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Serious overloading of servers


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BW should have payed attention to what SOE did with their server transfers on SWG! To begin with both companies made too many servers. To cut back on servers SOE had a selected amount of servers for East and West coasts to choose from. Instead BW guided everyone into too few severs causing queue times from 10 to 20 minutes. by the time the queue is up I bet a majority disconnected from the game and some might even discontinue their subscription. Think I'll stay on an empty server till more servers are available to transfer to.
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I assure this problem is only for the moment, everyone is trying to get his chart transfer and all and im sure bioware think about this situation and trying to fix it but you cant blame the people who are piss off about this ( wating 10-15 min to log) lets put a example if you turn on you tv or you internet and you dont have any sign what you do, you call you provider and demand to fix the problem ASAP you know why, cuz you pay for it, same here we pay for playing, we are not getting this for free, so we as costumer have rights and everyone have the right to enter in the game at anytime we want, if iwant to enter the game and look the walls is my problem already pay for this so no argue with that, so instead of tell people to suck it up people have to think before speak .:)
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From what I can tell, the servers' ability for increased population has either not happened, or not happened to the degree it needs to.


The Harbinger tonight had 400+ people on fleet on two instances, 150+ people on Coruscant and30-50 people on several other planets.


Now realistically this number needs to be increased 10 fold in order to make server only LFG systems work and the game overall to generally feel alive in all areas.


No joke, a game like WoW will seriously handle 4000+ plus at peak times and still churn on without missing a beat. Granted it's only been this way since Cata, but it has always been much better.


The inability for these servers to handle a decent amount of people (and make the game feel alive in all zones) is one of the primary factors (and has been from week one) that led to many leaving the game and creating dead servers (on already low cap servers) to begin with.

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So server transfers because some servers were dead was a good idea. I think that it was a step in the right direction.. But they way you have gone about this is illogical. You took almost 9 servers now and crammed them onto the Harbinger, which was already one of the most populated servers. So the server got a little laggy.


When I wrote a ticket about this lag, which is not only affecting me but 88 other people in my guild are getting the lag spikes as well, I was told to check my connection. I wrote a 2nd ticket explaining the GMs that it was not my connection. I used to be on Gauntlet of Kressh Server and I never had a single lag spike, NOT ONE. When i told the GMs that I wasnt the only one suffering from the lag problem i was promptly told that my ISP was to blame. How is that possible? I know I don't have the same ISP as the 88 other guildies with me, so how is my ISP the problem? This isn't graphical lag either, I hand built my computer to run pretty much any game on max settings. (i7 2600K overclocked to 4.9ghz/ NVIDIA GTX 560 TI overclocked to 950mhz/ and 16gbs of DDR3 Gskill RAM). I've been at this MMO thing for 7 years. I know the difference between ISP lag and Server Connection Lag. So what is the problem, the answer is very, very simple: your servers do not have the hardware required for load of this magnitude. Wither you want to admit it or not we all know that's the case.


Now it was OK before today. It was annoying with the random lag spikes, but playable. Fighting for mobs for dailies was already a struggle. Now as of today you have decided to transfer 3 more servers to the Harbinger... What were you thinking? I've been trying to complete my dallies for the past 3 hours. There's so many people fighting for mobs and quest pick ups quests that would have taken me 5min to complete now take upwards of 20min.


Now on The Harbinger there's far too many people. I had a 25 min wait to get on the server today along with about 300 other people in the queue. How can you possibly think that all these transfers to one server (not just one server but the most populated server) is a good idea. there has been over 300-400 people on fleet at peak hours with 2 instances of fleet running. There's so much lag server wide and its not my connection because i know that me and 7 other people in my ops groups are running on different connections and we all have the same 2-3 sec lag spikes that pop up every 30sec to a min. Already this makes it more challenging to complete operations with the lag. How do you guys think transferring even more people to full server that is completely overpopulated and struggling to keep up with the mass amounts of people a good idea? Your servers clearly can't handle the stress load of 600+ people online at a time (AND THIS IS JUST THE REPUBLIC SIDE NOT TO MENTION IMPERIALS) and random server-wide lag spikes prove that. Your trying to cram too many people onto one server and its not working. Now your going to have to do one of 2 things:



its clear that the current hardware on the servers cannot handle all these people. There's so much lag in WZs, Flashpoints, Operations, and the lag on fleet is almost unbearable.



We would be completely fine with less than 1/2 the amount of people on this server right now. And by this i mean wed have a completely active server where everyone would be able to find groups, have WZs all night long and have.


