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Player Housing and Cities Planet


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what for?


no seriously, i never been in an mmo with housing, can't imagine what it is like. most of the time, i log in and out from the fleet, seems like a reasonable place to start and end today's adventure.


what would push me to visit my owned home?


i used to owned home in rpg (skyrim, fallout) but i end up rarely visiting them. only advantage was to store equipment or ingredient. but on swtor we have the cargo bay accessible from fleet, ship, and every planet.


i truly want to know what player that have had housing in mmo find a good use for?

could the ship also be a housing?

Oh boy...there are literally a million reasons that player housing is a good idea imo. Lemme list some bullets though:


- NON combat/downtime activity is NEEDED in games

- Decorating, while not most peoples 'thing', ends up being something everyone does

- Collectors! Collecting 'stuff' is an activity in MMOs

- OWNERSHIP! Players would have THEIR unique place in the universe.

- Freedom to express oneself. No 'pegs' - full freedom item drop.

- ePeen! People like to show off - housing offers that

- Individuality! It's not "Biowares" design, it's MINE!


I can not stress how much value player housing adds. It brings ME into the game. It gives ME a place where "I" dictate the appearance of. It connects me to the game world! It gives me a place to express MY vision and to show off MY accomplishments. Player housing has so much power and so much potential! It's no longer Bioware's paths that I need to follow, it's MY mark on the game world!

Edited by TUXs
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Oh boy...there are literally a million reasons that player housing is a good idea imo. Lemme list some bullets though:


- NON combat/downtime activity is NEEDED in games

- Decorating, while not most peoples 'thing', ends up being something everyone does

- Collectors! Collecting 'stuff' is an activity in MMOs

- OWNERSHIP! Players would have THEIR unique place in the universe.

- Freedom to express oneself. No 'pegs' - full freedom item drop.

- ePeen! People like to show off - housing offers that

- Individuality! It's not "Biowares" design, it's MINE!


I can not stress how much value player housing adds. It brings ME into the game. It gives ME a place where "I" dictate the appearance of. It connects me to the game world! It gives me a place to express MY vision and to show off MY accomplishments. Player housing has so much power and so much potential! It's no longer Bioware's paths that I need to follow, it's MY mark on the game world!


Good job! You can remain eloquent in the face of opposition better than I.

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Good job! You can remain eloquent in the face of opposition better than I.


Not at all lol. I just came in fresh so it was easy to add to your post :)


My online time is limited and when I log on, I go non-stop until the end of the night. I'll join PuGs, I'll start PuGs, I'll queue solo, I'll do what I need to do to occupy my time. I'm sure other people are as fortunate as I am when they get on, but that doesn't mean everyone is. There are days everyone has a slow day/night and this would be a PERFECT thing to add for every one of those nights.


I'm no Martha Stewart...in fact, I'd probably pay someone to decorate for me because I have no skill when it comes to it, but for the room or 2 that I DO decorate, they become MY rooms! The little bit of work I do in the house makes even ME feel a sense of pride and ownership. I LIKE having people see things they've only heard of, like a full Rakata set displayed, old Centurion gear, WH set, WZ tokens I can spare, anything that says "this is something I've done". It's not about "decorating" as much as it is a place to show off "stuff".


"Stuff" drives people in MMOs, that's why we have three million variations of gear. Giving players a place to display their "stuff" when it's not being used is a BRILLIANT way to occupy time...and that's what MMO developers strive to do...keep you online and subbed longer. The more time you invest, the more connected you are to the game. The more connected you are to the game, the longer you stay subbed. The longer you stay subbed, the more money the developer makes.


Player housing may not appeal to everyone on the surface, but I assure you, almost every player who has a house WILL use it and WILL decorate it, to some extent. Some players will spend MONTHS decorating while others will just dump stuff off and sort it out later. MMOs need to make a player feel like a part of the game, even when they aren't online. Housing accomplishes that.


There's no better non-combat, downtime activity, than housing. It appeals to nearly everyone.

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I fully support this idea. More SWG features added to this game would be awesome.


+1 for all SWG features, especially open world planets with day night change and non instanced housing and player cities. Make it happen.


Should be set to highest priority and all resources going into this, right after space exploration/combat.

CHECK OUT THE POLLS and stop catering to vocal minorities crying for more gear grind, more of the same that is already there won't bring your million lost subs back.


People are bored by slashing mobs forever in kill x click x missions. Do something different, and do it quick.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Instance player housing is always awesome and decorating can be fun but not necessary. I am all for more exploring on planets, the places are just to small. We go to a planet and see just a tiny portion of it and they want to release more and more planets which is crazy because they need to expand upon the ones they have already. Keep players going to current planets instead of creating waste lands that no one visits except alts you level.


WoW did it right by having the raid entrances in different areas to keep you exploring. The fleet has become the new hub like Shattrath City or Dalaran or Stormwind City where everyone just hangs out except in TOR you access all raids from the fleet which removes exploration. I would have preferred the OP's entrances to be on planets instead of accessed on the fleet.

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+1 for all SWG features, especially open world planets with day night change and non instanced housing and player cities. Make it happen.


