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The 10-49 warzones are far and away the best pvp I've experienced in any game but it's all ruined when you hit 50 and have to get facerolled while grinding enough comms to get that expertise up. Would it not be a better experience if the pvp gear had the same stats as pve gear and we junked expertise?
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Then you would get face rolled while grinding enough operations to get full high end pve gear.


Better solution:

Spend all the comms/ranked comms you saved up for 10-49 on 4-5 peices of BM gear, buy recruit for the rest and you're already over 1k expertise and ready to compete before even stepping into a 50 WZ. Problem solved.

Edited by Zepidel
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The 10-49 warzones are far and away the best pvp I've experienced in any game but it's all ruined when you hit 50 and have to get facerolled while grinding enough comms to get that expertise up. Would it not be a better experience if the pvp gear had the same stats as pve gear and we junked expertise?


It all plays back to the original concern of "progression raiders can come in and roll dedicated pvpers from a gear advantage" or the flip side "pvpers can churn out the best pve gear in game without having to actually beat the raid/op content"


Trying to balance the two issues (making pve progression trivialized by pvp gear vs. not making top pve gear overpowered in pvp) basically arrived most of theme-park MMO's to adopt pvp-centric itemization (be it a pvp specific stat or health/burst stacking at the expense of resource regen, sustainability).



Personally I liked the idea of 1.2 where Rakata compared favorably with full champion in pvp, BM measured up decent to columni in pve, but I'm fine ultimately with the current system.



The recruit set makes expertise a nonissue and really its the other stats that differentiate the potent separation between tiers.

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The 10-49 warzones are far and away the best pvp I've experienced in any game but it's all ruined when you hit 50 and have to get face rolled while grinding enough comms to get that expertise up. Would it not be a better experience if the pvp gear had the same stats as pve gear and we junked expertise?


I have 3 lvl 50+ toons, never got face rolled, check your gear between the chair and the keyboard.

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The 10-49 warzones are far and away the best pvp I've experienced in any game but it's all ruined when you hit 50 and have to get facerolled while grinding enough comms to get that expertise up. Would it not be a better experience if the pvp gear had the same stats as pve gear and we junked expertise?


10-49 is way less balanced than 50 pvp, the gear gaps you can create if you know how the bolster system works are HUGE. Classes are way more imbalanced as well since some classes get the important abilities WAY LATER than others.


Expertise is your FRIEND, buy recruit gear or get it for free on Tatooine while leveling. If you think the gap between recruit gear and war hero gear is to big you are right, but it is WAY BETTER for NEW players this way than going into 50 pvp against a players in high end raid gear with blues which would happen if there was no expertise.



Edited by Bazzoong
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10-49 is way less balanced than 50 pvp, the gear gaps you can create if you know how the bolster system works are HUGE. Classes are way more imbalanced as well since some classes get the important abilities WAY LATER than others.


Expertise is your FRIEND, buy recruit gear or get it for free on Tatooine while leveling. If you think the gap between recruit gear and war hero gear is to big you are right, but it is WAY BETTER for NEW players this way than going into 50 pvp against a players in high end raid gear with blues which would happen if there was no expertise.




How does the bolster system work?

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10-49 wz: more balanced

50 wz: better (more experienced) players


Any way to combine the two?


really? a level 40 vs a level 25 is not balanced. And a lvl 25 in purples vs a 30 in greens is no where near balanced.


If you are a pvper, when you hit 50, you should be able to buy 5 pieces of BM right off the bat. Then it only takes a week to get the rest of the set. Not that big of a deal.

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The 10-49 warzones are far and away the best pvp I've experienced in any game but it's all ruined when you hit 50 and have to get facerolled while grinding enough comms to get that expertise up. Would it not be a better experience if the pvp gear had the same stats as pve gear and we junked expertise?



this is a grinding oriented game, yes IT IS SAD, but u have to adapt

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really? a level 40 vs a level 25 is not balanced. And a lvl 25 in purples vs a 30 in greens is no where near balanced.


If you are a pvper, when you hit 50, you should be able to buy 5 pieces of BM right off the bat. Then it only takes a week to get the rest of the set. Not that big of a deal.


Umm, if your gear is up to date there should mostly be no problems, depending a bit on your class of course. Some classes are not good until certain point (because of the skills they get) and some kick *** even before 20. The systems however seems fine to me. I'm waiting on that answer on how bolster works though.

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On my guardians it took me 4 days to get to full BM (with some war hero implants). If you think this game is a grind, then MMO's aren't for you.


so the 4 days you described are not a grind? good, it took me 2 days to equip a full AC, but i are still 2 days. Nobody is talking about the time in this thread , is about EXPERTISE and how u dont have a choice to GRINF it if u wanna be performing decently in PVP

Son u aint not even close to tell anyone what is suitable or not, what is a grind or not or what is the difference between a pony and a whale

READ before answering

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so the 4 days you described are not a grind? good, it took me 2 days to equip a full AC, but i are still 2 days. Nobody is talking about the time in this thread , is about EXPERTISE and how u dont have a choice to GRINF it if u wanna be performing decently in PVP

Son u aint not even close to tell anyone what is suitable or not, what is a grind or not or what is the difference between a pony and a whale

READ before answering


Yea 4 day "grinds" are such a bad idea, why not just give us fully geared level 50 characters of each class as soon as we log-in. That way we arent "forced" to grind out levels too?

