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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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You keep pushing cartel market. You keep pushing the players to see how much ******** they'll take. When you push too hard and the players cry foul, you pull back a bit.


You have demonstrated no respect for the integrity of the game. You have demonstrated no desire or ability to produce subscription-worthy content at a pace worthy of subscription.


I've enjoyed playing the game for over a year. Counting game test, almost 2 years. But I see little likelihood of enjoyable content on the horizon.


I'm not enthralled by cartel market fluff. I'm leery of the testing of p2w that cartel market is doing. The way you designed it - that all CM items can be put on GTN and all subs get coins - is brilliant in that it will have a small, vocal core of rabid white knights defending any degree of transgression against the integrity of the game as "still not p2w".


I don't like where I see the game going.


It's sad, really. Between the SW IP, the amazing stories, and the good gameplay you could have had something awesome. Instead you're turning it into Sims:Star Wars via the cartel shop.


But, of course, all the insanely talented writers who created the stories are gone now, aren't they?


Thanks for the stories, especially the Agent one.

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Unsubbed as of today. 154 days remaining.


The Cartel Market Rep grind is an affront to all subscribers. Eric Musco telling us that we can get them in game via the GTN or save our stipend for the packs is not acceptable since it would anyone doing so literally years to do so. This plus realizing the fact that there has not been a single addition or even a bug fix to the achievable in-game Armor and Crafting Armor sets shows me that EA/BioWare no longer care about subscribers. They only care about the morons who keep buying gamble boxes. Well, good luck keeping your game going with that alone.


I'm done. Bye.



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Unsubbed as of today. 154 days remaining.


The Cartel Market Rep grind is an affront to all subscribers. Eric Musco telling us that we can get them in game via the GTN or save our stipend for the packs is not acceptable since it would anyone doing so literally years to do so. This plus realizing the fact that there has not been a single addition or even a bug fix to the achievable in-game Armor and Crafting Armor sets shows me that EA/BioWare no longer care about subscribers. They only care about the morons who keep buying gamble boxes. Well, good luck keeping your game going with that alone.


I'm done. Bye.



Another guy who really supported and defended the game... now gone. First Urael, and now Blackavaar. EAWare should be disappointed in themselves.

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Number of new and much more interesting MMOs are on the horizon


Not to belittle the rest of your very legitimate points, but I find this particular point to be... interesting, to say the least. MMO players have become exactly like the single/multiplayer market. They always gravitate to the Next Big Thing™, but the developers of these games continually aim to net players longterm, which simply isn't a reality in the genre anymore.


The masses converge on a game due to hype, learn the realities of the game, get disappointed, vent, and play until the next release. Rinse and repeat. It would be interesting to see a developer actually make an MMO based on this nature.

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Yes I think it is time for me to call it a day also, even though I still have to finish the BH story, and haven't even done the JK story yet.


Reasons -


1. I don't raid or PvP in this game but look more at professions and levelling alts.


It is obvious from the PTS that professions are now wasted with no more non-moddible schematics for armormechs/armstech/synthweavers - only adaptive/mods/enhancements/augments. I've spent hours re-engineering for the correct purple designations but they are no more it seems. I therefore won't be buying RoTHC and therefore there seems little point in remaining subbed as any new content will be no doubt aimed at level 55.


2. The lack of class story in the new 'Expansion' is to me unacceptable but I could have overlooked it if I believed that the direction the game is going was OK. As an 'alter' I love rep grinds and the like as these are things for me to do when I reach max level, but the decision to put in a rep grind based off of cartel packs is in my opinion unconcionable and kills the game for me. Whether people call it pay to win or not, I don't care it is content gated from a subscriber in my opinion.


I may log in in a few weeks and try F2P to finish the stories, but will not be spending another cent.


So long guys/girls it was fun whilst it lasted.

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I don't have a formal subscription as I've been paying with time cards lately, so I cannot leave feedback privately. hence posting in this thread.


between current direction of cartel market, calling new rep "thanks" to players have have been purchasing items of cartel market before, and draconian weekly limits on commendations, I just don't see any point in subscribing anymore. I still have stories I want to finish and I don't hate the game, especially base game. class stories haven't gotten any less fun.


however, my main reason for subscribing was to not have to worry about limitations of f2p version. now that I'm going to be limited regardless, both in terms of my ability to gain rep and upgrades WHILE leveling? I might as well play less on my own terms, without paying $15 a month and spend more time on other games I currently own and rarely play.

