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So, How Many Names Did You Lose?


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Pick original names next time ;)


I would consider "Kaeus" to be quite original. I chose it because it's an alternate pronunciation (not just spelling) for the Roman praenomen "Caius" or "Gaius". That didn't stop someone else from thinking it up the same as me.

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I logged on Dec 13th at 4 am. There were 4 PVE west coast servers open. I reserved my name on all of them and started on my legacy on my chosen server (chosen by BIOware for my guild)


The server they transferred me to was not open right away on early access, so I had no opportunity to reserve my names there.


I lost 4 lvl 50 names, and my legacy name (most important).


They lost my subscription.


I did everything I possibly could outside of NOT playing the game during early access and sitting watching for new servers to open to reserve names on... yet the blame goes straight to the customer, because god forbid anyone could intelligently code multiple names on one server.


May seem like small potatoes to some, but why in ****s sake would I take a day off work, and log in at 4 AM on dec 13th if my names were not important to me??? what other benefit is early access???


So, in a game already teetering on the brink of disaster due to bad planning and execution, yet another bad choice has lost more customers.


I put in over a year in beta for free for them, prepaid for CE edition, jumped through every hoop offered, only to be forgotten completely and made to feel like a vagabond who no one even knows on a new server with new names, and no friends lists.


in the immortal words of Silky Johnson at the player haters ball:


"I hate you. I hate you. I don't even know you, and I hate your guts. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and nobody else but you. "


Who is Silky Johnson and why should we care?


I'm going to go log into my active server now, yay!

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I would consider "Kaeus" to be quite original. I chose it because it's an alternate pronunciation (not just spelling) for the Roman praenomen "Caius" or "Gaius". That didn't stop someone else from thinking it up the same as me.


I got all three of my names (Afto, Aftokratorikos, and Gillies - yes, Gillies I was shocked about), and my legacy (Erimosi), on The Fatman. Biggest server pop in the game.


In fact, I was shocked that my guild wasn't taken there, considering it's the name of the book about Darth Bane's origin.

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I'm extremely resistant to the idea of a transfer. As it stands if I do it I will, at the very least lose 5 of my character names, inlcuding my main. It's also highly likely (no way to check for sure) I will lose my Legacy name as well. I am very attached to my main's name and surname (as well as my other character names) and I fnd it very distressing to be forced to do this. And before you say "you aren't forced, you have a choice" I have a choice between transfering and losing my character's "identities", or staying and being on a dead server with nobody to go do heroics, FPs and Ops with, and thus not having any reason to keep playing.. Not really much of a choice. It's about as much choice as someone in a burning high rise having the choice of either jumping out the window to their death, or staying and burning alive. Both are unpleasant options. For those that don't care about names, this seems like no big deal, and you have a tendency to say "get over it" or "pick a new name, or add somme ASCII stuff" but there are a lot of people who actually do care about the characters they have developed over 7 months of game play, and this matters to us.
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Judging by what my destination sever is likely to be I will be losing:


Phoenix, Cole, Rocco, Allie, and even Nilus, my main :( so 5 out of the 6 I usually play. Ouch!


At least naming one of my characters after the current CIA Director was a good idea lol...

Edited by AelixVII
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Lost three (out of of the four I had on Lord Ardaas), but went with some creative apostrophe usage and double vowels on 'em, and I had my old names anyway . . . the biggest change was on my toon "Zara" that then became "Xa'ara" (Xara, Zara and Zaara were all taken).


I actually like the new "X" name a bit more (it feels a bit more Star War-sy) . . .and it's still pronounced the same. :)

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I lost my legacy name. I didn't do beta, test server, early release, and bust my butt to lose my legacy.


I have only transferred one character, but i am very very angry about losing my legacy. I don't think it's fair, and i don't see any valid reason to only allow one of the same legacy name on a server. Especially since it wasn't even my fault. My fleet had 2 people in it last night before i transferred. That's not my fault.


I am not excited to see how many of my alts lose their names as well.


This is the fatal flaw for most MMO's is that their username database are very limited, they keep repeating the same mistakes by having a unique name only policy. I honestly think this will cause a major rift with swtor especially after transfers, they need to come up with another solution rather than forcing us to change our names completely, this is unacceptable.


They should link the legacy system and chosen usernames to our accounts, that why we can pick any name we want.

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I lost one to myself, if that counts for anything? My Sage from Soresu was named the same thing as my Marauder on The Harbringer and I decided to keep both, so I renamed my sage the name of the low level sage I deleted to transfer her.