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Yea 4 day "grinds" are such a bad idea, why not just give us fully geared level 50 characters of each class as soon as we log-in. That way we arent "forced" to grind out levels too?


is not a thread about itme it is about expertise

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is not a thread about itme it is about expertise

READ before posting


I'll say it again: expertise != gear disparity.


There are numerous thread that explain why expertise is in the game (separation of pvp/pve). Understanding it's existence is the first step in acceptance. If it did not exist people would still roflcopter you in campaign gear because (say it with me):


expertise != gear disparity

Edited by Orangerascal
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10-49 is way less balanced than 50 pvp, the gear gaps you can create if you know how the bolster system works are HUGE. Classes are way more imbalanced as well since some classes get the important abilities WAY LATER than others.


Expertise is your FRIEND, buy recruit gear or get it for free on Tatooine while leveling. If you think the gap between recruit gear and war hero gear is to big you are right, but it is WAY BETTER for NEW players this way than going into 50 pvp against a players in high end raid gear with blues which would happen if there was no expertise.




This. I've kept the alt I'm leveling equipped with augmented oranges with the best mods for his level by using the cash income and crafting from my main. It's almost unfair how unbalanced that makes it. Chars without the advantage of the huge income stream of having a 50 main could not possibly bear the expense that I've gone to doing that for my alt.


That's not to say that the system should be changed, i actually consider it a perk of having leveled another char to 50. I'm just saying that to say there's no gear imbalance in <50 PVP is naive.

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10-49 warzones aren't balanced due to the fact that certain classes bolster more significantly than others (when my sniper was level 10, for example, for the ONE match I played at that level had over 400k total damage and a highest hit of 6671 from an ambush crit) and some classes perform at significant disadvantages compared to others due to when abilities and talents that have significant impact on their performance (be it survivability, damage, better heals, etc) become trainable compared to other classes.


Also, if you happen to pimp out a character's gear with purples crafted by a main, you tend to have a significant advantage over players (of the same class/spec at the same level) that might be using blues and/or greens. Gear may not have as significant of an impact on 10-49 warzone pvp compared to someone wearing recruit gear as a 50 and facing off against people in full war hero, but it certainly does make SOME difference.

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The 10-49 warzones are far and away the best pvp I've experienced in any game but it's all ruined when you hit 50 and have to get facerolled while grinding enough comms to get that expertise up. Would it not be a better experience if the pvp gear had the same stats as pve gear and we junked expertise?


Expertise isn't the problem. The problem is that there's a warzone commendation cap and you can't just buy BM pieces and stash them in the bank until you hit 50. Therefore, you have no choice other than to get stomped repeatedly instead of being able to use the comms that you earned.

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Expertise isn't the problem. The problem is that there's a warzone commendation cap and you can't just buy BM pieces and stash them in the bank until you hit 50. Therefore, you have no choice other than to get stomped repeatedly instead of being able to use the comms that you earned.


Certain classes can obtain medals much more easily than others, yes (dps classes with taunts and/or the ability to guard, and dps sorcerers/sage, merc/commando, and op/scound due to the fact that they can also get healing medals). But anyone who pvp's regularly knows to have 3500 RWZ comms and 2000 WZ comms and a LARGE QUANTITY of wz expertise adrenals/medpacs stashed before they hit 50 - which you REALLY need to do if you happen to play as a heal-spec, marauder/sentinel, or sniper/gunslinger (since they are least likely to get anywhere near 8 medals in recruit gear when their team is getting rolled and the fact that expertise has such a significant impact on their functionality).

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The 10-40 bracket has a very minor level/ class balance issue whereas the level 50 bracket has a very severe gear balance issue. One alternative would be to disallow 50s from queueing in regular warzones once they reach a certain amount of expertise.
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The 10-40 bracket has a very minor level/ class balance issue whereas the level 50 bracket has a very severe gear balance issue. One alternative would be to disallow 50s from queueing in regular warzones once they reach a certain amount of expertise.


If you were in a decent guild they'd tell you to save Wz comms from 40-49, buy boots, gloves, implants, ear and main hand then grind up the offhand and legs on the first day by reversing your weekly's ranked warzone comms. That leaves relics, wrists and chest, which is what I did and had the entire set in literally 2 days.

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The 10-40 bracket has a very minor level/ class balance issue whereas the level 50 bracket has a very severe gear balance issue. One alternative would be to disallow 50s from queueing in regular warzones once they reach a certain amount of expertise.


Not the case. I equipped myself in all bis purple gear every 2-4 levels throughout 10-49 i sat @ ~15.5k health for almost all of it. Bolster made me hit like a max geared 49 right from 10. Wiping out entire groups in seconds was normal. It wasnt balanced even slightly.


Bolster takes your overall gear and amplifies it up or down depending on how well you are geared for your current level.


Level 45 in quest gear from level 35-40 blue/green is a road bump to a level 25 in 23-25 purples.

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