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Sad moments in SWTOR


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Orgus' death. Was very sad for me.


Seeing the planet get nuked. After realizing that going down there to help the people would only lose more lives, I picked the dark side option to get money and stuff instead. It made sense but I felt terrible about it.


Shooting the flesh raider off of the ledge. That was saddish because there was a weird degree of cuteness to the flesh raider , but it was still hilarious the way he flew toward the big fire.


Finding Agent Galen. The music, the tone, every part of it just made this scene incredibly sad to watch.



And finally, Esseles.



When you blow the engineers out of the compartment. That was pretty sad, too.


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The last quests of the Taris planetary arc, Republic side


where you head into the abandoned subways and read the cairns left by the outcasts as the plague is taking hold. How can you not consider the few remaining people slowly dying out, their oral history fading away and finally the inability to have any more children and their fading away. Forgotten as one day we will be too.


It's weird, so many people say they hate Taris but the story on both sides is completely riveting to me, the Imperial maybe a little more exciting, but it's some of the better writing in the game.


Also, as a touching moment, In the Bounty Hunter chapter 1 on Nar Shadaar


When Anuli is killed after you promise Mako you will save her little "brother" and take him away from all the danger. I was actually quite fond of that character and would have happily taken them as a companion. Maybe instead of Skadge who I just want to embed in carbonite LOL.


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Trooper Act I End.



The fact that unlike pretty much every other major character, after you defeat Tavus, and he refuses to surrender, your character doesn't just kill him in a cutscene. Instead it enters combat again, and he has only 1 HP. You yourself - the player - is forced to pull the trigger to end his life.



Bounty Hunter Act II.



Finding all the cool and interesting characters (IE the non-Mandalorian ones) killed at the party... Mako didn't help matters.



Dromund Kaas.



The Droidified soldiers. Made worse by the fact that, no matter what you choose, their Captain is absolutely distraught...


Actually, you didn't have to kill Tavus. You could have spared him and never fought him by never mentioning a court marshal. It's one of those missions where the dialog wheel will influence what will happen.


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The last quests of the Taris planetary arc, Republic side


where you head into the abandoned subways and read the cairns left by the outcasts as the plague is taking hold. How can you not consider the few remaining people slowly dying out, their oral history fading away and finally the inability to have any more children and their fading away. Forgotten as one day we will be too.

It's even more sad when you played KOTOR 1, and you are indirectly responsible for that. And also because you helped those people, and well, that's just sad.


Everyone mentioned it, but I was also very sad with the trooper :

To let Jaxo die while she cry for her mum, it was just horrible.



The very end of hunter, I hated him/her a lot, until the last revelation. I suddenly realized we were the same, and I was sad.
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It's even more sad when you played KOTOR 1, and you are indirectly responsible for that. And also because you helped those people, and well, that's just sad.


Everyone mentioned it, but I was also very sad with the trooper :





Indeed with augmentation kits, its a big joke.

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Trooper Ord Matell


being betrayed by your squad. and i'm playing a trooper with a fierce loyalty to the republic too.



Rep Taris


The Promised Ones "it was a lie, it is our grave" and then the music they play. gahhh.



And SW balmorra


with baras' spy knowing he has to die, but fighting you "like his mortal enemy", and add to that the camera work. sad.



When turning Jaesa to the DS, you tempt and push her master to his limit. Corrupt him, capture him like an injured, wild animal, then you use that to force her hand to come face you. Afterward, you complete tear down an innocent, "pure" girl's perception of reality and the world, make her feel betrayed with the only world she has understood, then take advantage of the slightest rebelliousness she has supressed from her Jedi teachings and twist her into a complete psychopath.


That is pretty messed up and seeing her kill her master after he has the revelation of everything he has done really brings it home how evil and malicious the SW is.



i went light side on my SW, thus have a different Jaesa. though i find she doesn't fit with my SW's reason for being light side and i find truly fallen jedi interesting. i almost wished i'd gone dark for this reason, but that sounds really sad, so maybe not.



oh and Smuggler cap 3


finding out the truth about Darmas and Dodonna, less sad, but it made me mad, "i liked you Darmas!"


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when bas-ton dies...i felt so sad for his family....

That one actually made me really, really angry at him. He did it on purpose, because he was unhappy with his life. His poor family.


Imperial Agent ending spoiler.



"Hunter and Cipher 9, they're the tough ones. They play the game right."

The only kiss my Agent ever opted for.

