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Serious overloading of servers


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From what I have seen on Jedi, most people seem to be logging on just to see how full it is. You are seeing lots of toons just standing around and spamming chat. Once everyone starts going back to actually playing the game (dailies, leveling alts, etc) fleet will not be such a mess. As for the queue's they too will go away once everyone goes back to a normal routine of playing, people only stand around and look at a building when it is on fire, once it is over they goes back to their regular lives. The big plus to all of this is that all of those who are still playing the game are those who really enjoy it, think of it as a concentration of those with a passion for the game, it can only lead to a more energized community.
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You do realize that these type complaints are what caused this issue in the first place, right?


"Bioware, I don't wanna wait 10 minutes to play!! Open up moer servers NOW NOW NOW!!"


Do you realize that comments like yours cause those problems too? constantly attacking these people who complain about things that arent important or that anyone with a bit lof logic knows will go away very soon just bumps the thread and makes it look like this is an actual issue.

Edited by Mallorik
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So I'm in a situation where the server I have rolled on since December is now SO full that I'm unable to log in. I'm all for populated servers but this seems to be a large oversight on the part of BW ... do they not have the ability to count players and estimate how capable a server is to handle a specific number of players? I'm sure they do ... so why would they open a server for transfers BEYOND it's capacity? I'm pretty upset about it. What is the rational in increasing a server population by orders of magnitude and preventing people from playing their established characters?


You must be new to MMORPG's. These type of online games are suppose to support more than what you see now, in fact there aren't enough players on the servers, it's just that the server is a piece of crap and cannot handle more people on them like other MMORPG's tend to have on each server so they lag to pieces. It could very well be your computer also if you are running a compuke or dell/smell slow turtle machine. :p

Edited by SWGVet
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I call shenanigans


The only way you were waiting 6 hours to get into a server a month into the game is if you forgot your password


I'm including early access time, and IIRC by that point (1 month+) it wasn't every day (there was still a 1-3 hour queue every day from mid afternoon - but no 6+ hour queue by then, just on sundays and such).


One of the reasons we stayed on a server with such queues was because it was likely to be a server which retained a decent population after they usual MMORPG release bludge, unfortunately from 1.2 it just plummented in population....... which was nothing to do with server pops.

Edited by Goretzu
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Yep. I call complete BS on this.


The absolute longest queue time I ever saw during peak times in EGA was about 1.5 hours. I very seriously doubt that ANY server ever saw a 3 hour queue, much less consistently for 4-5 weeks. 0/10. No realism.


It is hilarious though that 6 months in we're back at stage one with people crying about queues again. Problem solved apparently.


1.5 hours? :eek:


At one point I was getting someone to log into the queue for me at lunch-time just so I could play at 6pm.


What region servers only had a maximum of 1.5 hour queues in early access? :confused: It certainly wasn't EU.


The longest displayed queue I ever saw was 3 hour and 45 mins, however that seemed to be because the display capped out at that time, NOT that the queue time was actually that short.

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Um. What are you talking about. This solution is great. Create a few mega servers and KILL the population issue.


Their machines are more than capable of handling the load. YOUR gaming laptop is choking on the pop-in issues.


The sun is bad for you. News at 11.


Well I guess then that everyone I've heard from has crappy computers because we were all experiencing the same thing, even people with $4000 gaming rigs.


And I never stay in the sun and I can bet you're not on Ebon Hawk.

Edited by sevalaricgirl
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The Ques go away op it takes time etc. but ya last night I saw that bw had to put up another instance of the Imp Fleet on Canderous Ordo server and both instances were very close to 300 people! Which is awesome in my book. That means the lfg tool is gonna be queing up like crazy when it launches. :D
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The Ques go away op it takes time etc. but ya last night I saw that bw had to put up another instance of the Imp Fleet on Canderous Ordo server and both instances were very close to 300 people! Which is awesome in my book. That means the lfg tool is gonna be queing up like crazy when it launches. :D


This is what a friend and I were just discussing, they need more instances on fleet if they're going to be loaded.

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Im on TOFN server and since yesterday general chat has become spam fest, not only that, they started spaming pvp and trade chats as well to the point i had to turn them all off. Also, it really becomes tiring when you see "yay people" after 50th time or so. And what's with the guild recruiting adds? Sounds more like some dating service for loners and such.

