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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

RP-PvP "Lord Calypho" - Excluded from Transfers...


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2 days left Xerxies buddy then its buh byeeee ............ THey BW have ruined a great community on lord calypho :mad:


I have almost a month left, but im very unsure if ill stay any longer then that. Yeah, they have really mismanaged this to a rediculus degree. There are simply no excuses that will ever lift them out of this mess they created.


The only thing they can do now to save a tiny bit of face, is FIX and appologise and never again leave a selected group of customers in the dark like this.

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no answers

no care

customer support is a joke



There goes Groncho. This is actually really sad. Not because I will miss Groncho or anything but this is/has been happening. Before talk of the transfers even. People leave because cs is a joke. It came down to that. Now on the fleet people that don't even bother coming to the forums say the same thing. "Bioware doesn't care about our dead server, I'm unsubbing, laters". Now those who have been actively voicing their opinions/concerns on the forums are leaving. Those who HAVE indeed been really patient. More patient than Bioware will EVER acknowledge. I say this because they will only continue to tell us to be patient. Our patience will never be seen by the company, a company that deserves to never see numbers associated with '$' symbols anymore.


I can't really be bothered to go find it in this post but the quote from the German CS saying that this is a subjective problem, meaning OUR problem. Am I the only one who was outraged by this? Now I'm not exactly saying this CS agent is terrible but seriously Bioware? Are you just letting them say any old rubbish now? How exactly is it a subjective problem? It is a problem that existed before the transfer process was underway. You know this and a pretty large number of players on the RP-PvP servers knew it. A problem with YOUR game is YOUR problem. We are paying for this game, or in other words WE ARE PAYING FOR YOUR PROBLEMATIC SYSTEM. Please do not EVER, EVER allow your CS agents to try to flip this onto the customers. We have NOTHING to do with game development or anything other than logging into the game and playing it. Or as is the case now, NOT logging into the game because our characters are on a server where we can't DO anything anymore.

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There goes Groncho. This is actually really sad. Not because I will miss Groncho or anything but this is/has been happening. Before talk of the transfers even. People leave because cs is a joke. It came down to that. Now on the fleet people that don't even bother coming to the forums say the same thing. "Bioware doesn't care about our dead server, I'm unsubbing, laters". Now those who have been actively voicing their opinions/concerns on the forums are leaving. Those who HAVE indeed been really patient. More patient than Bioware will EVER acknowledge. I say this because they will only continue to tell us to be patient. Our patience will never be seen by the company, a company that deserves to never see numbers associated with '$' symbols anymore.


I can't really be bothered to go find it in this post but the quote from the German CS saying that this is a subjective problem, meaning OUR problem. Am I the only one who was outraged by this? Now I'm not exactly saying this CS agent is terrible but seriously Bioware? Are you just letting them say any old rubbish now? How exactly is it a subjective problem? It is a problem that existed before the transfer process was underway. You know this and a pretty large number of players on the RP-PvP servers knew it. A problem with YOUR game is YOUR problem. We are paying for this game, or in other words WE ARE PAYING FOR YOUR PROBLEMATIC SYSTEM. Please do not EVER, EVER allow your CS agents to try to flip this onto the customers. We have NOTHING to do with game development or anything other than logging into the game and playing it. Or as is the case now, NOT logging into the game because our characters are on a server where we can't DO anything anymore.


Well said and you are 100% correct.


Will be nice to hear a yellow response to that (And all other critisism in this thread) :rolleyes:


Not responding is just plain proof that we were right all along.

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We have now reached 133 pages in this thread (Combined with the starter thread)!


133 pages with questions, wishes and pleds to get some solid info, or at least a confirmation that -something- will be done. And the few yellow replies we had included the disclaimer "I'm not saying we have the capability of doing anything".


12 days have passed and they can't even share some of the options they claim to consider...



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I speak a bit german, but sadly I can't understand roughly 60% of what they're saying. :|

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I speak a bit german, but sadly I can't understand roughly 60% of what they're saying. :|

i just wanted to mention, that the server transfer issue gets more and more public. not good for biowhatsoever to stretch the time bringing a solution.

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Why do you still care guys?


Forget about this game and find another sourse of entertaiment. There are planty of them out htere.


game is buggy


game is laggy


game is unballanced


game is crude


company lie in every word


company take you money and treat you like trash


How much more do you need to feel like its over the line?

