatives are fine.

Edited by iphobia
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I would say the DPS of Operatives have been nerfed so hard, that they should at least get a good healing spec right?


Then again, then Sorc/Sage has been hit with just as many nerfs when they destroyed the hyrbid spec, so it seems even.


Someone gets it.

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I have a battlemaster geared healing sorc. What I don't understand is that healing sorc are usually at the top of the healing chart over healing mercs in full war hero. I almost never use the aoe heal unless a few ppl are standing in the same place, but in pvp people are always moving.


I and the republics side version (forget name) of sorc are usually on the top of the healing charts. Although I don't see very many healing operatives. I have two healing mercs in guild but they almost never beat me in heals. Although, I'm really squishy. If someone targets me and stays with me, I'm usually dead fast.


Do our bubbles count towards healing as well? I always wondered.


Wish they'd make guild instance only warzones so we could practice and test things out.

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Op healers are too strong atm, they just run around with their heal probs and lol at anyone trying to kill them.




Killing Scoundrel/Ops healer is relatively easy, you just oughta try harder, because:


1) Slow-Release Medpack/Kolto Probe < Sage/Sorc's bubble

2) Emergency Medpack/Surgical Probe just can't possibly keep up with all the burst going around in warzones, with it critting for approximately 2-2.5k without adrenal + relic stacking

3) Kolto Cloud/Recuperative Nanotech is on 12 sec cooldown, more than enough time for a player with a clue to burn down Scoundrel/Op

4) Underworld Medicine/Kolto Injection is our only decent healing spell, and it gets easily interrupted if you're smart enough to do it, whilst Kolto Pack/Kolto Infusion is hardly worth casting after you get EMP/SP due to it gimping our energy management

5) Stealth level has been nerfed, not to mention that stealth itself is easily countered by aoe knockbacks/abilites, stealth scans etc.

6) Defense Screen is a joke, really.


Just do it. Save your strongest cooldowns, stuns and cc for the moment when we're below 30% and start spamming EMP/SP, cuz it's when EMP healing comes down to pure luck - we might outheal your damage... or not.

Or rather go easy mode - focus us and we go down like a wet paper.

Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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Killing Scoundrel/Ops healer is relatively easy, you just oughta try harder, because:


1) Slow-Release Medpack/Kolto Probe < Sage/Sorc's bubble

2) Emergency Medpack/Surgical Probe just can't possibly keep up with all the burst going around in warzones, with it critting for approximately 2-2.5k without adrenal + relic stacking

3) Kolto Cloud/Recuperative Nanotech is on 12 sec cooldown, more than enough time for a player with a clue to burn down Scoundrel/Op

4) Underworld Medicine/Kolto Injection is our only decent healing spell, and it gets easily interrupted if you're smart enough to do it, whilst Kolto Pack/Kolto Infusion is hardly worth casting after you get EMP/SP due to it gimping our energy management

5) Stealth level has been nerfed, not to mention that stealth itself is easily countered by aoe knockbacks/abilites, stealth scans etc.

6) Defense Screen is a joke, really.


Just do it. Save your strongest cooldowns, stuns and cc for the moment when we're below 30% and start spamming EMP/SP, cuz it's when EMP healing comes down to pure luck - we might outheal your damage... or not.

Or rather go easy mode - focus us and we go down like a wet paper.


Lack of sight is astounding on these forums.


1) 2 ticks non crit of a 2 stacked (1 tick crit) of SLM heals for about the same of a equal geared sorcs bubble. And it doesnt leave a debuff, it does tick a lot, etc. Its way better than bubble when it comes to raw healing. Stop crying.


2) Emergency medpack + emercengy emergencies is a INSTANT spell that heals for about as the same (2k+) as DELIVERANCE, which is a SELF ROOTING, 2sec+ cast. By the time i cast a 5k crit deliverance you can spam 3 emergency medpacks which will heal for way more and cannot be interrupted. Emergency medpacks also do not cost resources and they regrant upper hand when they are used on people that are near death. IWIN BUTTON ANYONE?


