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Current Transfer Servers


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I noticed that as well.


Transferred 1 toon (to test the waters), saw I had 2 characters on that server.


Hey, I'm fine with 2 level 50s on the new server :p


Yeah, I would have been slightly annoyed if I had transferred my high level character last though.

Thats a WARNING for everyone, start with your highest level characters when transferring!

Edited by Gokkus
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I do have to admit I am having more fun reading posts today than I can remember for a very long time in ANY game! My favorite part is catching an new post RIGHT BEFORE it mysteriously vanishes from the forum! It gives me the same feeling as finding a rare world drop! :p


Yup! It's getting confusing, figuring out who is responding to who. I think it's giving me a headache.

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What part of "more servers will be added to the list" leaves you to think that this is all the transfers they have planned?


They have a population goal in mind for each destination server, and it would seem that that goal is higher than fatman is currently at. So if they didn't transfer anyone to fatman, fatman would be below their goal. As has been pointed out, even if their goal population is twice fatman's pre-transfer population, they're still looking at needing more than just fatman, even just for the "eastern US" PvP population.


the more servers that they add to the list will be orinin servers not destination servers. Why would they give the fatman people when it alreasy has a good population compaired to the others.


Also if your correct in that fatmans population isnt what they want that still doent explain why they would do the fatman first. Do the other server first so people can start playing together. Right now with them going to the fatman it only helps the people that were on the origin server. fatman probable will not notice the change in population. Now if they combined the origin server with another server then those 2 servers would see an increase in population and it would help them both.


When there is a crash who do you help first? the person that cut his hand or the person that is in critical condition. Fatman will survive the transfers if Bioware ignored them. Many of these other servers wil not since bioware is busy fluffing the pillows for the fatman.

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LOL Thanks for deleting my thread and referring me here...


I posted that I was ready to pay for a transfer. These poor dumb bastards must be completely deaf, or just allergic to money and success.


F2P for all levels with an item mall in 2 months or less. Bet on it.


They closed mine. I'd pay a few to get one of my toons the **** off of its dead server. By dead I meen at peak quite a few planets and fleet with just 3 people on. I guess your right they have a allergy to money.

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Most people stopped caring..


Or playing. I know I haven't played in about 3 weeks. My sub is canceled. Just waiting for it to end. I thought the server transfers might help but they are only allowing 10 servers this month.


Maybe I'll try back again next year and read the forums. See if it improved. Then again.. :) There is always a better MMO to play

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LOL probably one server in wow has more people than 50 servers in SWTOR... your comparison is STUPID


So you know GW2 has transfers in BETA... I repeat in BETA


Yep all you do is click transfer and boom you are on your new server.


The game can also epic large pvp battles without framerate drops, too bad its not star wars!

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I guess they fired too many people and they have 1 guy running around ripping out his hair because he has had to monitor 20 transfers and Joveth said at the start of this thread that there would be millions...even if the millions is an absolute fabrication of the actual numbers that will actually be transfered...20 active players per dead server...max 8 characters they can each xfer...100 dead servers...160k transfers...well I guess is isn't "millions" joveth:P


Guess no one ever thought either to restrict people from moving more than 1 character a day. That way they could have done 32 servers in NA instead of 4. Just seems like a no brainer to me and I do not get paid to run a mmo.

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LOL Very true. But that is their limit for this month. I mean it must have been a lot of work to transfer all 20 of those people this morning.

They need a good 6 month break now. What a flop.


Now they have to go in and delete all the ones that got copied TWICE. Manually.

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I'm going to repost this in hopes of stopping the whine train. If you'd like the tl;dr version, here you go, otherwise, continue past the break: BW made ALOT of mistakes and F'ed this game up royally, however, what they are doing today is A. exactly what they said they were going to and, B. being handled by them as well as can be expected, so shut up and let them try to fix our game.


Let me start by saying I am not defending BW. This game is in a bad way and needs some serious population balance FAST in order to survive. It is completely BW's fault for letting it get to this state. I was not around for launch, I'm a fairly recent addition to the community. However, from what I gather, this situation was brought on by BW caving to people whining about queue times at launch. And perahps they did need to start a few new servers. But it seems like they went with serious overkill, as is generally the case when a company caves to ridiculous consumer pressure of the vocal minority and makes hasty quick fixes to sate them rather than putting together well thought out business decisions. From my count there are 123 US servers in SWTOR. WoW has a little over 200. Does this seem a bit out of balance? I don't know the exact breakdown of WoW's 10 mil + subs as to how many are in the US, but nor do I know the breakdown for SWTOR. But regardless, it seems a bit off to have more than half as many US servers as WoW when you're a fledgling MMO. Even if they were expecting to have 4 mil subs in the first year, they wouldn't need that many servers, and could roll out new servers as necessary rather than in one huge blow out. But with the actual subs being in the 1-1.5 mil range, 123 US and over 200 worldwide is just ludicrous. Add onto this the fact that it took this long to get a transfer process to work, that this will be the test run of? A transfer process, even if not available for use, should have been ready to go and tested before launch. Transfers are a sometimes necessary process in any MMO for population balance, and also something that people are going to want for other reason (whether its a paid service or not). All this adds up to an epic fail on BW's part.


