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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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I am becoming more and more happy that my friends and I didn't transfer.


We saw this coming a long way off.


1) Lose all your names

2) No choice in which server you go to

3) Constant lag for a lot of players

4) Log-in wait times to even get to play

5) No way to transfer your characters back to your original server as it is a one way process

6) You end up having to start all over again.


What I think BioWare should have done, was waited with transfers till after 1.3 with the group tool. If people still complained about not getting groups, then and only then open up transfers. And let players go to any server they wanted to, NOT a forced destination.:jawa_mad: This character transfer really is blowing up in everyone's face, including BioWares

Edited by Tiralyon
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I am becoming more and more happy that my friends and I didn't transfer.


We saw this coming a long way off.


1) Lose all your names

2) No choice in which server you go to

3) Constant lag for a lot of players

4) Log-in wait times to even get to play

5) No way to transfer your characters back to your original server as it is a one way process

6) You end up having to start all over again.


What I think BioWare should have done, was waited with transfers till after 1.3 with the group tool. If people still complained about not getting groups, then and only then open up transfers. And let players go to any server they wanted to, NOT a forced destination.:jawa_mad:This character transfer really is blowing up in everyone's face, including BioWares


We should have a poll about this. (Only way to prove anything)


If I may dare a guess, over 90% of the current community is happy about these transfer events. Also, I believe the game has had a strong return of subscriptions. It's difficult to say though, the servers are packed and the MAJORITY seems to actually be having a lot of fun, myself included. :)

Edited by Xarox
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I seem to be missing something, perhaps it's in the hundreds of replies here but I dunno. You see, I get it that they're trying to spread out the server populations....cool makes sense. But why is it that my server, Mind Trick, is being shunted to a server that's apparently under high load? A lot of people bailed on my server and I'm not sure why. I'm thinking I might just wait to see if the server population here fills back up.
Wrong. They're not trying to spread out the player community. They're attempting to condense it to a handful of active servers.


Your server population will not "fill back up." Those that transferred have no way to return, and more will continue to bail as the transfer process continues. Your server has been marked for death, and its population is being transferred to ensure your destination's continued success.

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:( I hope we can keep some guild unity in this mass juggle! I don't know about you guys but I have made a few friends and that's one of the main reasons I stuck around. If they disappear ..then so do I. You can bet I'll cancel my sub quicker than you can say Bye-Bye. I got a message that a couple went to (now)a full server. A 15 min wait to log on there?? holy cow!. I can only Imagine the Lag Monster that is. so do we have a say where we can go?? if not I'll tell you where I am going...to the exit.




Dark Mercenary


Yeah, this really crippled my guild. Then again, the months delay in even having this happen killed my guild much more then this. This was just the final dagger.


Now, I'm on an active server, with an all but dead guild. I have no complaints with a little wait to log onto my server though. I'm ecstatic about being on the Fatman now with thousands others. I'm not quitting, I'd have quit if this DIDN'T happen.


I'm just still saddened at the guild cost, though.


PS: If you do a who search for a guild name string, the search SUCKS. All sorts of false positives.

Edited by islander
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We should have a poll about this. (Only way to prove anything)


If I may dare a guess, over 90% of the current community is happy about these transfer events. Also, I believe the game has had a strong return of subscriptions. It's difficult to say though, the servers are packed and the MAJORITY seems to actually be having a lot of fun, myself included. :)


I look at all the angry posts about everything people have to say about the transfers, and I cannot help but think you have it backwards. It seems to me 90% of the people are actually upset,and not happy about it:jawa_smile:

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I look at all the angry posts about everything people have to say about the transfers, and I cannot help but think you have it backwards. It seems to me 90% of the people are actually upset,and not happy about it:jawa_smile:


That's what game forums are like, the majority of people who are reasonable happy never post. People who are upset are far more motivated to post than people who are satisfied.

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Prettty crappy that i can only transfer to a pre programmed one.


After hydian way went dead i made new char's on Red eclipse and wanted to get my chars from hydian way and take em with me to red eclipse. But it seems i cant do this. :( Why! first make me all excited.. and then i can't make a choice. :(

A ton of us are in this situation and I'm hoping BW will address it. Like many others, I started playing the game during beta, got my names which are taken on the dictated destination server, and while I was waiting for transfers (back when BW said players would have a choice of servers to transfer to), I rerolled to Jedi Covenant and created a guild there. Now my main characters are stranded along with my high-level legacy on a dead server, with my only choice transferring to a server I have no interest in playing on. Bioware, please remedy this issue. It's not like transferring our mains to a heavily populated server will make any difference there, we can only play ONE character at a time after all. Thanks for listening.

Saga/Borgia and others -- Sanctum of the Exalted server

Arete/Marquess -- Jedi Covenant

Edited by BlueIndigo
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It would be great to get a timeline on when we can remove toons from other servers and at least place them on our current server. That would not creat any imbalances since I can only play one toon at a time anyways. If it's going to be a couple weeks...I can wait...but if it's more than a month I need to know. I can gear a toon up in that time and would just leave him where he is at and not bother to move him.


Your lack of information on the subject however well intended is potentially wasteing all our time.