3) No serious operative healer specs that trash for PvP, and you will know why.


4) With serious HoTs, nice energy regen (pugnacity + cool head + channeled **** that regens), and free emergency medpacks you hardly need to cast to keep people up. Even if you choose to cast, your heals are FASTER, STRONGER and MORE EFFICIENT than all of the sorcs heals except maybe healing trance which has a CD on it.


5) See #3, good scoundrels go hybrid and spec flanking on the scrapper tree for 15% of movement speed increase and good stealth levels.


6) It is. But you dont need that to survive while you have an IWIN button.



Anyone who thinks that sawbones is remotely balanced with the other healing ACs is highly biased or is lacking insight of how PvP healing works.

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I am a healing Sorc and I still have that sour grape taste from when all the heal Ops were in the 1.2 heal thread telling us we needed to be nerfed for a more balanced game. Especially for PVE as they were being passed over for Sorc healers.


I truelly think healing Sorcs, especially with rated coming up next week, should be buffed up to the healing Operative level.


I'm sure many will say pvp Operatives are not that much better that healing Sorcs so I'm overdoing it, and I partially agree with this. What pushed me over the edge to come here crying is I realised no matter who the healing Operative is, whether Republic or Imperial people will say "Hey it so-and-so.. that guy is a good healer".


No matter who is playing a healing Operative, no matter what gear they have on, people will call them a good healer. It cant be that everyone that plays a healing Operative/Scoundrel was born with the regal birthmark on their butt.


I don't see the same enthusiasm for healing Sorcs/Sages. There is definatly a distinction in the pvp world between good and bad Sage/Sorc healers or geared and ungeared Sage/Sorc healers.


So I dont know what it is they have that we dont.. their stylish wardrobe, their good taste , their better keyboards.. they sleep at Holday Inn. Whatever it is we heal Sorcs/Sages need it too.


Yes I am in phear of their grass.. it defintly looks greener and come next week with rated we will not be picked for rated WZs unless there are no operatives available. :o



jsut one thing..Rateds are not coming next week..

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Lack of sight is astounding on these forums.


1) 2 ticks non crit of a 2 stacked (1 tick crit) of SLM heals for about the same of a equal geared sorcs bubble. And it doesnt leave a debuff, it does tick a lot, etc. Its way better than bubble when it comes to raw healing. Stop crying.


2) Emergency medpack + emercengy emergencies is a INSTANT spell that heals for about as the same (2k+) as DELIVERANCE, which is a SELF ROOTING, 2sec+ cast. By the time i cast a 5k crit deliverance you can spam 3 emergency medpacks which will heal for way more and cannot be interrupted. Emergency medpacks also do not cost resources and they regrant upper hand when they are used on people that are near death. IWIN BUTTON ANYONE?


3) No serious operative healer specs that trash for PvP, and you will know why.


4) With serious HoTs, nice energy regen (pugnacity + cool head + channeled **** that regens), and free emergency medpacks you hardly need to cast to keep people up. Even if you choose to cast, your heals are FASTER, STRONGER and MORE EFFICIENT than all of the sorcs heals except maybe healing trance which has a CD on it.


5) See #3, good scoundrels go hybrid and spec flanking on the scrapper tree for 15% of movement speed increase and good stealth levels.


6) It is. But you dont need that to survive while you have an IWIN button.



Anyone who thinks that sawbones is remotely balanced with the other healing ACs is highly biased or is lacking insight of how PvP healing works.


1) Holy crap what kind of Super HoTs do you have rolling? Mine don't

2) So comparing a spell that heals for twice as much and saying ours is better because it's instant is logic now? It -crits- for max around 2.5 yours crits for 5k as you said yourself. That's called Underworld Medicine, the 2 sec cast time self rooting heal that crits for 5k.

3) Indeed, Kolto Cloud is **** because it ticks as much as SRMs, faster. Again disproving point 1.

4) Cool Head is ideally never used.. I'll trade it for double my energy pool any day.

5) Meh, not much difference. It's the speed boost people like

6) See point 2

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