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So, How Many Names Did You Lose?


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Those are cool names? Seriously? If by cool you mean "never group with me, ever." then yes, yes they are cool.


Well, maybe "cool" wasn't the right word. I mean that there are a lot of names that, while admittedly cliche, are popular and appropriate to the genre. Whereas names like "Ipwnu" or "shammyhealz" are just as quickly snapped up but qualitatively different IMHO.


Besides, the Star Wars universe uses a lot of given names and cliche sounding last names, and these are often the first to go. The fact that someone loses both their character and legacy name when they name their character something like "Max Starstorm" doesn't mean someone who was able to hold onto "Geiss Z'endarr" through the transfer should mock them for being uncreative and unoriginal with their names. People don't name their characters with server transfers 6 months later in mind. That's all I'm saying.

Edited by MadBlue
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i understand you want the names back.its logical.. but besides the legacy name ( which takes leveling) what effort did it really take for you to find a couple of names, and put themi n the game and see if they were taken, if they were wash rinse and repeat till a name you had chosen got through.


its not like you were solving differential equations in order to make a character..its hit and miss.


the legacy yes i agree with.. you had to work to get that, Id have liked to see a more stable way for people to keep legacies..


but remember ..if you had to work your butt off to get a legacy name... someone else had to as well. and by your admission, you really couldnt care how much work someone else put in to get THE same legacy name on THEIR server.. only that you lost yours..



the problem isnt that people lost names, they did, tis unfortunite. it sucks and i am about 90% sure i will lose all of my names and my legacy name whenever i FINALLY get a transfer..


but the problem is that people are not considering that this OTHER person that took YOUR name, had it on a seperate server, and got lucky, roll of the dice lucky... it isnt there fault, but you are trying to basically make them take the burn instead of you


i wish bioware could have come up with a more 'fair' way to sort out the naming convention for transfers, but sadly this is the way they decided to go.


it isnt the best system, but its the only system we have.


Names in any game are a big part of my ingame identity, to some it might seem strange but I see games as an escape and have high value on my main names


As I said in the other thread, my heart tells me "RAAAAAAAAAGE" but my brains tells me "Well **** me.... damn :("

In the end liek you said, its the only system we got and we have to live with it. All Im pissed about is my main since I really really love the name and everyone in the guild knows me by it


Perhaps a duel to the death would be an appropiate solution lol

Edited by DarthZak
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Sadly, I lost my names too. Names ive never had a problem with. I swear, Bioware sent me to the worse server possible, lost all the names I liked, including my Legacy. To make things worse it was taken by a level 25 Republic dude. REALLY wish I was in a pvp server now....


P.S. Atleast I was able to replace my mains name with a shorter version of it ... which everyone called me by anyway.

Edited by MasterKayote
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1 out of 5, Good thing It was some name I just came up and didn't care much for it so good for me :)

I don't know If somebody had taken my previous legacy name but I decided to create little better one.

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Legacy name stayed but I lost all 4 of my toons names. And I'm not happy with the way I changed my mains name. Ahh well what can ya do. Still worth it I think. I pvp'd last night for hours on my 50. First time in a while I could do that. :D
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Lost only 2 of 6 and got to keep my legacy name (Bondar Crystal to Pot5).


Regretfully one of the names I lost was my main...was a bit of a surprise since this is the first time in 12 years of MMO playing that I find someone else with that name...ohh well i'll have to come up with a new name or turn any other of my toons into "my main"

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None. I was acually planning what the new names would be and then i didn't even have to change one. lol


Legacy Name was taken though D: But just used the one i have on my other server and it was free :D


Excellent time to transfer though. Didn't even have time to make a que of transfers and wait. each one was done b4 i got the next one ready.

Edited by Wesodd
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Lost my main's name, and on top of it, I lost it to someone who's not subbed (can't receive in game mail). That's pretty cool. Also lost my legacy, but no way to know if that person is still subbed. Luckily I don't RP, so I got a somewhat similar last name that works with my first names. Of course I still haven't transferred over 4 toons on my main server and 6 on other servers, so there may be more to come.
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I lost all of mine except for one: Swoop.


