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Regarding server queues


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Lol even in the afternoon I live in Van BC and it is around 2pm there is a 25min hold time to log onto my server . I am NOT LOGGING OFF till I go to sleep tonight. Even if it means coming back to my computer every 20mins just to move my character around so I don't get kick.


This is totally unacceptable! Think about what happens when everyone starts logging in during the night, what a 5+ hour que time?


This is what needs to be done, stop ANYONE from making new characters or already heavy server, force them to play on other server with less people on. Is a simple face people want to play with other people but when the server is full there is no reason to make the server que times even worse.


If this contiunes to happen after 2 weeks I think I am going to suspend my sub for at least a few months till this issue is fix.

Edited by spongemike
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Many of you who are already playing on these servers are asking for solutions, and we understand your frustration. At this time we can only ask for your patience. Population caps are being gradually raised on these servers, but raising them too fast will create an influx of new players and perpetuate the problem. We do not expect the queues to alleviate on these servers for the foreseeable future. If you do not want to queue, you should consider playing on another server, many of which have very low or no queues.


"We do not expect the queues to alleviate on these servers for the forseeable future"


Suck it up, guys.

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"We do not expect the queues to alleviate on these servers for the forseeable future"


Suck it up, guys.


and you believe that@@ man making you believe something is easier than taking candies from babies. These are just pure BS just to make people happy. I don't believe it till I see it happen.

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Tanoren, thanks for the "suck it up."


I assume you're perfectly okay with the fact that people who have been playing this game are now unable to do so because of these queues, and the developer quote you used says this will not be fixed for the foreseeable future. So great, we get upwards of hour-long wait times to play the characters we've started and want to continue.


Glad you're okay with this. I sincerely hope you're still okay with it after sitting in a queue for hours.

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Sooo what they bassicly are sasying is if you got Early access and have leveled to 40-50 allready you just gotta suck it up and reroll on another server... imo thats pretty bad customer service :(


Well, you have 2 options.


1. Do it.


2. Don't, and wait till it's fixed, which is....unknown.

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Tanoren, thanks for the "suck it up."


I assume you're perfectly okay with the fact that people who have been playing this game are now unable to do so because of these queues, and the developer quote you used says this will not be fixed for the foreseeable future. So great, we get upwards of hour-long wait times to play the characters we've started and want to continue.


Glad you're okay with this. I sincerely hope you're still okay with it after sitting in a queue for hours.


Well what do you expect? That's the statement. You can either accept it, or not accept it. but constantly restating the obvious problem along with the 10000 other people on here with the "fix it now or I quit" mentality doesn;t really make things better...does it?

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Well what do you expect? That's the statement. You can either accept it, or not accept it. but constantly restating the obvious problem along with the 10000 other people on here with the "fix it now or I quit" mentality doesn;t really make things better...does it?


The squeaky wheel gets the worm. Let me know if you need anymore wisdom.

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Well... I am going to stop playing until after Christmas and I will then try again and see if they have sorted out the queues and some of the other issues. If it doesn't improve I will be leaving.

Very disappointed because I genuinely thought this was going to be a great game but it seems that while considerable effort was put into storyline (the bits I have seen anyway) the same attention hasn't been paid to logistics and in game utilities that are actually the things that prevent most of us getting pissed off and looking for alternatives.

Most definitely not their finest hour and whoever runs their Customer Communications needs to find a new job quickly because he ain't cutting this one.

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The squeaky wheel gets the worm. Let me know if you need anymore wisdom.


Oooookay. Let me know when they actually fix the issue because of YOUR post.


They know already..they made the statement. Relax. Play Skyrim, or League of Legends, or go outside and take your dog for a walk, or your wife/girlfriend/husband/boyfriend out for dinner, and come back when reason has taken over.

Edited by Calhoun_Solo
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Oooookay. Let me know when they actually fix the issue because of YOUR post.


They know already..they made the statement. Relax. Play Skyrim, or League of Legends, or go outside and take your dog for a walk, or your wife/girlfriend out for dinner, and come back when reason has taken over.


The early bird gets the oil.

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Oooookay. Let me know when they actually fix the issue because of YOUR post.


They know already..they made the statement. Relax. Play Skyrim, or League of Legends, or go outside and take your dog for a walk, or your wife/girlfriend/husband/boyfriend out for dinner, and come back when reason has taken over.


Denying that mass groups of people speaking out for the same cause can be productive, well, that would be foolish of you.

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Tanoren, thanks for the "suck it up."


I assume you're perfectly okay with the fact that people who have been playing this game are now unable to do so because of these queues, and the developer quote you used says this will not be fixed for the foreseeable future. So great, we get upwards of hour-long wait times to play the characters we've started and want to continue.


Glad you're okay with this. I sincerely hope you're still okay with it after sitting in a queue for hours.


Jeez, I know that sarcasm doesn't translate very well over teh interweb, but really.


I'm on your side, for heaven's sake.


How BioWare find it acceptable for a lead like SR to basically say: "thanks to all those of you who purchased our product in advance, had your guilds deployed, and now have to tolerate 2+ hour queues in order to play FOR THE FORSEEABLE FUTURE" is beyond belief.


No, it isn't acceptable.

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Well I'm going to post my 2 cents, not like anyone from BW is going to read it or care.


I tried to log on during my lunch break and the queue was at 150. It took one hour for me to get logged on, so I basically got to joke with my guildies for just a min and then had to get back to work.


