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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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Small note Prophecy is already up to Heavy.


Oh wait, thought we were all doomed if we didn't go to fatman.

hope they get the last est pvp servers done today /crossfingers

Edited by kegster
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You too Sevv that was the first time PVP popped in about 3 months LOL


Well we had like 5 or 6 matches the night before but then the pubs stopped queing so we went into ops. We have been playing pubs on Prophecy of the Five who got a bunch of servers today so the que for wzs is amazing there now but I want to play on my mains ; ; (wait till you see my snipe in pvp he looks sick now =P )

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As for the European servers, no clue why they're not included today? How many EU servers are left?


I am a bit tired now but I think I counted the servers to 80 on the server page


The number that http://www.swtor.com/transfer show is 58, the destination servers are probably around 6 so we use the number 64


16 EU servers to my knowledge are in limbo, if anyone else has exact numbers please correct this

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This is getting rediculus... im on Bloodworthy myself and i get pissed seeing a full Tomb knowing how few servers in EU is left,


SO BIOWARE... have you been monetoring the populations on the EU servers at all? ... i don't know about the rest but i for sure don't like paying to get the short straw


i realyl don't understand how hard it can be, either you know the cap's and limitations of your servers or not, have the ability to see how many play the game and count in that some just don't play in wait for a transfer... calculate what servers to let everyone move to/from... all this i could do if i had the numbers in my hands and calculate with a crayon.


so a little hint of what to happen with the left over EU servers?


I'm in the same boat as you, but remember EU primetime is now. Lots of people transferred yesterday and overnight etc. They don't all transfer the moment its announced.


So this is the first night of monitoring Tomb to see how its doing with the new transfers. I think they will do our servers tomorrow, or maybe soon tonight if they're working overtime.


They might turn one of us into destinations but my guess is they're working on raising Tombs cap to put us in there too, like they've done with fatman on us, which is holding over 700 people of fleet primetime.

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Ouch. So where's this "evaluating" and testing Bioware is doing of these transfers if destination servers are already very full with login queues? Why not spread out the population a bit more Bioware?


*sigh* This could be a fixable problem if we weren't stuck with server-transfers-on-rails and could opt where to go.


Not only that, but hundreds of people that has been away for a while, are returning to see the new activity.

And with 1.3 coming, they are not just coming back to have a look, but to play.

Then it will be Very Heavy 24/7.

Edited by DecanAndersen
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I think you misunderstand, I'm not arguing AGAINST server transfers at all, just the idea of rushing them. Would you rather wait 1 extra day and get transferred to a properly populated server, with a healthy population you can play on? Or to get transferred 1 day earlier into an overpopulated server that you are now STUCK on having to wait in extremely long queues every day during prime time?


Personally I can wait the extra day.


i can see this is there were 3-4 servers left and they were watching to see which ones to finsh them off but the US-PVE East has got totally disregarded today and left us with 21 servers that has not been touched and not 1 update why

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I think you misunderstand, I'm not arguing AGAINST server transfers at all, just the idea of rushing them. Would you rather wait 1 extra day and get transferred to a properly populated server, with a healthy population you can play on? Or to get transferred 1 day earlier into an overpopulated server that you are now STUCK on having to wait in extremely long queues every day during prime time?


Personally I can wait the extra day.


The issue is that by drizzling servers onto a few servers, they fill up those.

That leaves the remainder in a state where even combining them very possible will not make up a full server leaving those people 'behind' in the same situation they were before.

Especially when they before hand have the metrics which should allow them to calculate these things thus rendering their 'monitoring situation' kinda moot.


Secondly - the issue is lack of information. People not yet targeted have no idea whether they will be or not.

And you might feel willing to wait the extra day for something you don't know will happen, but how about two days, three, four .... next week maybe? That couple with the communication strategy leaves the impression Bioware don't know either. Plus with a weekend coming up fast and transfers not happened yet; will it be possible to play this weekend at all? Or will we still be stuck on our currently lowly populated servers with nothing to do? Do Bioware expect us to keep paying for that?

People have waited for transfers for a very long time. A feature that arguable should have been included as a maintenance tool from launch. And then when it comes they're hit with 'ready, steady ... wait'. Sorry, but that's pretty lousy no matter how anybody tries to spin it.


Thirdly - people's subscription is running out while they're waiting for Bioware to do something. People's who's continued subscription might depend on whether they can move to a new server or not; and how much fun they'll have on the new server.


This is not a matter of 'but they have to avoid queues'. It's a matter of that they could easily have calculated this (and if not easily - there's something very wrong with their metric gathering) and laid out a plan and announced much more concretely than they do.

Edited by xandax
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I agree plus they pretty much already told us (without actually telling us of course because they never can just say what they mean) that we wont be origin or destination on darth bandon. Looks like after tomorrow they are basically done. 17 East coast PVE servers left out of the whole thing. 1000s of people who could all be having fun screwed over because somehow in 2012 a multi million dollar company cannot figure out something as basic as server transfers.


Speak on it.. can't see why the "big/launch" PvE servers were not merged first. Its easier to fit small things into big holes. They have done the opposite to date...

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I'm in the same boat as you, but remember EU primetime is now. Lots of people transferred yesterday and overnight etc. They don't all transfer the moment its announced.