Thank you

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I just want to say im happy about game. Transfers works. Many ppl are upset, but they are upset by their nature, not by game. We need to give bioware some time to solve waiting times on servers. Im sure they are working on it. Meantime it is better to logon sooner.
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All I have to say about the transfer system is... this pre-selected server nonsense (even though I understand why) does not work for everyone. Some of us moved servers (a while before we knew this would be a possibility) and have created new characters (personally, on level 40 now) and no intention of being moved to some random server!! Given that I have no intention of leaving my new server, where I have found a new guild which I like, I find it rather stupid that I now can't bring my older characters to this server. What I find even more hilarious, is that I wrote a ticket, hoping someone would help me sort out this issue, and when I logged in today the ticket had vanished (I assume someone at Bioware just deleted it and didn't have the decency to reply as to why).


I already have my next month paid for, but if this is how you treat paying costumers on a regular basis, I will seriously be considering whether or not I'll be renewing my subscription in the future. I really can't justify the wasted time on building up 5-6 characters on another server, which then had a drop in interest all around, and then my guild fell apart, so I actively searched out a better option for myself, which I found, only to then realize that Bioware won't even help me try to save my characters that I spend a few months on...


PS: This does involve cross regional transfers...

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I am becoming more and more happy that my friends and I didn't transfer.


We saw this coming a long way off.


1) Lose all your names

2) No choice in which server you go to

3) Constant lag for a lot of players

4) Log-in wait times to even get to play

5) No way to transfer your characters back to your original server as it is a one way process

6) You end up having to start all over again.


What I think BioWare should have done, was waited with transfers till after 1.3 with the group tool. If people still complained about not getting groups, then and only then open up transfers. And let players go to any server they wanted to, NOT a forced destination.:jawa_mad: This character transfer really is blowing up in everyone's face, including BioWares


100% agree Bioware are just shovelling people on to a very few servers, what are they going to do when those few servers all have a wait time to play, they will have to open up transfers FROM the servers they are forcing people to choose now.


Badly planned and executed Bioware

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100% agree Bioware are just shovelling people on to a very few servers, what are they going to do when those few servers all have a wait time to play, they will have to open up transfers FROM the servers they are forcing people to choose now.


Badly planned and executed Bioware


I do not like it much I liked it with all the other severs wich was what a main game was?!!!

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I lost all my cool character names and legacy in the transfer. I'm not sure if I'm going to continue, now that I lost my identity.


Dont blame you I would do the same. Glad I have not transfered yet, but waiting for the forced transfer though.

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Dont blame you I would do the same. Glad I have not transfered yet, but waiting for the forced transfer though.


Have you reserved the names you want on either your destination server or the server you want to be on? Odds are, if they force transfers, it'll be to the same destination servers (in which case, if you wait till then, your chance of losing your names is greatly increased), but they'll offer paid transfers to any destination server before that.


Of course, it's possible that, if there are enough people left on the origin servers, that they'll merge all the active populations on the remaining origin servers into new servers by region and server type, but that's just pure speculation (well, as is the first paragraph, but they've already said that origin-destination servers won't change).


I'm still holding out on one character because his destination server is different from the one the rest of my characters were transferred to. But I've reserved his name on the server already - and on the destination server as well, just in case it turns out that you only get a choice of servers if you transfer from one destination server to another.

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When server transfers hit, I was motherflippin' pi$$ed; However, logging onto my old server, I found that 77 people were on the fleet. I started talking to some old friends (toons I've seen before) and asked them their opinions. They told me the "77" people was just for the one instance of the fleet I was in. THERE WERE THREE INSTANCES not including mine that were FULL. I was blown away. I knew then, that I didn't want to transfer to The Fatman when paid transfers came out.


Reason #1 I'm on West coast time [GMT] -7:00, otherwise known as Arizona time. The Fatman is East. When I want to run FP's at 2:00am, there is no one on. (seems that way anyways)

Reason #2 The guild VOID, which I am currently in on my "new" server has been dead since D3 released.

Reason #3 The guild leader Deagen (twitch.tv/deagen) has been neglecting his guild since D3's release.

Basically, knowing my home server The Bastion is now revived, I'm glad I'm not being forced off my home server.

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When server transfers hit, I was motherflippin' pi$$ed; However, logging onto my old server, I found that 77 people were on the fleet. I started talking to some old friends (toons I've seen before) and asked them their opinions. They told me the "77" people was just for the one instance of the fleet I was in. THERE WERE THREE INSTANCES not including mine that were FULL. I was blown away. I knew then, that I didn't want to transfer to The Fatman when paid transfers came out.


Reason #1 I'm on West coast time [GMT] -7:00, otherwise known as Arizona time. The Fatman is East. When I want to run FP's at 2:00am, there is no one on. (seems that way anyways)

Reason #2 The guild VOID, which I am currently in on my "new" server has been dead since D3 released.

Reason #3 The guild leader Deagen (twitch.tv/deagen) has been neglecting his guild since D3's release.

Basically, knowing my home server The Bastion is now revived, I'm glad I'm not being forced off my home server.


Lucky you, meanwhile many of those people who did transfer to your server were forced off their homes and had to choose new names.

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Lucky you, meanwhile many of those people who did transfer to your server were forced off their homes and had to choose new names.


Unlucky you, meanwhile many other people were happy to leave their old servers and are thrilled to have a revived population to play with, even if they lost their names.

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I lost all my cool character names and legacy in the transfer. I'm not sure if I'm going to continue, now that I lost my identity.


If you lost ALL your names in your character transfer, then they were obviously not very unique, and therefore, by default, not as cool as you may think they are. Out of all of my transfers so far I've only had to change 2 out of 10.

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Honestly customer service for this has been abysmal.


They don't think ahead is clearly one of the issues. They should have had at least one or two back up servers to transfer toons to if the primary server was unavilable due to their own individual destination slots server being full at any point.

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