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Wait... That really happened? That is so funny. I wish this game had fun times like that.


There is nothing funny about disrespecting someone's real life death like that. People that new this person and was in that world with them wanted to honor that person. Then some people who thought it would be funny to just rush in and kill everyone who were trying to remember a friend come in and do that. Not funny and extremely poor taste.

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There is nothing funny about disrespecting someone's real life death like that. People that new this person and was in that world with them wanted to honor that person. Then some people who thought it would be funny to just rush in and kill everyone who were trying to remember a friend come in and do that. Not funny and extremely poor taste.


That video was on Youtube...it probably still is.


It does give you a good idea of how douchey a lot of MMO gamers are. ;)

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Well, I'm a bit of a different case--I unsubbed in December and just came back. But I figured my answers could still give a little insight.


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game?


1) I signed up for PVE, never having played an MMO before, and when the servers were merged, I initially struggled with the PVP experience, such as etiquette in dealing with other players, etc.

2) To expand on that with a specific issue, I had been playing on super low-pop servers. Being moved to servers where there were people running around everywhere was daunting enough--especially when everyone's trying to grab the same bomb/chest/other physical plot point. But then I had several experiences when another player(s) would wait for me to engage with the baddies needed to access the bomb/chest/whatever and then would dart in to what I would call "steal" it from me. Really, really pissed me off.

3) Around upgrade 1.4.1, I started having really bad lag issues and other graphics problems. I was in the minority, but that was the case for me. The game started getting unplayable.

4) I nosed around on the forums and found that I really was in the minority as to having these problems with the upgrades, so I figured it was something that wouldn't be at the forefront for getting "fixed." (And yes, all my software and settings were as they should be for optimal play.)

5) The credit card that was being used for the monthly auto-pay got hacked (elsewhere) and the card cancelled. I considered it a sign. :rak_01:


So...why am I back?


1) I needed a diversion from some personal issues causing me heavy stress. :p

2) Mild curiosity to see what had changed since F2P had been introduced, including what the population on the server looked like.

3) Pleasantly surprised to find that, with several updates, most of my graphics/lag issues have been resolved.

4) I've found interacting with other players, whether via general chat or in groups, to be much improved. Not sure why.

5) It really is a compelling game with excellent characters/story arcs and I would actually like to get one of my toons past level 24. :D


Maybe this helped?


Edited to add: Just saw my old sig! Had forgotten...guess I have to change that, lol.

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Unsubbed as of today. 154 days remaining.


The Cartel Market Rep grind is an affront to all subscribers. Eric Musco telling us that we can get them in game via the GTN or save our stipend for the packs is not acceptable since it would anyone doing so literally years to do so. This plus realizing the fact that there has not been a single addition or even a bug fix to the achievable in-game Armor and Crafting Armor sets shows me that EA/BioWare no longer care about subscribers. They only care about the morons who keep buying gamble boxes. Well, good luck keeping your game going with that alone.


I'm done. Bye.




I aggree with what he has said and I too feel this way. I have been playing since launch and I still enjoy the game. But the direction it is going is something I can now longer support. I see no point in waiting any longer. IMO, it is no longer worth my subscription cost for me to continue. Today is my last day of active subscription. Why am I leaving…well here are some of the many reasons.

1. Server Transfers

2. Cartel Market Rep System

3. Not listening to its paying customers in many aspects of this game


These are just a few things that have helped me reach this decision. Again, this is IMO only, but it has been voiced in other people’s reasons for leaving as well.


I truly wish nothing but success for this game and I have enjoyed this community immensely. Enjoy your adventures and may the “Force be with you all”!!

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Been here a week after game went live. In that time I've accomplished a lot. Have 3 level 50's, all completed geared up. Have all crafting professions to 400 and I have everything I need or want. I've done all of this solo.


I'm still subbed to this game but will leave soon as Defiance comes out. I'm also waiting on Elder Scrolls. Reason for leaving is I'm extremely frustrated at BioWare for their lack of fixing many of the things in the game. And now that the cartel market is out, they seem to have all their priorities only on the market and nothing else in way of fixing bugs.


