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Confirmed: SWTOR to have micro-transactions/in-game purchases


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buying in-game items with real money or any kind of microtransactions would make me cancel my sub straight away.




Why should the fact Bioware opens up a shop to sell... say a range of hair colours or armour colours affect your sub....

Heck I've been pretty damn critical about certain things this game either lacks or doesn't do well but at the same time I realise that Bioware is a business not a charity.

They provide us with access to a game with 8 slots currently... thats what our subs pay for unless I missed something. By adding new content, new ideas etc does nothing to alter what your sub pays for.. it just opens up more choices for us.

Noone knows if SWTOR will be opening up a P2W shop, a fluffy shop or no shop at all.... but to say that you will outright cancel your sub if they do anything at all along a microtransaction line.. well kinda tell me your not really into the game that much anyway even though noone forces you to use the microtransaction feaures anyway..... I see no logic here, even if it were P2W stuff.. you dont have to buy it :eek:

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However I have also seen how crafting models also deystroy those same values... why goout and grind for weeks when you can gather crafting components as you play and buy the rest on the GTN to enable you to craft the same things we have spent weeks/months grinding out...


Because that's an IN GAME economy. It's different than just saying "Oh screw work, I'm just gonna pay my way to glory with real money and contribute in no way to the economy of the game"


Also, I don't see anyone complaining about cosmetic items. That is all well and fine, but it seems many of us know from experience that it will not be the case when they get the store going that all they're gonna have is hair cuts and armor paint.

Edited by Trenchfeeder
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Because that's an IN GAME economy. It's different than just saying "Oh screw work, I'm just gonna pay my way to glory with real money and contribute in no way to the economy of the game"


Lol you just dont see it do you.... your actually definning the same ethic just utilising a differnt economy... the same choices apply eitherway.. crafting something that should take weeks/months of hard grind by simply purchasing all the bits from a GTN is the same attitude... and devalues and defeats the object of having the item achievable in game in the first place.

What your mad about is the fear of the same thing being P2W.... same flavour, differnt color.


If its a fluff shop I am sure I would contribute however becuase there is an upside to microtransactions.. some of the revenue gets reinvested back into the game... which only serves to aid the game and in some cases extend ithe games longevity.


I play DDO ... the F2P model and its in game shop have helped turn it around .. alot... without it the game would be dead... and since it was implemented the subs have increased, the content updates have become more regualr than I can ever remember in 7+ yrs of playing.

Yes the shop has also now brought in many P2W items and that's a crying shame but I dont have to buy them and the fluff stuff is fun, and can actually be purchased using points gathered in game as a reward for playing.. so no need to purchase points if your prepared to be patient and use tha game to earn it.



OOh I see you have edited your post to add another line or two in to backpeddle.... well I think oif you read through the thread you will see its the idea of microtrnasaction and an ingame shop that is causing the issue to posters... with"If they implement microtransactions I quit statements... regardless of the type of content it surrounds, fluff or otherwise.

Edited by Bloodstealer
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Lol you just dont see it do you.... your actually definning the same ethic just utilising a differnt economy... the same choices apply eitherway.. crafting something that should take weeks/months of hard grind by simply purchasing all the bits from a GTN is the same attitude...





In game money = better for the game than real money


Real Money = In game economy crash


When you buy off the GTN you are giving the guy you bought off of more money to harvest more resources to put on the GTN for other people. Thus setting up a sustaining and repeating cycle


When it's done with real money nobody wins besides Bioware. Thus leading to a dead stop in GTN prices and supply

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Wrong... your sub grants you access to play the game.. not what ingame content exists... your value of your sub does not alter.. but your desires might if you feel that buying that hair colour or lightsabre twinky is important to you then you have a choice.... those things are additional content choices not things that are achieved through gameplay.. your missing the point here.


If you buy a car with a single CD player but then notice there is a multi-play cd system as an upgrade.. you think thats they are going to give it you for free... it is a luxory that you have the choice to have or not depending on how important and desired you feel it is to your experience.....


P2W is when actual ingame items, shinnies, etc can be purchased.. like all the grinding at lvl 50 we do to get our full Rakata etc etc.. only to find the morning after the night before when you finally got it completed, you could just purchase it from a vendor for hard cash...... fluff and cosmetics are merely just toys to help make your experience a little more personal and I have no issues with that, it could be fun seeing my speeder with a full set of spinners, go fast stripes and a guild emblem splashed across it.... P2W I definately have no time for and thats where we can agree.... but nothing has even been made official to us yet so how can we criticise something that is un known.


I'm not wrong, I'm just stating how it makes me feel.


