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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

RP-PvP "Lord Calypho" - Excluded from Transfers...


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What do you think, might this be the next update for us? :D

Hi Folks, here's an update!


We are now evaluating the examination of the investigation of the survey of the various possible scenarios, and it is our hope that we possibly can adress the various different concerns at some point not so very far away!


We will start an investigation of the evaluation of the examination of the investigation of the survey during the coming weekend, and hopefully that will shed some light over what you, the players, want!


Rest assured, we will keep monitoring the situation and communicate to you as soon as we are over 9000% sure what to do! Thank you for your extended prolonged continued patience with this matter!

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I really don't get what people expect from merging EU RP-PvP servers? 3 languages and you expect to do RP with them? :rolleyes:


And the population of all these 3 servers is not enough anyway.

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What do you think, might this be the next update for us? :D

Hi Folks, here's an update!


We are now evaluating the examination of the investigation of the survey of the various possible scenarios, and it is our hope that we possibly can adress the various different concerns at some point not so very far away!


We will start an investigation of the evaluation of the examination of the investigation of the survey during the coming weekend, and hopefully that will shed some light over what you, the players, want!


Rest assured, we will keep monitoring the situation and communicate to you as soon as we are over 9000% sure what to do! Thank you for your extended prolonged continued patience with this matter!


I lol'd.


That being said;


Language barrier = important // Merging RP-PVP servers = unacceptable // Must be given choice = Tomb + Progenitor = Duh // T7 + Bioware = ignoring only obvious solution. // Force be with LC players + other two realms too.

Edited by Leuca
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easiest solution is to allow transfer to any European PvP server. From programming point of view I dont see any problems to export data from one DB to another. The only thing they must have desire to do that. If no desire than no solution.
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OK here's the problem with the server transfer.


Some genius decide to invoke the strict rule.. only move to like for like servers eg pvp to pvp, pve to pve. They then realize this policy doesn't work for EU PVP servers.


BW now cant back down... if they allow LC to move to either RP PVE or PVP they then have to give EVERYONE that option to choose server types which would in turn alienate more people. So if you refuse it you avoid it


There is ZERO reason they cant transfer RP PVP to PVP.... the only difference being the "RP" aside from that the servers will be identical. There's no technical reason to deny the transfer, your char doesnt have the server type hard coded into it as theres absolutely no need/reason for them to do so.



In short some moron came up with a hideous policy thats since backfired and they're now taking the line of alienating hundreds by denying any transfer instead of the entire community.

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What do you think, might this be the next update for us? :D

Hi Folks, here's an update!


We are now evaluating the examination of the investigation of the survey of the various possible scenarios, and it is our hope that we possibly can adress the various different concerns at some point not so very far away!


We will start an investigation of the evaluation of the examination of the investigation of the survey during the coming weekend, and hopefully that will shed some light over what you, the players, want!


Rest assured, we will keep monitoring the situation and communicate to you as soon as we are over 9000% sure what to do! Thank you for your extended prolonged continued patience with this matter!


Thats funny, and scary in a way :confused:http://dmeb.net/speb/foryourears/sidious10.wav

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do somethink about our server we wait 2 weeks and you dont help us you had said what you will do somethink this week plz do somethink soon you just make the players angry we want to transfer do it plz.I can stay without doing nothink at lord calypho.i cant do nothink not even a flashpoit the only think what i do is losing at warzones from the imperials. Sorry , but im really ungry. i know what maybe you have problems with the game and i hope to have a serious problem at this game and thats why you dont help our server


i know what you will do somethink but just do it soon

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BW already have a bad name in the press due to the way they've handled issues with the game, now they can't even get transfers right.


How much more bad publicity do they want? Guild Wars 2 is on it's way. Do they really want people to leave for that? They are going round it the right way with their poor customer service.


They should of seen this issue before hand or did they truly believe the EU RP-PVP people wouldn't want to move?

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BW already have a bad name in the press due to the way they've handled issues with the game, now they can't even get transfers right.


How much more bad publicity do they want? Guild Wars 2 is on it's way. Do they really want people to leave for that? They are going round it the right way with their poor customer service.


They should of seen this issue before hand or did they truly believe the EU RP-PVP people wouldn't want to move?


On a related topic, isn't it really annoying to see threads like this being created and have yellow responses in them? =D



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On a related topic, isn't it really annoying to see threads like this being created and have yellow responses in them? =D




Yes, fing annoying.


However, one thing I'll say is, obviously it's easy for him to reply to that thread because there is nothing in it. It's REALLY annoying but due to internal politics is more than likely the reason he can't or won't post in this thread.


But as an IT Engineer, I HATE internal politics yet I still keep users up to date regularly with info. Even if I'm not allowed to give out any info, I'll keep them updated. Users like being kept up to date, even if I don't give them a perfect answer.

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On a related topic, isn't it really annoying to see threads like this being created and have yellow responses in them? =D




The excellent customer service and care for the players should come as no surprise of course. :rolleyes:

Unless you are an outlier to their current "transfers allowed only to same server types" then you are ignored or dismissed but I am sure they figure lose 500 subs save 5000 (made up numbers of course). As stated before if they allowed the RP-PvP servers to move to a different server type now the people that already transferred would have a fit thus creating 5000 unhappy subs to please 500. What great forethought and planning I cant imagine the brilliant minds that thought of this.

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The thing is there seems to be a lot more communication done by the French & German speaking support staff. Which is a very worrying thing. We are all in this predicament together so shouldnt we all be getting the same level of customer service? Even if it is not telling us anything we want to hear about the current situation.


As vader might say "I find your lack of community interaction disturbing" :)

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Yes, fing annoying.


However, one thing I'll say is, obviously it's easy for him to reply to that thread because there is nothing in it. It's REALLY annoying but due to internal politics is more than likely the reason he can't or won't post in this thread.


But as an IT Engineer, I HATE internal politics yet I still keep users up to date regularly with info. Even if I'm not allowed to give out any info, I'll keep them updated. Users like being kept up to date, even if I don't give them a perfect answer.


Aye exactly. The very least they could do is to assure us that a solution will be coming, even if they cant reveal what (Which they should freakin be able to reveal what options they are considering)

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no answers

no care

customer support is a joke



/signed me too, good luck with with paying those bills and explaining your performance to the shareholders. The only thing you care about is ££££ so your not getting mine any longer.

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/signed me too, good luck with with paying those bills and explaining your performance to the shareholders. The only thing you care about is ££££ so your not getting mine any longer.


2 days left Xerxies buddy then its buh byeeee ............ THey BW have ruined a great community on lord calypho :mad:

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