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Best Companions


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After seeing a Worst Companions thread, I said "Hey, why not do the opposite?"

Which companions do you like the best?


Personally, I think Talos Drellik is awesome! To me, he's useless in combat (I'm a sorc specced as a healer), but when I'm conversing with him, he's awesome! :D


T7 for the JK is pretty cool too. He seems like the perfect sidekick to someone so important.

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Malavai Quinn, Vector, Doc, Kira Carsen, Corso Riggs, Yuun, Elara Dorne, Aric Jorgan, Tharan Cedrax, Gault Rennow, Torian Cadera, Jaesa Willsaam (LS), Vette, Andronikos Revel, Talos Drellik, T7-01


The ones I didn't list I either hate their guts or haven't received them yet.

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T. 7.


Don't get me wrong, I'm a girl and I love my sappy romances and all the lovely LIs. But T7 is just...the best thing ever. Every time he "talks" I love it. If they made him romanceable I'd do it. He's just that awesome.

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Favorite companions?


Torian Cadera because he exudes the charisma and honor I would expect of a Mandalorian. And because he WANTS my hunter, hehe.


Malavi Quinn, because he makes me think. I am constantly trying to figure him out. There's nothing easy or simple about him. He's smart, methodical, concise. He's the strategist to my warrior's tactics, and together they're unstoppable.


Blizz, because he's cute, because he makes me laugh, because he's "fixing" things on my hunter's ship.


Khem Vaal, because my sorcerer impressed him, somehow, enough he threw himself in front of an evil witch's spell in order to save her. He's like a great big 'ole "Sulley" Sullivan, evil-looking at first but secretly cuddly.


Doc, because he leaves me laughing more often than not. He flirts endlessly but it isn't long before you realize it's as much to keep women at a distance as it is to attract them. Hidden depths to the guy, even as you're LOL'ing over his comments.


Corso Riggs, because he's just a plain 'ole sweetie pie. And he plays along with my smuggler's nonsense. He's awesome!


Them's my faves.

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Republic: Qyzen Fess -- because he fits so well with my character and her backstory.


Imperial: Vette -- she provides the perfect counterpoint to my Sith Warrior *and* my Republic character can live vicariously through her, as if continuing her own storyline. :)

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Mako - Pretty much the only Companion a Bounty Hunter needs, that and I pretty much liked her character.


Blizz - Comedy relief pretty much.


Gault - Scammer the conversations with him were pretty fun


Torian Cadera - Honor and all that, like a true Mandalorian


Vette - The conversations are fun and she seems more realistic than the other companions at least for me.


Khem Val - He wants to eat you, but even for a dark creature he is pretty much a loyal beast and cannon fodder :p


Akaavi Sparr - A Female mandalorian ******, I love women who can put up a fight and be fearsome and not the "Oh please save meh" attitude.

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Doc, just Doc. It's nice to have a LI who doesn't beat around the bush, and best marriage EVER! Also, he had me laughing my *** off pretty much every time he opened his mouth.


Not to mention that he worked well with my Fem!Knight's personality.


I think someone here also mentioned T-7. You gotta love the little guy.

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Doc, just Doc. It's nice to have a LI who doesn't beat around the bush, and best marriage EVER! Also, he had me laughing my *** off pretty much every time he opened his mouth.


Not to mention that he worked well with my Fem!Knight's personality.


I think someone here also mentioned T-7. You gotta love the little guy.


Yeah, Doc works well with my JK's personality too. She's like a girls gone wild girl without being too bad girly. Plus, he's hilarious (the pudding cups!) and I LOVED his love letters he sends and the marriage. *sigh* So, damn sweet. We need to be able to replay our decisions over and over.

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in no particular order:

Mako-<3 her to pieces

Vette- ******** and funny

Dorne- she has a real personality even though she is a little stiff, but once you get to know her, she is really cool

Pierce- he is the most ****** soldier ever

Risha- dont understand why she gets no love, she is BFF with my smuggler, really smart, and is a good person when you get to know her too

Guss- just Guss.....he cracks me up

SCORPIO- glad she is on my side and her voice is hot

Lokin- someone you really dont want to mess with and sort of a kindly father figure... with issues


havent got Blizz yet, but everyone likes him so i will find out soon enough

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Yeah, Doc works well with my JK's personality too. She's like a girls gone wild girl without being too bad girly. Plus, he's hilarious (the pudding cups!) and I LOVED his love letters he sends and the marriage. *sigh* So, damn sweet. We need to be able to replay our decisions over and over.


Lol. My JK was the opposite - a sweet Jedi who didn't know flirting if it hit her in the face. Led to some really hilarious role-play with my leveling buddy. But my Knight didn't stay so *ahem* innocent for long. ;)


Yes! We do. The convos were so good with him!

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Risha- dont understand why she gets no love, she is BFF with my smuggler, really smart, and is a good person when you get to know her too


I agree! I love her conversations, it's so fun to girl talk with her. I liked the one where my smuggler said she was going to teach her kid to shoot as soon as it was born and Risha laughed and said "hahaha you'll be such a crap mom".

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<3 Doc <3


<3 Talos <3


<3 Risha <3


Risha deserves special mention because I was afraid she was going to go all Sassy! Girl! Sidekick! on me like Kira did (snotty and sarcastic and slightly catty but ultimately toothless and irritating). But no! She turned out to be legitimately funny, fully capable, and a really good friend. I love Risha to pieces.


There are actually a lot of companions I like, but those three I ~love~.

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Keeping in mind I haven't yet played all the classes and haven't picked up all the companions, my faves so far are Mako (a healer right off the bat and she's cute!)


Kaliyo (yeah, she dies a fair bit but I love her personality)

Doc. First time he met my lady Sentinel, he tried hitting on her. I love that about him. Same deal with Tharan Cedrex.

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  • 1 year later...

Best top 5 Empire Companions:


Gault,Jaesa Wilsaam,Xalex,Mako,Vette.


Best top 5 Republic Companions


Kira Carsen,Doc,Elara Dorne,Bowdarr (Wookie?),M1-4X.





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For my Trooper, it's Aric Jorgan - his attitude meshes very well with my character's, and as such they make a great tag team. Honorable mention to M1-4X for PATRIOTISM however.


For my Jedi Knight - Kira, no contest. Her personality is awesome, I don't agree with everything she says but she's just way too much fun to have around; and "Eat lightsaber, jerk!" is one of the few companion lines I don't mind hearing repeatedly. Honorable mention: T7. I would so make him an honorary Jedi if I could. (Maybe I should give him a Jawa robe and a retractable lightsaber or something...)


I don't have enough companions for other classes yet to come up with a favorite for any of them.

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For my Trooper, it's Aric Jorgan - his attitude meshes very well with my character's, and as such they make a great tag team. Honorable mention to M1-4X for PATRIOTISM however.


For my Jedi Knight - Kira, no contest. Her personality is awesome, I don't agree with everything she says but she's just way too much fun to have around; and "Eat lightsaber, jerk!" is one of the few companion lines I don't mind hearing repeatedly. Honorable mention: T7. I would so make him an honorary Jedi if I could. (Maybe I should give him a Jawa robe and a retractable lightsaber or something...)


I don't have enough companions for other classes yet to come up with a favorite for any of them.


Could not agree more.

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