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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Same gender relationships clarifications?


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Well, if we're gonna talk about companion mission resets, there's no reason why it couldn't simply be done through the Legacy system.


Have a "Reset Story" perk for each companion that can be purchased for 10,000 credits. If possible, it should also set all previously finished conversations/missions for that character to not give any more experience points, so as to avoid abuse.


Or, they could do it as a surprise in-game mail token for romanceable characters. I go to my mailbox with my trooper and I find a token to reset the kitten's story.


And another one for Elara *swoons* :D

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Just like the 10k credit cost of OGR!


Oh. Wait.


Tokens sent out free to all current accounts, ability to purchase tokens under Legacy Tab for 10k, tokens applicable to all companions.


I like the idea of tokens to reset for those who wish to, I don't like the idea of having to pay for them immediately after they become available.

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It's been a YEAR? That saddens me so much. I love playing my Sith Warrior female with Malavai as a romance option, but my other characters are both male - Agent and Smuggler. They are both early on in romance option land right now, but I hesitate to play too much because there are characters I want to romance that I can't. My Sith Warrior is finally almost 50 and the story nearly done. I want to jump in and finish my Agent next, but after meeting Vector, it is clear my character would romance him...and I CAN'T.


Come on BioWare, you were my heros with Dragon Age, even if there were complaints and limitations. Where is my equal opportunity now? After a YEAR? I could care less about the Cathar or any other playable races until you fix the things that you already promised us. This has been one of the hottest topics since before launch. Why isn't it priority? At least give as a clear timeline, something to look forward to.

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Well, we are only nine months out from early launch, and we did get a status update on this content six months ago at the Guild Summit. But as stock replies go, this one, plainly made to a pre-launch audience, seems to me to be looking a little shabby by now.


We are told that our last info is still relevant, that SGR will make it in this year. Current scuttlebutt hints at Makeb. None of that is really a satisfactory replacement for a timely status update, however, which is why I am making an occasion of the anniversary.


How about it, Story Guys? What can you tell us?




How about it, PR Suits? What can the Story Guys tell us?

Edited by Uluain
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I am vacillating.


It is apparent that there is a huge push on right now to roll out 1.4 in an expidient manner, and it also looks as though they are trying out some tech to support higher server populations which I interpret as preparations for the move to F2P. Naturally, these are the things at the forefront of their attention and in fact 1.4 looks like it is bringing many things I will enjoy so I cannot fault them for their focus.


ON THE OTHER HAND, we are told that those responsible for story are a different crowd from the techies who'd be debugging 1.4 and the new high-pop programming. We know that the SWTOR guys do give interviews. We know that as of last March, they knew more about SGR than they would tell us and, if indeed it is coming this year, they surely know a good deal more now.


I am told this thread is read frequently. But I am also told that duplicate threads on any subject are routinely closed - a claim that is patently untrue, as anyone who does a search for the terms "chat bubbles" or "paid transfers" can plainly see. On the occasion of my email conversation with Joveth, I did recommend that a new statement - at the very least - would be opportune.


As it has neither been confirmed nor refuted, nor even addressed on occaisions when I have flat out asked, I infer that there is some sort of policy which prevents, or at least hinders, what can be said on this subject. I have also suggested in the frankest possible terms that if this is so, it is not helping at all. Again, those suggestions have received no response of any kind.


Is it time to be a jerk again? I don't think so. We clarified that what information we already have still stands. I think that is all that the Community Team can do for us, short of escalating this in the proper directions which I sincerely hope they will in fact continue to do. But given what I have been told is so, compared with what I can see is so, well, I honestly don't know what to think today.

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I'm sure that the Community Team does want to convey information to us; it is their purpose, after all. This therefore makes me believe with reasonable certainty that someone not directly involved with development is saying 'no' at almost every turn.


Their efforts to avoid a flame war are misguided as they are essentially facilitating more. Our evidence is seen to be outdated, transient and meaningless by opponents. Bioware can say that the quote is still valid until they're blue in the face, no one is going to believe us or them until it is specifically reiterated with the purpose of making the existence (or non-existence as is currently the case) of this content clear.


Mr. Gonzalez and Ms. Berryman have been very nice in addressing the subject, but somehow I get the feeling that all their information is second hand. I would much prefer it if we could have a statement which something along the lines of: "I have spoken with this developer or this developer or this story writer and this" as has been done for many queries as of late. It's almost as if no one knows what is actually going on in-house about this content, so they keep feeding us old information.