I love the entire Starwars thing as I used to play SWG pre-nge and I thought this game would be as much fun as that one was although 2 different type games.


Funny thing is my son told me this game would not be as good and he was right. He also added this is a WoW clone and again he was right. He foresaw this before I did. I do like many things in the game but Bioware and their staff is not one. I am terribly disappointed in their lack of knowledge as to what it takes to make a good game.


The cartel market will add to the quickness of this games demise.

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Are you actually reading this EAware? I have read most of the reasons why people unsub. They are all valid. I am toying with the idea of unsubbing myself. I love Star Wars, but what you have here is a travesty. I was so excited for this game. My wife (who hates video games by the way) actually lets me get away with the amount of game time I play because she knows my passion for Star Wars. But you are sucking the life out of my passion. Glitchy game, no new class content, and the cash hole that is the Cartel Market. The people who have unsubbed have given you valid reasons for their unsubbing, yet you do nothing to fix the problems. Just keep shoving more and more into the stupid Cartel Market. And this new Pay for Rep b***s*** you have now has almost got me ready to unsub. Fix it, or you won't even be making any money off the CM and you will have to shut the game down. Actually, do that. Let another company who would actually care about subscribed players take over and really show you how to make a game.
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I actually want to list my reasons for quitting, i copied it from a previous post but oh well:


- Generic class / ability / combat-system

- Forced weapon and lightsaber use depending on class

- No re-customization of character

- Armor / Outfit design and art + no Armor / Outfit dye (weapon / vehicle / spacecraft dye?)

- Static encounters, static planets, static dialog- no real choices

- No Chat-Bubbles and other useful RP-tools like a bio-tab, sitting in chairs etc

- Shoe-Horned-Linear-Choked-Claustrophobic overall game-design and game-mechanics

- Fantasy-inspired visuals of force powers

- Terrible implementation of F2P and the Cartel Shop

- TERRIBLE Space-Game

- Terrible Crafting-Game

- Terrible Itemization and Tiers

- Lack of horizontal game-play, progression / commendation-gain

- Expertise stat in PvP

- No open world-PvP

- No sandbox elements

- Lack of Star Wars and lack of Wars in Star Wars and lack of Star in Star Wars



TL:DR. The game feels like a movie rather than the virtual stars wars world i was hoping for.

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the latest CM Vendor rep was my last straw..


The game is now focused around the market for BW/EA and not content.


i remember another lie from BW ..........and i quote* being a subscriber is a all you can eat buffet*



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Unsubbed as of today. 154 days remaining.


The Cartel Market Rep grind is an affront to all subscribers. Eric Musco telling us that we can get them in game via the GTN or save our stipend for the packs is not acceptable since it would anyone doing so literally years to do so. This plus realizing the fact that there has not been a single addition or even a bug fix to the achievable in-game Armor and Crafting Armor sets shows me that EA/BioWare no longer care about subscribers. They only care about the morons who keep buying gamble boxes. Well, good luck keeping your game going with that alone.


I'm done. Bye.




This is surprising. Given some of the recent names in this thread, EAware should really take note. :cool:

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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?

Quite doable...


N°1 : Lost all faith after months expecting at least some improvements, instead, it's getting worse with what we know from the 2.0 patch.

N°2 : Endgame is made for 8-man groups repeating the same thing week after week and nothing else.

N°3 : Lack of direction, like if the manager didn't know how to manage an MMORPG and took ideas left and right with no tracking. See crafting, for example (1.0 -> 1.2 -> 2.0).

N°4 : Lack of key MMO features, including real crafting, world economy, persistent world...

N°5 : Lack of guild features.


Overall, there seems to have been a huge work on story content (although I just came across some inconsistency leveling my Sage on Voss), moderate work on art design (copy/paste from the Jedi Academy to Voss, and many, many others...) and very little on actual game mechanics (from crafting/economy to classes design, crossing Valor/Social, overabundance of class instances and actual world "life" ).

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I just un-subbed today so:


1. Finished class stories( minus chapter 3 smuggler) , Ops and WZ... Doing daily's bores me... daily's + rep grinding bores me ^2.

2. Game bugs/performance continued play erosion. Character responsiveness ( abilities misfiring) and lag spikes the most prominent.

