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Current Transfer Servers


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I think ppl aound here are not blind and can read.


Best post by far being all these falling sky posters clearly couldnt read that this is exactly how the deva said it would happen. small at first with gradual additions. How can ignorance be bliss when it cause so much mental pain to those who actuall follow the process. PLEASE READ THE DEV BLOG

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This is hilarious, I'm sorry, I honestly don't mean to make light of peoples upset but (despite years of forum experience) I don't remember the last time I saw such a forum hissy-fit.


It's actually a full on tantrum!

we joke about the forum kids but this one requires zero exaggeration.



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Wow amazingly Bioware has messed up yet again. Nowhere is that does it say only 4 servers will be eligible for transfer. What a joke. A 3rd rate ISP that can barely pay rent could copy data faster. Just one HUGE joke after another with these people. Have to be THE MOST incompetent group of game developers ever to exist. Seriously how could you guys possible have done any worse?


Now you expect us to continue to sub while you inch along with 4 servers a week? You say it wont be a month? It better not be 24 hours. This was your last chance and you BLEW it. Whats next? Only 1 server a week gets 1.3 because you guys cannot seem to copy a database? Just utterly amazing but not surprising. I knew the whole transfer thing was too good to be true. Just a ruse to get us to keep subscribing hoping one month we will see our server.


Im done this was the final straw that broke swtor's back. This game will be less than 100k subs in 6 months and closed within a year. The biggest failure ever in the history of video games.

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Since the system is automated, it will handle the load even if it takes longer. So why gradually?


Just because a process is automated, does not mean it has unlimited bandwidth. I can't even begin to understand why this is even an issue.

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I understand the slow start, but why would they choose the heaviest populated servers as destinations??? I just want to play on a server with a healthy population, I don't want to have to wait in a que just to log in!!!


Consolidate the Light servers into Standard/Heavy ones. Is it seriously that difficult to comprehend?




You are assuming those servers are going to have a queue. They specifically said they are increasing the population capacity. If you aren't going to keep up with the dev feedback you shouldn't come here all Chicken Little style and causing a ruckus.

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Out of all the NA servers, only 4 from the start? /sigh many people are disappointed.


I'm very disappointed , my server is one of the very dead ones, on the fleet most days i see five or six players and doing dailys miost of the time I'm alone .I guess I just Sux it up and hope I'm ether tranfered or the pop on my server is high by the time 1.3 goes live if it not the LFG tool won't do me any good. ; ( .

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I must say I am absolutely amazed at the volume of folks defending Bioware.


Transfers were needed a month or more ago, the fact that we are just getting them now is stupid enough, starting with just 4 servers for NA and picking the servers they did.... is just undescribable using PG language.


4 NA servers to start.... great we should all get out transfers sometime in the next 2 months... is that gradual enough for you fanboys?

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Bioware...... you knew people would explode like this. jonathan you SHOULD HAVE gave a time frame of how often it will get updated. saying every week is a vague answer with the state of your game. you should have said "every 2 days" or "4days".


your treading thin ice, and right now the ice is cracking. and cracking fast

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I understand the slow start, but why would they choose the heaviest populated servers as destinations??? I just want to play on a server with a healthy population, I don't want to have to wait in a que just to log in!!!


Consolidate the Light servers into Standard/Heavy ones. Is it seriously that difficult to comprehend?




Thats what they are doing......

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The only positive about this is that IF they allowed lots of servers to transfer at the same time and the system would crash the damage and the community outrage would be far greater.


Lets be happy that they take things one step at the time and be happy that the servertransfers has started.


Millions of charactertransfers at the same time would probably even crash NASA :rak_03:

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That was a silly thing to do.


Okay, everyone. Remember how we got here? The game was released and many servers had queues. Sure, most of the queues were pretty short, but you had to wait to play the game that you paid for and people whined endlessly, insulting Bioware, Obama, and electricity and threatening to publicly accuse Bioware of crimes if they didn't have their selfish, short-sighted demands met.


And Bioware did it.


Now, transfers are starting, and they start out slow --as anyone who has any shred of experience in large-scale services knows is a smart move-- and what happens: People whine endlessly, insulting Bioware and demanding that Bioware implement reckless, uncontrolled, and unmanageable transfers.


You know what would be really stupid: If Bioware listened to any of you. You are the problem. You are the ones who put us in this situation. You should be apologizing and supporting them as they fix the issue you created.


Your logic here is saying a company is losing customers and that its the customers fault that the business is well... losing customers. I believe you do not understand simple business.

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Wow amazingly Bioware has messed up yet again. Nowhere is that does it say only 4 servers will be eligible for transfer. What a joke.


Actually, BioWare has clearly explained that the process will be gradual. It is in the No. 1 sticky in this very forum. The only joke is the community.

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If this process works for the 10 selected servers, then it will work for the further 300 or w/e they have, so there is no reason why ALL transfers can't take place later on today, when it is confirmed to be a working process.

Since the system is automated, it will handle the load even if it takes longer. So why gradually?


oh look....another armchair game developer

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My patience ran out about a week ago, and I don't play since then. My account will run out in a week, and I may be willing to resub, if I get a transfer to a high pop server NOW. Once my time is up, it's not very likely I will ever come back.


After seeing this post... Im sure they will put your server on the next list. :rolleyes:

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You know all you had to do is read the post DIRECTLY ABOVE THIS ONE ON THE FRONTPAGE!


I am not the one raging all I am stating is once again this community assumes that the word gradual means them right away then other people later. Stating something is gradual is a lot different then stating exactly how many servers will be available from the start and which will be available. Just because they gave some information does not mean they gave the right information. And just for clarifications sake I am not upset, I had assumed due to reading the gradual part it would not be every server from the start and I didn't get my hopes up. But just because I am rational I do not expect everyone else to be rational because 9 times out of 10 they aren't.

Edited by Wrrath
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qft ^


Sure there is a reason to withold the list so they can get another month of money from us, I hate to say it but this is the last straw for me! I mean really 4 servers! I understand they will be adding more but mark my words this process will take months, in the meanwhile they are getting more $$$$ out of the few of us that have stayed this long.

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There is a difference between a gradual process and this...this is 4 NA servers, 10 servers in total. This doesn't even put a dent in the dead or dying servers. And then to top it off, they are going to already high populated servers. I love having to wait for a pvp que for like 2-3 hours... Maybe it is finally time to call it quits and unsub.
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What about of undeserved rage, hatred, and stupidity is appropriate before I start weeping at the fate of humanity? Seriously, BW said it would be a gradual process, that coupled with the fact that we already know it is a very complex thing to transfer a SWTOR toon should have rung a bell in people's heads that said "Hey, maybe they are only doing a few servers at a time, not 30 or 20 for US AND EU which would be an absoulutly ridiculous assumption to make."
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