Overall not a big loss. And I didn't even lose my legacy, but then again, I don't know who else would have the same name. (I like Metroid.) ;)

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This is the fatal flaw for most MMO's is that their username database are very limited, they keep repeating the same mistakes by having a unique name only policy. I honestly think this will cause a major rift with swtor especially after transfers, they need to come up with another solution rather than forcing us to change our names completely, this is unacceptable.


They should link the legacy system and chosen usernames to our accounts, that why we can pick any name we want.

There would probably be just as many complaints eventually if they didn't have unique names. There are solutions like making the Name-Legacy what has to be unique, but then what about characters that don't have a legacy name yet, maybe a random number?


But then you'd need to "force" display of the legacy so people could uniquely identify friends/enemies.


Currently your choice is to insert a special character on one letter: For example: John, Jòhn, Jóhn, Jôhn, Jõhn, etc. Most people would simply see all of these as John, but each satisfies the uniqueness requirement. Inserting special characters is simple, just google typing special characters. In the example above the ò is typed by holding down the ALT key and typing: 0210


If you don't like special characters try alternate spellings. For now that is about all we have.

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I lost 2 names and my legacy. One of them being my mains name.


However, it took like 5 mins to get new names I liked and maybe another 5 for a new legacy name.


Now I'm on a server that has triple to quadruple the population and it's looking like a good start.

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I wonder if this merger, er i mean transfers :p Will cost them more subs then gain.


Seems like it.


And to the "you have a choice" crowd, So do people with a gun to their heads but we cut them slack don't we. And that is exactly what is happening here they are forcing people to transfer or quit the game or to pay monthly for a single player experience for a week or 2 before they actually force merge and shutdown the servers.


Shame on you bioware. Shame on you.

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There would probably be just as many complaints eventually if they didn't have unique names. There are solutions like making the Name-Legacy what has to be unique, but then what about characters that don't have a legacy name yet, maybe a random number?


But then you'd need to "force" display of the legacy so people could uniquely identify friends/enemies.


Currently your choice is to insert a special character on one letter: For example: John, Jòhn, Jóhn, Jôhn, Jõhn, etc. Most people would simply see all of these as John, but each satisfies the uniqueness requirement. Inserting special characters is simple, just google typing special characters. In the example above the ò is typed by holding down the ALT key and typing: 0210


If you don't like special characters try alternate spellings. For now that is about all we have.


I hate the coding in some names, I don't believe in using them, when I played Pirates of the burning sea, you could have any name or surname you wanted...there was just one catch, your name and surname were always connected to one another, there would be players with the same name, but if you were a John Smith, that other player could be a John Doe, or a Joe Smith, and really that's the approach bioware should of taken before introducing transfers.

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One my alt names was taking on my new server, no biggie.


I didn't.. I planned ahead.


Since none of the transfer destinations were posted ahead of time the only way you could have "planned ahead" was to reserved your name on every server...

Edited by iain_b
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My server isn't eligible for transfers yet, but if it follows the trend (all EU PvE servers go to Red Eclipse), I ll lose all 4 of my lvl 50 names and 2/3 of my lower alts. Can't test yet about my Legacy but if the name loss is to give me a hint, I ll probably lose it as well. I was shocked that I lost my main's name because I used it in WoW and according to armory there was only 1 more person with the same name and he was in US.


When I create a char, the most difficult thing to choose is the name. I found myself being logged out due to inactivity in character creation quite a few times (before they fix it in one recent patch), because I couldn't decide what name a char should have. Name for me defies everything : the looks, the class, the spec, the play style, the light or dark side... Now that (probably) my chars are to lose their original name, they feel alien to me. My trooper is justice incarnated to my eyes - he has a fitting name & he leveled accordingly. My IA is Agent Smith (smith is taken in all variations in red eclipse) - I m sure you can see why it's impossible to transfer him.


A char that loses its name is without purpose. It's far more easier for me to roll a new char, than to rename an existing one. But in rolling a new one, I ll lose a 33 lvl Legacy, 6 max level crafting skills and a million RE'd recipes on them - not going to happen. So, I ll stay in my server. And if the day comes that they ll force move me in a server that requires me to rename, I ll /quit instead.


It feels to me that while trying to get the MMO element back, we lost the RolePlayingGame part...

"What's in a name, Shakespeare? - EVERYTHING"


PS: I don't mind using special characters for my least favorite toons, but I won't do it for my mains - making difficult for others to /inv, /w or mail you, is like shooting yourself on the foot.

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