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Why do people feel that everything should be easy to obtain?


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I cant believe that people are seriously suggesting that anything in the game that takes effort makes it a job not a game. It takes effort to get to lvl 50, do you consider SWTOR a job because of that? Not to mention that if you have such a negative outlook on your job you might want to consider a different career path, job satisfaction-wise.


If everything was easy to obtain, what would happend to the motivation to play? People are already complaining about endgame but if you got the best gear and all features automatically upon reaching level 50, this would become far worse.

And what will you do once you have it all? If you have access to everything and have all the stuff you like, wont that end the game for you?

Finally, as in any game with any form of progression, the path to walk is at least as important as the destination. If your goal is to have it all as fast as possible and you dont mind how...you will feel very empty, very quickly. On the plus side, it probably will make you understand the futility of playing an online game which really has no worthwhile goals other than having fun. There is no other way to get your investment back.


So yeah, I understand that people find some features too difficult to obtain. I myself am quite annoyed by some of the datacrons, but overall I think SWTOR asks a very reasonable amount of effort for their gear/features. Things too easily obtained will lead to frustration rather then satisfaction in the end.

Edited by Gokkus
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As sarcastic as you are being, and as retarded as it is, It would be better than having to spend 12 hours a day at the PC for 6 months straight in an attempt to have an item that identifies you are "elite" so you can run around and be "cool" in an MMO. lol is right. Hilarious actually. :o


See this is why this topic gets so misunderstood and misquoted!


NO ONE in this thread is asking to be elite!


Elite are those idiots that deamnd you have this and this and this gear and have you agree to special loot rules that means you have to raid 5 times with them before your even allowed to role on a drop!


THOSE ARE Elitists!


The people in this thread are asking for value, personal identity, challenge (be it time based or difficulty based, both are required for good design in a MMO).


Right now everyone is basically a carbon copy of the next guy and thats boring!


One of my favorite stories I tell from EQ is I was playing my Troll Shaman and had just died (yes you could die in that game when solo) and I had just zoned back into deserrt from Troll Area (I forget names all these years later) when I saw a guy with a flaming sword.


Now I could have gone to the forum and demanded that I also get a flaming sword because he had it and complain about how unfair it is he was able to dedicate the time to obtain such a item... (as so many of todays players seem to do under the pretense this is not a job, its a game)


Or I could reward him for his hard work and create a memorable encounter revolving around a weapon/item that he was one of the very few to own and WAS PROUD OF (because he was one of the very few to own).


I took #2 and proceeded to act all freindly troll like and tell him that a flaming sword was dangerous and he would get burned and I should take it to the Troll city were our master smiths could put out the flame so it was safer.


Now a days you all insult that asx *gasp* someone role played (while not on a RP server) in a MMORPG, the nerve and gall. That player had a great laugh, thanked me for making his day and making him feel even better about having a very rare drop item.


Thats COMPLETELY lost on todays players and MMORPGs.


Oh and it wasnt Raid content that dropped that, just planes where a single group with talent and skill and class understanding could go adventure in and get the rare drops. Any player could do it. Was no Elitism shown.


Today nothing is special, when HK comes out, every one and their dog will get one because its not going to be that hard to get.


Oh and for the guy saying BS to 1 week to max, your correct, you can not get a maxed out character in 1 week. The record is 2 weeks 1-50. As for how many hours they played,


Why are you all so worried/threatened about people playing more hours then you? You dont know why they do. They could be retired millionares. They could be disabled. They could be stay at home parents (ive seen it over the years). Playing lots doesnt make someone just a loser with no life living in a basement somewhere.


Personally Ive always felt (even when I was in my early 30s and working 2 jobs and taking university level night classes) MMORPGs should be designed to entertain for at least 6 months the players that play the most. Cause if they are entertained for 6 months, that means me (at the time) putting in maybe 15 hours a week will have entertainment for years. Course I wasnt jealous and petty over others having stuff I didnt have. All Ive ever asked for is the opertunity to get that stuff when I get to that stage of the game.


Ill never understand why a vocal minority need to push this faster-easier-sloppier design.


WHO CARES what billy bob joe sue got. Thats them, worry about yourself and those around you. Let others get maximum enjoyment as well.

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I can easily answer this question. Society doesn't want a challenge. They want everything handed to them. Console gaming alone has shown this through the evolution of game design.


