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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR "looking at free-to-play"?


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lol You do realise that Free to Play players will end up paying more the content that monthly subscribers.


Even in LOTRO you still have to retain a monthly sub to get all the content free and the people who pay $ to unlock everything acutally end spening much more.


SW:TOR is free to level 15 and if they used Turbine then " Free" players won't even be able to leave starter worlds without paying money.


So lol the last lol is really on the people who cancel and hope the entire game is "free" lol.



You make a good point, however in many of the MMO's that offer content to buy, you don't need to purchase that content in order to play the game so I think you save money. When you take in account that we pay every month, how much content can we buy from the F2P MMO's each month? I doubt i'd be £8 every month.

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Honestly, I don't really care if it fails. I would simply move on. I enjoy the game a lot, but it's just a game. Typically, if I enjoy something, I like talking about it with others. On the other hand, if I'm done with something, I'm done. I move on and make it a distant memory. You should really try to do the same. It's way better for your over all health.


You're doing a great job of making it look like you don't care :rolleyes:


Typically, if you enjoy something, you like the act of participating in that activity more than you like "talking" about it with others. It's not surprising at all that so many people that love this game so much spend so much time "talking" about it and not playing it.


You're just going to have to eventually learn to cope with the fact that things that suck tend to get criticized, a lot, in a lot of places.


Also of note is the fact that you're actually shying away from defending the game now, it seems you're losing some steam in that area. Instead you're choosing to ignore the arguments and instead focus on the straw man idea that our little conversation might be having negative impacts on my blood pressure. Trust me, you have better things to worry about right now, like whether or not your server will still be considered "super" in a month.

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F2P is a scam at worst and totally dishonest at best. If any game can make more money by going "Free" then explain how it is FREE? The answer...it can't! The only these so-called "free-to-play" models can make money is by getting YOU to SPEND real money. How do they do this? They over things for sell that YOU think you must have (and in some cases actually must have) to play your character decently. EVERY so-called F2P game out there today does this. And if they offer both subs and a free-to-play option, it is the subscriber that ends up getting screwed the most as they will never get the VALUE of their sub fee.


So, BW/EA be warned. There are many many many like me that are currently subscribers and players. We won't be if you go free-to-play.

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Looks like my MMO days are numbered if F2P .. er .. Free-Pay-too-win is the future of the MMO genres.


Really sucks. I came from single player games and haven't gone back to them at all because I find that MMOs are really more engaging.


But I won't pay to win a game ever.

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The second this game goes F2P I'm done. I refuse to support any company that goes this route mainly due to having to pay far more than you ever do with a sub to get anywhere, and along with the slowed pace of content production that usually comes with this transition. I have no desire to sit around doing tier whatever for a year while all of the cheapskates, trolls and people who didn't have enough faith to support the game in the first place buy their way to the top.


I don't care how well its worked for other games, I still think its just a glorified way of ripping as many people off as possible before finally deciding to shut down the servers. Games change in a lot of ways when they make this transition and most of the time, not in a way that's good for the players who've been there from the start.

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I really don't understand why people don't get this point.


And comparing SWTOR to League of Legends...really?


Everybody is complaining about lack of content yet nobody is willing to pay people to create it. Apparently people think "content" grows on trees.


This person gets it..... youu wanna play SWTOR for 3 months great.. F2P lets you for free to a point and then you have to pay some greens... but if your planing on playing SWTOR for 1,2,3 years then by paying for the content early you see the returns over the that time period and its costs far less than a monthly sub would over the same period of time... kinda like speculating to accumulate i guess.... but over a short term window... yeah F2P is expensive in comaparison and rightly so... BW would want players hooked in for the long haul not for the short haul.. but if you pay for it all to get yourself onto a level playing filed with a sub payer then choose to leave after year one.... only got yourself to blame... the subber is still paying to play the same game every month.. yours is almost as free as it can get until the next update.... and how many do you think can realistically be put out in 1 yr.... so its a no brainer if you consider F2P over a longer time frame.


Of course if BW make the content so wildly overpriced then yes players have a valid point... but do you think they would want to nite their noses to spite their faces especially if their P2P model has already slumped so soon....


Besides, as were already paying a fixed sub.. its extremely unlikely they are guinna say its F2P as of next month and you cant access this, this and this and you only get 3 slots now so pick 3 of your 8 to mplay.

The F2P model will effect new players not us.... we would likely see a cashshop for perks and new content... that is where you will need to decide... stick with P2P or go F2P.. if you choose to change you will likely be made a premium player with more content, but will need to pay up for some of the things you had before you switched... its your choice... they wont take the paid subs out oif the game at least not straightaway... more likely to incentivise the different scales to tempt you away from it or just use the sub model to benchmark there F2P content costs.

Edited by Bloodstealer
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Have you even tried to make characters with your toons names on the appropriate destination servers? I mean, I recognize your name... and I know what you're about on this board, but I figured I'd ask anyway... although I do realize my asking is rather pointless. ;)


You are right..it is pointless. I see myself heading down to the unsub point next month. Might come back when TOR goes FTP. Lol! Besides, It should not be up to the player to try to correct a situation a MMO creates in order for them to enjoy the game. If a game lacks the tools needed on "every server" for the player to do all the content, then that is a fundamental flaw in the game and one the game developers should correct.

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If this game goes free to play, without a doubt, i will up and quit on the spot.


Every single mmo ive ever played and enjoyed, that went free to play - totally sucked from then on.


The level of quality in the game, the content and the overall design of the game just... dies when mmo's go free to play. Ive seen it happen many times and ive yet to see a single mmo that stayed positive after the transition.


