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Could you please articulate the risk that you are considering?


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Who cares how any of the information given "makes you feel." Seriously YOU aren't important, the community and the server population is important. YOU are not a server or population, you are a single player. People, get over yourselves. All this whining is the fault of social media, making people think their sole opinion or voice matters.


Bioware is looking at populations and faction imbalances and knows that populations are going to change dramatically over the weekend. Instead of blindly making transfer decisions they are using at best A FEW DAYS WORTH of population data since transfers opened up and weekday/weekend population data from servers like Fatman and other previously high population servers. They are making Server Population, Server Stability, and Faction Balance their highest priorities instead of giving in to the demands of selfish fools who cannot see past their selfish desires.


Learn to think first before you make a mindless knee jerk reaction and thing might just start making sense.

Edited by Koenig-O-Riain
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All I'll say, is this isn't going to sit well with the people on my server. Corelian Run has been in decline for a while now, slowly but surely. And because of the transfers, even more so. And we STILL haven't been named an origin or destination. People are jumping ship to reroll on a larger server anyways, or just quitting in general. And now that, "we have to wait ALL weekend", will only make matters worse and I suspect the frustration will cause a loss of even more.


From what I've heard, from both the forums and in game, the "mega servers" they've created, (the much larger destination servers like jedi covenant and the fat man), have started to experience log in queues. THAT is NOT smart, it's not even the weekend yet. SO I can only imagine what they'll be like this weekend.


BW should have aimed for an approximate 80-85% mark for transfers, in terms of capacity. Meaning those already with a good pop like JC and fatman should have gotten fewer servers transferred in, and other servers made destinations. THIS would have been FAR FAR better, as it would have made the population larger enough to satisfy the existing players, but also allowed for more growth in terms of new players and additional alt rerolls. A side benefit would be that it would not strain the servers as much either. But, unfortunately this isn't the case.


Unfortunately, and VERY frustratingly, Corelian Run and other East PvE servers got the shaft big time, again. I also find it kind of disturbing that, East PvE realms have the most servers still not dealt with.


BW should have had a really good idea as to the trends and figures of the servers already. This wait and see they are doing now is a bit, disturbing. If a website can get a very rough ballpark figure on populations and trends, then I would expect the people running the game to already have extremely accurate data that could e used to make good, accurate and swift decisions. Sadly, this was either not the case, or perhaps "their dog ate their homework" (homework being the statistical data).


As spiderman's uncle said, "With great power comes great responsibility". Being the game devs is that great power. And with that great power, I expect nothing short of excellence. And BW has NOT been very responsible. So if this is the trend, maybe I'll have to move on from this game too. Game devs may be only human, but unfortunately, far too often "corporate" desires out weigh everything and dictate the direction.


Oh well, have about 3 weeks left in my sub, we'll see what happens then. It sure had better be spectacular.

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They've been telling you all week how it's going to work, how it's a going to be a gradual process and they're going to take their time and do it right. It's really not their fault if you can't understand. And it's not their problem if you're insulted by your lack of comprehension.


Actually that is only partially true. The exact process was not devulged. It "seemed" on the one hand that given the rate of transfers all would be done by now. "Seemed" if you looked at it one way.


I saw by the types of servers selected, what happened. Given that many of the servers left in the PVE East realm were formerly popular servers during Early access and launch, it became apparent to me after the selection of The Shadowlands as the newest destination server that there would be an analysis period to discover if one or more destination servers would be needed. The many of the servers left may have pretty high "inactive" and "still subed" population. Some of these servers like Shadow Hand get more lively on the weekends. They need to take all of that into account before desiding to either make Shadow Hand a destination server or pull the trigger on it and force it to transfer.

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They've been telling you all week how it's going to work, how it's a going to be a gradual process and they're going to take their time and do it right. It's really not their fault if you can't understand. And it's not their problem if you're insulted by your lack of comprehension.


you compleatly missed the point.

yes i know it was going to be gradual process, but not once did they say how it would be done ie which servers will be done first (and by that i mean servers that had the lowest pop or ones that had the highest ect not names) again ill explain since you didnt sink it in the first time, telling people the process in which you do things help customers to understand better and can make them feel better so they know they simply wernt forgotten ect.

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This was a really good post. I appreciate the thoughtfulness and consideration you put into this answer, but your essentially making an excuse as to why the yellow names don't give better explanations. I am obviously into this game and I enjoy playing it. If the reason they cannot post clear answers is their fear of miscommunication then I think they are doing something wrong.


I don't buy that. There is no reason that they could not give a better articulation of the risks they are mitigating by making this choice and a clear explanation of how those risks are measured and what they mean to me as a player.