Old NES Games: Many were very hard and it was an accomplishment to beat them.

- Examples: Legacy of the wizard, Metroid, Rush N' Attack, and many others. These were just some off the top of my head.


Super NES games/Genesis: More games were easier to beat but there were some really tough ones

- The SNES star wars games were some of the most challenging and fun to play


PS1: Many games weren't difficult to beat, but the games had content to them. 15-20 hours for a good player to beat them.


PS2/PS3/Xbox: Most games can be beat in around 8-10 hours. Many gamers can put them on the hardest difficulty and still beat them in 8-10 hours, but they look cool. The very difficult titles are few and far between and a very small group will play them. The only game I can think of that was actually hard to beat in the last 5-6 years was Dark Souls.


Basically society wants quick/cheap thrills and no challenge. I enjoy earning what I can and I enjoy seeing people who have put forth effort or time to get things that I may not have. Gives me something to try and achieve in a game.


If you think its work then don't play the game. Plain and simple.

Edited by Havocjones
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See this is why this topic gets so misunderstood and misquoted!


NO ONE in this thread is asking to be elite!


Elite are those idiots that deamnd you have this and this and this gear and have you agree to special loot rules that means you have to raid 5 times with them before your even allowed to role on a drop!


THOSE ARE Elitists!


The people in this thread are asking for value, personal identity, challenge (be it time based or difficulty based, both are required for good design in a MMO).


Right now everyone is basically a carbon copy of the next guy and thats boring!


One of my favorite stories I tell from EQ is I was playing my Troll Shaman and had just died (yes you could die in that game when solo) and I had just zoned back into deserrt from Troll Area (I forget names all these years later) when I saw a guy with a flaming sword.


Now I could have gone to the forum and demanded that I also get a flaming sword because he had it and complain about how unfair it is he was able to dedicate the time to obtain such a item... (as so many of todays players seem to do under the pretense this is not a job, its a game)


Or I could reward him for his hard work and create a memorable encounter revolving around a weapon/item that he was one of the very few to own and WAS PROUD OF (because he was one of the very few to own).


I took #2 and proceeded to act all freindly troll like and tell him that a flaming sword was dangerous and he would get burned and I should take it to the Troll city were our master smiths could put out the flame so it was safer.


Now a days you all insult that asx *gasp* someone role played (while not on a RP server) in a MMORPG, the nerve and gall. That player had a great laugh, thanked me for making his day and making him feel even better about having a very rare drop item.


Thats COMPLETELY lost on todays players and MMORPGs.


Oh and it wasnt Raid content that dropped that, just planes where a single group with talent and skill and class understanding could go adventure in and get the rare drops. Any player could do it. Was no Elitism shown.


Today nothing is special, when HK comes out, every one and their dog will get one because its not going to be that hard to get.


Oh and for the guy saying BS to 1 week to max, your correct, you can not get a maxed out character in 1 week. The record is 2 weeks 1-50. As for how many hours they played,


Why are you all so worried/threatened about people playing more hours then you? You dont know why they do. They could be retired millionares. They could be disabled. They could be stay at home parents (ive seen it over the years). Playing lots doesnt make someone just a loser with no life living in a basement somewhere.


Personally Ive always felt (even when I was in my early 30s and working 2 jobs and taking university level night classes) MMORPGs should be designed to entertain for at least 6 months the players that play the most. Cause if they are entertained for 6 months, that means me (at the time) putting in maybe 15 hours a week will have entertainment for years. Course I wasnt jealous and petty over others having stuff I didnt have. All Ive ever asked for is the opertunity to get that stuff when I get to that stage of the game.


Ill never understand why a vocal minority need to push this faster-easier-sloppier design.


WHO CARES what billy bob joe sue got. Thats them, worry about yourself and those around you. Let others get maximum enjoyment as well.


The problem is, the individual who posted that he has 90 days playtime in this game which has been out for 180 days wants to exclude me and my friends and family from content simply because we don't play 12 hours a day for 6 months straight. He specifically said he wants things that only people with that kind of "dedication" in terms of time played can achieve.


I have no problem with others getting maximum enjoyment, but what about everyone else? This game isn't designed to reward that kind of time played, and likely never will be. It seems to be moving in the opposite direction.