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For what it is worth, Lead Writer at the moment is (I believe) Hall Hood. Then again, he was lead writer on Smuggler class, so I kind of resent the railroading into Strongly Implied Heterosexuality. That may be a misjudgement on my part, however. We won't know until he actually says something. Edited by Uluain
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He's done interviews with Darth Hater, Torwars etc. in the past. Might be nice to hear from him here sometime - say in one of those developer blogs. Honestly, it would take about that at this point to convince me that there is any real concern for this audience at all beyond thinking "eh, we'll get it in and they'll be happy." Because goodness knows we have seen precious little indication that our concerns are heard at all, much less taken seriously.
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You see, Lord Vader? He can be... audible.


But, as you say, there's no discussion of SGRs (we actually got a mention in an interview with a PvP designer recently, though an uncertain one, which linked the content with Makeb), so my point stands that we might expect to hear more from those who know more.

Edited by Uluain
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Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday, dear unsatisfactory boilerplate statement,

Happy birthday to you!




They grow up so fast.


I played them a merry tune with my kazoo - unfortunately, they still weren't listening. Happy Stock Response Day, everybody!

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Considering the utter silence in regards to when we can expect Makeb, HK-51 and playable Cathar, I would wager that BioWare simply aren't going to commit to anything until at least 1.4 has rolled out. I'm mildly hopeful that we'll get news both about SGR and that previously mentioned content by early October.


Just like the 10k credit cost of OGR!


Oh. Wait.


Actually, paying for that perk would be equally useful for accessing an OGR that you missed during your playthrough.


But I see you were trying to twist my suggestion into something it wasn't. What it was, in reality, was a Companion Story equivalent of a respec. Furthermore, this feature would be intended mostly for people who've played through the story already, and at that point 10k credits are the equivalent of a single quick daily mission on Ilum.


But, you know, you could just roll a completely new character instead of paying those 10k credits. Which is what I expect we'll all have to do, since implementing a rollback feature for companion stories might be seen as more work than it's worth, especially when leaving it out would lead to people spending more time on the game to play an entirely new character.


I know I'm a bit of a cynic, especially when it comes to BioWare these days, but that's how I see it.


Tokens sent out free to all current accounts, ability to purchase tokens under Legacy Tab for 10k, tokens applicable to all companions.


I like the idea of tokens to reset for those who wish to, I don't like the idea of having to pay for them immediately after they become available.


Or they could just send every character 10,000 credits, for a free companion reset or whatever else the player wants to do.

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Or they could just send every character 10,000 credits, for a free companion reset or whatever else the player wants to do.


I really don't think Bioware want to get in to the habit of sending out credits to players. Tokens would be a preferable situation, especially if one can chose to use them or destroy them.


I get the feeling we could go round and round in circles about this though. I'll just say that I believe Bioware should have an optional reset for companion quests should SGRA's be applicable to current companions, but that reset should be free initially.

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But I see you were trying to twist my suggestion into something it wasn't. What it was, in reality, was a Companion Story equivalent of a respec.


Sorry if that came off as hostile, since I had no intent of alienating or attacking you.


I am just of the very strong opinion that, having already chosen to handle same-gender romances in an inequitable manner, that charging in-game or real-world currency to be able to experience them is not acceptable in any way, shape or form.


While I do feel the community team are not handling this subject as they are out of any malice or ill-will toward the content (although they may be getting rather fed up with me), same-gender content has been, and is being, handled differently than other content, will be available later, has its forum discussion strictly curtailed (to better monitor abusive posts, but curtailed nonetheless) in a way other discussion is not and, most noticieably, not being addressed by those capable of providing clarification.


For whatever reason, the handling of this content is and has been inequitable in a way placing it, and those concerned with it, in a disadvantageous position solely on account of the particular distinguishing feature of the content, namely same-gender attraction and affection. That is, regardless of motive, the very definition of discrimination in a societal context. Nothing in my power can alter any of these facts. I can only draw attention to them and state that in my opinion they have yet to be adequately addressed.


I am not trying to bring RL politics, or the "gay agenda" or anything else into this argument. But I care passionately for fairness. And having to pay a surcharge on top of all the rest of this would be, for me, the last straw. 10k may be peanuts for lvl 50s. My Smuggler is level 37, has speeder piloting II to save for, level skills to train and gear to keep current. It isn't an impossible amount, but it would be an imposition if, as I suspect, I have already passed the point in my progress with Corso where romance would typically be unlocked.


Opposite-gender romance has been in since start, and people had a chance to explore it on whichever toon they chose to level, as they levelled. Same-gender content deserves as even a field as is at this point possible. The disparity in treatment is a matter of fact and may be excusable, but certainly should not be made worse than it already has been.