Spread the people out for god sake this is ridiculous. There's no need for 600+ people on a single side (faction) of a server. I pay 15 bucks every month for this game along with thousands of other people. How is fair that we have to wait 25min to get on a game where were paying for the time. I garuntee if this keeps up you wont only loose me as a customer youll loose hundreds. To clarify is NOT a threat its just a simple truth. You cant expect everyone to keep playing an MMO where the lag is horrific and the wait to get onto the game isnt worth it.


Bioware, figure your stuff out please. I love this game and its my favorite MMO I've played so far and I don't want to be forced into quiting.


The only rational I can come up with for why you would do something like this is because you want us to be unhappy so when paid server transfers come out we have to pay to switch. Well let me make something explicitly clear, if this is the case and this is the way you are choosing to run your business I'm done already. Thats immoral, illogical, and just plain wrong.

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I cant believe the complaining I now see about Queues and population.

Alot of people have not had the ability to find groups due to lack of server population,Unable to do flashpoints or heroics due to lack of population.(i'm not one of them and no i did not transfer)


Fleet population has tripled since transfers on my server,its sometimes FULL and sometimes theres a Queue.

Bottom line is BIG DEAL,theres alot of people who have not even been able to play all the content and waited a long time to transfer.

They've waited long enough to feel like they are in an mmo while alot of others have been playing an mmo.

In comparison a few queues is nothing compared to those who have been stuck on dead servers.

I just think it is ridiculous and selfish to complain....especialy if you didnt transfer and youve had a healthy population on your server thats allowed you to easily access all the content.

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From what I can tell, the servers' ability for increased population has either not happened, or not happened to the degree it needs to.


The Harbinger tonight had 400+ people on fleet on two instances, 150+ people on Coruscant and30-50 people on several other planets.


Now realistically this number needs to be increased 10 fold in order to make server only LFG systems work and the game overall to generally feel alive in all areas.


No joke, a game like WoW will seriously handle 4000+ plus at peak times and still churn on without missing a beat. Granted it's only been this way since Cata, but it has always been much better.


The inability for these servers to handle a decent amount of people (and make the game feel alive in all zones) is one of the primary factors (and has been from week one) that led to many leaving the game and creating dead servers (on already low cap servers) to begin with.


Yeah, but the problem is where are all those other people going to come from? The majority of the subscriber base are already consolidated on those few servers....they need to do something to bring more subscribers in or possibly even incentives for returning customers(not quite as drastic as wows free 80 program but something!).

Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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Today's patchnotes.


In order to improve overall performance, the maximum number of simultaneous players on the Imperial and Republic Fleets has been decreased.



How about:

The maximum number of simultaneous players on the Imperial and Republic Fleets has been increased due to significant performance improvements of Hero Engine and server technology.

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Today's patchnotes.


In order to improve overall performance, the maximum number of simultaneous players on the Imperial and Republic Fleets has been decreased.



How about:

The maximum number of simultaneous players on the Imperial and Republic Fleets has been increased due to significant performance improvements of Hero Engine and server technology.


Hmm, seems an implicit admission of something not right.


Wonder what changed from the launch Fleet numbers/instances and now ? IIRC c300 was the maximum fleet number back then.

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I cant believe the complaining I now see about Queues and population.

Alot of people have not had the ability to find groups due to lack of server population,Unable to do flashpoints or heroics due to lack of population.(i'm not one of them and no i did not transfer)


If there's one thing I've learned from reading these forums, people will QQ no matter what.


"We want transfers!"

"Why do other servers get to transfer before me?!"

"Why can't I choose which server I can go to?!"

"Why can't I transfer my 16 toons from 4 diff servers onto 1 server?!"

"There's too many people now!"

"I'm canceling my sub!!!"




I do agree that my new server is too full for my liking, but I'll get used to it. It's worth the 5min PVP que's, thriving GTN, and tons of ppl looking to group up for Flashes, Ops, and HM's.

Edited by jensda
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So I'm in a situation where the server I have rolled on since December is now SO full that I'm unable to log in. I'm all for populated servers but this seems to be a large oversight on the part of BW ... do they not have the ability to count players and estimate how capable a server is to handle a specific number of players? I'm sure they do ... so why would they open a server for transfers BEYOND it's capacity? I'm pretty upset about it. What is the rational in increasing a server population by orders of magnitude and preventing people from playing their established characters?