"Hi! Are you alone and got no guild? You need people to socialize? if so, this is your lucky day! We are recruiting and offering you life time partners for you to enjoy! /W me for more info or go check out our forums at www.freeonlinedatingservice.com!!111!"



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If your that worried about a queue stay on your old server. It's the temporary price you pay for getting moved to a more populated server.




The weekend hasn't even hit and I'd guess that not all of the people from the 10:1 source servers have even transferred yet. It might be a transient matter during the week, but what is going to happen on the weekend?



Yes. I would go do something else. And its not even a good analogy. TOR is online, 24 hours a day. Your "favorite" show is on a schedule.


If you don't have enough free time in the day, maybe you shouldn't be playing an MMO. I play ice hockey, have a fiance and a job. When there is a queue, I get up and do SOMETHING ELSE for 20 minutes.


Your sub entitles you to nothing but game access, even if there is a queue.


TOR might be 24/7, relatively speaking, but the people you play with aren't and, outside of you, most people don't make use of it 24/7. As for the analogy, let's adjust it so it takes 10 minutes for your DVR to start playing your show and it starts 10 minutes in. You can be as obtuse as you want about it, but the fact that their poor decision making is cutting into people's time doesn't change. It must be nice to be so cavalier about crappy service. Yet you do feel the need to bring up your relationship with another person and your outside endeavors as if that makes your point somehow more valid. If the TV analogy isn't clear enough for you, imagine you show up at the rink, get your gear on and step out expecting to get on the ice at your scheduled time only to find out that the rink overbooked (which, you know, happens). You get on the ice 10 minutes late and they then demand that you get off at your normally scheduled time because public skate is up next and, unlike your game, they won't delay that. I'm guessing you'll chalk that up to "whatever" or some similar sentiment rather than ever admit you'd like to have access to what you paid for when you paid for it. And, btw, that ice is ice 24/7, so you could always work something out with them to go back at 2 in the morning to have your game if your fiance is okay with that, you can get the teams back together and it doesn't interfere with your job . . .


Remember, complaining about people complaining makes you a complainer, too. If you don't have anything to add other than, "go do something else," you aren't adding to the conversation.

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The weekend hasn't even hit and I'd guess that not all of the people from the 10:1 source servers have even transferred yet. It might be a transient matter during the week, but what is going to happen on the weekend?


I am expecting loooooong queue times this weekend. But, on the weekend I have more time to deal with it. Just get torgued off about queues during the week. Last night the queues weren't that bad but I agree that not all have transferred that are eligible.


TOR might be 24/7, relatively speaking, but the people you play with aren't and, outside of you, most people don't make use of it 24/7. As for the analogy, let's adjust it so it takes 10 minutes for your DVR to start playing your show and it starts 10 minutes in. You can be as obtuse as you want about it, but the fact that their poor decision making is cutting into people's time doesn't change. It must be nice to be so cavalier about crappy service. Yet you do feel the need to bring up your relationship with another person and your outside endeavors as if that makes your point somehow more valid. If the TV analogy isn't clear enough for you, imagine you show up at the rink, get your gear on and step out expecting to get on the ice at your scheduled time only to find out that the rink overbooked (which, you know, happens). You get on the ice 10 minutes late and they then demand that you get off at your normally scheduled time because public skate is up next and, unlike your game, they won't delay that. I'm guessing you'll chalk that up to "whatever" or some similar sentiment rather than ever admit you'd like to have access to what you paid for when you paid for it. And, btw, that ice is ice 24/7, so you could always work something out with them to go back at 2 in the morning to have your game if your fiance is okay with that, you can get the teams back together and it doesn't interfere with your job . . .


Remember, complaining about people complaining makes you a complainer, too. If you don't have anything to add other than, "go do something else," you aren't adding to the conversation.


^This ..... sooooo much this. QFE.

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There is always one.........:confused:


NEWS FLASH: in Beta they had Q's

They were worried at launch about people like you, so they made WAY to many servers.

Now they are fixing the issue and sure enough, you complain.

Do 6 push ups while waiting for your 2 min. Q it might do you some good.