Hell, if wow goes free to play as well... sheesh i may as well give up mmo's and call it quits.

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The second this game goes F2P I'm done. I refuse to support any company that goes this route mainly due to having to pay far more than you ever do with a sub to get anywhere, and along with the slowed pace of content production that usually comes with this transition. I have no desire to sit around doing tier whatever for a year while all of the cheapskates, trolls and people who didn't have enough faith to support the game in the first place buy their way to the top.


I don't care how well its worked for other games, I still think its just a glorified way of ripping as many people off as possible before finally deciding to shut down the servers. Games change in a lot of ways when they make this transition and most of the time, not in a way that's good for the players who've been there from the start.


Well Said friend Well said.


Now, if they do it similar to LoL's model (You can buy Champions with both in game currency (albiet a slower rate) and real life money, then it wouldn't be as bad.

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F2P is like being a server at a restaurant you get your money up front

Subscribing is like getting your check every two weeks.


If in any way do they go F2P I'll be sending my happy *** out of here.

Edited by PunisherAS
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SO much fail in this post that I couldnt resist biting

- There is no real money AH going into wow (wrong blizz game buddy)

- WoW has 10million+ subs so is not heading to F2P - Swtor has how many now?

- The "Black Market" in WoW is not for real money or BiS items failbot - its for in game gold for mounts and old cosmetic gear sets - with in game money not real money.

- WoW is not declining in Asia - to the contrary the publisher in China just secured another 3 year deal last month


Im not a wow fanboy but I am a realist and just wanted to point out to people that may be reading this guys information, that its rubbish - let facts prevail lol


Exactly! Well said. There is no reason for WoW to go FTP as long as they have such a large amount of subs. The poster you quoted is clearly a WoW hater. Coming out with some way out in left field fail logic.

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They are already setting up for an easy move to micro-transactions and a free-to-play model before your very eyes.


The Birthright, Inheritance and Legacy unlocks are all setup for an easy move to micro-transactions. All highly expensive or extremely time consuming items, that would be much more easily gained by a small purchase.


Think about it. Who in their right mind would spend 200 daily commendations on an Inheritance item? But then again, who might spend say $0.50 to get the same item instantly?


It is obvious from the extreme prices of Legacy, Birthright and Inheritance and how they are set up that all of this is the foundation for an easy move to micro-transactions.


I am not saying they will definitely go there. But they are definitely creating the foundation for it, right before our eyes. Its amazing how few of the player base see it.

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Here is the biggest joke about f2p.....


Wait for it....


It sucks.


It's nothing like the gaming experience you're used to in any game you've ever played (probably) before. Trust me, you'll end up spending more and you won't be happy because someone spent even more and got *just* that much better than you.


Welcome to the new market of gouging out consumers.


I support the subscription model and so should you.


I completely agree! F2P is NOT good for those of us still playing...it's the complete opposite of good!

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You're doing a great job of making it look like you don't care :rolleyes:


Typically, if you enjoy something, you like the act of participating in that activity more than you like "talking" about it with others. It's not surprising at all that so many people that love this game so much spend so much time "talking" about it and not playing it.


You're just going to have to eventually learn to cope with the fact that things that suck tend to get criticized, a lot, in a lot of places.


Also of note is the fact that you're actually shying away from defending the game now, it seems you're losing some steam in that area. Instead you're choosing to ignore the arguments and instead focus on the straw man idea that our little conversation might be having negative impacts on my blood pressure. Trust me, you have better things to worry about right now, like whether or not your server will still be considered "super" in a month.



I'm guessing you looked over my previous post about how I post at work? I can't play at work, so I post on the forums. If I didn't enjoy the game, I wouldn't bother talking about it. I don't waste my time like many people here seem to love to do. Also, I've been on Jedi Covenant since before 1.2. And it's been very active the entire time. I've never had any issues finding groups, WZ, etc. So, I'm not really worried.



But keep on keeping on man. You have another week to bash the game and try to convince other's how bad it's failing. Good luck in your Endeavor! But, don't be too upset when the game doesn't fail in a couple months. I know how much your happiness depends on it.

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... sheesh i may as well give up mmo's and call it quits.


I think I'm close to doing just that anyways.. and not only because of the direction the genre seems to be going in, I swear that the communities gets worse for every passing year as well...

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If this game does go f2p i'm headed back to Rift. Or i might actually dust off the old 360 and see what's out there in the world of console games




If this is indeed the future of MMOs, think my time is done with the genre.

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If this is indeed the future of MMOs, think my time is done with the genre.


I hate saying it, but i feel the same way. Started with swg back in the day (it was a Wednesday, just fyi), and got instantly hooked on the subscription model mmo genre. The recent transition to f2p across the board has left a bad taste in my mouth.

Edited by Anastastio
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I hate saying it, but i feel the same way. Started with swg back in the day (it was a Wednesday, just fyi), and got instantly hooked on the subscription model mmo genre. The recent transition to f2p across the board has left a bad taste in my mouth.


Im with you man. The whole reason I bought SWTOR to begin with was that they didnt have a cash shop. Now looks like its just a matter of time before that happens. I honestly think I am done with the genre as a whole too.

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I hate saying it, but i feel the same way. Started with swg back in the day (it was a Wednesday, just fyi), and got instantly hooked on the subscription model mmo genre. The recent transition to f2p across the board has left a bad taste in my mouth.



That's because F2P only really brings in cheapsters and the instant gratification crowd. Why play the game to earn accolades when you can simply pay real money and get them "RIGHT NOW!!"?. I don't want to play with either group, to be honest.

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