Edited by Maxkardinal
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my sub runs out tomorrow, so i guess i can not post here anymore?... we will see ;)

I've still got about a month, but since 1.3 has not much to offer me, except for maybe ranked warzones and now after this transfer fiasco, I won't be resubbing anythime soon or maybe ever.

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Keep the attention on this thread I was told by CS that dev and staff members read the general forums but judging by the extremely slow communication and lack of any action to help the remaining RP-PvP servers thats hard to tell. I really think they are dragging this out and they will end up offering transfers to PvP realms and they are afraid of the lash back of people whom already transferred but with the different server type transfer others will be up in arms.


I think free transfers to another server of any type should be offered to the RP-PvP severs that have to little option other then time zone/laguage server moves. Then open it up to everyone and charge anyone that already took a free transfer that wants to move server types. Something like that will be the solution and better to do this ASAP. They don't have many choices on how to proceed but it's amazing they are taking this long really as there are people still subbed that can't play their 50s.


I would suggest opening tickets and emailing its amazing what responses come if you are a pest.

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Keep the attention on this thread I was told by CS that dev and staff members read the general forums but judging by the extremely slow communication and lack of any action to help the remaining RP-PvP servers thats hard to tell. I really think they are dragging this out and they will end up offering transfers to PvP realms and they are afraid of the lash back of people whom already transferred but with the different server type transfer others will be up in arms.


I think free transfers to another server of any type should be offered to the RP-PvP severs that have to little option other then time zone/laguage server moves. Then open it up to everyone and charge anyone that already took a free transfer that wants to move server types. Something like that will be the solution and better to do this ASAP. They don't have many choices on how to proceed but it's amazing they are taking this long really as there are people still subbed that can't play their 50s.


I would suggest opening tickets and emailing its amazing what responses come if you are a pest.


i think i have some days left

gonna follow ur advice


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we got response to another thread:



I understand that waiting can be frustrating but I have nothing new for you as of right now, other than the knowledge that this is definitely an important issue for us and that options are still very much being considered. As soon as we have more information, I will post in the appropriate thread. I'm going to ask that we leave this topic to that thread.


as usual, no info at all.


Last transfers were on monday morning US time. How much time do they need? Have they ever considered this as potentional issue BEFORE the transfers started? Is it really that complicated? I can't even imagine their design decisions, if something simple like that takes so much time. And we all know with what BS they can come up with... I fear nothing good is gonna come out of it.


There are 2 options.

1) they are incapable of planning ahead and do executive dicisions in acceptable period of time.

2) they are "lying" to us and just don't have the system ready to support multiple destinations per transfer.


I really hope it's the 2nd one. And they should tell us. At least we know what's taking so long.


Every single day we wait makes them look even more like a joke. Some of my guildmembers gave up already and moved to other games. We pay for game that's basicly unplayable at endgame/pvp and the majority of playerbase's been fixed week ago. yeah. A week. Over $3 for unplayable game. i guess they have enough loyal players who held them during this mass exodus and 3 EU servers are just not worth it. Guess what? We could be loyal for years. but you(re destroying your backbone. Now good luck with casuals on F2P model.

Edited by Drom
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I cannot understand the fact that US servers have the transfer from RPPvP to X server but we dont have that in EU

So I ended up making a character to The Progenitor.. and now leveling that with out the money that I could give to my alt, with out the Legacy that I could provide to my alt or anything else... and that alt has became my main.. :(

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The longer this thread gets the more and more I start seeing that Bioware is in fact not a real company. Just a gold farming organization probably. The only thing is they hired people who can form sentences correctly in English or they just use dictionary.com or something for the proper spelling of words. Seriously though, how many times can they say "We are working on this unique situation, please be patient" and think that this is somehow feasible to their customers. We want to know WHAT work is being done. We want to know if there is a reason to be patient. The lack of communication warrants a lack of patience. It's just how it goes. Not to mention respect from a community that has given Bioware much already. If you are still playing the game that's saying something. After D3 came out many people left this game and haven't come back yet.


We really aren't even asking for much but as long as we continue to just get PR spin from CS agents then the more our patience will be worn thin if we've got any left. I don't honestly think I've ever seen a thread for an mmo with so many posters stating they've unsubbed for this ONE specific reason. Bioware's response? Nothing. For shame Bioware, for shame.

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