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What percentage of the time does republic win?


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Its less than 50%. Maybe you can chalk it up to the diffrent mentalities of people who would choose imp or rep, but its prolly just because republic is the least populated and are usually the 6's when 8 v 6's happen.
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when i'm on my Imp characters? Rep wins about 20% of the time


when i'm on my Rep characters? Rep wins about 80% of the time


Pretty much this.


In a typical pug vs pug, the real fight is between the 0-3 players on each side who have a clue, while the other 12-14 players mindlessly play deathmatch.


If you're the type of player who actually wins a lot more on one side than the other, all it means is you're fairly bad, because you aren't capable of carrying anyone, and are being carried in turn, because the average skill level in a PUG is at a level where truly excellent players can single handedly decide many games.

Edited by revial
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Its more of who has the most toons in recruit gear that loses. Since most imps get to pvp much more than pubs at the present moment, they tend to have better gear which leads them to win more matches.


I know when we have the A team on our server its usually 50/50 vs imps best teams so there you go.

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On my server

Republic TOTALY dominating WZs


i mean there are 2x more Imperial players on the server but the Republic is just simply Moping the floor with us

i mean sometimes they steamrolls us so easily that its me who laughing as to ***

and thats going on 24/7


if its Imperial vs Imperial than its prety balanced.

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It seems like the republic characters or players are way worse on average. Why is republic so hopeless and bad?


Your observation seems to be based on your server.


Since our server started having PvP, the times have changed every few months. Republics used to dominate, then Imperials came back with a vengence when Ilum was at its prime.


Now Republics seem to be dominant on our server again.


I'm sure it varies drastically by server.

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There are good and bad player on both sides of the fence.


That is not faction specific.


On a lowpop server you can end in a Loop tho where you always end up with the same bad Puggies vs the same good Premades and the other way around.


After 6:30 p.m. it´s a really hard time for Republic on Legions of Lettow.Before that it´s the other way around.

It was not always like this.But many good Republic players left us.

Edited by Sabredance
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Your observation seems to be based on your server.


Since our server started having PvP, the times have changed every few months. Republics used to dominate, then Imperials came back with a vengence when Ilum was at its prime.


Now Republics seem to be dominant on our server again.


I'm sure it varies drastically by server.


^ Echo this.


On Wounds in the Force, a PvP server which had many PvP centric guilds from Day1 it was always close. At the peak of our population, there were many exceptional players on both factions spread across multiple guilds. Although numerically Imperials had upper-hand the warzones were intense and often went to the wire.


Currently If we field from a pool of best players on Republic side culled from multiple guilds it is pretty hard to beat. Personally If i account for solo / que with friends / premade I am still above 70% in 1.2 with about 530 level fifty warzone played.


If guild only premade comprising our strongest player's ... probably around the 85 % range. Most of the split games occur against the strongest Imperial premade atm. That Imperial group is also enjoying very high win percentage.

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Its swapped around but its definitely in reps favour atm

Win about 90% of the time on Rogue Moon.

The imps morale is non existant at this stage, they give up within 20 / 30 secs if you cap 2 bases in NC or CW.

Only decent games you get these days are rep v rep, not much fun kicking a lame dog (doubt they're having much fun either).

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I'd say 50/50 on my server although that's dropping now that new 50's are coming into the mix. Some in recruit gear and others just in lvl 47 and above PvE gear.


Plus issues of people giving up cause they need "one more" so it doesn't really matter... grrrrrrr

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Pretty much this.


In a typical pug vs pug, the real fight is between the 0-3 players on each side who have a clue, while the other 12-14 players mindlessly play deathmatch.


If you're the type of player who actually wins a lot more on one side than the other, all it means is you're fairly bad, because you aren't capable of carrying anyone, and are being carried in turn, because the average skill level in a PUG is at a level where truly excellent players can single handedly decide many games.


This is sadly the truth too many deathers killin each other and rest trying to put up a fight. i just dont stick around anymore. i win usually 70% of the time not great but ok.

Edited by Namesis
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On my server

Republic TOTALY dominating WZs


i mean there are 2x more Imperial players on the server but the Republic is just simply Moping the floor with us

i mean sometimes they steamrolls us so easily that its me who laughing as to ***

and thats going on 24/7


if its Imperial vs Imperial than its prety balanced.



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On Tarro Blood there are more imps than republics, so they tend to have better gear and better pre mades. Sometimes I can win a number in a row, but most of the time I end up losing. It does not bother me because I only PvP for the daily and after that I normally have had enough. It is all about time of day and the strange thing is that switches from day to day. But normally at night the imps win, but not always.


There is one thing that is 100% guaranteed, the republic will win because there is no Sith Empire in the movies.

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I do not know the percentage. But...


How come someone can come to the forums and read posts by so many players about being "uber"... Yet, where are they in game? I am not saying I'm good or bad. I'm sure because I pose this question, I'm considered a bad pvper in forum standards lol. So many of you think you are all that. Can't you all just group up together now on these condensed servers and beat any and everybody you come up against?


Sometimes, I get the feeling that a good majority of the folks posting who claim to be so good are talking bad about each other and do not even realize it. 'Cause hey, you are all PvP gods right? So you can't be talking about each other.

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