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SWTOR "looking at free-to-play"?


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If they are looking at it enough to where a designer is telling this to IGN, that implies they are giving it rather serious consideration.


Yep and that is close enough for me to consider not buying another card and just waiting to it goes f2p instead of putting more money in to the game.

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Extremely bad judgment here.


I agree with this. Luchini isn't a PR person and I remember when Stephen Reid was around he would be with many of the developers when they had interviews and give them some direction. Total Biscuit complained about it actually in one of his early swtor interviews. Stephen Reid is sorely needed here. What would be nice is more official clarification but I doubt that matters at this point. The trolls perceive blood in the water and they pounce even though it's meaningless speculation.


It's probably also why the original article was taken down asap. So stupid, I can't believe he got duped and then IGN ran with the story like it was gospel.. Bad journalism.. They can't even source the discussion properly...

Edited by TonyIommi
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I hope people understand, that they are LOOKING at F2P. NOT DOING F2P.....so they haven't decided anything yet, but im seeing all this noise about how they are when they haven't decided on anything.


Anyone who doesnt realize this isnt worth listening to anyway. But it doesnt mean that the dev saying that in public when this game is in the state its in wasnt an insanely stupid thing to do. And it is kind of funny/scarry that they just keep screwing up like this.


Letting their game die while they refuse to "mege servers" because they are were afraid of bad press, then just doing a server merge anyway was hard enough on swtor, then they come out and stomp on it some more by talking about f2p. lol how do these people keep their jobs?

Edited by Mallorik
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What do you guys think the 1.3 legacy system is? Legacy perks that only apply to 1 character.. come on. If that's not a way to charge $2 I don't know what is. Yes, please, let me buy the XP buff per character, it's what people do in League of Legends all the time.
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I agree with this. Luchini isn't a PR person and I remember when Stephen Reid was around he would be with many of the developers when they had interviews and give them some direction. Total Biscuit complained about it actually in one of his early swtor interviews. Stephen Reid is sorely needed here. What would be nice is more official clarification but I doubt that matters at this point. The trolls perceive blood in the water and they pounce even though it's meaningless speculation.


I wonder what EA stockholders think of this news??? Taken out of context or not....not good at all.

Edited by cbauga
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If they are looking at it enough to where a designer is telling this to IGN, that implies they are giving it rather serious consideration.


Ok so then what happens, if they decide not to do it then? It could go either of two ways not, do or do not just because they are considering doesn't mean 100% chance they will. They could turn around and go "Nah" and that'll be that.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I'm all for f2p.


Bring em in. More players, more revenue, let me purchase items I want.


The other F2P mmo's I've played (STO, CO, LotRO) have all been great.


F2P is the way of the future.


Someone can't afford the fee. :rak_01:

Edited by LordKOLZ
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Probably no more than I do for LOTRO which works out to about ten bucks every couple of months...still not seeing a downside.


Exactly. Or just get a sub and get basically all content. For all the flack LoTRO has taken with the f2p it has really worked well and has allowed great flexibility in their payment structure. I think those who complain about it have either never played the game or are lifetime founders that are somehow miffed that the great deal they got with the lifetime sub lost a bit of value when it went F2P.


I pay $10 a month for my LoTRO sub and have never spent a dime in the store. I get 500 free TP a month and have been able to buy all sorts of convenience items in the store.


Really, it works very well and it is less than my $15/month here. :eek:

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Free isn't free. There is always a catch. I would rather pay a sub fee for EVERYTHING to be in game for me to earn than to have to yank out the credit card to get the latest looking gear that I COULD HAVE gotten in the game if it weren't the craptastic free to play.


f2p is a worse scam than a pyramid scheme. Cheats you in the end. You guys seriously ok with that?

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Free isn't free. There is always a catch. I would rather pay a sub fee for EVERYTHING to be in game for me to earn than to have to yank out the credit card to get the latest looking gear that I COULD HAVE gotten in the game if it weren't the craptastic free to play.


f2p is a worse scam than a pyramid scheme. Cheats you in the end. You guys seriously ok with that?


Except, with most western f2p games, you still can sub.


There appears to be a wealth of people who haven't played a F2P in the last 3 years or so, and seen how current F2P models (aka Freemium) work, then getting up in arms about things which more or less, stay the exact same for them regardless of the payment model.

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If they are looking at it enough to where a designer is telling this to IGN, that implies they are giving it rather serious consideration.


Actually that's not correct. They didn't tell it IGN. IGN got it from an article that is no longer available from another gaming website. The actual article in question given in the IGN piece has no link longer and we can't understand the context outside of what IGN feeds you. very bad journalism.

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Hilarious article. They've been gearing this game up to be F2P ever since people started leaving the game in droves after 1.1, and I'm sure the lukewarm reaction to 1.2 and the subsequent mass departures after the Rakghoul event just made them start working even harder to turn this game into F2P. Even if the game was truly free it still wouldn't be worth playing.
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Free isn't free. There is always a catch. I would rather pay a sub fee for EVERYTHING to be in game for me to earn than to have to yank out the credit card to get the latest looking gear that I COULD HAVE gotten in the game if it weren't the craptastic free to play.


f2p is a worse scam than a pyramid scheme. Cheats you in the end. You guys seriously ok with that?


