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  1. Another worthless poster who isn't worth a serious reply. Feel free to froth at the mouth while typing out more inane posts, not like I'm going to be seeing them anyway.
  2. No, powertech tanks complain about threat too. If you believe the forums, there is no class that can tank. Every tank class forum claims that their class is bad at tanking and that the other two tank classes have it so much easier. Nowadays I just laugh looking at the threads about the subject, and seeing as how there are no major changes that seem to be coming soon, so does Bioware.
  3. If you go by the forums, no class can tank and no class can hold threat. Every class forum complains about its own class and how the other two tank classes have it so much better. It's hilarious.
  4. So you just mashed your buttons with no rhyme or reason and ended up deleting the quest instead of learning how to play? This quest is completely soloable, you just have to keep using your interrupt on cd, and you already have Doc by this point so just put him in Med Stance and go to town on Loell and Tharsis. It just takes time to take them down but they are both completely soloable. Gotta love people who get frustrated by not using all the class's abilities and then rage on the forums.
  5. Go to the Sith Warrior forums and read the guides there. You'll only need to look at the corresponding ability names to understand it, since the classes are basically mirrors of each other.
  6. Go to the holoterminal and use it once. That'll fix it.
  7. Uh oh, someone thinks this thread and all the posts in it are serious.
  8. We punch people by launching ourselves up with a jetpack. How much flashier can it get?!
  9. Seriously, what's the problem in saying WoW? What is this "the other game" nonsense on these forums, are you guys concerned that if you say the name it'll suddenly materialize and tempt players away from TOR?
  10. Over 12? Your post sure fooled me. As for the topic's question, I'm not sure what I'm going to level up to 50 yet...I have a BH Pyrotech at 26 now and just started a Trooper. I think I prefer the Trooper's rifle to the BH's blaster, and since we use our weapons all the time I think my opinion will sway in favour of the Trooper. That being said, I'll have to see for myself how bothered/annoyed I get by the delays that everyone talks about before making my decision, as well as the animations of the various abilities.
  11. Dammit, I wish I knew that the armour rating not changing was just a display bug. I've been vendoring the BOP orange gear that I got from quests on all the characters I've been rolling since I saw that the armour rating never changed and assumed that they were just supposed to be like social pieces. Damn damn damn.
  12. They aren't responding because they can't fix it in the near foreseeable future. Remember Age of Conan and the female Bear Shaman animations? Same issue, delays in the damage due to the animations and it didn't get fixed for a long time (actually, I'm not sure if it ever was since I quit that game early on). I assume Bioware isn't responding to this since there is no easy fix for this issue and if they come out and say it now, it'll result in a sizable chunk of the players just not bothering with leveling up another class and quitting the game. So I guess their logic is to just not bother with an official stance and hope that players get used to it after a while and the problem will go away on its own.
  13. Don't know about the Powertech's Jet Charge, but this happens with the Sith Warrior's Force Charge as well so I assume it's the same for all charge abilities.
  14. As a Male Body Type 4 BH, I definitely agree that I'm well rounded!
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