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Would you pay to unlock new races in your Legacy?


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Question in the title. If you could pay a set amount to get a new, playable race as part of your Legacy to select when creating a new character, would you?


If so, what race would you pay to unlock?

How much would you be willing to pay to unlock that race?

If paying for it only let you create one character of that race (you'd pay again to make another), would you?

Would it bother you that certain races may be locked out of romance options? (A Trandoshan or Wookie, for example.)


For the time being, lets keep this to the races we have a model for in game. Like all the current races, there would be no "pay-to-win" aspect here. It's just a cosmetic thing.


I'm just curious.


For me, I'd pay to play as Togruta, Nautolan, and Kel'Dor. I'd be willing to drop $5.00-$10.00 per race provided the unlock was permanent. I wouldn't really mind being locked out of romance for the time being.

Edited by NickM
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The moment they announce they are going to do something like that, I am unsubbing and taking my money elsewhere.


you do realize that races dont give an enherant bonus to anyting right? its not like its unfair if they sold them..its a skin drapped over a mesh frame in a videogame. if it doesnt affect anything, who cares?

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I would pay about 5 euros probably to see awesome races unlocked. But it just has to be available in-game as well. As a completionist I want to be able to do everything and get everything without paying RL money. The addition of unlocking stuff with real money is just for people who have less time. Want to get it without paying? Farm credits and invest time. That's the only fair system.
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I would pay about 5 euros probably to see awesome races unlocked. But it just has to be available in-game as well. As a completionist I want to be able to do everything and get everything without paying RL money. The addition of unlocking stuff with real money is just for people who have less time. Want to get it without paying? Farm credits and invest time. That's the only fair system.


That's how things should work in Free to Play games, yes. In a game where we already pay 15 dollars a month on top of the base game, no, that isn't fair.

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Eh I would pay real money to unlock a race I REALLY wanted like Zeltron...I am not into farming and playing on the AH to make stupid amounts of in game money (cause its freaking boring). I make enough irl to blow on silly things like virtual items.
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I dunno. Honestly, I used to really be in love with the subscription model, and I used to fear free to play.


Nowadays? I see Blizzard charging through the nose for additional services while failing to provide content updates for over half a year, for $15 bucks a month. I see Bioware releasing games with sub-par feature sets and first-day DLC that literally was cut, bleeding, from the finished product to be sold seperately.


The subscription MMOs out there aren't living up to their end of the bargain - we don't just pay for server access; we pay for content updates and functionality and a certain "AAA" sheen of polish.


Free to play, cash shop games.. at least you know exactly what you're getting when you fork money out, and you can set your own budget.


Combination of the two? Subscription + premium services? Now that's just greedy. I will never, ever, ever, support it with my wallet.

Edited by Lheim
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I would pay about 5 euros probably to see awesome races unlocked. But it just has to be available in-game as well. As a completionist I want to be able to do everything and get everything without paying RL money. The addition of unlocking stuff with real money is just for people who have less time. Want to get it without paying? Farm credits and invest time. That's the only fair system.


Well yes, I agree with you on this. At the moment I have much more playtime than my husband. Often I send a large piles of credits over to his character so he can log on for some crafting and things like that when he happens to have some extra time. Work is just that hectic at the moment. If there was something that we both wanted, I would farm credits, and he would pay with a few euros. If it can only be unlocked with credits, oh well, I'll just farm for the both of us.

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Thought of a reason. I would pay IF I could unlock the race, and bypass the starter planet for the class of my choice. Unlocked race, starting at the fleet at level 9 or 10 with a few creds. Yea, I'd pay a few bucks for that. Edited by Rafaman
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Question in the title. If you could pay a set amount to get a new, playable race as part of your Legacy to select when creating a new character, would you?


If so, what race would you pay to unlock?

How much would you be willing to pay to unlock that race?

If paying for it only let you create one character of that race (you'd pay again to make another), would you?

Would it bother you that certain races may be locked out of romance options? (A Trandoshan or Wookie, for example.)


