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Serious overloading of servers


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transition and change will create spikes,and abnormalality.

This process isnt done yet, a bomb went off things will settle, theres alot of excitement going on with people enjoying populated servers.......people freak out and lose their minds if things arent perfect for them.

Just ride the transition storm out,takes some patience and maturity, but if you have neither, go ahead and rant i guess.

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queues go away, im sure theres extra people on tonight simply because of the xfers. i dont see any queues up that are more than 10 minutes atm.


Yes, they do. How many really want to wait around for 15 or 20 mins to play? I am not one of them.


I have to agree with an earlier poster, the queue times are ridiculous. I for one do not want to pay to wait, looking at server selection option, for 20 minutes before I can continue to play. I pay to play.


Yes, the Servers are ridiculously overloaded.


I also have to ask, is Bioware so dumb, so dense that they can not see that their servers are overloaded, with people in queue to play? So dense and dumb that they can not comprehend the fact that maybe servers "might" get overloaded?


And those queue estimates, ridiculous as well. There are, clearly, no basis for these estimates on queue time. If there were, then there would not be a queue time, period.


I am beginning to wonder, however, if Origin just decided to pull the rug out from under Bioware where the servers are concerned.


Doesn't change anything, as I am still, apparently, paying to wait in queue now, not to play the game.

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Yes, they do. How many really want to wait around for 15 or 20 mins to play? I am not one of them.


I have to agree with an earlier poster, the queue times are ridiculous. I for one do not want to pay to wait, looking at server selection option, for 20 minutes before I can continue to play. I pay to play.


Yes, the Servers are ridiculously overloaded.


I also have to ask, is Bioware so dumb, so dense that they can not see that their servers are overloaded, with people in queue to play? So dense and dumb that they can not comprehend the fact that maybe servers "might" get overloaded?


And those queue estimates, ridiculous as well. There are, clearly, no basis for these estimates on queue time. If there were, then there would not be a queue time, period.


I am beginning to wonder, however, if Origin just decided to pull the rug out from under Bioware where the servers are concerned.


Doesn't change anything, as I am still, apparently, paying to wait in queue now, not to play the game.


The cynical side of me says they did this on purpose. Overload the servers, give it a few weeks or maybe even a month for people to get sick of it and then the big announcement: "We are excited to announce the new Paid Character Transfer service is now available! You can transfer any character on your account to any server you wish for a nominal fee!"


Then they get to rake in extra cash to fix the problem they created in the first place. And if you think this surge of people is bad just wait. This is only from people trying out the transfers; what happens to the pops when a major content patch hits live? What happens to the pops when the expansions hit?


It has to be all set up for Paid Transfers. It has to be. No sane human being would look at a server already pulling triple digits on the fleet and decide it'd be sweet to quintuple the population. No one at any kind of professional level could honestly think loading a server up until the login queues return could possibly be good for the game. Surely not.

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yes but with the LFG tool, people wont be keeping their characters on the fleet, all huddled around the pvp terminal or gtn or bank.

thus the lag will shoo and you will have lots of people to play with and not much lag.


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Today's patchnotes.


In order to improve overall performance, the maximum number of simultaneous players on the Imperial and Republic Fleets has been decreased.



How about:

The maximum number of simultaneous players on the Imperial and Republic Fleets has been increased due to significant performance improvements of Hero Engine and server technology.


This means they lowered the cap for a shard on fleet. So the game makes a new fleet at say 150 instead of 250. Something like that.


Some people are constantly searching for stuff to complain about.


As for the queue times, some of you act as if you come home and do nothing before jumping on the computer. Common sense is seriously lacking. Log in before you go to shower or doing your clean up duties. By the time you're done you're prob waiting at the character select screen.


Before the transfer players were rerolling NEW characters and stuffing em ALL on a few servers. That shows a trend. Only 1 week has passed and you all are crying "End of the world!" please. But the funniest of them all is the guy stating that people will leave when they realize that there's no new content. So why is he still here after 6 months?

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Basically all they need to do now is release 1.3 and the game will really take off - just hope they have ironed those bugs out with rated WZs and the LFG tool because 10 days a go both were a mess on the PTR. Once that's done - happy days!
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Gods frakkin' damn it. Damned if you're on a ghost server damned if you're on a full server. Always something to complain about here eh?


Alot of these servers werent ghost servers before the so called free xfers. They became ghost servers after the xfers. Like I have said before Just give the option for all those still on the dead servers xfer to another server other then the one given the choice to xfer too. For god sake pick another one be sides harbingers for the rest of the 10 already shoved onto it. They constantly send out the message free xfers available in game. how about a new message in game stating " new server avaiable for the remander of the population so we can close this server" that way those of us left can combine onto a low pop server makin it a standard pop ect solving a great many issues. Alot of those left are happy to move to abother server then the current origins we just dont want to move to one that is already busting at the seams.

