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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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24? Yeah, I'm going to call that excessive. But in any case, transferring is a choice and if you decided to go that way then the lose is the price of things.
Transferring isn't really a choice. You transfer, or you end up on a barren server with no one to play with. This is server consolidation, packaged in a way that won't cause the media outlets to proclaim the game's demise.
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I really don't understand how this Benifits us, I realize you are trying to condense servers. If this is true let us move toons to servers with our other toons. Why would I want to move a toon to a random server? Only gives me one choice. That is stupid!
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Transferring isn't really a choice. You transfer, or you end up on a barren server with no one to play with. This is server consolidation, packaged in a way that won't cause the media outlets to proclaim the game's demise.


You're taking having a choice to mean "having a choice you like." I'm talking in the Sarte sense of choice.

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Are they planning on deleting the empty servers after this is over? I don't want to move any of my characters to the servers they are suggesting. At the most I'm only gonna move a few 50's to the new one to play with my guildmates. I don't play this game to play with others at lower lvls, I play it as a single person game and would love to be the only person playing on a world. There is nothing more annoying to me than being in an area trying to get the bonus mission stuff completed when there is 30 other people in the same area trying for the same stuff, all waiting for respawns. If this is a choice and I can choose to stay where I'm at and not worry about my server being deleted and losing all my characters than I'm more than pleased with this transfer thing, but would like some kind of confirmation on what the expectation is at the end of this.
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So I have a question. Upon server transfer, can I change my name if my current name is available? I ask because my one character just transferred to the Fatman (different than where my other character transferred). When I transferred, I had to change my name. Very sad, I know. Eventually, I'm going to move that character off of the Fatman since I don't want to be there and never wanted to be there. I would like my original name back, which currently is available on POT5. I'm afraid that my name on the Fatman will be available on POT5 and they won't let me change it.
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Transferring from a "dead" server that I can actually log on to play on, to a server that is now so full I'd be queued for 20 minutes makes no sense whatsoever. Why did Darth Sion get sent to Drooga's when that server is so dang full already?


It seems like the transfers for the last dregs of dead servers wasn't well thoughtout by BioWare.:mad:

Edited by Arzhanin
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I assume the reason for the server moves is Bioware realized they have too many servers for the subscriber base. I applaud Bioware for allowing server moves to more populated servers. However, if Bioware cannot manage the server loads and plans to continue to "OVERLOAD" servers causing 30+ minute wait times for logging in, then that will be enough to send people back to other games such as DDO or WoW. This is just bad resource management.
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I assume the reason for the server moves is Bioware realized they have too many servers for the subscriber base. I applaud Bioware for allowing server moves to more populated servers. However, if Bioware cannot manage the server loads and plans to continue to "OVERLOAD" servers causing 30+ minute wait times for logging in, then that will be enough to send people back to other games such as DDO or WoW. This is just bad resource management.


People said same crap at launch while many of us said to take heed and just wait it out. Bioware caved and opened more servers than needed and we ended up with huge spread out pop. Right now you are just seeing the rush for people to transfer and move on, the hardcore are streaming into these destinations and filling em up. In a few days things will settle. Heck we have had a bunch of guildies that haven't played in months show up just to transfer, lot of people were waiting for it.


Other servers that transferred last week and had waits already are seeing things calm down.

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I assume the reason for the server moves is Bioware realized they have too many servers for the subscriber base. I applaud Bioware for allowing server moves to more populated servers. However, if Bioware cannot manage the server loads and plans to continue to "OVERLOAD" servers causing 30+ minute wait times for logging in, then that will be enough to send people back to other games such as DDO or WoW. This is just bad resource management.
We already know they plan to increase server capacities. That's why they are still transferring to the servers in question. The new cap will be much more manageable in this respect.
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Yeah I assume once they bolt the old servers onto the new ones and increase the load capacity the queue issue will go away.


But in all honesty, losing most of my names, my legacy name, "forcibly" moving to a server where no one knows me, and on top of all that waiting 20-30 mins to get in per queue login... its a bit much this week.

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24? Yeah, I'm going to call that excessive. But in any case, transferring is a choice and if you decided to go that way then the lose is the price of things.


Transferring is NOT a choice. This is an MMORPG. That second "M" stands for multiplayer. I have room on my destination server for ONE of my Jekk Jekk Tarr toons. The others will still need a new home. They can't stay on JJT. Like all servers being given an "option" to leave, most active players are going to take that option. Now the friends and guild I have on that server are getting movied and if I want to keep playing with them I need to move too.


Just because you choose to only have four toons doesn't mean I have to. Don't try to force your ideals on me and I won't try to force my ideals on you.

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So I have a question. Upon server transfer, can I change my name if my current name is available? I ask because my one character just transferred to the Fatman (different than where my other character transferred). When I transferred, I had to change my name. Very sad, I know. Eventually, I'm going to move that character off of the Fatman since I don't want to be there and never wanted to be there. I would like my original name back, which currently is available on POT5. I'm afraid that my name on the Fatman will be available on POT5 and they won't let me change it.