Should be set to highest priority and all resources going into this, right after space exploration/combat.

CHECK OUT THE POLLS and stop catering to vocal minorities crying for more gear grind, more of the same that is already there won't bring your million lost subs back.


People are bored by slashing mobs forever in kill x click x missions. Do something different, and do it quick.


For the nth time, this game is NOT SWG, it will NEVER be SWG, and it SHOULDN'T be SWG, if you so direly desire SWG go play the emu or find some other total sandbox game Planetside or wait for an upcoming one like the new World of Darkness game. But let TOR be TOR. Changing it beyond recognition will ultimately do more harm than good as you alienate the original TOR fans who liked the game for what it was, and SWG fans have proven during the seven years that SWG existed that they were impossible to please. Half of you only started singing songs of praise about it after its imminent death was announced. SWG tanked and it tanked for a good reason. As an RP sandbox, it was great, as a video game to play, it was dull, oh so mind numbingly dull. And I'm saying this as someone who always plays on RP servers (and actively RPs).

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Except it isn't a house, it's space ship that isn't open to the public.


Actually it is. Invite someone to your group and they can hang out on your ship. I wouldn't want hundreds of people to join my phase and get on my ship.

Edited by spectreclees
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  • 2 weeks later...
open world housing is a bad idea it ends up like it did in SWG where you have a ghost town.


Now instanced housing like in EQ2 is a great idea

Love it when respondents' posts don't even sound like the writer read the original post.


The OP was asking for a NEW planet, dedicated specifically to player housing, player cities, and city-defense-type PVP. The OP did NOT ask for player housing on every existing planet.


LOTRO had player housing built in instanced neighborhoods. It was lame. Even when lots of people were active in the game, I never once saw another player there, except when people gathered at the guild hall to form up for raids.


To make player cities work, you have to have a REASON for players to go there.


SWG had some of those reasons. Players could establish cities near hotspots like Ft. Tusken or the Krayt Graveyard, with the ability to add a shuttleport once the residential population grew large enough. Conversely, player cities could become eyesores, like the ring of abandoned houses that accumulated around Coronet City on Corellia or Theed on Naboo.


Other reasons included things like crafting that actually mattered to the game, which meant players had to travel to player cities to find desired items such as armor or weapons or that really good Chef who made great buffing foods.


In short, for things like player cities to work, the designers of the game have to approach the game with a core mindset that's probably fundamentally different than what post-WoW MMO designers are willing to embrace anymore. Everything in MMOs these days is premade, predetermined, thought out in advance, and has had the life "balanced" out of it. No space is given for player creativity: it's all the devs' show, and we're along for the ride -- take it or leave it.


That said, I think a world dedicated to open-ended player creativity is a great idea. Mor, plz.

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Freedom, and creativity must scare some people. Believe it, or not, but this game actually had more freedom in some things like how your character looked early on in beta. Nearly every blue+ armor piece from level 15 onward was moddable. They severely restricted that later.


The more things they can add that will, at least, give the illusion of freedom, the better the game will be.


They need a couple of open worlds for player cities where both factions can build. Still having quests on those planets would be required. Cities would also need things like cantinas, speeder/shuttle ports, GTN terminals, and maybe a way to build defenses to encourage guild/faction battles for those who like to pvp in the open world.

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You guys are asking for a new feature like its as easy as adding a tree to the ingame landscape or something...


why not add player housing? and cities, and mailboxes, and planets, and pvp zones, and how about a new class named beast hunter? how about flower pots that i can put in my ship? how about an entertainer class that dances and gives buffs? how about a large french fries and a diet coke? how about a free subscription and a wookie pet that follows me around?


Jeez, if you guys want the devs to take your suggestions seriously you need to be reasonable. When i played LOTRO i never used the housing system, but if i had to make a request for a feature like this to be added i wouldnt ask for everything and the kitchen sink. Keep it simple and keep it small, ask for something located in the capital city, ask for an instance portal to be added somewhere, and ask for X amount of apartments in that instanced area.

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Please add a new planet where players can build cities and houses. Don't do paths, make all the expanse on the planet available. Allow customization so players can become more a part of the game. the planet should have multiple regions types ... snow, beach, mountains... My wife and I played SWG for the entire length of the game because of this feature. We PVP, we ran a city, we did all the parts of the game but in the end, having houses and such made the game longevity.


This is not SWG.. We do not need to make it like SWG.. We do not need player housing or a planet for player housing.. You can use your ship as your house..


I fail to see the point of player housing or even the purpose for it.. Please!! Stop trying to make this game into something it isn't..


No to player housing.. All you need is your ship.. That is all you need..

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I personally would prefer options more in line with the character of this game. As our ships are supposed to be our "home base" I would love to be able to customize my ship. Even if it's just paint, furniture, equipment, and maybe some trophies on the wall. I think it would fit nicely. It may not be exactly what you had in another MMO, but isn't that kind of the point, being that this is a different game?


This. Right here.


I would love to customize my ship, paint the outside, the widgets i buy for space combat, show them on the outside.


Offer more than one ship per class (as much as I like some of the styles has anyone noticed most of them lie on the deck like beached whales with little or no landing gear showing?