This game has been created with common sense. I really LOL'd that you believe the "casual" players are the vocal minority? What? True casuals don't even speak up about anything. They just play the game a few hours a week. The vocal minority are the people who have 12 hours a day free time to play, and also post on forums. Whether they are a housewife or a ****** in prison, I don't care. They are still here either way trying to find some way to distinguish themselves in the game as being better than the next person. It's funny. :)


If I had to guess I think most normal members of society want a challenge, but not one that requires them to rearrange their entire life or stop showering. They don't want to log in and be insta-win. Play 1 hours a week. But 20 seems REASONABLE. And that is what is being offered by BW. 100 hours a week is not reasonable. It doesn't match up with commonly accepted values of western society. It is not profitable. It is dumb to want to require that of anyone. There is a balance somewhere. Sure Joe with 12 hours a day can go faster than me, but I can still do everything I want eventually. I'm sure any normal person would be happy with that.

Edited by _Liquid_
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In the case of hk i suppose it all depends on how powerful he is upon release into the wild, if players have 8 chars all one side all top level and all played and they had these long before now then i think its a little unfair for them to have to delete one of there chars so i think there should be a cut of date as to if you had 8 all one side at lvl 50 before x date then some way for the other sides job to be completed in another way.


For other things in the game, I personaly think that it depends on A, the power of the item. B, The profered rarity of the item. C, The utility of the item or D, The social item eg cloths or single player quest driven easter egg missions.


Obviously they all should have the dificulty of those set by what you do in the future and not what you have, i can see how some story/lore items could require you todo things on different sides due to how the story and the map areas are created with some having different time points to the other faction.


But in the main they should be one char to unlock from start to finish. Personally i would like some very long, hard to work out, puzzles involved and not just go kill x of x and finish quests for some lore related items in the future. And im talking months of working on.

Edited by Shingara
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See this is why this topic gets so misunderstood and misquoted!


NO ONE in this thread is asking to be elite!


Elite are those idiots that deamnd you have this and this and this gear and have you agree to special loot rules that means you have to raid 5 times with them before your even allowed to role on a drop!


THOSE ARE Elitists!


The people in this thread are asking for value, personal identity, challenge (be it time based or difficulty based, both are required for good design in a MMO).


Right now everyone is basically a carbon copy of the next guy and thats boring!


One of my favorite stories I tell from EQ is I was playing my Troll Shaman and had just died (yes you could die in that game when solo) and I had just zoned back into deserrt from Troll Area (I forget names all these years later) when I saw a guy with a flaming sword.


Now I could have gone to the forum and demanded that I also get a flaming sword because he had it and complain about how unfair it is he was able to dedicate the time to obtain such a item... (as so many of todays players seem to do under the pretense this is not a job, its a game)


Or I could reward him for his hard work and create a memorable encounter revolving around a weapon/item that he was one of the very few to own and WAS PROUD OF (because he was one of the very few to own).


I took #2 and proceeded to act all freindly troll like and tell him that a flaming sword was dangerous and he would get burned and I should take it to the Troll city were our master smiths could put out the flame so it was safer.


Now a days you all insult that asx *gasp* someone role played (while not on a RP server) in a MMORPG, the nerve and gall. That player had a great laugh, thanked me for making his day and making him feel even better about having a very rare drop item.


Thats COMPLETELY lost on todays players and MMORPGs.


Oh and it wasnt Raid content that dropped that, just planes where a single group with talent and skill and class understanding could go adventure in and get the rare drops. Any player could do it. Was no Elitism shown.


Today nothing is special, when HK comes out, every one and their dog will get one because its not going to be that hard to get.


Oh and for the guy saying BS to 1 week to max, your correct, you can not get a maxed out character in 1 week. The record is 2 weeks 1-50. As for how many hours they played,


Why are you all so worried/threatened about people playing more hours then you? You dont know why they do. They could be retired millionares. They could be disabled. They could be stay at home parents (ive seen it over the years). Playing lots doesnt make someone just a loser with no life living in a basement somewhere.


Personally Ive always felt (even when I was in my early 30s and working 2 jobs and taking university level night classes) MMORPGs should be designed to entertain for at least 6 months the players that play the most. Cause if they are entertained for 6 months, that means me (at the time) putting in maybe 15 hours a week will have entertainment for years. Course I wasnt jealous and petty over others having stuff I didnt have. All Ive ever asked for is the opertunity to get that stuff when I get to that stage of the game.