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Hate to be that guy... you know, the guy that says, no problems here. But seriously.... I am amused and baffled by this thread and the continuing QQ especially on this topic.


Not to rehash everything, but server transfers were needed. A given.


Moving to a populated server will mean things most notably performance will be different. Given. If you thought otherwise, you don't understand networks or multiplayer gaming in general.


Servers over overloaded? Hilarious! There are more people on the fleet so occasionally you will get lag. So what? Did you really not expect that with a bigger pop on the fleet? Hec, I bet you experienced that on your "old" server. And you have to wait in ques for a few minutes... or for an item to respawn... lol! Of course you do... Why? Because there are more people. Not everything can be instantaneous. If you want instantaneous you will have to go back to single player game.


And in a few weeks, all the QQ'ers looking for a reason to leave will be gone, subs will have run out. In addition, those who are dropping by to check things with no real interest will be gone. The occasional gamer will go back to being occasional. And... the boards will find other more creative things to whine about. Probably something about declining pops and servers bordering near "death" as demonstrated by the fact that you don't have to wait for anything and there is very little lag.

Edited by Rafaman
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Congratulations! You are that guy! That guy who didn't read the thread and missed the whole point about why folks are upset.......The folks that transferred AREN'T the ones complaining. It's the folks that were already on a HEALTHY server that, by no choice of their own, got slammed with overloaded servers. Edited by Samoth_Nomad
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Congratulations! You are that guy! That guy who didn't read the thread and missed the whole point about why folks are upset.......The folks that transferred AREN'T the ones complaining. It's the folks that were already on a HEALTHY server that, by no choice of their own, got slammed with overloaded servers.


No... I got that but I chose to ignore it because, there weren't any healthy servers left. I know, it may have seemed that way to you but there really weren't. The evidence is quite simply that people transferred off of your "healthy" server. So... yea, I didn't think I had to address that. But there you go.


So... I think, you know what you have to do now right? I mean if your server is truly dead now... I would look at my previous comments as you transfer to an overloaded server.

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No... I got that but I chose to ignore it because, there weren't any healthy servers left. I know, it may have seemed that way to you but there really weren't. The evidence is quite simply that people transferred off of your "healthy" server. So... yea, I didn't think I had to address that. But there you go.


So... I think, you know what you have to do now right? I mean if your server is truly dead now... I would look at my previous comments as you transfer to an overloaded server.


Hey Einstien what he is sayin as he is one of the ones that have originaly been on one the the destinations servers.. IE harbinger or what not and that it was healthy before and now it overpopulated meaning the mass transfers ONTO his server has screwed the pooch. Seems like it needs spelled out for you. Cause yes you are missing the point and what you say you chose to ignore was not his point.

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It's funny how some people ignore the trend that was obvious pre transfers. There was ONE unofficial East Coast, West Coast & Euro re-roll server. The amount of people that flooded to Fatman was staggering. You didn't hear players who were originally on Fatman complaining that practically every night there was a 30min queue. Hell even with the queue more people were re-rolling there. Why? Because the majority of players want to play with other players. To experience the content.


So Harbinger got some more people. A lot more people. You'll live. Hell the queues are not even that bad. ~psst~ I'll give you a secret if fleet is lagging for you. Open your map and select the OTHER shard of fleet and go there. You'll see like 30 people on fleet and have less lag.


I've noticed my own trend. People want to justify why some friend of theirs are no longer playing and decides to complain about everything. Even conflicting problems just to validate their belief of a dying game.

  • Servers are too dead. WHAA!
  • Servers are overcrowded. WHAA!
  • I can't transfer somewhere else. WHAA!
  • We want it now. WHAA!
  • You rushed implementing it. WHAA!

Cut the crap out already.

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It's funny how some people ignore the trend that was obvious pre transfers. There was ONE unofficial East Coast, West Coast & Euro re-roll server. The amount of people that flooded to Fatman was staggering. You didn't hear players who were originally on Fatman complaining that practically every night there was a 30min queue. Hell even with the queue more people were re-rolling there. Why? Because the majority of players want to play with other players. To experience the content.


So Harbinger got some more people. A lot more people. You'll live. Hell the queues are not even that bad. ~psst~ I'll give you a secret if fleet is lagging for you. Open your map and select the OTHER shard of fleet and go there. You'll see like 30 people on fleet and have less lag.


I've noticed my own trend. People want to justify why some friend of theirs are no longer playing and decides to complain about everything. Even conflicting problems just to validate their belief of a dying game.