I want to hang my trophies, customize my walls and my room, hell add a bumper sticker :)


Give us communal landing zones with hangers (they could have living quarters so heck call that a house) I love inviting folks onto my ship it feels very real.


I'd rather see customizable ship first and then somewhere along the line it might be cool to have a home to go to.

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Some of you think it's a good idea to have as little to do at max level as possible. There's nothing wrong with adding features that many might enjoy.


A couple of new planets set aside for sandbox things like housing/player cities would expand the appeal of the game. It's already as one dimensional as you can get right now. There is nothing to do outside of gear grinding at max level. Obviously, a large number of people didn't find that satisfying, or we wouldn't have lost a million subs.


If you do not want to partake, then you don't have to. You can grind your pve mobs until your fingers fall off, and more power to you. The rest of us would like more things to do that don't require fighting through hostile npcs all the time.


As for your snotty little emu, and sims comments. They're not wanted, nor needed.


Agree'd. Saying: "Hurr durr, Martha Stewart/Sims." is such an ignorant way of thinking.


Player housing is a great idea.

It gives players something to do.

It's a great credit/time sink.


I'm still not sold on the whole: New sandbox planets though. Maybe just because I've never seen a game with it.

I would think instanced houses would be better, even if only people in your party could travel to it with you.

It just seems like that would be the most successful way without causing a bunch of problems.


Either way, I want to see this implemented. There's simply nothing to do in this game at max level.

I spend most of my time completing old quests.

And that's straight BORING.



At the VERY least, we need to be able to either get new ships, or customize the one's we have now.

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open world housing is a bad idea it ends up like it did in SWG where you have a ghost town.


Now instanced housing like in EQ2 is a great idea


I am making a suggestion about it, but for Guild's HQ where others can siege. Wait and i'll post it later. Meanwhile some of my ideas:


Space Instance/Operation

Denova (Rep vs. Imp PvP planet)

World Pvp My Ilum Map

Modifications Drops vs. Item Drops

Guild's Quests/Story

Missions with different paths and endings


Legacy Library Database

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think they should do instanced housing with the elevators they have ingame. go up to hit click on the button select your place. also think it would be cool if they added Republic sectors and Imp sectors to NS for example. not huge sized ones but ones that have same kind of vendors as fleet. Gtn of course class trainers etc. Cantina as well along with Apartment tiers you can buy from 1 being a small apartment and say tier 5 giving us our own landing pad and a huge apartment with mod tables etc mini games if they get added. they can put housing on other planets as well and Guild housing to. From guildhalls to guild capital ships. add money sinks to the guild stuff like GTN access. we can get it for our ship why not guild ships to.buy vendors to put in for em . leave some stuff out so social hubs dont become ghost towns.
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If they do add housing planets, here's how it would work.


1. Park your ship in an orbital station

2. walk across a huge hangar to an elevator

3. down the elevator

4. run clear across the station again in a deserted hallway

5. get on a shuttle to the surface

6. run clear across the space port

7. run half way across the space port town to a taxi service

8. take a taxi to your neighborhood

9. run all the way across your neighborhood to your housing district/zone

10. Enter the zone and run across the district to your house.


Total travel time estimate: 30 minutes each way. I think I'd rather have a customizable ship.

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think they should do instanced housing with the elevators they have ingame. go up to hit click on the button select your place. also think it would be cool if they added Republic sectors and Imp sectors to NS for example. not huge sized ones but ones that have same kind of vendors as fleet.


The good thing about adding something like and elevator or portal to an instanced apartment is that it should be easy to implement and like you said wont have the potential for it to turn into a ghost town, which would make the addition of the feature a wasted effort. Not everybody is gonna use it so theres a chance a planet or city might be underutilized. Would the people using this feature want to keep messing with it when its only 3 people in a planet/city? would BW want to maintain a location that isnt being utilized?


WIth an instanced living area you are pretty much starting a flashpoint and never finishing it. But instead of fighting mobs you are rearranging furniture or expanding the living area. The instance would never reset and you have the ability to add stuff to it. The only thing thats left to do is to figure out how to let players move something from their inventory into the game world. AFAIK no such mechanic currently exists, not even for spells or abilities.

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I'm totally for housing! I played SWG from Beta on and loved having my own home. Anyone who knows me, knows why it made a difference to me, so I'm not going to give all the many reasons.


My point: It made a giant impact on me, I would love this game to have housing like StarWars Galaxies!

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I agree with the OP. We played SWG for years had many many home filled with all the stuff we had hunted down. And if you do add homes and citys I think you would see more couples like us playing.

At least tell us if you plan to add these later down the road.


*Looks at Loralees signature*



So can I hire you for a dance?



/hides in his Ithorian Chef house

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I love the idea. However, some people are right: without additional attraction that would be a ghost towns. There should be something else to bring people to such cities...


It can be:

1) Some BHs who looking for you at your current address;

2) Player housing can be a free PvP zone. Many people want open-world PvP, why not to make it in players' town? Yeap, with some rewards of course;

3) Some daily quests in the area, may be...

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