Unable to log in ye right ... sounds like you are lying. The most I've seen is a que of a few minutes and this is on the server that is top of the list at prime time. Seems like more then a few people on these boards with an agenda. Not exactly rocket science to get a sub and talk crap on forums ....


Capacity is fine.

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They really didn't.


They added to it a bit, certainly, but caused it? Nope.


Personally I was sitting in 3-6 hours queues for the first 4-5 weeks, not 10 mins queues as well.


You do realize that these type complaints are what caused this issue in the first place, right?


"Bioware, I don't wanna wait 10 minutes to play!! Open up moer servers NOW NOW NOW!!"


They really didn't.


They added to it a bit, certainly, but caused it? Nope.


Personally I was sitting in 3-6 hours queues for the first 4-5 weeks, not 10 mins queues as well.


Exactly! I originally rolled on Rubats Crystal and that at release (not pre release) was anywhere from 1-3 hours estimated time (normally it was only 20 minutes real time) and with in a month the server was light load and empty.


I switched to Krath 2 months in because it was Heavy load and well, we all just transfered to The Harbringer because we were in zones with 2-4 other people!


The servers were made to handle the load at the time.

The game failled to keep its player base!

How anyone blames that on the players is beyond me.

If the game was what they expected and enjoyable they stay

if not they leave and we end up with empty servers


This idea to many server were made at the start is simply nothing more then remodeling history to support false concepts.


There were that many servers because there was a need for them

If the game delivered, most of those servers not empty now


And personally speaking, I find these full servers to be a mixed bag


On the up side

-I can usually find a group in short order when required


On the down side,

-doing dailies is freaking painful and annoying with 56 people in Black Hole and 40 on Ilum all trying for the same 4 turrets or 15 kills at once

- lag is signifigantly grown

- and despite the numbers, there is still no active community. Only people that talk on general just want to complain about something (usually complaining about someone complaining. 1 person says they have lag and 5 feel the need to talk down to him for next 15 minutes)

- Is a log in queue at prime times which in this day and age really shouldnt exist in MMORPGs. To many options to get around servers having queues


I did read a suggestion that EA lower the map instance numbers so you dont have as many people in each map and im thinking that might be a good idea. Should lower any lag and also stop the insane competition for a kill on the dailies areas.

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Unable to log in ye right ... sounds like you are lying. The most I've seen is a que of a few minutes and this is on the server that is top of the list at prime time. Seems like more then a few people on these boards with an agenda. Not exactly rocket science to get a sub and talk crap on forums ....


Capacity is fine.


TOFN has had over 40 min queues at PT in the last couple of days, this will likely drop off, but people aren't making the queues up.

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Only problem im having with these "overloaded" servers is the lag. Not video lag on my part but its obviously the server. Everything I do in fleet takes 5 seconds to respond. Even on planets like Belsavis I get noticeable lag about 1 second delay though it comes and goes.


Its nuts but somehow Im still happy knowing its because of all the people in the server. Hopefully they worked on it with todays maintenance.


Also, the only queue Ive seen so far is on one server (Bastion, I believe) and even then Ive yet to see it go over "< 5 minutes."

Edited by MasterKayote
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3 hour queues sound ridiculous. I had to wait 15 minutes on a queue. I skimmed the other queues and they were less than my server Prophecy of the Five. Stop lying. Queues are good and they will be removed once they bump up the server capacity. Edited by spectreclees
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First, one thing on community, people already complain the transfers didn't create one. Well, of course, transfers started less than a week, with new people everyday.

Community aren't created the instant you put 10 people together in a room, it takes time, activities and shared interests.


As for the load on the servers, I don't mind that much the queue, don't think it will stay that way for long.


I found the problem with the /who and the GTN a lot more annoying.



It's not that easy to estimate, they have numbers from before the transfers, applied some corrections and get new values. The thing is there's no way to have the right correction, there's too many variables.

Also we don't know what other plan they may have, maybe they were expecting a performance fix that took more time, maybe there's hardware improvments incoming...


Transfers aren't finished yet and started a week ago only, give some constructive feedback on the performance problems you get, give them some time to do something and only then, complain.