Edited by Uluain
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This game is dying. Miserably. C'mon.. superservers? I doubt they care one iota about SGRA, Open space, or anything like that. I think they care only about monetization of the game. It doesn't look good and that makes me upset.


Dude. The game is not dying. I've recruited several people to come play with me because it's going F2P. F2P will definitely save this game. Regardless, this post is rather off topic.


However, I will say that a reminder for patience isn't a bad idea. :D Just far easier said than done right now. We'll see how 1.4 turns out.


If 1.4 doesn't see this implemented, I think I'll be severely ticked off, because I figure 1.4... Makeb... whatever you wanna call it... is the last major thing we'll see this year and according to Devs, which would mean that SGRAs should be coming out with Makeb... the next "story" expansion, that things haven't changed thus far. Just my personal take on this haha.

Edited by Silthir
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If 1.4 doesn't see this implemented, I think I'll be severely ticked off, because I figure 1.4... Makeb... whatever you wanna call it... is the last major thing we'll see this year and according to Devs, which would mean that SGRAs should be coming out with Makeb... the next "story" expansion, that things haven't changed thus far. Just my personal take on this haha.


Makeb is Patch 1.5 . Patch 1.4 is on the beta servers now and is basically a couple of new raids (Terror From Who The Hell Cares) and some bug fixes. I do agree though, when 1.5 hits if there isn't SGR I will be pissed off.

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After a several month absence, I've just reactivated my account tonight. It's been really nice to read this thread and see is still going. That people are still passionate about SGRs even today. That kind of enthusiasm is contagious and awesome to see!


I left after writing the FAQ mainly due to burn out from mmos in general. While I had little interest in raiding and far more interest in the story, other guildmates of mine starting pushing myself and my husband(the GM) to raid. I wasn't interested and my hubby didn't have the time since both of us are on the overnight shift. We had no problem passing along leadership to them. We ended up moving and doing a much-needed purge of our belongings in the process. For those of you that have moved out of a place that you've lived in for longer than about 5 yrs, I think you know what I mean. The last move we didn't get a chance to sort through our stuff prior to moving in, so it was really closer to 8 yrs of accumulated crap. Not much of that got saved. It was a long hot summer(still is, worst in state history), but worth it. :p


I've lurked and I know not a lot has changed in the level of current information about SGRs. I saw the last gold answer was on 9/2 and it was certainly vague. However, I still had fun with the people in here and had fun rp'ing in the game. I've decided to start up a new character, transfer my main Sith and Jedi over and try the stories again. Perhaps by Christmas SGRs are going to be there. I was pretty sad to find out that my birthday is going to come and go in a week and a 1/2 and no SGRs. :(


I'm still hopeful, but I will admit that some of that feeling of being burned by EA isn't gone. I do know that I'm going to have some fun while I'm around for the next 3 months. My husband reactivated as well, so my Sith and his BH shall rule the galaxy once more. :wea_03:


I will say this: Everything I said in my FAQ I stand by and it may get updated here soon. I have the document as it is seen on my link saved onto my computer. If you are curious about my FAQ, please check out the link in my signature. :D


To some of the old faces, it's good to see you guys around! To the new ones and the supporters, nice to meet ya! To the detractors, thanks for keeping things civil and interesting. It's good to see you guys too. :)


As a final note, I'd like to thank the game Nier and the VA Laura Bailey(Kira!) for cementing my desire to come back to ToR. While her character in Nier is very different from Kira, the voice still made me go, "Okay, I give!"


OMG!!!! :eek: Welcome back, Natashina!!! :D

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Makeb is Patch 1.5 . Patch 1.4 is on the beta servers now and is basically a couple of new raids (Terror From Who The Hell Cares) and some bug fixes. I do agree though, when 1.5 hits if there isn't SGR I will be pissed off.



Sorry, I was pretty tired last tonight and yes, I was referring to 1.5 hitting.


It's another "wait and see game," but if it doesn't happen at 1.5, I'll probably unsub again. Not because it's a bad game, but it'll be more because the game won't have much to offer by then. I plan on working on some more toons for the stories and I'm really enjoying the ride again. Yet, without SGRs and something different for my rp'ing experience, I'm not if it would have enough to keep me for too long after that point. I'm not as much into raiding of any kind at all these days; I'm going to try to learn some German from my German to English dictionary among other things. :p PvP looks like fun, but I know from previous experiences it wouldn't keep my interest long. I'm LOVING being on a populated and vital server again, which will help. However, without the fulfillment of the promise of SGRs, which would allow many(like me) to play as themselves, it doesn't seem as worth it.


I'd also like to give a shout out to all the roleplayers that are also not apart of the LGBT community that want to try something new, and show their support. For whatever reason that may be. :D

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