Somehow... Swoop was not taken. The only star wars name I used (That I actually used in previous mmo's as well after seeing a bad Parachute cop movie with Wesley snipes) was NOT taken.


I did get the following names though with : The Ruined Legacy (Ruined wasn't taken either, again, amazed). This made me feel a little better at least.


Answer, The Ruined Legacy

Composure Ruined

Calm Ruined

and finally

Promises Ruined.


I'm not jaded or bitter though.

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I'm down three, that I care about ;(.


Now to spend an hour on each trying to think of better ones, and a legacy to match.


Edit: For the record, I'm not bitter or in any way blaming Bioware. Just a little sad, which is outweighed by the fact I'll (hopefully) have a decent WZ pop rate at any time of the day.


Edit 2: Get off your high horses about original names. You know the real reason your name wasn't taken? It's either because a), you're lucky, or b) the name is terrible.


No matter how original you think your name is, if its pronouncable, someone else has used it at some point throughout history.


I'm sure it has. Fortunately, I have never run into it in the last decade. Wish I was as lucky with the ingame RNG.

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Pretty sure my Legacy is going to be taken when our server is finally granted transfer access. Tbh, it should go by Legacy level as to who has to rename (highest keeps theirs). Also, I had to pick a second choice when I unlocked Legacy the first time around. It isn't my fault that I have to transfer. Character names I've already occupied.


OT: The volume of QQ after the free transfer system is closed will probably melt the forum servers. Can't wait to witness that!

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This is what makes me LOL...


1 Invest your time/money/interest into our deeply driven story based game, bond with your character, earn your legacy, feel epic, become your character. This game is built more around bonding with your character, who you are and the choices you make than any other MMO on the market. (Good marketing strategy)


2 Time for server transfers, “what do we do about our naming convention?” “Uh…What?”


3 Names are first come first serve, (IE no change), yet many other servers get to transfer before you. Name taken? Legacy name taken? What’s the problem? You became attached to your name? Your Legacy name? Our game was intricately designed to do that???


I lost most of my toon names and my legacy name. I’ll get over it sure, but I won’t forget it. Of course it’s too late now and I’m guessing this too will be swept under the rug, forgotten, ignored, but that rug is starting to show a hump. I pay my sub, this is important to me and apparently a lot of other folks, this was handled poorly like other things (no examples needed), please think ahead Bioware, ‘nuff said.


Blue on black I guess.

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No, DarthVenizon uses as many Gummibear, Gummibar, Gumimatze spellings as he can. Who else would even want those?


those are generic names, not i specifically said non generic


granted after i got one of the names it turns out it's actually a slightly altered spelling of the capital city of Indonesia lol


Je'karta vs Jakarta


and then there's Ramser


My legacy name of cabur was taken but i never much cared for the legacy name anyways

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I was overall lucky and only lost one name. It was pretty much the one I was expecting to lose since it was a more normal name than most of mine are ;). On the plus side I got what I originally wanted for my legacy name that was taken on my origin server :).
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Lost 2 chracter names and my Legacy name. :(


They really need to move to an account based server ID system, rather than the archaic name based one, if they want bigger servers.


i am sure i will lose my main and likely my legacy.. the main and legacy were both on the pts. chances are they are gone, but i wont know till monday at the earliest

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i am sure i will lose my main and likely my legacy.. the main and legacy were both on the pts. chances are they are gone, but i wont know till monday at the earliest


Oh wow, I just thought about the PTS titles. Aren't they tied to Legacy?

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Lost both my first and Legacy name. What good is your legacy name if you can't keep it? Where is the "legacy" in that? All those hours of pay and play.. feels like a waste. Yeah I can transfer , what a hard decision, less than a year later, that I'm forced to make. I'm not a player that makes and plays character after character. I do explore but I tend to make just a few good characters with some good names and really learn how to play them...I've spent about an hr trying come of with a name, everything taken. Now I have to come up with some random name or unfavorable name .... Yeah, I'm not renewing my subscription.
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