It's not as much what people are okay with, but what EA/Bioware are okay with.


I don't particularly like F2P models, but for many of them - you can decide whether to buy stuff or not. So while some might shell out much more than subscriptions - others might end up paying less.

Time will tell what route they go, but those news pieces do paint a very possible path towards F2P for this game.

Especially if they keep loosing subscribers left n' right and with the other F2P games coming up 'soon'

Edited by xandax
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Actually that's not correct. They didn't tell it IGN. IGN got it from an article that is no longer available from another gaming website. The actual article in question given in the IGN piece has no link longer and we can't understand the context outside of what IGN feeds you. very bad journalism.


Bad journalism? They're glorified bloggers, not journalists. Not like its their fault the link got pulled either.

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Screw this, if they're going free to play, I'm telling my fam to unsub now and wait till it's free.



This is a prime example of my point that this news is seriously bad judgment even if it is some gross misunderstanding you would think by now they understand how stuff taken out of context can virally snowball out of control.


The people that like the F2P model will cancel their sub and wait for the change.


The people that hate the F2P model will cancel and uninstall.


Either way ToR losses.


Bad move BioWare you guys need to strap a muzzle on Lusinchi's mouth.

Edited by Hardwear
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I don't even know how to address such flagrant ignorance.


Let me put it this way, I have played lotro ever since it went f2p and played it even before that. I am not a lifer, so if I want something from the store I would have to put some money in to get it.


What have I bought from the store? 1 expansion pack. 1 zone to quest in, in the last 2 years I have been playing. That's a total of 45$ in 2 years. No one is "ahead" of me for spending more, and I am at no disadvantage. The game is loads of fun, and honestly, it's what I play while waiting for content to be added to this game which I'm shelling out 15$ for a month and seeing nothing in return.


But if you want to continue to spew nonsense, nobody has stopped you in that past...


Ahh and sense prevails finally... this person looked beyond the megative hype and uses the business model to their advantage...

Now consider what the same player who subs monthly over the same period of time shells out... F2P is actually more about personal commitment to the game than rolling subs ever are.... if you want to commit to the game you spend up and get the bits you need to give yourself the same level playing field.. then the longer your in the game the more you get to pick and choose what you feel is needed or just extra to your enjoyment... while the suber just keeps on paying month after month for something you have already bought... yes the upfront cost is higher sure.. but if your only planning on staying a short amount of time then more fool for over reaching instead of weighing up the costs against time and of course what you consider value.

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Bad journalism? They're glorified bloggers, not journalists. Not like its their fault the link got pulled either.


Even bloggers have standards. If they can't properly source the material that they reference the article should be taken down. Simple as that.

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This game would be ruined by F2P. Most content updates would be switched to things they could easily monetize to the small portion of the player base actually willing to shell out cash. It's like that for every F2P game. Sure some of them can be fun for a while but only games like SWTOR and WoW can be fun long term.
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IF BIG IF SWTOR goes all free to play


BioWare BETTER make it a "new breed" of free to play stuff. Like..TRULY FREE. None of this pay to win crap!! They BETTER NOT! The hate is swelling. Going on my Sith toon!!

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Why is it when things go pear shaped panic sets in and F2P is the great answer?Maybe Bio should be a bit radical and lower the Sub and allow micro transactions.The other annoying thing was that when I cancelled my 3 mth Sub,I got a mail asking me to fill in a questionnaire for reasons that I was leaving.Now BIo gave me list options that they thought COULD be the reason(none of them were) without having a box with "OTHER" so I could actually tell them why..Chatting to other players that are running their Subs down they all said the same.Therefore Bio ask the CORRECT questions and you might get an answer rather than assume you know why we're all leaving in droves.Common sense really.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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Its not going F2P, if it were they would have said something about it when all this came up on the forums, as it stands they are quite happy to let people rattle about in this thread and direct all other threads about it here all neat and tidy and carry on with there jobs.
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The only thing is from the article. But still the legacy system seems like a perfect MT store. It has XP boosts, in game race unlocks, extra things that make the game easier, etc.


To me it wouldn't seem very far-fetched for EA to make SWTOR f2p and legacy be the MT store.


Agree there are things that are creeping in toi SWTOR that look like the stepping stones or water testers for a wider scope... but so is server transfers, name changes, legacy name changes, special items, paid transfers, - - all of these are potentially the early steps into a microtransactional business model... the only one I absolutely dont like in the current state of the game is the idea of paid transfers because it was not my fault my home server went belly up and I cant free transfer over to my EU home server... and like I said previously in this post if they do introduce a F2P model then it wont bother me either way, I may change or stay subbed but as nothing is forced upon me I am free to make up my own mind as to how I use any cashshop. I like the idea of fluff but not P2W stuff.. that's not to say others do or dont... its all a matter of choice.


But yes I too think they are already laying the early foundations for it and hopefully anything they try will have a positive effect in moving this game forward not further down the slippery slope like it is currently.

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