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So, How Many Names Did You Lose?


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It could very well be someone who just bought the game, an alt of an old-time player, someone who has a life and therefore not much time to play, etc. Isn't it a big arrogant to consider yourself more important than the other person, just because you're lvl 50 and they're lvl 16? (Or consider yourself more important than someone else, period, for that matter?)


I beg to differ. I secured my name in early access and I've played that character to level 50 since early access. I don't have much time to play myself, only on weekends due to outside commitments. However it is stupidly easy to level on SWTOR hence being level 50 even with play time constraints.


Also I can confirm it is not someone who just "bought" the game as I checked that server months ago when mine first started dying to see if the name was taken and it was. So the fact that the character is still level 16 just suggests to me more that they will never return or play again.

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it might be hard to find yoru guild mates but honestly a quick post on whatever guild forum should sort that out.. a GOOD... guild leader will have thought of this and will have a way for people to contact him/her in order to get back in the guild.. sure it sucks but playing this game by yourself sucks more.. trust me ive seen the daily threads devoted to this game being single player for months now..


Oh no it isnt if you have a guild forum, and i plan to do one on mine aswell :) But im just trying to make a point that its not easy for everyone just to cast a side the nick they so carefully selected and made friends though. Cant wait myself to see a full and vibrant server again no doubt but currently none of my chars names is free so it does leave you a bit hmm okay, what now then.


I just added the person to friends list who has the only character name I wanted, it's a level 16. So my level 50 loses his name to a level 16 who is likely never to play the game again?


It would been nice if they had cleaned up names under say lvl 20 which hadnt been played for a while on the destination servers, but i know that they cant and it wouldnt be fair for ppl planning to play that character later.


All you can hope for like me is to bargain with the guy and make him delete that char and free your name. If he never logs his alt though, youre pretty screwed :S

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I beg to differ. I secured my name in early access and I've played that character to level 50 since early access. I don't have much time to play myself, only on weekends due to outside commitments. However it is stupidly easy to level on SWTOR hence being level 50 even with play time constraints.


Also I can confirm it is not someone who just "bought" the game as I checked that server months ago when mine first started dying to see if the name was taken and it was. So the fact that the character is still level 16 just suggests to me more that they will never return or play again.

Fair enough, at least you did your homework ;) They might return though, and they might be just as attached to that name as you are.

Edited by Sauska
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All you can hope for like me is to bargain with the guy and make him delete that char and free your name. If he never logs his alt though, youre pretty screwed :S


Yeah, I have considered that but there is no way to contact the individual. If I knew they were going to keep playing fair enough, I'd even offer them a good few million for the character name. But the thing is that character may never log in again.

Edited by SirLimbo
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Throwing in a well placed apostrophe can help. Since Funkadelic was already taken, my toon is now Funk'adelic...it's not an abnormal character that can't be typed and it read pretty much the same.
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Two... and none. I added an extra letter on poor little Opod(d) and swapped a letter on Binty(i). Same sound, just a different spelling. I can live with that. Gonna have to hunt the other Opod down though, as befitting a Sith of his station...


At least I got to keep The Pixel Legacy, for the orange one shall always be with me in spirit.

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I lost three names out of six, one of them to myself. :p


One of those that I lost was extremely important to me. It was my main character who I'd been roleplaying on Lord Adraas since January. For a roleplayer to lose something so integral to a character as their name is a big disappointment and I want BioWare to know that despite the process itself being painless, the way they went about these mergers (lets call a pig a pig) was boneheaded and obtuse.


Roleplayers on Lord Adraas, now moving to Ebon Hawk, are not happy.

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I didn't.. I planned ahead.


I logged on Dec 13th at 4 am. There were 4 PVE west coast servers open. I reserved my name on all of them and started on my legacy on my chosen server (chosen by BIOware for my guild)


The server they transferred me to was not open right away on early access, so I had no opportunity to reserve my names there.


I lost 4 lvl 50 names, and my legacy name (most important).


They lost my subscription.


I did everything I possibly could outside of NOT playing the game during early access and sitting watching for new servers to open to reserve names on... yet the blame goes straight to the customer, because god forbid anyone could intelligently code multiple names on one server.


May seem like small potatoes to some, but why in ****s sake would I take a day off work, and log in at 4 AM on dec 13th if my names were not important to me??? what other benefit is early access???


So, in a game already teetering on the brink of disaster due to bad planning and execution, yet another bad choice has lost more customers.


I put in over a year in beta for free for them, prepaid for CE edition, jumped through every hoop offered, only to be forgotten completely and made to feel like a vagabond who no one even knows on a new server with new names, and no friends lists.


in the immortal words of Silky Johnson at the player haters ball:


"I hate you. I hate you. I don't even know you, and I hate your guts. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and nobody else but you. "

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3 out of 8 transferred. No big deal. I just renamed my Agent, SW, and SI.


There's a guy over in the Community forum claiming that he's an "internet legend", so we should all give him the name he wants. :p


MrCopperfield can have his name as long as I can claim MsCopperfield. :D

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I'm down three, that I care about ;(.