Don't get me wrong, I get frustrated by the lack of communication as well. It would be great to see "this is our reasoning behind why we're doing what we're doing". But the sad fact is that they're better off staying quiet. There seems to be some strange psychological need in people to see this game fail, I don't know why that is. But look for instance at BW's announcement that they were going to offer up to lvl 15 for free. WOW has done this for years, but Swtor decides to and we get a slew of media articles, forum posts, and "insider" columnists braying about how it's the first step in a F2P plan, with no evidence whatsoever. It doesn't surprise me that they've chosen to start shutting up about their plans. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't.

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This is completely logical, and in most cases, in my opinion, the smart thing to do.


However, in this case, it's total BS.


In Europe there are 20 English PVE servers. So far, 9 have been sent to The Red Eclipse. Some of the 10 servers left have somewhat decent populations (some sometimes even touching Standard), and with the current population limits, there seems to be no chance that all 10 remaining servers ca fit on The Red Eclipse.


What are they monitoring? If a second server will have to be opened eventually, what are they waiting for? If they actually are monitoring how people are moving, wouldn't it make sense to open a second server now, let some move to it, and then after the weekend make a decision on which server to send the remaining people to?

These are questions they refuse to acknowledge...


Just a guess, but doing so could possibly create a lot of headache for the bioware team over the weekend. Every guild that transfers means new petitions for banks to get restored, random bugs with the process, etc. Why open that can of worms over the weekend if you don't have to.

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Assuming they knew your server wasn't going to be transferred this week (which is doubtful anyway), the forums would have been up in arms about it if they posted a list of such servers. There would be cries of how unfair it is, or demands for explanations why, much like this thread actually.


The fact is, they can't please everybody. They also can't sit here and type out "articulated" explanations every time someone isn't happy with a decision they make, which is essentially every decision. They are in the business of running an MMO. Communication with the players is fairly low on the list of priorities compared to other things, as much as you may hate that.


Doesn't mean I cant ask right?

Asking please inst a demand, its a polite request. Politeness appears to be a new concept for you though as I have found a disturbing lack of it in your responses.


While I appreciate you defending their decision, I am not sure what your purpose is. This is a game forum, where players come to interact with the team behind they game they are playing. I am looking for that interaction because I want some. Having you say that wanting some is whining and crying is funny and pathetic at the same time. If communication is so low on their list of priorities, why have a forum for communication?


Bottom line is, my dollars are being represented here. I can use them how I wish. I would like a clearer explanation from a yellow name. (Although I appreciate all of the wonderful explanations I am getting from other players).

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This is completely logical, and in most cases, in my opinion, the smart thing to do.


However, in this case, it's total BS.


In Europe there are 20 English PVE servers. So far, 9 have been sent to The Red Eclipse. Some of the 10 servers left have somewhat decent populations (some sometimes even touching Standard), and with the current population limits, there seems to be no chance that all 10 remaining servers ca fit on The Red Eclipse.


What are they monitoring? If a second server will have to be opened eventually, what are they waiting for? If they actually are monitoring how people are moving, wouldn't it make sense to open a second server now, let some move to it, and then after the weekend make a decision on which server to send the remaining people to?

These are questions they refuse to acknowledge...


I agree that there are more questions in the case of European servers. One thing that you might want to consider is that it's possible that Bioware thinks that even piling the rest of the servers together won't make one healthy server (or alternatively, will make 1.3 healthy servers, which is just as bad), and is trying to figure out if they want to break the language barrier. They also have an outstanding problem with the RP-PVP servers, which might also be feeding in to this.


If you guys would just all speak the same language, your transfers would be 85% done now, just like ours.


^ (that was a joke)

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If by "manage expectations and plan accordingly", you mean post non-stop vitriol on the forums about how the process is broken, or how Bioware has screwed up again, then you are correct.


No I mean more information would help in deciding which toons to keep and which to delete and consolidate their resources if you are in the situation of having more than 8 toons on a server when and if your server is selcted to transfer. I and many are in this situation. If you are not an Altoholic you might not understand this. :)

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Bottom line is, my dollars are being represented here. I can use them how I wish. I would like a clearer explanation from a yellow name. (Although I appreciate all of the wonderful explanations I am getting from other players).


Oh, I fully agree that you were being polite to start with. Asking the same question twenty times crosses the line, even when you say "please." Also, insisting on an official response isn't the height of internet etiquette either. In fact, it's outright banned on many forums.


You've gotten answers from many players at this point. The Bioware reps have seen this thread and chosen not to provide additional comment. Refusing to accept that fact takes you out of the bounds of politeness.

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Doesn't mean I cant ask right?

Asking please inst a demand, its a polite request. Politeness appears to be a new concept for you though as I have found a disturbing lack of it in your responses.


While I appreciate you defending their decision, I am not sure what your purpose is. This is a game forum, where players come to interact with the team behind they game they are playing. I am looking for that interaction because I want some. Having you say that wanting some is whining and crying is funny and pathetic at the same time. If communication is so low on their list of priorities, why have a forum for communication?