Ill never understand why a vocal minority need to push this faster-easier-sloppier design.


WHO CARES what billy bob joe sue got. Thats them, worry about yourself and those around you. Let others get maximum enjoyment as well.


You kinda contradicted yourself at the end with the who cares part. If that's the case, swing it the other way, who cares HOW person A got item Z as long as you both got it in a way you both enjoyed.


Good post though.

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But in the main they should be one char to unlock from start to finish. Personally i would like some very long, hard to work out, puzzles involved and not just go kill x of x and finish quests for some lore related items in the future. And im talking months of working on.


I find myself in the strange position of agreeing with you.:)

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WOW sells. I or you might not like it, but it is a widely popular game. Other companies would be crazy not to look to them as potentially an example.


Not any more it's not. A lot of people have left and are leaving because they ruined it by making everything easy mode. I played it for 6 years before leaving (with most of the guild I was in) in disgust at recent content and the next expansion which is clearly kung-fu panda.


Also most of their "active" players are in Asia, where you can play for next to nothing (on a dirt cheap pay as you play scheme) and most of the alternaties are utter crap.

Edited by NasherUK
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Not any more it's not. A lot of people have left and are leaving because they ruined it by making everything easy mode. I played it for 6 years before leaving (with most of the guild I was in) in disgust at recent content and the next expansion which is clearly kung-fu panda.


Also most of their "active" players are in Asia, where you can play for next to nothing (on a dirt cheap pay as you play scheme) and most of the alternaties are utter crap.


Pandaren Monk was an April fools joke in 2002 prior to the launch of WarCraft 3.


It was added to the WarCraft 3 expansion which launched on July 1, 2003.


Kung Fu Panda came out in 2008.


Blizzard did it first.

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I'm not trolling, I want to have a serious discussion.


For example, the HK-51 companion coming out is probably going to require both a lvl 50 imperial and a lvl republic character on the same legacy to get. People all of a sudden start to complain about how they "don't feel like leveling an opposite faction character" and "Bioware messed this one up I'm quitting". I happen to like the requirement because not everyone is going to get it, it's fun to experience leveling a character on both sides, and it's not another one of those freebies to come in the mail. We have to work for it. People in this game feel they are entitled to get everything that comes out in this game, and if they don't feel like doing it, it becomes "unfair" and "bad business Bioware".


I think some people fail to realize that this is not a single player game. You aren't going to get everything handed to you. In MMOs a lot of the successful players have things the other don't because they put in more effort. This isn't even a diffcult requirement anyway. I applaud Bioware for making this awesome companion at least a little difficult to get. I'm not trying to disparage anyone, I'd really like to know why people feel that if they don't like to do something then it shouldn't be a requirement to get a cool companion. I know some people have filled all their charact6er slots but have like a lvl 40, a lvl 20 and six lvl 1-10 characters. You can afford to delete one of them to level a republic guy if you want HK-51. It is your choice whether to fulfill the requirements or not.


Can we at least have a somewhat civil discussion for once? I have a feeling it's going to be too much to ask.


Because we live in entitlement nation.


Our nation was built on hard work. Problem is, people today are lazy and self-entitled as a result.

It's as simple as that. You see it in the world around you, locally, every day.


- idiots who park in front of strip malls/grocery stores - you know, in the fire lanes

- drivers who cut people off or otherwise act like they own the road

- students who seem to think that its OK to always turn in work a week late and get full credit


I could go on and on but want to limit the tangent now. Bottom line is, people are whiny, people are demanding, and people are lazy. These are the people who cry when there's nothing to do, then given something to do, cry if it takes them more then a week to do it. Really. Psychologists could do a hell of a case study on the MMO gaming population.

Because of all the competitiors in this game genre these days it only takes one to bend over backwards to get that 15 dollars and then eventually everyone else has to follow suit.


I actually think the BW people tried to build this game 'old school' and thus no utilities for LFG. They just underestimated the lazy factor. Can blame WoW, honestly, it's allowing of third party tools basically spoiled the living bejeezus out of everyone. Even if you don't actually LIKE the WoW product (or liked it once, but not anymore, etc) there's no debating how game changing playing that game with all the custom add-on's is. They opened Pandora's box and it's never closing.