Now to spend an hour on each trying to think of better ones, and a legacy to match.


Edit: For the record, I'm not bitter or in any way blaming Bioware. Just a little sad, which is outweighed by the fact I'll (hopefully) have a decent WZ pop rate at any time of the day.


Edit 2: Get off your high horses about original names. You know the real reason your name wasn't taken? It's either because a), you're lucky, or b) the name is terrible.


No matter how original you think your name is, if its pronouncable, someone else has used it at some point throughout history.


Lost two.


For the others I was able to go in and claimed on the server when I heard about it just in case this worst case scenario played out... which it did. Everyone picked up and left even though Sanctum of the Exalted wasn't a ghost town. I was able to get groups for heroics and FPs. Now it is a ghost town.


Must be nice to be on the destination servers. We lose our names and they get to keep all theirs. This is a forced merger. My server went from 23 in fleet in the morning to 3(including me). I was the only guy on Nar shadaa yesterday. So unless you plan to never do an operation or FP you have to leave. Losing names is not a big deal really, but it is still alittle unfair that we automatically lose our names because it's not based on account time, playtime with character, etc. I've had one since day 2 early access. This is a forced merger no matter how Bioware wants to spin it.

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Lost 5 of 8. I expected 3 of 8, even though none of them are related to Star Wars, unless they were from some book I'd never heard of. One of them I'd bet the house I'd lose (my Smuggler named Kirk). The other one I thought I'd lose was a less common pop culture reference, but I still figured it would be gone ( my Trooper Hudson). I figured one other just for bad luck, but 5 total really surprised me. None of my other names are from any other big pop culture icons (or any pop culture reference for that matter), so I guess I was just really unlucky.


Lost both Legacy names, but both were just Latin words, so not really all that surprised that I lost both.


LOL @ the people cancelling over losing a stupid name. Obviously it's not that special or unique.

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Lost 5 of 8. I expected 3 of 8, even though none of them are related to Star Wars, unless they were from some book I'd never heard of. One of them I'd bet the house I'd lose (my Smuggler named Kirk). The other one I thought I'd lose was a less common pop culture reference, but I still figured it would be gone ( my Trooper Hudson). I figured one other just for bad luck, but 5 total really surprised me. None of my other names are from any other big pop culture icons (or any pop culture reference for that matter), so I guess I was just really unlucky.


Lost both Legacy names, but both were just Latin words, so not really all that surprised that I lost both.


LOL @ the people cancelling over losing a stupid name. Obviously it's not that special or unique.


While I wont quit over it, I don't laugh about those people either. Of course it is not end of the world sort of extinction level event to come up with new names but it's extremely frustrating.

See, in all the online games I played over like 10-15 years, I always came late to the party..meaning the first few dozen names I wanted were always taken. With SWTOR, I made sure I pre-ordered, made sure to take off on 13.12. (and some more days), kept following the forums, refreshing, trying and made it in for wave 2 - first 10 minutes was rushing to get all the names I always wanted (about 4 or 5 that are important to me) and it was all worth the stress and effort.

I didn't think it would be fair to now go through all sorts of other servers and block them for strangers there, afterall, who could have thought that after half a year it comes to this here :(

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Lost: 0/4 names, 0/1 Legacy.


I didn't really expect to lose anything except perhaps the one Latin-based name in my crew, but moving to a big RP server (Ebon Hawk), one never knows... Especially with Mando'a involved. :p


I'm even happier that we kept our guild name, though we did meet some other folks from a different origin server with a similar name (Beskar'ad). Whew :)

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This is a forced merger... ...This is a forced merger no matter how Bioware wants to spin it.


You seem in an awful big hurry to characterize this as "forced". To what end? What do you prove by convincing people they were forced?


There just isn't enough information to declare it so absolutely and no benefit in doing so. They could offer multiple destinations to the remaining origin server players because the intial destinations are too full tomorrow and you'd be wrong.

Edited by Matte_Black
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Lost 3 out of 5 names and Legacy name. Just changed or added a letter to keep as similar as possible. It sucks, but c'est la vie. I'm happy to be on a well populated server.


player names should be linked to your legacy, while they should remove the ` and ' brackets in usernames it would make things a whole lot easier for everyone.

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I'm down three, that I care about ;(.


Now to spend an hour on each trying to think of better ones, and a legacy to match.


Edit: For the record, I'm not bitter or in any way blaming Bioware. Just a little sad, which is outweighed by the fact I'll (hopefully) have a decent WZ pop rate at any time of the day.


Edit 2: Get off your high horses about original names. You know the real reason your name wasn't taken? It's either because a), you're lucky, or b) the name is terrible.


No matter how original you think your name is, if its pronouncable, someone else has used it at some point throughout history.


Not mine, haha. Well, someone on a RP server in WoW did. I used this name in EQ as a throw away Ogre SK because I was using him to loot shields and swords while me and friends waited for Lower Guk / Sol B spot to open up. But I use this, Koreth and Pwyll. Pwyll is from a book, not original. Koreth is my Half Elf Ranger from D&D and I notice that it is popular as hell in WoW now, like ***.

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