This made me really upset, too - that my agent could not have that kiss. And that she couldn't save Hunter. She is still mourning Hunter. She may never get over it.




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IA ending spoilers, all day, everyday.



I think women being denied the Hunter kiss is definitely a bit of a letdown, though I viewed Hunter's creepiness towards the agent (destroying the empire to free you, playing around with your trigger word) as something that was awesome when it was a guy being predatory towards a guy but would have been probably icky if he was preying on a female character.


So, there was a moment of "Yess, that romantic subtext has a payoff!" coupled with "...I kind of liked Hunter better as a creepy guy than a creepy woman".


Since SGR (which is a silly buzz-word) is being added to extant characters and plot-lines with that plot patch, I think Hunter's an easy choice for bisexuality. I don't think she really identifies with one gender any more than any other by now, anyway, and it's a really cool thematic note for the ending that should be open to all players.



Hunter's definitely the best villain in the game, though.

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IA ending spoilers, all day, everyday.



I think women being denied the Hunter kiss is definitely a bit of a letdown, though I viewed Hunter's creepiness towards the agent (destroying the empire to free you, playing around with your trigger word) as something that was awesome when it was a guy being predatory towards a guy but would have been probably icky if he was preying on a female character.


So, there was a moment of "Yess, that romantic subtext has a payoff!" coupled with "...I kind of liked Hunter better as a creepy guy than a creepy woman".


Since SGR (which is a silly buzz-word) is being added to extant characters and plot-lines with that plot patch, I think Hunter's an easy choice for bisexuality. I don't think she really identifies with one gender any more than any other by now, anyway, and it's a really cool thematic note for the ending that should be open to all players.



Hunter's definitely the best villain in the game, though.

Oh, yes. And, I don't know - for some definitions of icky certainly. Alternately, incredibly hot in a very, very unhealthy relationship dynamic way. My agent fell hard for Hunter, but didn't realize it until it was far, far too late. The denial of the kiss was heartbreaking. Hunter's gender didn't matter a bit to her.


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IA ending spoilers, all day, everyday.





Since SGR (which is a silly buzz-word) is being added to extant characters and plot-lines with that plot patch, I think Hunter's an easy choice for bisexuality. I don't think she really identifies with one gender any more than any other by now, anyway, and it's a really cool thematic note for the ending that should be open to all players.



Hunter's definitely the best villain in the game, though.


Yeah, I agree. Even as a female agent, if you choose the right dialogue options, you can get:




Hunter: You kept your face when you became Cipher Nine, and I was so jealous. But we had fun.


Agent: I can't imagine what it was like. But you don't have to lie now.


Hunter: I still want to. It's hard not to look at you with his eyes.


I mean, seriously? We're supposed to believe that Hunter isn't at all interested in female agent with that kind of dialogue (and the crazy flirting, keeping her alive when it makes no sense, etc.)? Sorry. Not buying it. And it is a cool thematic note, and I do think it ought to be open to female players. (If for no other reason than that it's just kind of weird not having it. I mean, as is, it's pretty obvious that something was supposed to happen and it just doesn't. Honestly, as is, it just makes Hunter seem even more crazy. Even the alt conversation is crazy flirty. I think you clame you don't like torture, and Hunter starts giggling and telling you that you like it all just fine - which I think is flirtier than the male version I've seen.)




Agree with Hunter being the best villain, too. Possibly the best villain that I've run into in any media, which says a lot.

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Trooper Ord Matell


being betrayed by your squad. and i'm playing a trooper with a fierce loyalty to the republic too.


:D This one, to me, was less sad and more "awesome plot twist!" Very nicely done, Bioware. :)




Hutta, the mission concerning the "Black Death":


You're tasked with getting rid of the man known as the Black Death, a guy who kills the native Evocii people for sport. If you kill the Black Death, when you return to the mission giver, an Evocii will thank you for avenging his people and tell you that you will be celebrated as a hero. You get the option to sarcastically tell him "That's nice" followed by "Make sure you get my name right in your little folk songs." The Evocii only replies "We will.", seemingly unaware of the spiteful sarcasm. It just breaks my heart, and I'm supposed to be this tough Bounty Hunter! :(


Someone made a video of this mission as an Agent:


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Yeah, I agree. Even as a female agent, if you choose the right dialogue options, you can get:




Hunter: You kept your face when you became Cipher Nine, and I was so jealous. But we had fun.