Okay, so it comes down to time or money.


As you play the game the credits will come, and you can unlock all you want with credits, or get characters to 50 and unlock those races organically. Let's say it takes X many hours played.


Some people can play X hours in a week, or in a couple of weeks.

It might take some working professionals 6 months to play X hours.


I am one of those working professionals. I've been playing since Dec 13 2011 and I have a level 38 character and a level 34 character. Not even one 50. I'm not complaining - I'm playing at the rate that makes me happy and fits my lifestyle.


I would ABSOLUTELY pay real cash money to unlock Chiss and red Zabraks. I'd pay $10 for each without thinking about it. I'd pay $50 to change race to a red Zabrak on my 38 and never think twice about it.


I would also, ABSOLUTELY pay real cash money to unlock Nautolians, Kel Dor, Togruta, Cathar, Wookiee, Jawa, Mon Calamari, droids, devaronian, and trandoshan. I'd pay $10 or $20 to have them and $50 to change a current character into one.


I also think that allowing these purchases to be made with credits is just fine, because it encourages people who would rather spend the time than the money to continue playing the game.



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Honestly I don't think we should have to pay for credits at all. If you make a race that is only unlockable through credits and the Legacy system, BW will pretty much be saying **** you to casual players. Having my favorite race in the game and only being able to play as it after I max out Legacy and spend five million credits, I'd be pretty mad and would consider quitting the game. Not solely because of that, but that shows me that BW has no idea what they are doing.
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Okay, so it comes down to time or money.


As you play the game the credits will come, and you can unlock all you want with credits, or get characters to 50 and unlock those races organically. Let's say it takes X many hours played.


Some people can play X hours in a week, or in a couple of weeks.

It might take some working professionals 6 months to play X hours.


I am one of those working professionals. I've been playing since Dec 13 2011 and I have a level 38 character and a level 34 character. Not even one 50. I'm not complaining - I'm playing at the rate that makes me happy and fits my lifestyle.


I would ABSOLUTELY pay real cash money to unlock Chiss and red Zabraks. I'd pay $10 for each without thinking about it. I'd pay $50 to change race to a red Zabrak on my 38 and never think twice about it.


I would also, ABSOLUTELY pay real cash money to unlock Nautolians, Kel Dor, Togruta, Cathar, Wookiee, Jawa, Mon Calamari, droids, devaronian, and trandoshan. I'd pay $10 or $20 to have them and $50 to change a current character into one.


I also think that allowing these purchases to be made with credits is just fine, because it encourages people who would rather spend the time than the money to continue playing the game.




These are my sentiments about it as well. I work, and to me it's more cost effective to drop $10 for a race unlock (a half hour of work in real life for me) than to spend 4 hours farming the credits it would take to unlock a race via the normal Legacy system.


Of course, I'm not opposed to having both means available. For those that would rather grind out credits, the option is there for them as well. As long as these races are just cosmetic, and have no additional power or leveling benefits (like the races currently), I don't see why paying 5 or 10 bucks is a big deal.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Credits - Yes

Real money - Hell No!




The moment they announce they are going to do something like that, I am unsubbing and taking my money elsewhere.


What they said.

I have always supported monthly-fee-games exactly BECAUSE of the fact that there are no additional real-money-options that have any effect in game play.

Real money for in-game-features are okay to the point of vanity items (like cute pets and different-style-mounts), but not for in-game-relevant stuff like classes, races, gear, slots, bag space etc.

I do not play any of those crappy pseudo-FTP-games for exactly that reason, and I doubt I ever will.

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I already pay enough to get those sorts of things. I do not need to pay MORE real money for something that (if added) should be included in my subscription. Companies think they can do this because there are fools that don't realise that they are paying for just extra pixels when purchasing those things outside the sub price.
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The moment they announce they are going to do something like that, I am unsubbing and taking my money elsewhere.


The moment they announce this they would have already gone free to play so your sun would be useless anyways.

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