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Regarding server queues


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Just put in a transfer requiest to a PVE server called Dune Bantha with a 'standard' population. I like beeing on a RP server but this is getting ridiculous. .

Awaiting reply(i wonder if they will be helpfull lol)


Unlikely, the CS reps are just talking heads; they read the script (in broken English), and patronise the customer. Been there, done that, no point bothering.

Edited by DarkZenith
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Well over an hour in queue for Peragus now, 370 down to 98 and soon I need to go out, which means another queue later !


Getting stupid, spend more time queuing than playing.


And this is the server Bioware created our Guild on, really do not want to re-create 4 characters (of my own) and the numerous other characters in guild on another server.

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Absolutely infuriated now. 1h 5 min queue to get in this morning (at 11am!) despite it only saying 20m on the server screen for about 250 in the queue. Disconnected within about 10 minutes, loaded back in almost instantly (was back at the server screen within a minute), to find i'm now number 500 on Peragus Mining facility.


What halfwif decided not to give a 'grace' period to people who get a DC/PC crash etc to get back in without re-queueing? Even a short one say 5 minutes would be sufficient for most.


Frankly, I'm a rank amateur when it comes to server-side stuff, and even I can think of about 5 ways of implementing; i'm sure a multi-billion pound international company COULD and SHOULD have thought of this.


Probably looking at 2h+ now before I can get in, which pretty much wipes out my play time for today bar maybe a half hour.

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I think it fair to let people that were placed on the server by Guild Deployment to bypass the server queue times and only those that joined the server without been allocated to it to have to queue up. And yes that means even if they log in early in the morn, there should be a queue for them to discourage them from playing on a full server that they were not allocated to


Yes this would be fair if those of us not in a guild joined a server marked full. I am not in a guild. I preordered. I joined a server marked light. yet here I am in a queue marked 880, when it only went this way on full launch - ie when all the people who couldnt be arsed to preorder started joining servers already marked full by end of pre-release period. I dont know how the guild deployment system works but again - IF it works that your guildies didnt have to register a preorder to be linked to the guild why they hell should they get access to a full server? If they cared that much about it they could have forked out money. IF they did have to preorder then that means they are in the same boat as the rest of us and shouldnt have preferential treatment from those who chose light servers.

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55 min wait time before midday?


This isn't just a queue, it's huge overpopulation on your part - or could it be that your authentication servers can't take it?


Whatever it is, I've been involved in enough MMO's to know that there are queues at launch and I'm sure your devs have too. If I knew it was coming and YOU knew it was coming, why didn't you have character transfers in place before launch?

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I can remember sending a tweet to SR a day before EGA, something in the like.

"You need more servers, you can't just start with guild assigned servers only??"


If you are going to start of with such a low number of servers, you can bet your little toe on it, they will (and they did) run full with in notime.

Already on day 2 of early access there where 3 hour queue's (Red Eclipse.


Magically after a week of waiting Bioware throws two handsfull of new server to us without any guilds assigned to them.


Who made this up?

Those servers should have been there at the start.

The people who pre ordered the game got punished for it.

Those who didn't and get the game in retail right now, get to play on a healthy medium server.


And what MMO company starts of without being prepared to use tools like server transfers.

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Not to worry, after 2h of queuing, you'll get kicked out, and you'll have to start over :D


That was happening to my friend the other day, for virtually the whole day. In the end he gave up, and went to play something else. Now, that's one person, imagine how many thousands more are in the same position. Good for the game? Hell no!

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I wonder myself what is the max. capacity per server at this moment ? instead of creating new servers, wich in my opinion doesn't really solve anything besides for new players coming in, isn't it possible to increase capacity of the existing servers ?


I hardly find players to group up with to do Heroics since I am in between the hardcore levelers and the casual players, so I am either behind them or ahead of them.


if increasing the capacity isn't working, why aren't they moving the guildless players to other servers or moving the guilds to another server wich they see fit ?


I agree with some, we pay to play not to wait, there has been beta tests including stress test for the servers, you're not going to tell me this was unexpected ... seeing as how many people were dying to play this game, they had plenty of time to prepare in my opinion.


of course I don't have the insight of how Bioware/LucasArts/EA handle this situation, but I do hope they come with a solution in a short time, so everyone can happily continue their game.

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I just want to say a few words on this. This game is an MMO with a giant list of servers from LIGHT to HEAVY. Queues are to be expected during LAUNCH.


A) We have much more people online than before when WoW launched.

B) The Star Wars name and concept are bringing people that never played MMOs before


I know people are sick of hearing that "It is launch", but it is. BW could have prepared for all the subs before launch day, but how could they prepare for the many people that went to the stores to pick up their copy on the 20th? They did some preparing, but you cannot expect them to let everybody in without a queue.


I played DCU Online a month or two ago, and I was in the queue for 45 minutes. I know it is F2P now, but THINGS HAPPEN WITH MMOs!


My internet was down for a week about a year ago. I just got started playing WoW, and when my internet went down, I could not play.


Okay, if you have friend or guild members on a different server that is listed as full, MAKE A SIDE CHARACTER ON A LIGHT SERVER. Try a different class, try mixing things up a bit, create another decent character to play while you wait for the queues to go down.


So you launch the game and try to get on the server with your friends, you have a 3 hour queue time. You could sit there, or create a new character so you can at least PLAY the game. BW does not have a gun to your head saying "you can only use this server"


Finally, and this is the most important part, it is launch and it is around Holiday break. So yes there will be abnormally high usage with kids not in school, universities out of class, people taking a week or two off of work, nearly all the good tv shows are in re-runs until the new year, and so on.


I realize that people bought the game, and should be able to play it. But there needs to be common sense here people. Launch + Star Wars concept + holiday breaks + more people online now than there was years ago + holiday break + holiday break = abnormally high number of people having time off and are trying to play.

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I have asked this question to Bioware time and time again, but for the 10th time!


Are the current server ques on overpopulated servers artificial to discourage new players and to equalise population? Will there be additional slots added to these servers once the initial launch population equalises over all servers?

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Okay, if you have friend or guild members on a different server that is listed as full, MAKE A SIDE CHARACTER ON A LIGHT SERVER. Try a different class, try mixing things up a bit, create another decent character to play while you wait for the queues to go down.



What about those of us, that were assigned a server on day 1, wave 1 of EGA?

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Oh and btw when you time a release for when people have holidays (eg CHRISTMAS) They actually want to PLAY while they have time NOT wait to play. That isnt what they paid a ridiculously high amount even for an MMO to play. People didnt mind paying the amount when they thought they would be playing Star Wars but looking at queues they could do for free in a supermarket.
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