Agent: I can't imagine what it was like. But you don't have to lie now.


Hunter: I still want to. It's hard not to look at you with his eyes.


I mean, seriously? We're supposed to believe that Hunter isn't at all interested in female agent with that kind of dialogue (and the crazy flirting, keeping her alive when it makes no sense, etc.)? Sorry. Not buying it. And it is a cool thematic note, and I do think it ought to be open to female players. (If for no other reason than that it's just kind of weird not having it. I mean, as is, it's pretty obvious that something was supposed to happen and it just doesn't. Honestly, as is, it just makes Hunter seem even more crazy. Even the alt conversation is crazy flirty. I think you clame you don't like torture, and Hunter starts giggling and telling you that you like it all just fine - which I think is flirtier than the male version I've seen.)




Agree with Hunter being the best villain, too. Possibly the best villain that I've run into in any media, which says a lot.


As I've theorized in other threads, the basic framework for SGRs seems to be already in place. As evidenced in your spoiler and....

When going to free Vette's sister on Nar Shaddaa during the SW-Vette companion mission, you can ask her, as a female SW, "Wait a minute. I want to explore the reason for the 'no women' policy. I mean, we ARE all open-minded people here."



And as far as Hunter being the best villain, I think it's a toss up with....

Jun Seros from the BH storyline. He frames the BH for a lot of stuff he/she didn't do out of revenge for the BH hunting down his friend. He is so deluded about it, he goes to his grave without even realizing he'd fallen to the Dark Side.


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Act III of Trooper Story:



The Supreme Chancellor wants to trade Rakton to save a bunch of prisoners.....it made me so sad to constantly see how stupid the leader of the Republic was....made me sad to see the Republic represented in such a way...


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As I've theorized in other threads, the basic framework for SGRs seems to be already in place. As evidenced in your spoiler and....

When going to free Vette's sister on Nar Shaddaa during the SW-Vette companion mission, you can ask her, as a female SW, "Wait a minute. I want to explore the reason for the 'no women' policy. I mean, we ARE all open-minded people here."





Oh, wow...that is an awesome Vette quote. (Am now going to have to trigger it on my SW when I get there...)


I do agree that a lot of the SGR stuff seems already potentially in place, although it's weird. Some of the LIs seem like obvious choices

Kaliyo, Vette, Jaesa, Mako, Quinn, Vector, I think all seem fairly plausible - while other classes - i.e. trooper, seem a bit less wildly obvious. (I mean, hey maybe. I'm fairly sure my trooper would go for Elara if she was available. But I'm definitely not getting a vibe from her of "let's to back to my room" in the way I was with Mako and Kaliyo, you know?)


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Oh, wow...that is an awesome Vette quote. (Am now going to have to trigger it on my SW when I get there...)


I do agree that a lot of the SGR stuff seems already potentially in place, although it's weird. Some of the LIs seem like obvious choices

Kaliyo, Vette, Jaesa, Mako, Quinn, Vector, I think all seem fairly plausible - while other classes - i.e. trooper, seem a bit less wildly obvious. (I mean, hey maybe. I'm fairly sure my trooper would go for Elara if she was available. But I'm definitely not getting a vibe from her of "let's to back to my room" in the way I was with Mako and Kaliyo, you know?)



Kaliyo is actually openly bisexual from the letters she sends the Agent after her storyline is over. She wants to bring "assorted young people" onboard for long Hyperspace trips, and doesn't specify men or women. Vette and Mako strike me as "I never considered being with a woman until you" types, as does Elara, in fact. Hey, even the MALE trooper doesn't get any vibes from Elara until you get into the relationship a bit. Kira strikes me as very open to experimentation, though. :D


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It was my own bloody fault for choosing it, but...


BH Chapter One:


Killing Juda. Especially with Mako's incoherent anger. My bounty hunter gave the slicer a blank look, walked away, and cried. She couldn't leave any possibility of the list leaking again.


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At the end of Alderaan on the Jedi Knight.



As you confront Lord Nefaris (I think it was his name) a Hologram plays. Your Master, Orgus Din, is killed before the eyes of you and your companion. As my character fell to the ground in sadness and Kira cried out in shock, I felt sorry for the two of them.


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Trooper , Ord mantell :



When you are supposed to meet a spy and you discover that he has been killed. Seeing his wife cry and rage against the republic for that , trying to calm her with the very sad music in the background make this moment particulary sad IMO


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