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SWTOR "looking at free-to-play"?


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I personally think the one major problem SwTOR is having is that they don't always treat this game as a live service. They've worked hard to give us Legacy...but Legacy isn't enough to keep the general masses interested in my opinion.


I'm not trying to knock Bioware, EA or this MMO. In-fact I really WANT to love SwTOR; but there is a reason why it's losing subs.


The internet has an attention span of two minutes on a good day and I don't think Bioware knows what players want. Legacy is fun, but all of that time and energy would've been better spent adding some of the extra functionality that comes standard with most MMOs, such as higher tiers of competitive play in PvP, group finders (Which wasn't in RIFT right away to be honest.) and chat bubbles!?


I'm not an RPer, but RPers have been asking for chat bubbles since beta. Again! I like Bioware a lot, I'm a huge fan of their older titles such as Baldur's Gate, however I have to draw a comparison here. During the first beta weekend of GW2 the roleplay community asked for chat bubbles...by the second beta weekend chat bubbles had been implemented.


I'm not trying to say the staff behind SwTOR is lazy; but I think they've put their energy into fleshing out aspects of the game that aren't as important as other aspects.


I know I won't play this game any longer when my four month sub ends.


But that's just me. I think there is room for MMOs of many shapes and sizes in this world and SWTOR's leveling content and early tiers of PvP left a great impression with me...but they didn't take the right steps to secure my patronage or give me confidence in the direction of this game.


But that's just my two cents.


If they go F2P I might return to the lands of glowsticks and lasers, but I just don't think this game is worth spending more money on.

Edited by Fooolking
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Weather you think the game is good or bad, or you think F2P is good or bad, Bioware keeps going from PR nightmare to PR nightmare.


400k subscribers lost


Server Merges disguised as free transfers

And now they are "looking" at Free-to-Play


Swtor is getting slaughtered by the media and public opinion is that the game is failing/failed, heck even some of the subscribers wish the game to fail (which is silly because basically they are wishing to lose all the money the invested in the game)


And that was all pretty much engineered from the get go, Activision waged one of the most expensive and diabolical Astroturfing campaigns in the history of gaming, but the cost to the hobby is going to be tremendous. The saddest thing about all of this is that gamers are clapping with glee over the very thing that will all but kill future MMO development.



I believe we are on the cusp of a MMO crash that will make the Video game crash of the early 80's look like a picnic, so instead of newer MMO's with increasingly better graphics and game play options we will get WoW a MMO whose graphics and game play concepts were out dated ten years ago, but Bobby K love him or hate him knows how to kill the competition.

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I had no problems login into any of the Beta Weekends or the stress test, and even if I did its's a Beta so its to be expected.


So - you've learned enough in Beta already about the game to deduce that the Dev's there no more about what they're doing than the Dev's here? SWTOR's beta was flawless - what's your point?

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You can't spell ignorant without IGN.


Is there anyone shocked that a major MMORPG is looking at how the different MMORPG models work? They're a business, of course they're going to go with the most profitable model and going to weigh their options. If I'm looking to replace my current car and say I'm looking at hybrids, it doesn't mean I'm buying a hybrid. it means I'm going to look at my options and if that option is in my best interest I'm going to select it.


Well, there's the reality of a situation - of course they consider all kinds of business models - and then there's what they're wiling to say publicly.


The uproar today is because lead designer Lusinchi and the EA president were willing to publicly talk about F2P, to say they're considering it, without the usual qualifications that make it clear that isn't happening anytime soon. So it's only natural people are thinking this sounds like an actual plan.


The fact the original article was pulled and EA/BW didn't slap this down with some sort of clear statement, officially, makes you scratch your head even more.

Edited by jgelling
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The Gw2 forums IMO tie with only d3 for being troll filled and rotten. So many people will be so disappointed.. It's great I can't wait for it.


The in game community is even worse...but the Zealots refuse to believe it or acknowledge it when they do get to play.

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Well, there's the reality of a situation - of course they consider all kinds of business models - and then there's what they're wiling to say publicly.


The uproar today is because lead designer Lusinchi and the EA president were willing to publicly talk about F2P, to say they're considering it, without the usual qualifications that make it clear that isn't happening anytime soon. So it's only natural people are thinking this sounds like an actual plan.


All luchini said was that they look at re-evaluating their business based on competition coming out. Nothing to do with f2p. People are making an extremely illogical jump from one to the other without a gosh darned good reason. It could mean f2p. It could mean b2p.

