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Worst and best planet?


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I can't even comprhend that. Imperial balmorra is an atrocity where you are forced to run miles out of your way to get to a location right next to you on a hill you can't climb. The world quests there are as boring as you will find in any game ever made.


While this is true I personally loved the World War I-esk feel Balmorra had to offer, and it wasn't overly lengthy. Republic Balmorra however was just pointless, storyline was rather boring as well.

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Best: Belsavis, and absolutely gorgeous planet with a ton of variety. I also like, at least for the Empire (Have yet to get there on Republic), how the story shows that the Republic isn't an absolute good.


Worst: Drommund Kaas: Running around in circles for hours is not something I call fun. Although, perhaps it's just the fact that I ran it twice in quick succession, and I play a sorcerer who had to go back and forth from ruin to ruin over and over again. On the other hand, I will say this: Kaas City as well as some other locations on the planet are quite impressive.

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Best: Belsavis, and absolutely gorgeous planet with a ton of variety. I also like, at least for the Empire (Have yet to get there on Republic), how the story shows that the Republic isn't an absolute good.


Worst: Drommund Kaas: Running around in circles for hours is not something I call fun. Although, perhaps it's just the fact that I ran it twice in quick succession, and I play a sorcerer who had to go back and forth from ruin to ruin over and over again. On the other hand, I will say this: Kaas City as well as some other locations on the planet are quite impressive.


I agree with Belsavis, I'm surprised so many seem to despise the planet. It was very interesting and enjoyable for me, however...the Imperials are better than the Republic I must say. Breaking out of a prison is much more fun than containing it hehe. Dromund Kaas though I personally think as one of the best worlds, but that's just me.

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Best: Tython - best music, best quests, and actually feels big unlike the other 3 starting planets. Finishes well with a nice cutscene where you construct your lightsaber.

Worst: Balmorra (Imperial) other than the 1 minute of awesome music you hear when you first arrive in your hangar

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Why all the hate on Belsavis? I thought it was fun, enjoyable, unique, huge, and diverse. It was an amazing experience to go through the planet.


As for worst... probably Quesh. Planet has a good world arc but that is it. It is so contained and has little story relevance. It was better off omitted imo.




Worst: Quesh+Voss

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Best - Voss - I liked how the planet was split into 5 reasonably sized questing areas. The planet's storyline has a bit of mystery that was missing on most other planets.


Worst - Just about every other planet (especially Alderaan, Belsavis, Correlia, Taris, and Nar Shadda). The class quests were great but very few of the planet quests were memorable. The worst part is most times you fight through trash mobs for 10 minutes trying to weave your way using the minimap to find the right quest area. When you finish you usually have a choice of porting to an poorly placed bind spot or fight your way out against the respawns.

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Worst: Taris on both sides by far.... its an ugly swampy ruin, with stupid :rak_02::rak_03::rak_04::rak_01: and its too long on both sides, but especially Imperial. Runners up are Balmora for similar reasons (ugly and too long) and colocoids or whatever are the worst mob in the game with their ridiculous aggro range. They are the murlocs of TOR. Also, Hoth, but just cause everything is white and it gets hard to see.


Best: Tatooine, even tho its a bit long, I just pretend I'm playing a Dune MMO and it makes me happy. Alderaan has nice scenery, as does Belsavis. And I like Nar Shadda.

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Best: Belsavis. Its really pretty, and I dig the dark masters story. Its a shame they ruined them with the recent "upgrades" to their appearance though.


Worst: Balmora. Its PITA to navigate, particularly without a speeder. Its also too damn long... by the time you finish it, you've outleveled Nar Shadda and maybe Tatooine!

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Best: Belsavis. I love how big this planet feels and how the story area's change from the prison sector to the ancient sector.


Worst: Voss I just find the colouring of the planet really bland and the Voss race like a rainbow exploded. I tend to only get my class questing done there.

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Over all nothing stands out for me, each planet does not have its own theme or feel, the lack of atmosphere really makes many of these planets forgetable for me


This pretty much sums up how i feel about them. :cool:

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Best: Belsavis, and absolutely gorgeous planet with a ton of variety. I also like, at least for the Empire (Have yet to get there on Republic), how the story shows that the Republic isn't an absolute good.


Worst: Drommund Kaas: Running around in circles for hours is not something I call fun. Although, perhaps it's just the fact that I ran it twice in quick succession, and I play a sorcerer who had to go back and forth from ruin to ruin over and over again. On the other hand, I will say this: Kaas City as well as some other locations on the planet are quite impressive.

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Worst: Hoth / Illum tie. Not a fan of iceballs. And more than one iceball.... ugg. So please, please no more ice planets for awhile.


Best: Tatooine probably my favorite. Love the skyline. Loads of quests and places to travel to, more open feel.

Taris comes in second for me. Nice open feel again.

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Worst and best? Hmmm


Well Worst has to be Coruscant. It failed to hit the mark from the word go and just feels so disjointed! Rvrn Nar Shaddaa, despite being much the same style of design, manages to feel larger and more fluent then Coruscant does.


