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Current Transfer Servers


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a guild mate just got off the phone with CS and they told him they are only doing the 4 us servers today and 4 more tomorrow what a *********** joke


No, what a sensible thing to do if you don't want to lose any characters.

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I resubscribed last night, expecting to be able to play on a nice new server today. Derp.


I guess I'll just sit and f5 the transfer page all day


Exactly Bioware's tactic: Hype it, let people pay for sub and then not deliver.

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Because if they did it all at once it would be a disaster from the bottle-neck, to the inability to guage server size so as to manage it to the player bases's advantage.


The desire for instant gratification beyond forethought may be good for some, but for others like myself, we want it managed correctly and concisely so that we only have to do this once. They've taken the best approach.


We can't help that there are those players that will be unhappy with that, but I can assure you, had they done it the way the complainers are suggesting, we would have far more threads of this nature.


In short, it is easy to sit by one's armchair and complain that the running back should hit harder. Put on a pair of pads and run a that 265 lb. linebacker one time and those words would never be uttered again.


They know what they are doing. Let them do their job.


No sir, they don't have a .... clue what they are doing. I've always been a supporter of this game but, as the current situation is, there was no way this could have went well. What in the world were you thinking BioWare? You seriously cannot handle more than 4 US servers? This has to be a joke.

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They said Slow at this rate most people won't be transfered until after 1.3.


Which by the way has 0 content. So when people get to transfered server and it only takes them a few weeks to have full clears of EC or full warhero what are they suppost to do then. YEY we have people to play with 3-4 weeks later. Damn got nothing to do but farm alts again.

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Your logic here is saying a company is losing customers and that its the customers fault that the business is well... losing customers. I believe you do not understand simple business.


Not every customer is worth keeping. The notion that "the customer is always right" is the greatest myth in business.

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This is hilarious, I'm sorry, I honestly don't mean to make light of peoples upset but (despite years of forum experience) I don't remember the last time I saw such a forum hissy-fit.


It's actually a full on tantrum!

we joke about the forum kids but this one requires zero exaggeration.




i couldn't agree more i'm already on JC and i just came here to see if we where getting involved in the tranfer LOL... then this... ugh half my popcorn is gone already.. i guess i need to go start my weekly's now

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So your assumptions are their fault?


I swear this is the WORST forum community I have ever seen.


Actually it is their fault. It is their responsibility to set expectations. This could have been avoided if they stated said we will start out with four servers.


While great at developing games, developers are horrible in managing expectations and project management. It isn't just Bioware, it is most game companies. Subscribers simply are not treated as stakeholders in games and if they did this in a different industry, they would likely be fired.

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Yeah I'm pretty sure they said it would be a gradual process initially. By that they're not going to have a quarter of the servers transferring at once. Blame yourself for thinking such things it wasn't misleading.


Getting popcorn for later when peak times come. People are already whiney imagine all of the people that don't keep up with anything outside of the game who were prepping to move today. Ignorance is fun to watch.

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Bioware...... you knew people would explode like this. jonathan you SHOULD HAVE gave a time frame of how often it will get updated. saying every week is a vague answer with the state of your game. you should have said "every 2 days" or "4days".


your treading thin ice, and right now the ice is cracking. and cracking fast


They did keep us posted and are keeping us posted. You did not read up on it. You did not comprehend it. You are desiring a process that would cause more problems then sollutions because you desire instant gratification for yourself and yourself alone without regard to the rest of us.


There are about five "you's" in there, yet you blame them. ;p

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I was planning to stick with this game untill I saw how this was handled today. If it was going to be this bad they should have just done Paid transfers to whatever server you want OTHER than The Fatman made a ton of $$ and called it a day. Edited by Zergnaut
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Having only X - Y server transfers sucks for some people who after hearing you will probably need a republic and imp char to get your HK-51 and having rolled rep and imp chars on sepperate servers now not being able to merge them.

So for instance i started on Hidden Beks as an origin server for the guild i was in for pre launch, however after having many many many many hours of waiting to get onto servers in the first month or so we decided to move to another server and go imperial. This also seemed to happen with alot of other people as well as having gone back onto the server there is normally a max of 30-40 rep players on the fleet and by scanning for all lv 1-5 6-10 11-15 and so on i found even at 6-8pm local time there is/was a general max of 100-130 rep players, having got a single char on imp side there and doing the same finding the imp pop is better but still low.