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You only sit in the queue once, you can switch characters all you want.


Also a queue that says 10 minutes usually takes 2-3 minutes in reality.




I'd never complain about a queue unless the wait time was greater then 30 estimated minutes.

It's like wait times at resteraunts, they always overestimate.

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There is always one.........:confused:


NEWS FLASH: in Beta they had Q's

They were worried at launch about people like you, so they made WAY to many servers.

Now they are fixing the issue and sure enough, you complain.

Do 6 push ups while waiting for your 2 min. Q it might do you some good.


I'm not asking for much here you know ... creating a new problem that solves an old one isn't really a solution. I read alot of 'Oh your just QQing" posts. Is creating overpopulated servers a good solution to underpopulated ones? It's not and the worst part is that it's an avoidable problem. THIS is a problem BW created because they didn't really think of what happens when you pack 900 people into fleet. I find myself very hard pressed to think that BW really thought this merge through when they create a new problem by 'fixing' an old one.


I'm not complaining because the server is overpopulated. I'm complaining because it's overpopulated due to a lack of foresight. People saying just wait and problem will fix itself? This game is emerging from a period where people were suffering from no one to play with. Do you think the people that stuck that phase out are fickle? They aren't going anywhere. How long do you suggest us experiencing Q's wait for the problem to go away? It only goes away when the massive numbers of players that persisted through low populated servers leave. I don't anticipate that's going to be soon.

Edited by Obtena
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I'm not asking for much here you know ... creating a new problem that solves an old one isn't really a solution. I read alot of 'Oh your just QQing" posts. Is creating overpopulated servers a good solution to underpopulated ones? It's not and the worst part is that it's an avoidable problem. THIS is a problem BW created because they didn't really think of what happens when you pack 900 people into fleet. I find myself very hard pressed to think that BW really thought this merge through when they create a new problem by 'fixing' an old one.


You cant pack 900 people on a fleet at 300 it creates a new instance.



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You do realize that simply because you function with all of those things and don't see a problem with queue times it doesn't mean that there aren't people in the world that don't agree with you, yeah?


I personally don't care about his analogy or tv shows or whatever. The fact remains that people see queue times and decide they don't want to wait, so they get angry and come to the forums and whine at bioware, then bioware slaps their knee, panics, and floods us with servers.


Now we're back at stage one. People ************ about queue times again. Ice hockey, your fiance, and job really don't factor into that. Neither do tv shows. People don't like waiting when they don't think they should have to. If you want someone to blame point your finger at fast food and netflix, but really, it doesn't matter what you do when you see a queue, other people are going to do what they do. One of the things they do is cry. You should probably write that down for some reading material during upcoming queue times.


Downtime of ANY KIND (queues, server crash, waiting for a warzone pop for an hour, and so on) during peak time no less results in people visiting the forums to complain about a service that isn't being properly provided. It happens.


There are also people in the world who cry if they get a buick instead of a bmw from mommy and daddy on their 16th birthday. I would tell them the same thing: You should be thrilled to have a buick to drive(10 minutes queues) and not crying that you don't have a bmw(no queues at all).


Some people have a horribly perverted sense of entitlement. You don't encourage this by saying that people just disagree about what should cause emotional stress, you punch them in their spoiled mouth and tell them to #$%@ off.

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You cant pack 900 people on a fleet at 300 it creates a new instance.




NO kidding. That's why we have 3 instances of fleet on our server. Actually the real issue isn't the 900 people in 3 instances ... it's the 300 player in a single instance of fleet. It runs like crap and it's not a rig issue. Again, that's simply another example of the lack of thought put into these merges. This game doesn't actually NEED that many people on fleet to consider it healthy, yet BW is STILL making transfers to this server.


Next .....

Edited by Obtena
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If you can't wait in a short queue that will go away in a few days, there's the door.

Even if a small queue occurs at peak hours and you can't wait, then unsub.


Bioware is fixing the problem. I could care less if they create a smaller problem with a queue.

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Lag Fest?


I dont lag.....servers running fine for me.


Should we Devolve the game now so that your stone age computer can keep up? Its all about you isnt it.....


People who are getting "lag-fest" don't realize its NOT server lag.


Its their "gaming" laptops choking on pop-ins.

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