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Currently we are whats left of N. Corridor that you guys have effectively killed off. yes we were low pop. You gave us the option with about 10 or more server to transfer to a server that already had a large population. Maybe you should sit at fleet sometime. They people who started there are not happy. Many who did go there are not happy. Some of us made low lvl ques in order to set up our guild there PRIOR to transfer what we found were some of our memebers lagged crashed or failed to fully load fleet with over 300 people on fleet. We also found a que just to get into the game. Sorry but many of us left Wow due to overpopulated servers long ques and the like. The only reason there should be a que to get onto a server should be after a large patch of new content that excites and stimulates gamep[lay or and expantion. Ques are expected in those situations. Log in ques should not be an issue during primetime much less just every weeknight. I am sure many on the other servers that you killed feel the same way. Those of us left DO NOT want to be on harbinger or any other already OVERPOPULATED SERVER. Many of us left have consolidated into a few active guilds. We will be happy to combine with many of the other dead servers onto one that sits at a medium pop or whatnot during prime time. Just offer us another server to transfer to thats not already over populated. You will go alot further in goal keeping active accounts and players that way. People will just be as apt to quit playing and go back to wow D3 or something else if they are stuck in ques dealing with people stopping them from doing dailies or inflated inflations. I guess my main point is give us a server you plan to keep that we can tranfer our legacies too. This way its both benificial to both you and our gaming goals. Please respond at your earliest convieniance i know most on our server will be looking for it and I am sure others will as well. Thanks for your time and effort.


Morgans/ Livid

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Only problem im having with these "overloaded" servers is the lag. Not video lag on my part but its obviously the server. Everything I do in fleet takes 5 seconds to respond. Even on planets like Belsavis I get noticeable lag about 1 second delay though it comes and goes.


Its nuts but somehow Im still happy knowing its because of all the people in the server. Hopefully they worked on it with todays maintenance.


Also, the only queue Ive seen so far is on one server (Bastion, I believe) and even then Ive yet to see it go over "< 5 minutes."


yeah, I've sort of given up doing some of the Mario jumpy puzzles for Holocrons atm. I spent an hour trying to reach the cube in Justicar territory, but after lagging and falling for ever, I gave up. Mind you, this is a cube that I've gotten easily before several times.

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I think that's about the limit.


Up to 30 mins queues are a reasonable price to pay for a active server.


But anything over 30 mins regularly means that Bioware need to up the server cap (or they have over loaded the server).




Oh ... no no no ... 15mins. Then I agree. :)

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As for you people that think an overpopulated server is the best think since sliced bread you have no expieriance with with MMO's. It won't get better on the server except for 2 reasons.. 1. Enough people get tired of the overpopulation they quit the game so population goes down. Or they open up transfers off the server they forced people onto. Sorry but if you notice your overpopulated servers are still open for more inflow of free transfers. We are constantly getting bombarded by the Server message " free server transfers are open go now to get a free xfer" guess what its still to get onto the same over populated serer after a week and they added more to the list to free xfer to the already overpopulated servers. i dunno what genious thought over population was a good idea. Welcome to the poor house people. Not only will it take hours long to do your dailies but but you will deal with a very inflated GMK. As for the LFG system your so happy is comming. It would have worked the same on a overpop as a lower pop. If your guild is worth its salt you really dont need a LFG. All in all its amistake to send so many to already overpopulated servers unless BioWare is trying to deliberately drive more people to cancelling accounts. They started with way to many serves online instead of limiting servers online till pops got to a medium level then opening a new one.. they open a ton and pops got spread way to thin across the board. Bio would do best to fix the situation by putting many low pops together on and already low pop server

together they would have adecent pop instead of cramming all together.

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Sadly, though they try to fix things, they usually go from 8 to 80... They fixed population problem, yes... and created other problems! WZ experience is a lot worse now, with several times when we can see people teleporting or try to cast on a player in front of you and get the "can't see target" message...


Honestly, do you guys never think on the consequences ??? why do we always need to come here complain ? wasn't a bit obvious that EVERYONE was going to transfer ? or were you expecting the majority of players to remain on the ghost servers ? or didn't you expect that people who didn't log for a long time to return to get their character copied ? Or were you optimistic about your server capacities ? Something went wrong. AGAIN !

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Oh ... no no no ... 15mins. Then I agree. :)


an active server sholdnt be in que honestly. a que is a sign the server is over populated chief... its not even prime time or aweekend. imagine doin a hard mode or an op.. healer Dc's for what ever reson and you have to wait because he is in a 30 min que to come back. or longer.

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an active server sholdnt be in que honestly. a que is a sign the server is over populated chief... its not even prime time or aweekend. imagine doin a hard mode or an op.. healer Dc's for what ever reson and you have to wait because he is in a 30 min que to come back. or longer.


I was just stating my threashold of pain with regards to queues. I am not fond of queues at all. I think that this game has a priority system for dc's within a certain interval and you get bumped to the front of the queue (someone else chime in to verify).

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