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Regarding server queues


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I agree with you Nicovia...My brother-in-law was on the fence on whether to play or not so he came over to my house to see how awesome it was. He saw the queue and stuck with Rift. He's in a guild with a bunch of our RL friends and went back and told them how the queues were here and they laughed and told me to keep it lol. He was never even able to see what the game was like because he got bored waiting and left. If this isn't fixed quickly I will be going back to Rift also. As it is now, I work midnights so the time I play is from the time I get up until about 10pm est. Over an hour wait (even though it says 45minutes lol) and I'm not even close to getting in. And no word or action from BW.
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I''m in agreement that a grace period needs to be implemented (say 15 mins) after an unplanned disconnection. D/C'd 45 mins ago and am still waiting to get back in. Not really manageable and reasonable. I'm sure you'd agree.


Let a few guilds plan to transfer is they want... might help clear up some congestion. You may also want to permit some free transfers to players can move servers to be with friends. Maybe a 1 time free transfer? Worth a thought.

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Whats gonna happen when the game servers are fully saturated on release day? There needs to be at least double, if not, triple the current amount of servers to accommodate everyone. Im all ready in 700+ que's and started creating characters on the lower populated servers to find that they too are now full, with long que times again.
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I just wanted to join the crowd in case you ever read my post. This stuff is a total joke. You guys had years to build this game and this whole year to test it with increasing amounts of traffic. If you really didn't know what was going on, why not offer a full open test when its NOT THANKSGIVING! lol.....then you woulda seen everything crash and had a month to fix your ****. Since 99% of us are world of warcraft players, most of us will just go back to playing that. Speaking of which..my raid starts in a few minutes. Edited by Boorga
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Im not here to complain, but if I have to wait in que AT ALL in final release, I will be returning the game to ea and spending my time elsewhere. It is absolutely unacceptable in my opinion, since other mmo's I have played (which have many more players) have not ever had que times.
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Position in Queue 686


I have a free hour to play, maybe two if I'm lucky, but it takes almost an hour to log in.

And that is a short wait from what I'm reading.


My intent to sub is being sorely tested anyway as the game is not really the marvel and wonder I was hoping it would be.


I hope this gets handled quickly and efficiently.

I really really want to love this game...

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I agree with you Nicovia...My brother-in-law was on the fence on whether to play or not so he came over to my house to see how awesome it was. He saw the queue and stuck with Rift. He's in a guild with a bunch of our RL friends and went back and told them how the queues were here and they laughed and told me to keep it lol. He was never even able to see what the game was like because he got bored waiting and left. If this isn't fixed quickly I will be going back to Rift also. As it is now, I work midnights so the time I play is from the time I get up until about 10pm est. Over an hour wait (even though it says 45minutes lol) and I'm not even close to getting in. And no word or action from BW.


Just wait for it to go free to play. It is what I am doing.

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I don't know what to say about the major long queue. I picked The Fatman server because I have real-life friends playing on this server so I don't want to choose another. It's painful that I fell asleep watching TV the last 2 nights in a row waiting in queue past 1100 because I couldn't get in line until 7PM after doing family stuff and getting kids ready for bed. This Sunday I wait in an 800 queue, just to login, have the game crash and now I am stuck again in a 1100 queue. If only I could trade the time waited towards the time played, maybe my character would be past level 14 five days in. All I have to say is this week is not worth an ugly color crystal, a week before X-mas, I could have found better use of $150 and could have waited a month after launch when these kinks are worked out...Sorry had to vent a little:)
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First Off BW you put me on my server i keep quing up to 50 mins for, 2nd I am up to 29 and friends and family play on the server. I work 6 days a week I dont have tons of time to play, get off work and wait 40-50 min for a que.


Easy fix to this, if you have toons on that server already there shouldn't be a wait, new accounts can have a que time that would discourage new accounts coming to the server, but also it hurts as our friends and family want to play the same server as us.

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Thank you!


Thanks Bioware. But keep in mind that all of the anger is the direct result of the INSANE server queues and how poorly this has been managed. This is the SINGLE source of all of our frustrations.


All of the insults, trolling, disagreements, fighting and ignoring all stem from the outrageous queues that YOU are making paying customers wait in to play the game they have been waiting for for 3+ years.


All of this anger, while it may seem to be directed at other forum members, is really directed at you Bioware.


Nothing but FIXING THE QUEUES is going to fix this.