Bottom line is, my dollars are being represented here. I can use them how I wish. I would like a clearer explanation from a yellow name. (Although I appreciate all of the wonderful explanations I am getting from other players).


Politely asking for something once is fine and dandy. Politely asking for the same thing over and over again, which you seem to be doing by sticking around here, is just a waste of time.


Anyway, forums are not usually here for two way communication between devs and players. It's a one way communication between devs and players, and two way between players. Bioware posts when they can, and it's relevant.

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I'm on vornskr too, and honestly, other people have already said it: THEY DON'T CARE.


They want their weekend off to go golfing. Who cares if they lose a couple hundred subs in the meantime, theres plenty more where those came from right?


Don't be suprise if this thread gets lock and posts get deleted. All BW has been doing lately is removing posts that casts them in any negative light.


Lets all go back now and enjoy or single player experience.

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Oh, I fully agree that you were being polite to start with. Asking the same question twenty times crosses the line, even when you say "please." Also, insisting on an official response isn't the height of internet etiquette either. In fact, it's outright banned on many forums.


You've gotten answers from many players at this point. The Bioware reps have seen this thread and chosen not to provide additional comment. Refusing to accept that fact takes you out of the bounds of politeness.


I have only asked the question once and clarified my question many times in response to other players challenging me on either my current understanding of the situation, or my right to ask the question in the first place. I am not demanding a response from a yellow name, I am hoping for one. Eventually, I will stop investing time in this thread and it will die. I am hoping that while I have time to watch it, that it will get the response I am looking for.


Additionally, I feel like my question is representative of other players questions as well, such that this post could prove informative for a future reader.


I apologize if I have crossed some internet rudeness boundary, however sometimes I will be rude in the pursuit of satisfactory results. Personality fault I guess.

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Dude you are starting to sound like me. Read this post above and let me know if you agree. :)


Dudette* and yep I agree. Except for my server hasn't seen standard in a long time. The Republic side is dead and most of the PvP when it does happen is on the Emp vs. Emp when/if it does happen after a long queue. My amount of trolling these forums would go down drastically if I could PvP again!


What you quoted is priceless too...


I'm tired of excuses and thinking Bioware will do the right thing... after sitting at work refreshing like crazy to see if there's new info for three days I'm a little spent and full out of any understanding for their situation and metrics. If done right they wouldn't need to wait and see how populations shifted over the weekend. They've had how long to fix this and they're still bumbling on through it and not giving information that could aleviate carpul tunnel for the players that care still and somehow haven't jumped ship.

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Politely asking for something once is fine and dandy. Politely asking for the same thing over and over again, which you seem to be doing by sticking around here, is just a waste of time.


Anyway, forums are not usually here for two way communication between devs and players. It's a one way communication between devs and players, and two way between players. Bioware posts when they can, and it's relevant.


who's time? Just curious.


Because if it was my time, I do not feel it was wasted. I am not responsible for how you spend your time...

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It really is laziness on the dev's part.


Leave for the weekend with a job half finished and customers angered at you. Sure, that's a great business decision.


I'm 100% sure this post will be deleted. So I'm quoting it for posterity.

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Sorry friend, you don't know me, or what I would do. I would LOVE to see a spreadsheet with metrics like you described. That would go a long way towards easing how disappointed I feel.


I think you misunderstand my request. I like this game. I am going to play on Test Server over the weekend to help out (on my own dime yo). I am dissatisfied with the current answers and would like a clearer explanation. THATS what I want. More bang for my buck so to say. I also would love for them to change their minds because of how the community feels, that would also make me happy.


I guess at the core of it, I am unhappy. I am looking for some validation. Specifically I want a clearer explanation of why they consider my (and many others) disappointment to be less important than what they chose to do.


Would it really matter? In the end, you will end up transfered, or at the very least on a server you are happy with. Giving you more information would be pointless. Bioware doesn't owe you an explanation, but they gave you a reason anyway. You have access to the game, which is all that money you pay gives you access to. People seem to think that because they are unhappy or pay to play the game (As if we dont all pay..) that they are entitled to some kind of explanation. Did you question your parents when they told you to do something, becuase you didnt want to do it?

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Dudette* and yep I agree. Except for my server hasn't seen standard in a long time. The Republic side is dead and most of the PvP when it does happen is on the Emp vs. Emp when/if it does happen after a long queue. My amount of trolling these forums would go down drastically if I could PvP again!


What you quoted is priceless too...


I'm tired of excuses and thinking Bioware will do the right thing... after sitting at work refreshing like crazy to see if there's new info for three days I'm a little spent and full out of any understanding for their situation and metrics. If done right they wouldn't need to wait and see how populations shifted over the weekend. They've had how long to fix this and they're still bumbling on through it and not giving information that could aleviate carpul tunnel for the players that care still and somehow haven't jumped ship.