So this is the first night of monitoring Tomb to see how its doing with the new transfers. I think they will do our servers tomorrow, or maybe soon tonight if they're working overtime.


They might turn one of us into destinations but my guess is they're working on raising Tombs cap to put us in there too, like they've done with fatman on us, which is holding over 700 people of fleet primetime.


I hope you are right, mate. The 3 leftovers together don't make a decent. I'm wishing they let us move to Tomb too.

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This is exactly what I was talking about. Everyone complaining and rushing BW to just finish this process is forgetting this very result. Sure ppl wanna have a populated server so they can play with more ppl, but if you and/or your friends on are stuck in huge queues it kinda defeats the purpose now doesn't it?


ooooh. So you're suggesting that if Bioware takes their time and thinks through a solution there will be a better outcome. So I guess we should be able to expect the result of this transfer to be pretty good; at least an improvement on let's say flinging poo.


So when the outcome of this transfer is not any better than flinging poo, and we have to wait in addition to getting an inferior outcome, I suppose I can come back and say "I told you so."

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The initial character transfer service is now available, allowing qualifying characters to be transferred at no charge from selected origin servers to selected destination servers. This character transfer service will be available as long as is required to help maintain population balance across the service and create a better overall gameplay experience. Select servers will be eligible for free character transfers based on the player populations of the origin and destination servers.


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what if the server your allowed to transfer to already has 8 slots used r we going to be able to move r ppl to a diff. server soon because my died lol everyone left

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Secondly - the issue is lack of information. People not yet targeted have no idea whether they will be or not.

And you might feel willing to wait the extra day for something you don't know will happen, but how about two days, three, four .... next week maybe? That couple with the communication strategy leaves the impression Bioware don't know either. Plus with a weekend coming up fast and transfers not happened yet; will it be possible to play this weekend at all? Or will we still be stuck on our currently lowly populated servers with nothing to do? Do Bioware expect us to keep paying for that?

People have waited for transfers for a very long time. A feature that arguable should have been included as a maintenance tool from launch. And then when it comes they're hit with 'ready, steady ... wait'. Sorry, but that's pretty lousy no matter how anybody tries to spin it.


Yet, when they told us about transfers on the 6th, and specifically told us they wouldnt be telling us which servers would become elligible when or what destinations they would have, people didnt care then, they were celebrating that transfers were coming. But now that some people have gone, the remaining special snowflakes feel that they are being discriminated against and kept in the dark.

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This is exactly what I was talking about. Everyone complaining and rushing BW to just finish this process is forgetting this very result. Sure ppl wanna have a populated server so they can play with more ppl, but if you and/or your friends on are stuck in huge queues it kinda defeats the purpose now doesn't it?


I personally don't think that giving people the freedom to choose the server they want to go to would be a good move at this stage of the game. Routing people to specific servers guarantees that the destination servers WILL be populated., If you give the freedom to go wherever you want, you will still have the issue of some servers being populated and some starving for people. I think what we are seeing right now is a bit of a rerun of what happened when the game went live.. you've got more concurrent logins than usual as people are setting up shop in their new home.. things like re-establishing guilds, testing the waters of getting pugs and warzones together, things of that nature.. once the initial rush of people start to level off the servers that are currently queuing will start to normalize.. and at any rate, the highest I saw the queue get last night was around 10 minutes.. Ill take a 10 minute queue over a barren server any day, but that's just me..



On a related note, what are the odds a CM might be able to provide us with a roadmap as to what servers will be transfered atnd when?

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Not only that, but hundreds of people that has been away for a while, are returning to see the new activity.

And with 1.3 coming, they are not just coming back to have a look, but to play.

Then it will be Very Heavy 24/7.


No one is returning. The problem is they still believe their "sub" number is equal to thier player number, and so much, much less people they then wanted to are moving, which is why we see more and more origin servers added to the same destination..


They see "1000 people are subbed and playing mainly on server x" so they open it up hoping a number close to 1000 will take server transfer. Instead, a tiny faction asks for a transfer because most of the subs are dead 6 month subs that don't play any more or people who just don't care because they have given up on the after month and months of horrible treatment. What was the longest Que for fatman last night? 5 minutes? So after moving almost 10 servers into the largest server they have they ALMOST hit the server pop they had on every single server at launch on one server.



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24 but what is the breakdown there since EU is a harder merge to handle due to languages.


8 German PvE (6 already transferred to one server)

3 RP-PvP(one for each supported language)

3 English PvP (17 already transferred to one server)

10 English PvE (9 already transferred to one server)

Edited by vaargen
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I'm in the same boat as you, but remember EU primetime is now. Lots of people transferred yesterday and overnight etc. They don't all transfer the moment its announced.


So this is the first night of monitoring Tomb to see how its doing with the new transfers. I think they will do our servers tomorrow, or maybe soon tonight if they're working overtime.


They might turn one of us into destinations but my guess is they're working on raising Tombs cap to put us in there too, like they've done with fatman on us, which is holding over 700 people of fleet primetime.


Yes i hope so... but if that's the case why aren't they putting out info about it... saying we are monetoring how transfers goes and populations isn't saying anything at all to me other then that they really don't know

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Well, guess they are done for the night and so am I following these forums.


This was a big NA transferserverday, lets see equal EU transferday tomorrow.


I really wish they would brush up on their communication skills, they earn so much goodwill by responding and interacting with the players during times like these.

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