Edited by Endar
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I don't know what to say about the major long queue. I picked The Fatman server because I have real-life friends playing on this server so I don't want to choose another. It's painful that I fell asleep watching TV the last 2 nights in a row waiting in queue past 1100 because I couldn't get in line until 7PM after doing family stuff and getting kids ready for bed. This Sunday I wait in an 800 queue, just to login, have the game crash and now I am stuck again in a 1100 queue. If only I could trade the time waited towards the time played, maybe my character would be past level 14 five days in. All I have to say is this week is not worth an ugly color crystal, a week before X-mas, I could have found better use of $150 and could have waited a month after launch when these kinks are worked out...Sorry had to vent a little:)


can still cancel the pre order just sayin, so take that 150 an do whatver with it if you really want.

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this is priceless...


my server dc'ed me for reason unknown. i try to immediately log back in and get a server error. so i reboot the game and get the error again. so i log into another server to make sure the game servers are not all down. i get in fine. so i try again to login to my server... and get placed into queue for 90 minutes!


now, after 90 minutes, i am #1 in line and its stuck there and wont let me the **** in.


what the ****.

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Seriously how can Bioware not ANTICIPATE THIS HAPPENING??? I have a feeling it will be worse come launch day and moving forward.

If they keep being mum on this problem then its GG for their rep


They did anticipate it and that's why it's happening. They have lowered all of the pop caps on the servers so that when the game goes to launch tomorrow, they raise the caps to their normal (what we saw in testing) and launchies can get in.

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"Hello everyone!


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Yvin | Community Representative

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Hello Yvin. What in the world would make you think that we will ENJOY continuing to post about server queues?



Edited by Endar
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Easy fix to this, if you have toons on that server already there shouldn't be a wait

Yes, let's just flood all servers with insane requests and population just so that you can play with your "friends". My god, can you BE any more greedy or selfish? You're JUST as bad as the people cheating to stay in the game.


The solution to these queues has been posted numerous times now. ROLL ON A NEW SERVER. Seriously, just choose a new lighter server and create a new char. Will your guildies be there? No, but BFD. Will your "friends" be there? No, but again, BFD. Are you THAT elitist that you will never, ever make any new friends? Are you THAT stuck up that you can't socialize with people outside of your guild/friends list? Just looking through the server list, you can find at LEAST one server at all times that's NOT full. Pick it, roll a new toon, and wait.



You're NOT entitled to play where you want, when you want, how you want. Nobody, but NOBODY ever said you could. If the server you want is full, or has a queue that is insane, just roll onto a new server. It's NOT that hard to do.

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Greetings wonderful Bioware team. I, as well as many of my peers, would appreciate if you resolved this issue during the scheduled maintenance on the 19th. I speak for all of us when I say that if you launch this game with the ques we've been seeing, constructive complaints will turn to vehemence and non-subscription. These post are not mere complaints, but serious matters directly pertaining to the success of your game . We all hope you're taking this seriously.
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Pretty simple. If there are these types of queues when the game goes live on the 20th I will cancel my subscription. (waits for mock applause). No way I am going to wait to play a game I am paying for.


Just wondering when EA/Bioware goes to charge my cc, can I put them in a queue and tell them I have 1,200 creditors in front of them and they will get paid in turn?

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Since we are using analogies. I've got one.


Mommy has 10 children.

Child one wants a cookie. Mommy start to bake cookie.

While mommy begins to make cookie. Child two wants juice

Child three, while mommy gets juice wants a bed time story.

Mommy gets a book and begins to read while child four

Ask for cartoons. Mommy turns on tv while reading to child three.

While mommy reads she burns cookie. While cookie burns,

Child three doesn't like that book and wants a new one, and child

Two wants grape juice instead. All the while mommy has six more

Children crying in the living room for no apparent reason.


Mommy is tired. And working as hard as she can. Let's imagine mommy has only

Adopted all her children in the last five days. She is working hard to please

Her children. Let's give mommy a break.


The problem with this analogy is that you are not including the other 64 mommies that are there.

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What user experience does BW expect? They state "While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues"... Is the expectation that they will always be queues?


If so that is a pretty low bar and unacceptable. Even when people used to want to play WOW and expansions were released, we never had queues up to 1800. This is beyond ridiculous and absurd.


And even once you log in, with only 90 people in area, the game is chopping, not responsive, and otherwise lags excessively, even with a latency of around 27 ms.


It looks like the game was not stress tested enough, especially in areas of distributed computing...

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