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I'm not trolling, I want to have a serious discussion.


Because times have changed. The age of the catasser is over - the era of the poopsocker has ended, Society has changed and so has the way we play games.


From a personal standpoint, I don't necessarily think that everything in a game should be easy to be obtained, but everything should be able to be obtained though different options. Let's take the white saber crystal for instance. Let's make this the rarest item to obtain in the game, but you have three basic ways of doing it:


1) Play the game. In essence, in order to obtain the crystal "normally" you play the game and satisfy the requirements in game of being able to obtain the crystal - quests, missions, scavenger hunt, etc. You put the time and effort in to do what you need to get the crystal with no other cost, but the time and effort itself.


2) Buy the crystal from a Vendor. Let's say that you just don't have the time or knowledge/skill enough to accomplish portions of the in game requirements, but you have skills in other areas that allow you to produce enough extra income that you can buy the crystal outright. Naturally, this being the rarest item in the game, it's price should be the highest of any item in the game at a Vendor.


3) Microtransaction. Let's say that you play casually (as in your time to play is limited enough not to make #1 and #2 practical by any means). The item should be available to be purchased with your hard-earned real money via microtransaction. Again the actual price of the item should reflect its rarity in the game.


For me, I have found that games that offer as many options for acquiring virtual items to be the most enjoyable, because I can pick and choose how I play and obtain items based on my available playtime at that point in time and my mood. Some days I just want to faceroll content for some stress relief and other days I want to face a challenge that's based upon goals I set for myself.



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I'm not trolling, I want to have a serious discussion.


Um ... a monotonous task that takes you a long time does not = difficult, challenging, or anything related to it. Rolling and leveling another toon that you have no interest in is nothing "hard." You want HK51 to be a challenge? Then suggest that players need to beat Kephesh NM in under 30 minutes or maybe some extremely hard solo mission. THATS a challenge, and its fun. Making you roll and level another toon is nothing short of a cheap way to extend your play time so you can sub longer and bad game design.



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WOW sells. I or you might not like it, but it is a widely popular game. Other companies would be crazy not to look to them as potentially an example.


The problem isn't that they copy WoW over and over. It's that they copy WoW over and over, and fail dramatically over and over.


The problem is that they copy a copy. WoW is Everquest for people who don't play MMO's. Perhaps it would be an idea to look back to the source instead of trying to emulate the success of the copy?

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Um ... a monotonous task that takes you a long time does not = difficult, challenging, or anything related to it. Rolling and leveling another toon that you have no interest in is nothing "hard." You want HK51 to be a challenge? Then suggest that players need to beat Kephesh NM in under 30 minutes or maybe some extremely hard solo mission. THATS a challenge, and its fun. Making you roll and level another toon is nothing short of a cheap way to extend your play time so you can sub longer and bad game design.




Don't you realize how many people would complain the SECOND it came out because it was too hard for them to do? MMOs have always been about grinds and time consuming tasks that weren't necessarily difficult, but took time to do. If we did it your way, some people would finish it in a half hour and then complain about there being nothing to do. You shouldn't have bought this game if you didn't think alts were going to be a big part of it. That was made clear from the beginning. They always talked about the total gameplay hours and how many stories there were and legacy stuff, you knew alts would be very important.

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Other than mounts and Titles, I think most things in MMO games should be relatively easy to get. Would love to see it as a crafters game driven by players where mats dropped of mobs all around level appropriate worlds and not just raid bosses. (of couse that needs much more mapping out then I just did but I think you get the point)


The reason for that is after all the MMOs I've played, gear does not make the player.


Gear does not teach raid awareness, gear does not help had eye coordination, gear does not help anything beyond hitting some imaginary wall developers have created be that a threat mechanic, DPS threshold or heals per sec needed.


No amount of gear makes a good player so why put such a big deal on it. Give titles and mounts to those players that can succeed at the hardest content and award the skills not the gear. Make the gear trivial to the most extent but award Titles and mounts to the ones that can actually clear the content.


The emphasis should not be on the gear a person has, but the competition of content and what better way to award that then a Title or Mount.


IF you have been playing MMOs you know gear doesn't make the player, skill does and again, no amount of gear makes up for bad players.