3. CM. I have been gauging how far you take the CM experiment. This last patch crossed the line for me... specially the part about "thanking customers".


Best of luck

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Why? are you still browsing these forums?



newsflash! unsubscriber=/= I hate this game with passion of thousand suns and I'm leaving this game forever!


you know, it being f2p and all.


for some it could be both, for others it could be that the game in current state is worth playing occasionally, but not worth paying subscription for.


so you stick around and browse the forums because

1. still playing

2. general news

3. new that may make subscription worth it again.

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I unsubbed a couple of days ago and just finishing my last 20 days. Reasons being...


- I live in Australia and they haven't fixed our population problems or informed us of any progress for 6months. They say they are still discussing it.

- I see so many things they could be doing but each patch I see a new cartel pack.

- I got instakilled in ancient hypergate when doing a ranked warzone.

- when I go to inspect players it still comes up with my stats, this has been a known issue for as long as I can remember.

- they just released a new cartel pack.

- they still haven't added a feature to rejoin ranked warzones when disconnecting for 30seconds.

- I never want to look at another cartel item again.


As each of these things happen, it starts to add up until you are just full of rage for the game.

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newsflash! unsubscriber=/= I hate this game with passion of thousand suns and I'm leaving this game forever!


you know, it being f2p and all.


for some it could be both, for others it could be that the game in current state is worth playing occasionally, but not worth paying subscription for.


so you stick around and browse the forums because

1. still playing

2. general news

3. new that may make subscription worth it again.

yeah, sadly when I made my half unconscious post, I had completely forgotten about free2play.

When I see the word, unsubscriber my brain can only think of one thing:

People who make unsub threats and vow never to return.

Yeah, sorry, I mislead myself. I'd retract and delete my own post if I could.


I can now clearly see, what this thread boils down to and is set up to answer only one looming question:


How can former subscribers put up with the freetoplay restrictions?

What are free2play-unsubbers doing to make the time they spent in this game acceptable.

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How can former subscribers put up with the freetoplay restrictions?

What are free2play-unsubbers doing to make the time they spent in this game acceptable.


in my case - purchase all the major unlocks with credits and/or accumulated cartel coins. flashpoint passes etc are relatively cheap on my server, so i just plan buying those when I feel like running more then my weekly limit. the only real issues are small credit cap, mail restriction and com caps. however, with 2.0 incoming changes to coms (aka weekly com caps, that are ridiculously low) the one thing I could not just buy unlock for that mattered to me? is no longer available with subscription. mail restrictions can be circumvented with some help from friends/guildies. and credit cap? at this point, there's nothing I really want, that won't be affordable with preferred cap.


bear in mind, I've been playing since early access, so I have a nice headstart on legacy etc. its tougher when you are just starting out.

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i actually unsub and re-sub regularly.


I re-sub cause hey , it's star wars and i enjoy pvp'ing.


I typically unsub because it either gets stale after around 3 weeks or the lag gets to be unbearable.


The main problem i have with this game is how incredibly selfish the devs are and how they develope what they think we want. Simple things like ship customization are much more important than mounts. Bringing the social aspect to swtor in cantinas etc..


They overlook way to much and seem to , lately at least, be spending way to much of their development power on the cash shop. This game will hold strong with 100k subs or so and be classified as just another niche asian grinder type game like dragon nest, mu, etc... Shame that the developers ignored so much because of selfish pride. It's the only reason i could think of for what this game became.


Again, i resub because i love star wars, just that there is no reason to keep me here. IF i want to raid and run dungeons there are at least 5 games that do it much beter. I do enjoy pvp , but with no real incentives or real rankings or any sort of organizational structure to pvp i tend to just go back to league of legendsa fter a month or so of swtor pvp.


I still hold onto the hope that this game will evolve , star trek has come a long way since their crummy release and are gaining players. I truly hope that bioware gets this "our story" out of their selfish minds and starts making it "my story" . I don't play this game for you i play it for me.


edit: despite my negativity i wouldnt stick around and complain and hold so much hostility if i didn't think this game could be so much more. I really wish this game would have taken some of swg, some of wow, some of guild wars, some of daoc, some of eve and really tried to make something star wars fans deserve

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