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Do DEV's all play marauders / sentinels


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I'm not much of a class-warfare kind of guy, but I'm inclined to agree with the OP.


We were told dps classes would always be within 5% of each other. Some classes are struggling to maintain 1200 dps right now when Maras are breezing to 1700 (averages here.. I know your neighbor's dog's mailman can do 2100).


Call my math skills fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure that is no where near 5%.


And I'm all for Maras/Snipers being top dps. Just for the love of god shorten the gap a little bit.

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Look at why no one plays DPS Assassins, because they can't live or stay in range long enough in PVP after their initial alpha strike. ( which I am sure will get addressed eventually )


Maras have less damage potential than powertechs or snipers, but in exchange they get survivability and mobility. Also only one spec is truly survivable and that's Annihilation, and that's from the self healing. Carnage is more mobile and has more group utility but is noticeably squishier. Rage gets more frequent Undying range but that is easily countered with stuns and/or roots.

Edited by Anishor
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Look at why no one plays DPS Assassins, because they can't live or stay in range long enough in PVP after their initial alpha strike. ( which I am sure will get addressed eventually )


Maras have less damage potential than powertechs or snipers, but in exchange they get survivability and mobility. Also only one spec is truly survivable and that's Annihilation, and that's from the self healing. Carnage is more mobile and has more group utility but is noticeably squishier. Rage gets more frequent Undying range but that is easily countered with stuns and/or roots.


So what your saying is.... ? It's only the FOTM Marauders that need a nerf?

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newp, I'm not saying they need a nerf, particularly as I am sure that ranked Warzones will become the more heavily weighted metric base, and in organized PVP they're hardly overpowered.


Also FOTM seems to be snipers and PTs.

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newp, I'm not saying they need a nerf, particularly as I am sure that ranked Warzones will become the more heavily weighted metric base, and in organized PVP they're hardly overpowered.


Also FOTM seems to be snipers and PTs.



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newp, I'm not saying they need a nerf, particularly as I am sure that ranked Warzones will become the more heavily weighted metric base, and in organized PVP they're hardly overpowered.


Also FOTM seems to be snipers and PTs.


Actually.. to me.. FOTM seems to be Assassins/Shadow tanks. Mostly because they are very hard to kill and can use stealth to sneak to objectives in all Warzones except Voidstar, where they have sprint to get the lead on other classes after a door is popped.


Really, Assassin/Shadow tanks have a too big toolset to be balanced in PVP.

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I'm glad to see we can come to an agreement. /firmnod.


I wasn't agreeing with you at all. I was restraining myself from entering into the murky oceans of over-moderation.


Suffice to say, I disagree with you.





Actually.. to me.. FOTM seems to be Assassins/Shadow tanks. Mostly because they are very hard to kill and can use stealth to sneak to objectives in all Warzones except Voidstar, where they have sprint to get the lead on other classes after a door is popped.


Really, Assassin/Shadow tanks have a too big toolset to be balanced in PVP.


They're getting nerfed in 1.3.

Edited by Ignicity
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So the mods do occasionally take breaks, leaving this thread open.


But to be honest, sentinels and marauders are OP. I don't know how anyone can reasonably say anything else, but to each their own.


I don't have the link handy, so take this for it's worth to you, but there was an interview with a dev where they explained that their tuning of classes is based upon what the AVERAGE player is doing with that class, not what the uber-skilled players are capable of doing with the class. I believe that comment was in response to the Sentinel/Mara buffs. As a general rule, I like that philosophy, however one potential issue is when the uber-skilled post their specs/rotations on a website and then the AVERAGE players start getting better as well. <shrug> my $0.02

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As long as the high damage comes with low defenses and low maneuverability, then it is okay. However that is not the case here.


This is the problem. They need to nerf either their damage or survivability to balance them against jugg/knight. Or buff jugg/knight.

Edited by NasherUK
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I don't have the link handy, so take this for it's worth to you, but there was an interview with a dev where they explained that their tuning of classes is based upon what the AVERAGE player is doing with that class, not what the uber-skilled players are capable of doing with the class. I believe that comment was in response to the Sentinel/Mara buffs. As a general rule, I like that philosophy, however one potential issue is when the uber-skilled post their specs/rotations on a website and then the AVERAGE players start getting better as well. <shrug> my $0.02


This line of thinking implies Marauders are hard to play.


They are not.


Just because a class requires more key binds doesn't mean its more difficult to play.

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Im a gunslinger. I cannot understand why people think marauders are OP. I almost never lose to them. I have so many tools to push them away and root them and stun them its rediculous and I do just as much damage as they can but from range. The gunslinger also has a "bubble" like a sage kinda and a 3 second 99% invulnerable. My cover increases my defense and they cannot leap to me.


If you stand there and go toe to toe with them YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO LOSE.


I always get killed by assasins and pyro pt's and the occasional operative. Warrior class is a total push over I target them.

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I'm not much of a class-warfare kind of guy, but I'm inclined to agree with the OP.


We were told dps classes would always be within 5% of each other. Some classes are struggling to maintain 1200 dps right now when Maras are breezing to 1700 (averages here.. I know your neighbor's dog's mailman can do 2100).


Call my math skills fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure that is no where near 5%.


And I'm all for Maras/Snipers being top dps. Just for the love of god shorten the gap a little bit.


Is that sustained or burst? Is that against a single target or many? Beyond that, what's the range of these abilities? There's more to PvP than just damage.

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This line of thinking implies Marauders are hard to play.


They are not.


Just because a class requires more key binds doesn't mean its more difficult to play.



All you really gotta do is line your skills on your bars from left to right, in order of "priority" or "rotation"

Problem solved.



But really.... I have to agree... Marauders/Sents are stupid right now.... Some people are starting to get good at playing them (or lucky cuz they burst like a madman). In MOST warzones I join, there are atleast 3 marauders in it... and when they swap to the same target it dies in 1-2 globals. You'll be lucky to survive if you have a dedicated tank who can use taunt... otherwise, you are splat before you can even react.


If anyone disagrees with that, then they haven't played againt a good marauder.


(and yes, I'll have to say that I also fall intop the top 95% of good sages, if you feel like trying to troll)

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