Yes, before the transfer try to create a character on POT5 with the new name that you want to lose, if you can then keep that character while you transfer (which forces a rename) and then delete it, if you can't then the name is already taken and you will have to rename anyway. Also create a character today on POT5 with the original name you want to get back to "reserve" it and delete that character just before the transfer.


Unfortunately this may require the use of 2 character slots rather than 1 but it will ensure that you get the name you want if it is that important to you.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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Transferring from a "dead" server that I can actually log on to play on, to a server that is now so full I'd be queued for 20 minutes makes no sense whatsoever. Why did Darth Sion get sent to Drooga's when that server is so dang full already?


It seems like the transfers for the last dregs of dead servers wasn't well thoughtout by BioWare.:mad:


BW seem to be counting on one of 2 things, either population averages will drop slightly after people finish transferring because people were logging on specifically to transfer and try the new server or they have the ability to raise the server cap slightly to remove the queues.

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This is not the case. We understand that having to wait can be a source of frustration, but we definitely did not come into this with no plan. The metrics we had prior to transfers opening helped us prepare for the process, but we knew that the start of character transfer would affect populations. Our plan is to monitor populations and work to ensure that character transfer results in a good experience for players. We're constantly evaluating data and will continue to make decisions based off of it.


It's now officially the case that my Imp characters transfer path is a different server than my Rep character' destination server.


When will we get to move our characters to the same server now that the walls between faction avatars have come down and there are now significant benefits to having avatars on the same server?


Every time I hear about the new content coming where you've said we'll need an avatar on the other faction or I see other players today who benefit fom cross-faction Legacy benefits, it makes me think you are disconnected from your players, the situations you placed them in (and continue to), and their needs.

Edited by Verdan
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I was willing to sit through a 20+ min queues when the game launched. The game no longer holds enough draw for me to be willing to sit there and not play it for 20 minutes. I'll give a few days to see if it evens out before making a final decision though.
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Transferring is NOT a choice. This is an MMORPG. That second "M" stands for multiplayer. I have room on my destination server for ONE of my Jekk Jekk Tarr toons. The others will still need a new home. They can't stay on JJT. Like all servers being given an "option" to leave, most active players are going to take that option. Now the friends and guild I have on that server are getting movied and if I want to keep playing with them I need to move too.


Just because you choose to only have four toons doesn't mean I have to. Don't try to force your ideals on me and I won't try to force my ideals on you.


See, that's where you are wrong. They *can* stay on JJT. You just don't WANT to keep them there. What you want and what is impossible are very different things. Which has always been one of my points.

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See, that's where you are wrong. They *can* stay on JJT. You just don't WANT to keep them there. What you want and what is impossible are very different things. Which has always been one of my points.


I'm not wrong. They won't be playable on the old server as it will be a vitual ghost town on a server earmarked for eventual deletion. Unless you and your four toons can roll in a group with me to run Lost Island Hard Mode. And be my guild (who has all already moved).


From a FACTUAL standpoint you're correct in the fact that I don't HAVE to move them. But that's NOT the point. So stop trying to poke a bear with a pointy stick.


Please stop trying to be some kind of weird devil's advocate where none is needed. I have toons that need moving and Bioware is not supplying the means to do so for me and MANY others.

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Is there like a Server Transfer troubleshooting page that I can check if I encounter issues? I am unable to transfer my last character from Darth Malak to The Fatman for it is saying that I have consumed the 8 slots even if it is clearly showing that I still have one left? Any suggestions?



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I have a question. Right now Faathra and Hyperspace cannon are servers that can transfer to Droogas Pleasure Barge.


Faathra is a server where I'm leveling 4 characters with a friend and they're mid level. Hyperspace Cannon is my main server with 8 characters 3 of which are high level and the other 5 are mid level. I obviously can't transfer them all.


Are there plans to allow servers that are currently able to transfer to one server to have an option to transfer to a second server?

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We got free transfer to The Harbinger, from Vornskr, today.








wait for it....











Too many other servers got moved here, but we really had no choice, as it would be bad on a dead server.

Hopefully, after the Transfer Frenzy, it will stabilize.

The main problem will be, in waiting for Spawns of Dailies,World Bosses, ect.


Other problems were:


Losing my First name to some jerk, who created Kallas, today, on hutta, and losing my legacy name of Starburner.

My guildies sending tells/email to false character, thinking it was me.

Lag Induced Blacking out of Screen upon load in,on fleet.

Names being taken or spoken for, causing everyone, to change names, making it hard to get back into guild.

Edited by -Slaughterhouse-
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Are you kidding me w/ all these transfers? I mean there wasn't more than 7 people on either fleet at the same time at all. And not to mention the fact that the warzone ques didn't pop at all. I waited in que for six hours. These transfers suck period! The server i'm on might as well be a graveyard. Bioware really failed epicly w/ this. They might as well force people to transfer at gunpoint now. I think it's time to go find something new. Thank you bioware for monumentally screwing up an already smaller populated server.
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From a FACTUAL standpoint you're correct in the fact that I don't HAVE to move them.


An acknowledgement of what I was saying being true was all I wanted. :)


That said, I'd hardly consider myself a devil's advocate. Others have explained very well just why Bioware is really being pretty reasonable in this situation. I just happen to agree with them.

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