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Everything posted by Soleverris

  1. Now I'm really in trouble lol. I have 4 level 50's right now....Sorcerer, Sage, Commando, and Mercenary. The 4 that are getting smacked. I started an operative and didn't care for it at all. I liked the story line and the voice acting but hated the mechanics. That character was deleted at level 26. I see now that that was a big mistake. Even with the changes to the operative I don't believe I will like it. I have never played a tank before in any game, always healed or dps'd. My sorcerer was my first 50 and my favorite. Liked it so much I started a sage and took that one to 50. Pvp'd with both and had a good time. Sadly that is over. I was really looking forward to the changes coming with the legacy system but after reading all of the nerfs my toons are getting I'm so disillusioned that I am ready to quit. Really sad after all of the work I put into it.
  2. I also would like to be able to transfer off of Mind Trick. Picked it because of the name. I was granted early access on the 13th at 7:20am so there was absolutely no traffic on any server so I picked one and stuck with it. I now have a 34 sith sorcerer with all 3 of my crew skills over 150 so I'm not going to re-roll. Just want to be able to play and stop coming here to *****.
  3. Holy Cow TroyTheTech I am still laughing!! U sir are a genius lol
  4. I agree with you Nicovia...My brother-in-law was on the fence on whether to play or not so he came over to my house to see how awesome it was. He saw the queue and stuck with Rift. He's in a guild with a bunch of our RL friends and went back and told them how the queues were here and they laughed and told me to keep it lol. He was never even able to see what the game was like because he got bored waiting and left. If this isn't fixed quickly I will be going back to Rift also. As it is now, I work midnights so the time I play is from the time I get up until about 10pm est. Over an hour wait (even though it says 45minutes lol) and I'm not even close to getting in. And no word or action from BW.
  5. 737 in the queue for Mind Trick. Says 45 minutes which actually means 2 hours. Seeing as how I have to work in 2 hours I guess I won't be playing today. Thanks BW! Sure wish they would give people the option to transfer off the server to a lesser populated server. Or better yet just do something to expand the server pop. Every single day I try to get in I have at least an hour wait. I am sick of it and my patience are started to wear thin. Can't wait till the 20th. I don't think BW is taking this seriously. I could be wrong but it has been days and I haven't seen things get any better. They have, in fact, actually gotten worse.
  6. 1 hour 36 minutes and counting....Hey BW I volunteer to be transferred off of Mind Trick. I'm not in a guild, have only one RL friend on the server (he's on his own I guess), and don't even care about which coast server I'm on. Just move me to a nice little PvE server with a lower population. I'll thank you in advance as I know you'll see to it
  7. 1 hour queue lol...off by 27 minutes so far and I'm still 287 in the queue. Only good thing I can see about massive queues is that I won't be able to play for more than 30 minutes or so a night. That's great because it will take a year to get to 50 ! this way I won't be bored of the game and ready to move on to a new one. Heeeey wait maybe that's the BW business plan. If you can't play you won't level as fast and get bored with the game and move on to the next newest, greatest thing. Good business sense.
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