Edited by TonyIommi
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I see your "flawless" logic, a game with 9-10mil subscribers going f2p model because 15$ per month from 10mil players (150mil $ per month) is not a good profit from p2p model... However a game with 1mil subscribers (SWTOR) have not even thinking about going f2p because... well, i don't... common sense lost me here... maybe becasue you hate wow and like swtor? (but as a news for you, global market and game company strategies does't based only on your humble opinion :))


Bioware announced 1 MIL active accounts a while ago. Obviously 15,000,000 $ a month means its going F2P. Mhmmm, great logic.

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All luchini said was that they look at re-evaluating their business based on competition coming out. Nothing to do with f2p. People are making an extremely illogical jump from one to the other without a gosh darned good reason. It could mean f2p. It could mean b2p.


Um, he actually talked specifically about F2P:


“The MMO market is very dynamic and we need to be dynamic as well. Unless people are happy with what they have, they are constantly demanding updates, new modes and situations,” He explains, “So we are looking at free-to-play but I can’t tell you in much detail. We have to be flexible and adapt to what is going on.”


He said they're looking at F2P in particular, not just their "business model" generally. Now if you can't see why people are talking about F2P from the statement "we are looking at free-to-play" then...?

Edited by jgelling
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Well, there's the reality of a situation - of course they consider all kinds of business models - and then there's what they're wiling to say publicly.


The uproar today is because lead designer Lusinchi and the EA president were willing to publicly talk about F2P, to say they're considering it, without the usual qualifications that make it clear that isn't happening anytime soon. So it's only natural people are thinking this sounds like an actual plan.


The fact the original article was pulled and EA/BW didn't slap this down with some sort of clear statement, officially, makes you scratch your head even more.


Uh, he specifically said that they weren't planning on making any abrupt changed and that the sub model would likely never go away. The only thing he confirmed was free trials. He said "someday" they may ultimately embrace the F2P model.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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Um, he actually talked specifically about F2P:


“The MMO market is very dynamic and we need to be dynamic as well. Unless people are happy with what they have, they are constantly demanding updates, new modes and situations,” He explains, “So we are looking at free-to-play but I can’t tell you in much detail. We have to be flexible and adapt to what is going on.”


He said they're looking at F2P in particular, not just their "business model" generally.


“The MMO market is very dynamic and we need to be dynamic as well.


That's the part you should focus on. It does not specifically say f2p although they do look at f2p and weigh the negatives and positives but also b2p and that whole survey business with the different pricing models for content. That's what you should take from that. Focusing on f2p when the game isn't f2p and they've made no actual move to it is asanine speculation at this point. They are no different than any oher business.

Edited by TonyIommi
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I personally think the one major problem SwTOR is having is that they don't always treat this game as a live service. They've worked hard to give us Legacy...but Legacy isn't enough to keep the general masses interested in my opinion.


I'm not trying to knock Bioware, EA or this MMO. In-fact I really WANT to love SwTOR; but there is a reason why it's losing subs.


The internet has an attention span of two minutes on a good day and I don't think Bioware knows what players want. Legacy is fun, but all of that time and energy would've been better spent adding some of the extra functionality that comes standard with most MMOs, such as higher tiers of competitive play in PvP, group finders (Which wasn't in RIFT right away to be honest.) and chat bubbles!?


I'm not an RPer, but RPers have been asking for chat bubbles since beta. Again! I like Bioware a lot, I'm a huge fan of their older titles such as Baldur's Gate, however I have to draw a comparison here. During the first beta weekend of GW2 the roleplay community asked for chat bubbles...by the second beta weekend chat bubbles had been implemented.


I'm not trying to say the staff behind SwTOR is lazy; but I think they've put their energy into fleshing out aspects of the game that aren't as important as other aspects.


I know I won't play this game any longer when my four month sub ends.


But that's just me. I think there is room for MMOs of many shapes and sizes in this world and SWTOR's leveling content and early tiers of PvP left a great impression with me...but they didn't take the right steps to secure my patronage or give me confidence in the direction of this game.


But that's just my two cents.


If they go F2P I might return to the lands of glowsticks and lasers, but I just don't think this game is worth spending more money on.



I guess I'm on the fanboy side of things, but it seems like, as players we are pulling their attention in a billion directions. Chat bubbles would be good. the RPers have also been asking for lgbt relations forever.

Arent the other things you mentioned all coming in 1.3 though? ranked WZs and group finder? then on top of the functionals they have legacy perks and the constant class rebalancing and bug fixes.