However i am sure that a paid version will come at some point, though depending on the cost and TBH if i still want to play i will think about it, but i really dont want to have to level a char i wont play just to get the companion, though of course the HK-51 is optional so there isnt a need to get it, but there is still a want to get it.


So as someone else pointed out the list is a bit short, though as others have pointed out that they need to start small and work up in case there was problems. But having 1->1 transfers wouldnt have been my pick, but maybe have 1 source to maybe 3-4 destination, and those who want to use it just have to be organised enough between themselves to select the one they want to go to. OR have many many options to transfer but have a recommended one or only by pressing a disable key to select your own server or a 3day wait time what you can cancle to be able to pick your own.

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I understand the process is to be slow like you guys stated, however I dont understand why all the High PoP servers without issues are being transfered to FIRST. You are basically improving low pop servers 50% of the way through while the rest high pops are just getting overstocked. Why not start with a bunch of low>low/mids first
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Millions of character transfers? Are you delusional ? This game has barely an active 60k subscribers or so. There ARENT millions of characters waiting to be transfered. The amount of people being transfered from those servers alone probably equates to around 200-300. And that's being generous.


Overall, way to fail again Bioware. Sucks to suck.

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BW , you suck balls. Coordinated with guild to get ready to transfer on 12th and server is not on list. Your incompetence at everything is mind boggling. Why in the world EA gave you money to make a video game is beyond me. Fail after fail after fail and story continues. How about you transfer one character a day. That may not be too "technically challenging" for you.




The sticky for how transfers will work has been posted on these boards for almost 10 days, Learn to read....They said they would be doing this in phases and your server may not be up on the first day..


The only incompetent person here is yourself for not doing your homework before making arrangements you had no control over.

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They did keep us posted and are keeping us posted. You did not read up on it. You did not comprehend it. You are desiring a process that would cause more problems then sollutions because you desire instant gratification for yourself and yourself alone without regard to the rest of us.


There are about five "you's" in there, yet you blame them. ;p


re read my post, i acknowledged that he said they would update the page. i am suggesting that he shouldnt have given a vague time frame on how often. and whether you like it or not. this game is in a fragile statement and will shatter if not dealt with the right way. and right now bioware is tipping the table over

Edited by Dampeer
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You know, very well, there are no actual details in there. It would have made sense to at least post the tiny server list when the servers went down so people could know exactly what to expect as soon as possible.


Since it is obvious that people didn't bother to read the instructions, why would adding detail matter?

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East - PVE - Keller's Void -> Jedi Covenant

East - PVP - Hedarr Soongh -> The Fatman

West - PVE - Soresu ->The Harbinger

West - PVP - Rakata Mind Prison -> The Bastion



PVE - Stereb Cities ->The Jedi Tower

PVE - Eye of Ashlanae -> The Red Eclipse

PVE - Phateem Halls of Knowledge -> Mantle of the Force

PVP - The Restoration Zone -> Jar'Kai Sword

PVP - The Shadow Runner -> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

PVP - Mecrosa Order -> Darth Nihilus




This is like pissing on a forest fire to extinguish it

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I love this game, but we seriously have some of the worst forums I've seen...and I played WoW for five years.


It is 8:40 here on the east cost...let these people get in to work ffs.


all I want is the list. having to wait to move is fine. i dont want to overload systems or create havok.. plus i have to go to work in 20 min anyway.


but i would like to know where the eff im going.


they said they would have a list. not this s---. now its on me to "check back regularly"?



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I think BW have bad Marketing teams.


Understandably the process will take time and they can't just do all at once; however they could easily release information about servers and where they can go and a start date for transfers, even if that is further down the line, then at least people on that server will know they will be able to move or their server is getting players etc.


I hope they take it seriously that releasing information that the server players are on are either destination or transfer servers or if nothing is happening at all, because trust me if some servers are left alone in which people want to move and/or get new players they will quit regardless so you might as well get the info out now.

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