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Official Q&A Thread for June 29th Blog Post


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When can we expect character recustomizations to re-do our characters' appearances, such as skintone and face shapes? Character recustomizations can prevent level 50 players who are unsatisfied with their appearance from rerolling JUST to change how they look.
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Will you do anything to close the gap between pve and pvp gear? It is utterly ridiculous that we have to grind out two differant sets so we can play the differant content. I am also tired of being told I am useless in Ops because my Shadow has nearly full War Hero gear. People won't take me along so I can get the proper pve stuff, Rakata/Campaign. Will pvp gear ever be on par with high end "raid" gear or will you give us differant means to get the pve gear so we can do Operations without feeling discriminated against? Edited by Kilikaa
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Chat Bubbles


What is the status of chat bubbles? We first heard they were being worked on, and then later that they were ready and that we should see them after the UI update, and since we have not heard any news about them.

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Since SWTOR strongly encourage players to play more characters, even on both sides (and especially in incoming expansion players who want to get HK-51 droid), many players and guilds have their counterpart on opposite side. Did you consider idea about "linking" imp-rep guilds made by same players? "Link" between them can be related only to guild chat, so players can still communicate in game no matter on which side they are playing.



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I am currently not creating any new characters because I dont want to use up my remaining character slots and play through all the story arcs if a species I want to play later becomes avaliable. How long will I have to wait and what species will be coming out this year?
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Personally, I think character unlocks as part of a legacy system is a bad joke, and I'm not the only one. Why did you choose not to make the new character perks part of the legacy system, ie. why on earth did you not make them server wide unlocks? Edited by Ignicity
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What are your long-term plans for implementing playable species? Are Cathar merely the first of semi-regular species additions? Will their implementation act as testing the water to see the consequences of adding a new species, both within the game mechanics and with community reaction?
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Are you planning to add tanking specific mod schematics to the game? The mods I'm talking about are the weighted and absorb mods for the mod slot (main stat + defense or absorb). They exist in game but none of them can be learned by a cybertech. I like using Blizz but I can't really gear him until 50, barring very rare random drops. Thanks for any information.
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I've read about your policy on balancing, and how you feel that it's better to bring one class down instead bringing the other classes up to match. How do you make that decision and do you feel that you might be penalizing PvE to better balance PvP in the process?
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I'm currently playing as a Bounty Hunter, while I enjoyed being one, and having those awesome companions, I am a bit disappointed that none of them are force users. Is there any plan on bringing an lightsaber-wielding companion for all non Jedi/Sith class?
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Are there any plans to make Armstech a more useful end game crafting skill when compared to others? Currently every craft is given some form of Rakata level item as a bonus for max skill, except Armstech. During flashpoints and operations every craft is regularly given some form of patterns that drop, except Armstech. Currently Armstech is reduced to spitting out augmentable weapon shells, a few augments, and lower barrels/weapons for leveling. Even after 1.3 it looks like their only major job will be augment kits, since level 50+ patterns pretty much don't exist. Edited by Blaac
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I have two accounts (Because 1 didn't provide enough characters per server). In last weeks QA we were told more slots will be coming real soon. Will the character transfer system be updated so I can transfer my account 2 characters across to account 1?
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How about plans for a Voice Chat client so i can chat with pug groups?

I dont like the idea of giving out my guild vent PW and info to Random ppl, and i know of mmos that have successfully implemented this feature such as DDO and Everquest :eek: how can those outdated games have something that this spankin new model does not:confused:

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You've mentioned in the past that mercenaries don't get an interrupt because they have other advantages to make up for it. What are these advantages? I've come across two incredibly difficult missions in levelling a mercenary, that an interrupt would have trivialized (the green jedi sage on corellia, and the first boss from act 2), so I'd like to know what I get to make up for it.
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Let us talk emotes for a moment. When thinking about what emotes to implement in the games, what do you take in account? From an RP perspective, emotes like /meditate and /lie are quite useful. Do you have any plans of making such emotes possible, and if that is a yes; any ETA?
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Are there any plans for allowing training in different weapon types?


Considering weapons are really just shell you put your mods into, none are more powerful than the other, the system is skill-based. I would love to see my Powertech wield a Blaster riffle, my Operative a blaster pistol (like in all cinematics) my Vanguard a Techsword, my Mercenary a Techstaff..... you get the point, more versatility!! And for those saying that it would not fit the lore or the actual content, think about all our companions; Kaliyo =blaster riffle, Malavai=blaster pistol, Vector=electrostaff, Torian=techstaff, Skadge=techsword......

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Last weeks Q&A dealt with armor set designs. Are there any plans to have some of the color palettes cross faction lines? I would love to have a few options of black robes and armor with accent colors. For example I'd love to have my gunslinger rock something that look similar to how "Fortified Electrum Chest" looks on the empire side or allow my RP Imperial agent to wear Jedi brown robes as part of an "infiltration set".
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