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There's really an insane amount of Republic abilities that have problematic animations compared to their Empire counterparts. Not saying there's any favoritism, just that there's some excessively poor design choices coupled with some extremely poor testing going on behind the scenes.


Not to mention Alderaan civil war turrets EASILY NOTICEABLE ticking faster for empire side.

You don't need a stopwatch or youtube video to notice this. Next time republic takes both mid and left at the start of the game, notice the time it takes before the scores are even.


Nevermind about slight terrain differences giving advantages to one side in other games, one side just blatantly scoring faster for the same resources taken really takes the cake.


However I don't really even care about that as if you're the clearly better team you'll win anyway, I just want my full auto :(

Edited by Fryseboks
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Signing this one again to keep it at the top.


I would also urge everyone who has not, already, to submit an in-game customer ticket about the issue.


And if you've already submitted one, then submit another one.


Thank you.

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I don't understand why republic has all of these issues while the Imps have far less. There are too many times when Full Auto doesn't even hit three times, just twice. It annoys me because of the huge delay in between the initial shot it shoots and when it actually begins firing.


For Mortor Valley.........How long is the animation for BH's for their mirror skill? This skill obviously needs to be fixed as well but only for PVP.

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Also another thing to be considered is that Full Auto can be pushed back but Unload cannot.


That is something that needs attention.


Can we please hear from BW on this? I am not blaming them for anything, I just think this got overlooked in the code and needs to be re-examined. If it is working as intended, then please tell us so Bioware!


Thank you.

Edited by gluefoot
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Then don't use it if you think it suck... Full auto is our best single target DPS (at least at level 23 it still is). And Mortar volley is simply... the best AoE in the game I've seen yet?

1 mortar volley can literally shot 50% of the life bar on a huge area in Warzone. That is a lot and well used at the good place it's a complete massacre.


For full auto I could understand if being vanguard should be instant but for a commando, that big huge gun need to be stabilized for you to shoot straight with such pew pew power.


Your missing the point.


The BH versions of these skills don't suffer the same delays in activation or drawbacks for taking damage. We are not saying that the skills in and of themselves are bad only that the trooper version of them suffers problems the BH mirror skill does not and that is the problem.

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Also another thing to be considered is that Full Auto can be pushed back but Unload cannot.


That is something that needs attention.


Can we please hear from BW on this? I am not blaming them for anything, I just think this got overlooked in the code and needs to be re-examined. If it is working as intended, then please tell us so Bioware!


Thank you.


This. +char

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Did this patch fix the problems?? I am at work and cannot check..


I thought that was gonna get fixed?


P.S Doesn't stockstrike need to be fixed too?


First thing I checked upon logging in post patch was mortar volley.


Still has the ridiculous 1.5 second dead time at it's start before it begins.


Still has the silly non-arcing trajectory as well, but that is by far the least of the trooper's problems right now.


Really hope that they do not hold off until the next content patch to start including class fixes.

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I agree wholeheartedly with the OP.

Full auto and Mortar volley have huge issues in PVP compared to Bountyhunter.

Im valor 60 (Jengar, commando, the red eclipse) and i can say that the amount of damage we miss because of these issues have cost us matches in pvp that were trooper and bountyhunter heavy.


We can still perform absolutely top notch with our troopers, but its starting to get annoying to see everyone run clear of my mortar volley, see the castbar end, and then see 3 mortar rounds fly off in quick succession into empy space AFTER the channelling has ended.

This is made worst by the raw fact that when a bountyhunter aoe circle appears i get hit by the first tick almost instantly, and i can tell you i move out fast, but we eat damage, and they dont if they pay attention.


Full auto has the same issues, and its seriously unfair their mirrorability doesnt suffer from the same pushback. Since yesterdays patch its gotten even worst with full auto, i now sometimes have it happen that my full auto animation goes off but i dont fire any shots, and i do no damage.


Bioware either needs to get us on even ground with the bountyhunter, or give the bountyhunters abilities the same delay. If you want to make pvp truely competative give us an even playingfield.

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I leveled up a Bounty Hunter Powertech tank, loved the combat. So I thought I'd love the Trooper. But it only took my second turn using these skills to realize that something was wrong. Why the heck is that channel bar almost done before the skill even fires off? Something isn't right here.


I was even more surprised when patch 1.1 dropped today and this still wasn't fixed. What the heck BioWare? This is so obvious I noticed it right away. How did this make it past any one in your internal testing?


Seriously, fix this. It's obviously broken and not working properly.

Edited by ScytheNoire
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ill keep playing for now...with mortar volley and full auto broken!


but sooner or later, it will trigger a nerve and I'll just quit swtor...because I'm not going to keep paying people who doesn't listen to customers


they have not responded in 35 pages of complaints...that's a problem


...like netflix??

Edited by Kraftyone
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They aren't responding because they can't fix it in the near foreseeable future. Remember Age of Conan and the female Bear Shaman animations? Same issue, delays in the damage due to the animations and it didn't get fixed for a long time (actually, I'm not sure if it ever was since I quit that game early on). I assume Bioware isn't responding to this since there is no easy fix for this issue and if they come out and say it now, it'll result in a sizable chunk of the players just not bothering with leveling up another class and quitting the game. So I guess their logic is to just not bother with an official stance and hope that players get used to it after a while and the problem will go away on its own.
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Rerolled from Bounty Hunter Mercenary to Trooper Commando yesterday after 1.1 patch came out (don't like fighting with a zerg; dull as hell) and I have noticed these issues as well. Mortar Volley doesn't start untill halfway through the channel, while Death from Above starts right away. Same goes for Full Auto when compared to Unload.


Now, you can say this is because the Trooper has to "prepare" or "steady himself," but from a PVP point of view this is just like shooting yourself in the foot. I'm a PVP'er, so I'd like my skills to work the way they're supposed to; to stand around for a second or more, having to wait for the abbility to actually start, is something that can easily put you at a disadvantage, since you're basically fiddling about, waisting time that could have been used for other things.


I hope they fix these issues sometime soon, because I can't really see myself enjoying PVP on Trooper as much as I did on Mercenary if two of the main attack skills aren't working as well on this class as they do on their Empirial mirror.

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Are they even aware of the problem? or do they even care.


I don't want to go all conspiracy theory, but every single bug affects the Republic; when was the last time that bug or issue gave Republic the upper hand?


Honestly man, I don't think they will ever be able to fix the problems with mirror classes and ability delays. They have absolutely no idea what they are doing. It's sickening.

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Bioware needs to get on this soon. The lack of caring in the light of all of their stumbles is abysmal.


No, they need to get on it yesterday.


That and knight PvE buffs.


And Assassin Mitigation


And Random Load screens


And Dungeon Finder


And Armor Coloring


And Addons


And ...


Why was this game released again?



Honestly man, I don't think they will ever be able to fix the problems with mirror classes and ability delays. They have absolutely no idea what they are doing. It's sickening.



Then they will die and fade away from people's memories. Such is the way of the MMO.


Unless they show they care about real issues (and I'm talking PvE/Class mechanics NOT retarded PvP attempts) in the next month, I'll be unsubbing and going either back to everquest 2, which is old sure but their features make other MMOs pale in comparison or I'll simply wait for GW2.


Hell, this whole crap experience might have convinced me to "go back to WoW" which I quit at the start of cataclysm. Was bioware's intent to make us realise just how good the combat balance is at their main competitor's?



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