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Um, he actually talked specifically about F2P:


“The MMO market is very dynamic and we need to be dynamic as well. Unless people are happy with what they have, they are constantly demanding updates, new modes and situations,” He explains, “So we are looking at free-to-play but I can’t tell you in much detail. We have to be flexible and adapt to what is going on.”


He said they're looking at F2P in particular, not just their "business model" generally.


Because i guarantee the lead-in was, "are you looking at f2p?" Instead of being coy and answering, "we're looking at everything", he answered the question literally/honestly. I'm sure the looked at f2p at all stages of development too before settling on p2p - this article is really a non-story.

Edited by Typeslice
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Because i guarantee the lead-in was, "are you looking at f2p?" Instead of being coy and answering, "we're looking at everything", he answered the question literally/honestly. I'm sure the looked at f2p at all stages of development too before settling on p2p - this article is really a non-story.


Game developers are not PR people and the IGNorant guy who asked the question was leading him. I miss stephen reid already.

Edited by TonyIommi
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So - you've learned enough in Beta already about the game to deduce that the Dev's there no more about what they're doing than the Dev's here? SWTOR's beta was flawless - what's your point?


Yep you said it and my point is , and this is just my point of view, it is 100x better in every sense. More fun, a PVE world which doesnt feel static and pvp battles on an epic scale.

Edited by lickyboy
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Uh, he specifically said that they weren't playing on making any abrupt changed and that the sub model would likely never go away. The only thing he confirmed was free trials. He said "someday" they may ultimately embrace the F2P model.


No one is claiming it's happening tomorrow or even this year. That's completely and utterly besides the point. If you really want to understand the problem, dig up what devs and suits of other games have said in the past about "looking into subscription models". They keep "looking into it" right up until the devs have made the necessary changes for it to go live, then it's all "We are excited to announce" when in reality, the whole company is like a wake.


Maybe you are new to this stuff but you'll learn.

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Yep you said it and my point is , and this is just my point of view, it is 100x in every sense. More fun, a world PVE world which doesnt feel static and pvp battles on an epic scale.


Oh? I thought it was laggy trash. Not just optimization lag but input lag on all abilities. People though star was was bad for that...

Edited by TonyIommi
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Game developers are not PR people and the IGNorant guy who asked the question was leading him. I miss stephen reid already.


Both statements that have been issued were both vague and generalized. Leave it to the SWTOR boards to make them a confirmation though. Now that the "OMG, dead servers?!?" debacle is over, they have to jump on something more to bash, I guess.

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Yep you said it and my point is , and this is just my point of view, it is 100x better in every sense. More fun, a world PVE world which doesnt feel static and pvp battles on an epic scale.


But if you're not a PVP'er, what do you do at end game? If PVE'ers think SWTOR lacks end-game, they are in for a seriously rude awakening with GW2 (especially since its f2p).

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No one is claiming it's happening tomorrow or even this year.


That's all I needed to see and all that should be seen. The rest of what you say in general is useless speculation. Hell EA's other mmos didn't go f2p I'm not sure why they'd let swtor do that. Carry on trolling though, it's quite amusing.

Edited by TonyIommi
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That's all I needed to see and all that should be seen. The rest of what you say in general is useless speculation. Hell EA's other mmos didn't go f2p I'm not sure why they'd let swtor do that. Carry on trolling though, it's quite amusing.


Not nearly amusing as blind fanboyism. By the way, this isn't wow, there are no "trolls" mon.

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No one is claiming it's happening tomorrow or even this year. That's completely and utterly besides the point. If you really want to understand the problem, dig up what devs and suits of other games have said in the past about "looking into subscription models". They keep "looking into it" right up until the devs have made the necessary changes for it to go live, then it's all "We are excited to announce" when in reality, the whole company is like a wake.


Maybe you are new to this stuff but you'll learn.



You assume WAY too much. I'm not into conspiracy theories and speculation based off vague "maybe in the future, who knows?" type statements. Sorry.

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Not nearly amusing as blind fanboyism. By the way, this isn't wow, there are no "trolls" mon.


Nothing blind here, just not prone to second guessing and speculating the vaguest of vague statements made by folks like luchini who really out to know better imo and have very little say in the business model of the game. Yea I know thing's like that tend to get in the way of unabashed and shameless hateraid. Pour it on some more. I'm bored at work and need to pass time to get home to the 600+ people on fleet tonight.

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The in game community is even worse...but the Zealots refuse to believe it or acknowledge it when they do get to play.


Because it simply isn't true. I've been a part of the GW2 community for months now and it's been nothing but pleasant, helpful, and cooperative. As opposed to here, where we have to do battle with camps.

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