I was curious since I'll be home in an hour what queue times look like now and the queue is over 300, so if number of queues per minute of queue time remains constant I should be able to play 2 hours after I get home. However it's just now hitting 5pm EST and since I'm on an EST server, my guess is there is preparing to be a huge influx of new queues. I'm guestimating that by the time I get home the queue will be somewhere around 500. Which means (again if number of queues to time spent in queue is constant) I'm looking at almost 3.5 hours of queue time. This means I'll actually be able to log on somewhere around 8:30pm CST +/-


Pretty depressing :(


@All those that would say go make a toon on a new server. I'm already level 30 and my guild was preformed on this server and this is where all my friends are. I won't be x-fering unless BW offers free x-fers for the entire guild.


Honest comparison to Rift Launch (most recent MMO I've beta'd and launched with).


Server Queue Times: Rift had them as well, but I don't think I had to ever spend more than 30mins waiting in queue, it might have been worse and I've just blocked it from memory but I'm pretty dern sure I didn't have to spend 3+ hours in queue.


Server Stability: WTG BW! The game runs great. I haven't seen the servers crash even once yet. I can only assume ppl that are crashing are having PC issues or Internet issues, but the servers have been very stable. Rift on the other hand was a different story. Even after beta and into the live release I can remember them bringing the servers down 2-3 times a night for at least 30mins at a shot and sometimes more for updates. Then it was a race to get logged back into the game before you ended up in queue again.


Polished: Although up until SWTOR I would have called Rift the most polished MMO I've ever played at launch, I think SWTOR has surpassed it. The story line is outstanding. The video quality is great. Lag is non-existent. Very well designed game so far BW (I'll save my final verdict on this for when I hit end-game, I'm still a little skeptical).


So in closing although the queue times are without a doubt unreasonable and need to be addressed, the release as a whole in my opinion is up to par and better on some counts then some of your competitors.


Sorry to compare to Rift again but as it's the most recent BETA and MMO launch I've participated in, its the most fresh in my memory. If you take into account the server bounces 2-3 a night for a min of 30 minutes and 30minute queue times you were losing out 1.5-3 hours play time (assuming you were fast enough to get back in without hitting the queue again). Possibly worse if you ended up back in queue again after every bounce of the servers (ouch).


I think in comparison total down time nightly is comparable to Rift's launch as long as you don't start bouncing the servers every 2-3 hours. But who knows, it might speed things up in the queue by kicking all those players that macroed up so they don't get DC'd from the game.


Ok /my2cents off


Still having a lot of fun with the game all things considered, I just hope the queue time stuff gets figured out quickly :)

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When you get in with the crowd there aren't many servers so you play your character and ques are bearable. People don't like playing on empty servers. It's difficult to find groups for FP, PVP, quests, and Raids. I quit Rift after about two weeks since they were having same problems. Since Bioware posted this will be the case for forseeable future. I suppose theres no point sticking around. I had a lvl 42 Merc.


Zeek, Zam, Zeet signing off.

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The first server I played on got filled up quickly. To avoid queues, I rerolled. Now, I'm queued on that server as well.


A free character transfer would be really nice, I don't want to sit in hour long queues to play - I simply don't have that kind of time.


And no, I'm not re-rolling again. I've already spacebar-spammed my way thru the Jedi Knight quests to Tatooine three times now, having watched all the cutscenes on my first playthrough.


Please fix the queues or add a character transfer feature to allow players stuck behind a queue to play the game. The number of issues that 20m-1h queues present is too long to list, and absolutely kills my enjoyment of the game.


Going through the game dreading the next d/c, accompanied by a ridiculous queue, is no way to play.

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Denying that mass groups of people speaking out for the same cause can be productive, well, that would be foolish of you.


You just don't get it..do you?


I'll say it again for those in the cheap seats...




I'm all for the masses speaking their mind...once. When you repeat the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over...you sound like my ex-wife, an nobody listened to her eventually, cause they believed she had nothing to say after saying it 100 times.

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Fire the d_o_u_c_h_e_bag that estimated server load and fix it.





The very sentence that you cannot promice there will be no queues is a very very bad statement from an MMO company. Healthy servers means high population servers without queues. If we have queues it's worse than having low pop servers because you actually scare away the casual players, who cannot commit more than 1-2 hours a day into this or any other MMO. If they have to spend half of that in the queue they will find another game, which leads to a decline in the playerbase. And we all know we need the critical mass to maintain this huge MMO.


As a long time (6+ year) WoW player I have to tell you: people will not tolerate any queue that is longer than 10 minutes for over a month. They will cancel their sunbscription unless you, the company give them a helping hand. Since you already made the mistake, to underestimate the servers volume (too few servers and not enough capacity on them) you will have to bring more servers online and offer free transfers, also raise the player cap on each server. And you don't have much time: if the situation is not better in 1-2 months you will loose many of your playerbase. Players are not Jedi to have patience as their guiding principle.


Just as a side note: the situation will be even worse from tomorrow, when the non-preorder players will come in. After that you have about a week to calm the uprising or the uproar will be enormous. Grow up to the task or die. Your choice.


Ps.: I was planning to buy a 3 month subscription, but I decided I will wait until you fix the queues. I will not commit myself to a lottery.

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can't they lock high population servers to people who only have charactors on it so the lower population can get filled. so they increasse the server pop then? just a question no pro at this lol


So that your friends can't roll on your server with you?

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