But, all that being said, I think BW is handling this transfer process currently fairly well. They avoided doing mergers (even tho this is fundamentally a DIY merger process) which is good as mergers in MMOs tend to be EXTREMELY buggy and also usually a death sentence for the game. Perhaps they could give us a little more info on how soon they expect to be adding more servers to the list, but honestly, I've played several MMOs before this, and these kind of things are always left vague until they happen. The "trademarked "SOON"" is pretty much standard in this industry, so I'm not sure why you are surprised. They have made no promises other than to get the transfer process started today, which they have done. Am I disappointed my server wasn't included? Yea, but oh well, I figured the chances of that were pretty slim. I always had horrible luck in WoW where my server was one of 4 or 5 out of 200+ that needed "extended maintenance" almost every week. And I did not expect for there to be a full list of all the servers that were going to be part of the transfer process, or in what order, etc, because I would assume, if they are doing this right, that they're going to be looking at numbers as the process goes to see which servers are going to need more origin realms to transfer to them to fill it to their wanted level. Population balance is a fluid process, you can't just say ok heres the whole plan, you have to at least partially make it up as it goes along, and tweak it as you go. Now, I don't know if this process will ultimately work, but I hope so. I enjoy this game. There are many problems with it besides the population one, but the population is the most glaring and detritmental ATM, so kudos to them for working on it first over rated WZs, messed up crafting, lack of macros, LFG tool, lack of endgame content, etc. And heres to hoping they get started on those pretty quickly after.

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There's no pleasing some people. Internet was a lovely place back in the day when it was for geeks by geeks.


Patience is a virtue young padawans.


P.S. I'll gladly take my forum infraction now for not being constructive, thank you very much.

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Hey Bioware is someone addressing this issue with transfers causing an extra character slot to be used up on the destination server? Seems like more than one person has experienced it where it says they have an addition phantom character when they transfer.
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"Keep in mind that we're going to be updating this list with eligible servers on a regular basis. This just represents the first group of eligible servers. We're monitoring how well the service is currently handling the load and I'll have a more solid update for you folks later today, but you can take "regularly" to mean that it won't be a week or a month for the next update."


Read it again, please. Thank you.


There is absolutely no information in the paragraph you quoted. Secondarily; if it won't be a week, then logic would dictate that it also would not be a month, so why included that language in your statement at all if you're not trying to be evasive?


You need to understand that people are sick and tired of the rhetoric and fluff speech. Go to any of your customers where you are running late on a project and use vague terms and get back to me on how well that turned out.


A failed objective is infinitely better than a vague promise.

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Oh, we're way past 400k - that figure was from the end of the fiscal quarter (March, 2012). At the end of March, the server pop hadn't yet reached the new sinking lows it would reach after a huge leg down in April and especially May. May alone was a cruel month, opening with Diablo 3 and ending in pink slips that kind of broke me on hope the game will receive the development it needs. But I could be wrong, and I hope I am, but I don't see any positive signs yet.


Not to break off topic but it wouldn't surprise me if they are closer to a million canceled subs. That said, even I'm hopeful that things will get better with these transfers. I started seeing some life in the days following the transfer announcement. Although this weekend was fairly light with another GW2 beta weekend event. This isn't to say I'm entirely happy with the way they've run things so far. The Fatman? Really? The rich get richer when it's clear they don't need to. Personally speaking I would have gone with the next 4-5 populated servers AFTER The Fatman and started there as destination servers. I can only assume that things are so bad for Hedarr Soongh that the amount of current transfers would be fairly easy to accomplish/manage. Still, I'd rather have seen a more deserving destination server where a difference could be made to distinct a struggling server from an outright dead one.


Whatever. It's their game. Let them run it the way they want but if anyone up top is scratching their heads wondering why the game is still losing subs, they might want to take a look at how communication and implementation is being handled in the game.

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For those of you that can read this while it lasts, complaints are not spam, they are legitimate. You made a great game Bioware, and either you or EA did not maintain it right, you had strong demand from your customers to address the population issues and you failed to respond timely. We cancelled our subscriptions and still you dragged your feet and worked on new content instead of the current issue which is in a Massive Multiplayer Online Game there was less people then a typical match of Modern Warfare 3. I had hopes you would fix it but 4 servers is laughable, my server is dying, 3 hour pvp queues, a dead galactic market, 5 people to talk to in fleet. I have unsubscribed and now I am deleting the client from my computer and am not coming back, I would not continue going to a place for lunch that gives me 1/10 of a sandwich. It's too little, too late. Now delete this legitimate complaint as spam, to show you run these forums like you do your game.
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A few weeks ago transfers WEREN'T EXPECTED UNTIL THE RELEASE OF 1.3. A week ago it was announced that they would START today. And STILL people are whining. Seriously what does it take to make you people happy? BW is exceeding all of my expectations, but im also a member of the REAL WORLD where it takes time for things to happen.
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