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Regarding server queues


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There's just something inherently inane about continuously poking the pilot when he's trying to fly the plane...


Yeah, that's why we're poking their stewardesses. The pilots can sit in their cockpit and steer the plane, but the rest of the crew are suppose to keep us, the customers, informed. It ain't fun to fly a plane being tossed around like a leaf on the wind and the stewardesses only give you silence instead of "the pilots are doing all they can. We'll be out of the storm in a couple of hours".


That's the point of having a PR department, which is, basing on their today's doings, already on holiday.




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I totally give this a +1


they were trying to quote a quote to this:






-Can people please quote if they agree?


-Im sick and tired of not being able to play (yes ive given up after getting kicked 2 days in a row 3 times after waiting 3 hours in qeue = 18 hours of qeue wait-time in 48 hours!)

- But what makes it much MUCH worse is the complete silence from BIOWARE.


And goodnight to everyone... like i said... I give up...

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Who the **** told you that only registered pre-order guilds have the right to be in the servers?? Meaning that me that was in from EGA don't have the right to play with my friends that didn't pre-order?


Biggest problem is the random DCs/Crashes that put you BACK IN THE QUEUE. I don't whine if i join for the first time today, i whine cause the game crashes and i get put back in the queue FOR NO *********** REASON FOR THE 5TH TIME TODAY while in party and 3 people wait for me 30mins each time to continue questing....


Yes, this is an escalating problem; play for 15-30 mins., then disconnects, and boooom - back in the ******-ing queue! My patience is none existing now!

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-Can people please quote if they agree?


-Im sick and tired of not being able to play (yes ive given up after getting kicked 2 days in a row 3 times after waiting 3 times in qeue = 18 hours of qeue wait-time in 48 hours!)

- But what makes it much MUCH worse is the complete silence from BIOWARE.

Edited by Lopys
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But they put a light on when they hit turbulence and the pilot usually says 'there is turbulence and we expect it to last x minutes or we are going to fly around it' don't they....


I bet you Bioware is taking the 'lets see how it plays out' approach, which I believe is the smart thing to do. Making changes now while the full number of people aren't on yet or while they're still jumping from one server to another re rolling won't help anything.


They need stable numbers and predictable population counts before they can take any action.


They aren't telling us anything because it'll just be taken even worse because you DEMAND action on something that has no action to be taken.


THERE IS NOTHING TO BE DONE! Its like demanding city hall fix traffic congestion on the highway when the problem is just that there is no way to make a highway big enough for everyone who uses it at that one time of day.


This is rush hour, the rest of the year is going to be nothing like this.


Figure it out guys.

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There's just something inherently inane about continuously poking the pilot when he's trying to fly the plane...


When the plane is crashing, it's usually pretty standard for the pilot and/or the flight-personel to talk to the passengers, and try to calm them down. This isn't what's happening here, but I appreciate your effort in making a clever metaphor.

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-Can people please quote if they agree?


-Im sick and tired of not being able to play (yes ive given up after getting kicked 2 days in a row 3 times after waiting 3 times in qeue = 18 hours of qeue wait-time in 48 hours!)

- But what makes it much MUCH worse is the complete silence from BIOWARE.


Oh, and this.

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Another 2 minutes of play after a 5 hour queue.


What logic led you to develop an online game with no contingency plans in place for disconnects?


It isn't like you're charging into uncharted territorty, there's years of MMO history to learn from.

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Sorry had to link this caus BW locked that (my) post. Just have the feeling as a custumer i,m been igonred like u all girls / guys.


Wont wanna flame caus the game is really great only those waiting times is crap on the Red Eclipse EU PvE English server. That server is cursed!


They locked mine also - beware of the trolls found in the thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=57122

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There are already too many characters rolled on servers that people have put time and effort into and will not scrap and rebuild. Further when you're playing with a group the entire team would have to move. That's a pathetic requirement.


Look at the list currently, it'll look the same way it has all day (EST) today. There are servers FULL with queues and others Light/Standard.


The server capacities need increasing as a huge priority over adding new servers that can sit with light loads.



1) I don't think it's unreasonable for people to want a comment back from the producing company (not Dev, community facing person), this is launch and they should be more sensitive. Communication and transparency can reduce the frustration and aggravation - knowing what they plan and maybe some timelines. Today of all days they should be sensitive to this and providing updates to their community.



2) This is not an 'launch day' issue as evidenced by servers being full during beta (rarer) and pre-release. BW should be



3) That WoW or whatever your pet MMO had at launch is irrelevant. This is now, not 5/10 years ago and this game has been in development a while. Being 'on par' with previously released games isn't acceptable. LEARN FROM PREVIOUS MISTAKES.



All in all it is needless, manageable, and frustrating; the fact of the first two making the third far more irksome.

Edited by Sniperfish
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How about no.


You obviously do not work in the industry.


All of this is planned out in advance, server capacity and the metrics involved.


They want the new influx of players to start filling up the new servers and see what happens with queues before they make any moves.