Edited by Quraswren
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Lets be honest here, having characters on both factions is neither hard or challenging. I know people who have went from 1 to 50 in 4 days, no challenge what so ever. What it is, is simply a time sink for the average player, and it's a rather pathetic one.


Interestingly enough, I'm betting that once you do have both those faction, the actual quest to get the HK probably won't take no more than an hour or two and will compose of your regular go there, talk to this guy, do a quest or 2 for him and the reward will be some part that's need to fix HK. Further more I suspect the need for dual factions is because these quests will take on planets that only 1 faction has access to, such as Kass and Coruscant. If that is in fact the case, it will be rather sad and pathetic on BW's part.


Gone are the days of FF11, where you had no walk through, no star on the map. What you did have is a vague quest description, which lead you to a giant map the size of Toony, where you had to run all over and find a ??? to continue with the quest. Try that for challenge.

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What is going to be so great about this new robot? You can't use it in pvp or raids. I suppose if you solo a lot it might be worth it. I don't think I'm going to be wasting a bunch of time on this, sorry.
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@OP --


it's the inherent quality of being a human. And that's why we are the most superior of all animals. We are always trying to find ways to make life easier for ourselves -- right from the time when the first man invented fire.

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Don't you realize how many people would complain the SECOND it came out because it was too hard for them to do?


People will always complain. Only then you'd actually be able to call them out for wanting everything easy and handed to them.

MMOs have always been about grinds and time consuming tasks that weren't necessarily difficult, but took time to do. If we did it your way, some people would finish it in a half hour and then complain about there being nothing to do.


As opposed to logging in and picking up their HK droid because they already have their two leveled factions? Whats the difference here? That those who stuck to one toon or one faction gets screwed into wasting more time on a character they dont care to play? And you see this as a better alternative to an actual challenge?


You shouldn't have bought this game if you didn't think alts were going to be a big part of it. That was made clear from the beginning. They always talked about the total gameplay hours and how many stories there were and legacy stuff, you knew alts would be very important.


They never said alts were forced. They knew there are plenty of players that like to stick with one toon and maximizing them completely. Even with legacy you have the option of buying everything. Either way, as I said before, some might even have a bunch of alts of one faction.

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I feel the need to again point out tha no one is forcing any body to do anything!!!!!! Why do people keep saying that if the freaking bot is that important to you, you will do it voluntarily if not BW is not forcing you to do it. Good god if you dont want to sacrifice some time and effort that is your decision!


I think the devs should stick to their guns now and then. Unless it is somehow going to hinder the game mechanics or some other issue that effects balance they have no need to bend over every time some person doesn't have what some other person does and decides its not fair. If you want the stupid droid make and level another charecter if not dont, but this whole discussion is getting pretty ridiculous.

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I'm not trolling, I want to have a serious discussion.


For example, the HK-51 companion coming out is probably going to require both a lvl 50 imperial and a lvl republic character on the same legacy to get. People all of a sudden start to complain about how they "don't feel like leveling an opposite faction character" and "Bioware messed this one up I'm quitting". I happen to like the requirement because not everyone is going to get it, it's fun to experience leveling a character on both sides, and it's not another one of those freebies to come in the mail. We have to work for it. People in this game feel they are entitled to get everything that comes out in this game, and if they don't feel like doing it, it becomes "unfair" and "bad business Bioware".



In all MMO's the devs bribe their players into grinding, standard procedure, but forcing me to grind a Republic character if i want a new cool companion sadly does not improve my gaming experience but ofc it won't make me quit game, need to backstab me a lil bit more for that...........

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There was 8 character slots, 1 for each class and their mirrors. People can't just get with the program.


Yes, but there are 16 ACs. With no AC respecs, people rolled multiple chars of the same class. E.g. I have a Sith Mara AND a Sith Jugg on the same server.

Edited by Muskaan
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This is THE MOST casual-oriented mmo I've ever played -- far more than ever WoW. Everything is dumbed down in SWTOR and gear is given out for free (e.g. BM gear is basically now free, and it's very competitive with WH).







I played "The Secret World" beta this last weekend and it was such a JOY to play something that wasn't dumbed down. You actually had to think about your builds (vs. placing talents in a vertical line . . .), you had to think about quests, and you had to think about how to handle content and switch builds to adjust. And none of this was ingenious nor ground-breaking: the devs just decided against going for the lowest common denominator.

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