Best Planet, Im going to go with Belsavis (least for the Jedi Consular storyline) or Dromman Kaas. Both planets feel amazingly large the first time through and utilize space much better then many of the other planets out there.


Special mention (good and bad):


Tython simply feels to small

Koriban also feels small but offers a much more streamlined experience that fits the 2 classes there.


Taris is disappointing in that its flat. Taris in the game had massive sub levels that we hear are still there to some degree but we have no access to (closest would be the Rakghoul Archives cave and the platforms going into the quarry in the first area (where the pipe dc is). They need to add more verticle design to taris rather then spreading out the flat landmass of planet.


Balmorra wasnt as bad as some people make it out to be but you do feel under welmed by the end of it. Something is missing for both Rep and Empire Balmorra experience.


Voss I loved for the most part


Nar Shaddaa was basically closer to what I expected Coruscant to feel like!


Tatooine was a desert, nuff said


Hoth and ilum are cold, nuff said


My regular playing buddy made the comment that by the time you finish Hoth, the planets all kinda look the same as so many designs are reused everywhere.


Hes got a point I gotta admit!


Really would like to see more diversity in the art tiles going forward.


Plus I really want to see wookie world, Manaan, Yavin 5 (hopefully you do more with the temples then others have).

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My worst planet was hoth, nothing wrong with it really apart from to white, i know its snow but going snowblind isnt a good thing and it could do with some more mobs and areas of interest in the begining areas.


Fav planet has to be cory, just love it, the areas and mobs how they are and the datacrons and how there set up there, kept me entertained for ages.

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I just wanna chime in here to say there's not enough love for Ord Mantell! Maybe it's the nostalgia of being my first SWTOR experience... but Ord was really engaging to me. It's one of the only areas that actually seemed like a "war" was going on there. I felt like I was part of something bigger (all the gunfight and such). Things changing in the sky. It just feels less "dead" than some of the other planets. And I just liked the overall story.


I also think it's one of the most beautiful planets in the game. Go put your graphics on highest and speeder around the coastline. I gotta say they really got rocks right in that planet.



All that said, I still have to place Nar Shaddaa as my favorite overall.


And probably Alderaan as my least favorite actually. It just felt bare and "unfinished" in a weird way. Just didn't flow well, it was huge, and I didn't really like the story at all. A bunch of fighting noble houses is the type of thing I go to a Sci-fi game to avoid.

Edited by Stenrik
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Best: Alderaan - scenic, and allows for exploration. Voss is close, but the Bosses will kick your perspective far too quickly.


Least favorite : Coruscant - my agoraphocic nature kicks in there more than anywhere else; a factor in choosing Sorcerer over Consular.

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Best: Belsavis. Diverse landscape with a somewhat interesting story. Nar Shadaa ranks highly as well. The layout was well done, best planet design of all of them I would say. Leveling there is an enjoyable experience, and it retained the look, feel, and presence that it did in the original KOTOR games.


Worst: Taris (Republic). My god was that place loonngg. I just wanted to leave so badly, but I hadn't even gotten halfway through my 4 level stay. Alderaan (Imperial). I don't know why, but this place always drags on for me. Maybe its the insanely long loading screen, or perhaps its simply that the map is gigantic and somewhat disjointed, but either way, I hate going here. Plus the killik stories are so boring.

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I've not reached level 50 with any class so can only comment on a few worlds. So I will :)


Coruscant - too long and too much running around. The Senate Plaza area, people, WHY is it so large? Aside from the merchants and cantina, there's doodly squat to see yet I have to waste five minutes just to get from one end to the other.


Don't get me started on the Works - just too much backtracking. Aside from that, all the areas look too similiar to one another.


Nar Shaddaa is similiar in feel but shorter, thank the Force.


Balmorra and Taris, both of these worlds have far too much running to and fro just to get around. I could really have used a speeder at level 20 instead of 25. Edit - The colicoids on Balmorra, I coudn't walk more than 3 paces in any direction without having to fight off a swarm of them. Annoying.


Dromund Kaas - at least you have speeders connecting the various parts of the city. I can take a speeder straight to whichever part of the Citadel my class needs to visit. I like that.


Tatooine and Hoth. I like the look and feel of both planets but there's still too much empty space to fly through. I suppose that's the feel BioWare wanted - they're both meant to be wastelands.


Quesh - Short and to the point. After Balmorra for the Republic side, it was like a vacation.

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I don't have a most or least favorite. There were things I loved and hated about all of them.


If I had to pick one to retire on, it would probably be Alderaan, just because I like the mountains and scenery. Voss was pretty too.


I loved the Tomb area on Belsavis (Rep), but hated getting there.

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For the title of worst planets it is a tight race between Alderaan and Belsavis. Quesh could be mentioned here, but at least it is a short planet, so the horror goes away quickly.


For the title of best planets it is a tight race between Hoth and Tatooine

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