They have to do that right now. If you raise the caps, you'll eventually have a server that performs like ****, while still having light-medium servers sitting there, waiting for players to join.


If you offer transfers right now, before another wave comes on the 25th, then those "light" servers you are transfer too, could become over-crowded and you'll have the very same problem there as well.


You CANNOT knee-jerk-reaction this kind of scenario because you can create more problems than you alleviate using this kind of shortsightedness.


I agree, the queue's suck, I'm dealing with them as well as my entire guild.


But they are doing the right thing right now by taking a brief, wait and see if some of the population (for instance, those not guilded) will slide over to some of the less populated realms. This is a more gradual migration because those types of players (non-guilded) will not be taking 20 to 50 to 500 players with them (thus potentially creating the same scenario on another server), which would be the case if you offer free transfers at this stage of the game.

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I never saw a queue until today. Don't take the exaggerate word of the vocal complaining minority as being some kind of overwhelming fact.


Look at it objectively and realize that they're launching an online game for millions of players at once. No amount of preparation is going to fix 2 million people joining because normal server rotation comes weeks from now, not on day 1.


What are you talking about - they had years of being able to check with other developers about how to handle population loads and they dropped the ball very badly. I am astonished that you can think that 3 hour or longer queues are EVER acceptable in an online game.


PS I have this bridge I think you will want to buy

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I bet you Bioware is taking the 'lets see how it plays out' approach, which I believe is the smart thing to do. Making changes now while the full number of people aren't on yet or while they're still jumping from one server to another re rolling won't help anything.


They need stable numbers and predictable population counts before they can take any action.


They aren't telling us anything because it'll just be taken even worse because you DEMAND action on something that has no action to be taken.


THERE IS NOTHING TO BE DONE! Its like demanding city hall fix traffic congestion on the highway when the problem is just that there is no way to make a highway big enough for everyone who uses it at that one time of day.


This is rush hour, the rest of the year is going to be nothing like this.


Figure it out guys.


When somebody asks you to bend over and take it, are you just as eager to do it as you are now?

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Sorry had to link this caus BW locked that (my) post. Just have the feeling as a custumer i,m been igonred like u all girls / guys.


Wont wanna flame caus the game is really great only those waiting times is crap on the Red Eclipse EU PvE English server. That server is cursed!


They locked your thread like they lock all others to keep the GD forums from being swamped with a million personal threads about the same issue this thread covers.


Its not some conspiracy. If BW answers they answer here. I sound like a BW employee for saying this but its not like they haven't been doing the lock and link to official thread thing for months or forever for all I know.


Honestly with millions of people playing if they let everyone make a thread about this there would be about a thousand threads made today.

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they were trying to quote a quote to this:






-Can people please quote if they agree?


-Im sick and tired of not being able to play (yes ive given up after getting kicked 2 days in a row 3 times after waiting 3 hours in qeue = 18 hours of qeue wait-time in 48 hours!)

- But what makes it much MUCH worse is the complete silence from BIOWARE.


And goodnight to everyone... like i said... I give up...


You and me both. No way am I paying a sub for this at the end of my 30days. Hell I can't even play my 30 days without spending over half of my evenings 4-hour free time sitting in the queue. Bioware fail, epicly. I heard they had 2 million pre-orders. And they still failed to estimate server loads. And the response? Hell I work in customer service myself and if I offered the level of service Bioware does I would be writing this on my smartphone while sitting in the dole queue. Fact.

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They actually said it? Choose another server? Omgeezers, that's unexpected... Do they think we're playing BF3 here or something?





Yep, I'll post the actual response for everyone to see, although this will probably be against forum rules and I'll get banned or something... and this was after I specifically stated that I didn't want to lose my current characters.




I am Protocol Droid M0-T0, human cyborg relations.


We are currently aware that there are long queue times on some of our available servers. If you are trying to enter a server and you are encountering a very long queue, we strongly encourage that you consider selecting a different server. Many of our available servers do not have long queue times and selecting one of these will get you into the game quicker.


We expect populations across all of these servers to remain very healthy so with that in mind; please do not hesitate to select a server that has a shorter queue time to begin enjoying the game faster.


We would like to thank you for your patience and understanding on this matter. If you have any other issues or queries then please do not hesitate to contact us further.


Galactic support is our specialty….




Protocol Droid M0-T0

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Support

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Looking at this logically, it looks to me like BW is going to ride out the initial launch, let all the servers fill and then ramp up the threshold on all servers. I know this sucks at the current time, I know everyone is frustrated, I know people have taken time off and planned around this launch. But I whole heartedly feel that this will ensure a great gaming experience in the weeks to come.


I know many of you in this thread will threaten to quit, but c'mon maaaaan.... is there REALLY any other game out right now this fresh and chill to play? No other game keeps my attension like this game, I don't even have to read the quests, how cool is that?!


Lets grin an bear it for a few days... if it doean't improve, we'll cross taht bride when it comes, no point going on rants. Like someone said earlier, what's $60? Most of us piss that!



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