I'm not paying more for all the things they added since launch, I just payed my sub, that's all.

The new OP, warzone, the Legacy system ... I didn't pay more for that, why should I pay for some others items (be it fluff (for you) or anything) ?

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In game money = better for the game than real money


Real Money = In game economy crash


When you buy off the GTN you are giving the guy you bought off of more money to harvest more resources to put on the GTN for other people. Thus setting up a sustaining and repeating cycle


When it's done with real money nobody wins besides Bioware. Thus leading to a dead stop in GTN prices and supply


O dear...


So when a game sees its sub base decline like SWTOR has/is and the GTN becomes a puddle economy and there is less hard cash going back into the game... where are we then??


We all like a bit of uniqueness and fluff dont we, lets be honest... and some players like the EZ mode to greatness.. we all know that. Bioware may just choose to use those human desires to their advantage (shocker I know, but business is business).. then again of course some of that cash helps to extend the life of the game, it attracts players into it which swells the coffers a bit more.... last i checked this is not some charitable company, and F2P/Microtransactions is merely a funds raising model which only serves to benefit both sides ... your just refusing to accept your game and playstyle and the choices put in front of you are YOURS.... you cannot control what other players choose to want/do.

Dont get me wrong I think we have the same ideas around the good the bad and the darn right ugly F2P model feature but I choose to look at how it affects me not how it affects everyone else, because I cant choose for them.

But for players to simple say I quit if they even try a F2P or Microtransaction idea is a little lame imo, but that's their choice I guess.

Edited by Bloodstealer
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1. There is no confirmation, at all, about an in game store.


2. If the in game store (if ever confirmed) is crap like mounts and pets, then who gives a flying bantha? I never buy that stuff anyway. I don't know why you would. The only reason they are doing it is because WoW made a bajillion dollars selling sparkle horsies.


3. F2P to lvl 15 is a smart business move and has nothing to do with a F2P model game.

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In-game store = canceled sub


Bioware repeatedly told me that i'd be given 100% of the content with my sub and that they were not going the way of micro-transactions. That is why I bought and subbed to this game. If this ceases to become true then Bioware ceases to get my money, plain and simple.

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As I have said, WoW has been doing this for ages: http://us.blizzard.com/store/browse.xml?f=c:0,f:1,c:5


As you see, it is $25 for a mount, and I bought one MONTHS ago. You guys really need to wake up. If that makes this game fail, why is WoW still king when they are doing THE EXACT SAME THING?!



People no longer have "My server is dead!" to complain about, so now it's a fluff store. This board will never change.

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In-game store = canceled sub


Bioware repeatedly told me that i'd be given 100% of the content with my sub and that they were not going the way of micro-transactions. That is why I bought and subbed to this game. If this ceases to become true then Bioware ceases to get my money, plain and simple.




The store won't be in game. The store will be on the website to purchase account wide fluff items like pets and mounts.

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In-game store = canceled sub


Bioware repeatedly told me that i'd be given 100% of the content with my sub and that they were not going the way of micro-transactions. That is why I bought and subbed to this game. If this ceases to become true then Bioware ceases to get my money, plain and simple.



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Guess that survey that was leaked might be one of the "Additional features".


I don't find it a coincidence that the survey surfaced about 2 weeks before E3, as I'm sure EA/Bioware were watching the reactions very carefully.

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In-game store = canceled sub


Bioware repeatedly told me that i'd be given 100% of the content with my sub and that they were not going the way of micro-transactions. That is why I bought and subbed to this game. If this ceases to become true then Bioware ceases to get my money, plain and simple.


Well said friend, Well Said.


Unfortunately, EA never said that (AFAIK).

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In-game store = canceled sub


Bioware repeatedly told me that i'd be given 100% of the content with my sub and that they were not going the way of micro-transactions. That is why I bought and subbed to this game. If this ceases to become true then Bioware ceases to get my money, plain and simple.


So the fact that they will probably sell sparkle cars and small mechanical pets is a game changer?


Who cares man. Who freakin cares.

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The store won't be in game. The store will be on the website to purchase account wide fluff items like pets and mounts.


While I would like to be 100% in agreement here.. it may not be quite as you think.

Ingame there will likely be a link to the online store whether through a vendor or a simple button on the UI... but yeah the actual mechaincs of it will lie outside of the game... likely through Origin... eitherway what it might sell is anyones guess.. and what gets added further down the line is an even bigger guess.


Players are right to have the concerns but I fail to see why some see it as a game breaker to them even when it has no effect on their own game but heyho like you say.. gotta have something on these boards to complain about I guess

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