Gotcha ... sorry about that. :o


No, I completely understand about feeling a bit worn out by all of this. I once went thru a situation at work that this feels similar too. I was at an online IPO provider that shall remain namelss that was downsizing. The HR rep's would come up to peoples cubes and literally "take them away". We never saw those people again. (Well at work, we all saw each other again at a near by bar.) One by one. It was eerie. Waiting to see if your server will be next kinda feels that way.


I hope they actually did a process flow and an actual WBS to support this effort. Not too confident they even know about Six Sigma.



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this has to be one of the must amusing posts and responses from a op i have wasted time reading in some time.


he has been given several plausable answers. but just keeps plugging away trying to sound intelligent but being perceived as the opposite.


he reminds me of my four year old nephew who kept asking why and would only shut up when mommy finally answered him with the same answer everyone else was giving him.


can mommy please answer the op please:D

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I'd say it's pretty obvious... They have transferred a LOT of origin servers into a substantially smaller number of destination servers. Not everyone logs in during the week, and there will also be a number of people returning to the game as a result of the merges. Until they have a chance to monitor the active populations over the weekend, they won't really have an accurate idea of which servers they need to top off and which ones are at their desired levels.


The lack of details may be annoying, but this doesn't seem that difficult to understand.


I agree, at this point it is a balancing act, plus there is allot of information in the dev tracker, I feel after reading it I have enough info for now. I am sure they want to wrap this up soon, so we can get on to1.3 and beyond..

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Also, remember they are not just trying to add population, they are also trying to address faction imbalance. Which is far trickier.


Take a look at this picture that shows the faction balances:



And then look at how they sent Seth Meditation Sphere to Shadowlands yesterday, which makes a lot of sense, problem is, look at all the very high Sith ratio servers that hasn't been assigned, like Darth Bandon, Tarro Blood, Sith Wyrm, etc.


People say, why not just put them all together and be done with it. Because you'd have a high population server that all sith!. That's why. They are trying to get all the destination servers to have a similar and not extreme faction balance, and that is a lot more complicated and they probably felt that they needed more data.


Sometime is the obviously simple solution is exactly the wrong solution.

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this has to be one of the must amusing posts and responses from a op i have wasted time reading in some time.


he has been given several plausable answers. but just keeps plugging away trying to sound intelligent but being perceived as the opposite.


he reminds me of my four year old nephew who kept asking why and would only shut up when mommy finally answered him with the same answer everyone else was giving him.


can mommy please answer the op please:D


Your nephew isn't paying you for a service or game...


Unlike your nephew, we can understand the logistics, IF THEY WERE PROVIDED...


They wanted a day off, so they took one, and their player base got screwed because of it...


Also, it's THEIR JOB to keep us informed... I can understand a certain hold-back on certain information, but when literally half the player base has already left, and they're screwing over atleast 20% of the player base they have left... It's kind of obvious why people are leaving!! Quit making excuses for a multi-million dollar company, if they wanting your excuses, they would hire you to do so...




The whole point EVERYONE should take away from this is, they've done EVERYTHING half-assed, WHY would you stay with a game that keeps making promises and breaking them? Much less stumbling around like a toddler that just learned to walk? They've made every mistake that past MMOs have made and have NOT learned from them! This is why I unsubbed, not because of the HUGE CTD issue, not because the 2 servers I play on STILL have yet to get transferred, not because their customer service is non-existent, but because they keep making the exact same mistakes over and over, they have NO communication what-so-ever, and REALLY don't seem to care about what their customers want/need!


This is what make me quit, their complete inability to tell us anything about anything. NO, I should NOT have to watch their twitter feeds to find out information about THIS game! You know where it should be? ON THEIR OWN FREAKING SITE!! I don't care about what Dev ate what for lunch, I care about the freaking game! It's like me telling my boss, yeah sure, that report will be ready at 2pm... but I tell him that as a twitter update and then yell at him for not reading it... It's completely insane!

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Thing is do we really need a dozen heavy to full servers in the first place?


Nope, what we really needed was a few dozen standard to heavy servers.


Thereby ensuring that if the populations continue to decline, we run into all this over again and face another round of "server merges" sooner rather than later. I won't say that every decision they've made so far as been a textbook example of foresight, but I'd rather they make the attempt to use foresight than give in to your impatience. And yes, I'm still waiting to transfer as well. It's not the end of the world.

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this has to be one of the must amusing posts and responses from a op i have wasted time reading in some time.


he has been given several plausable answers. but just keeps plugging away trying to sound intelligent but being perceived as the opposite.


he reminds me of my four year old nephew who kept asking why and would only shut up when mommy finally answered him with the same answer everyone else was giving him.


can mommy please answer the op please:D


I know, it's out of control, lol.

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