  • Servers are too dead. WHAA!
  • Servers are overcrowded. WHAA!
  • I can't transfer somewhere else. WHAA!
  • We want it now. WHAA!
  • You rushed implementing it. WHAA!

Cut the crap out already.


Absolutely Correct!

It is amazing to me that the OP who'm was most likely crying about under-population, like everyone else has the F'n nerve to complain about over-population. I wish I could say "unbelievable" but that wouldn't even convey my disgust. The throw-up taste in my mouth is a horrible gift from those people here that are now mad about server queue's..wow. I'm not 100% on board with the state of the game either but you actually complain about something they fixed for the general good of the entire community. Go troll elsewhere..

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Absolutely Correct!

It is amazing to me that the OP who'm was most likely crying about under-population, like everyone else has the F'n nerve to complain about over-population. I wish I could say "unbelievable" but that wouldn't even convey my disgust. The throw-up taste in my mouth is a horrible gift from those people here that are now mad about server queue's..wow. I'm not 100% on board with the state of the game either but you actually complain about something they fixed for the general good of the entire community. Go troll elsewhere..


Over population, severe lag and log in wait times to boot....What exactly was fixed for the general good of the community? BW said they wanted to balance out the servers. Instead they have tried to herd us all onto a small handful of servers. No thanks.


They need to open up a new batch of transfers and let some people go back to their previous one, or go to a new destination server, or again, let people pick where they want to go which is what should have been done from the start.

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1) you are making a huge mistake not transferring

2) sorry you can't plan your life out 30 minutes in advance, sounds pretty crippling


How exactly am I making a mistake? There are plenty of people left on my server for FP's or OP's or PVP. Why should I go with the transfer fad to have all that and lag and a log in time when my current server has everything I need? I did even check out the destination server I was selected for, and the first thing I saw when I got to the fleet was some rude person telling everyone to go back. That's not the kind of atmosphere I want to play in.


And thanks for the comment about my life :jawa_smile: I'm fairly busy and when I do get time to sit down and play, I want to play now. Not later.

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I think a second gen intel process can handle the game easily wirh a 1.5 gig nVidia graphics card. We have had issues with lag, eveyone having lag at the same time. Everyone on the server spiked at the same time, at least in our guild. Not to mention my computer which is a higher end gaming laptop but there are others with medium specs that Bioware says will run this game and think of what they are experiencing. I'm not saying transfers shouldn't have happened, I'm saying the Bioware didn't think it out carefully. Red meat is bad for you.


ahh I have a quad core and a old 1 gig vid card i turn all my shaddows off and graphics to low I actualy prefere the look I am on the harbanger and with 300 people i dont have a problem. Game lag is not always a computer of graphic card issue alot of times it is bandwidth (the more player data transmited the more lag).

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Totaly agree my guild just transfered from Kaiburr and we all love it 2 players have had to waite in que so far 1 for 5 min the other for 20. We were waiting for that person so we could run a op but we ran 2 level 50 WZ's till every one got here. "I just think some peeps are not happy unlse they are complaining(like my x-wife).:)"
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From what I have seen on Jedi, most people seem to be logging on just to see how full it is. You are seeing lots of toons just standing around and spamming chat. Once everyone starts going back to actually playing the game (dailies, leveling alts, etc) fleet will not be such a mess. As for the queue's they too will go away once everyone goes back to a normal routine of playing, people only stand around and look at a building when it is on fire, once it is over they goes back to their regular lives. The big plus to all of this is that all of those who are still playing the game are those who really enjoy it, think of it as a concentration of those with a passion for the game, it can only lead to a more energized community.


lol love that More whiner need to quit and have there forum access removed

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sorry you can't plan your life out 30 minutes in advance, sounds pretty crippling

So true. If you past 2 days when you're ready to play there's a queue then log in before you go shower or wash up the dishes. That's your queue time right there. and when you're done the game is waiting for you.

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I would rather have to queue then be walking round the infamous ghost fleet. Give it time


Yes, yes yes... but why do we have to choose?


Why not just give us decently populated but not overpopulated servers?


In Europe, they folded 20 PvE Servers into 2 ! Couldn't they have used 3 or 4?

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Yall don't realize that this same thing happened when the game was launched? Just deal with this for a week or two, and the hype will be over. The ques will be gone, we will still be on a very nicely populated server, and we won't have to deal with months of dead servers since all you little whiners can't wait 10 minutes to log on your character for a couple weeks.


If they start spreading the servers out right now, its just gonna have the same issue as before, have PATIENCE!!!!!!

10 minutes of ur life isn't that much... I'm sure you can go do something productive for the time as you wait.


Patience is the way of the jedi anger leads to you burning in lava and your son killing you!

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