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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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The trick is making those lines work seamlessly, so that you don't notice that they're just the same line with a different pronoun - which is difficult, and when it fails, it can look like pretty bad (or worse, lazy) writing. (And there's no reason why they can't switch each line up anyway, since they're going to voice it twice anyway.)


Does that work better? :)


I do agree that it can be bad if not done carefully and it definitely won't work with everyone. From what I know of Risha's character arc/romance, for example, there would need to be some differences with a female.


Head canon is fantastic. I especially love looking in on other people's head canons and seeing what they've come up with, and how they've differed from mine (there's some amazing fan fiction out there! Just not for this game, for some reason or other. :().


I've come across some Female SI/Ashara and Female SW/DS Jaesa fics if you are interested in those pairings (I'm not, personally)...there's not much I've seen else besides that.

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So with all this F2P crap going on now that is supposedly to happen in fall.. are we even going to see these romances added this year as promised? I know its likely different teams working on them but with the number of projects they've announced and the number that have actually come out.. not to mention how often they seem to change gears it really doesn't seem like they know what the heck they are gonna do tomorrow let alone a month from now.
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I have no idea. For now I splurged on a time card I'll rid this train for a few months and see where it takes me.


Just gotta stop having my PCs lag in level.


Though my SI feeling all lone as well as my JK (though I'm not sure he'd romance someone even if there was a s/s romance. He's supposed to be a model Jedi.)

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So with all this F2P crap going on now that is supposedly to happen in fall.. are we even going to see these romances added this year as promised? I know its likely different teams working on them but with the number of projects they've announced and the number that have actually come out.. not to mention how often they seem to change gears it really doesn't seem like they know what the heck they are gonna do tomorrow let alone a month from now.


The thing to realize about F2P is that, contrary to what all the naysayers are crying about, if you look at games that went F2P, they all become wildly more successful than they were beforehand. The money starts rolling in to the company, and the content updates start coming fast and furious, usually with an increase in quality, not a drop. More than a couple games have gone from almost literally "We're shutting down the servers next month" to "Holy crap, we might have to buy more servers" when they went F2P.


I for one am excited about the change. I still believe in EA's ability to screw up anything good, but on the whole I think this will be a good thing for everyone that actually likes the game.




The n'Sappho Legacy, Drooga's Pleasure Barge

All Chiss all the time all day forever.

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I for one am excited about the change. I still believe in EA's ability to screw up anything good, but on the whole I think this will be a good thing for everyone that actually likes the game.


We'll see, I guess. As for how it might affect SGRAs, I don't think it will. Story content certainly didn't slow down in LotRO, and SGRAs would (as has been mentioned thoroughly) fall into the Story Content category.

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Oh I didn't mean to imply that the F2P hybrid model is bad.. it works really great for a lot of things it just seems like it's going to cause a lot of work to iron out on top of their already long to do list. I'm not a doom and gloom type I'm just wondering how its all gonna go down. Which I guess wondering is about all we can do.. I wonder why I haven't figured that out by now lol
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Oh I didn't mean to imply that the F2P hybrid model is bad.. it works really great for a lot of things it just seems like it's going to cause a lot of work to iron out on top of their already long to do list. I'm not a doom and gloom type I'm just wondering how its all gonna go down. Which I guess wondering is about all we can do.. I wonder why I haven't figured that out by now lol

One thing to consider is that SGRs were in progress long before they made the decision to switch to F2P. We got our first word that SGRs would be in the game nearly a year ago, and in March BioWare said they were still going to happen, so hopefully they're either done or nearly done and just waiting to be put in. I know there's no way for us to know for sure until we get some news from BW. But I sincerely doubt we'll see something that the devs already spent time and money on shoved aside or not used.

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I'm not a doom and gloom type I'm just wondering how its all gonna go down. Which I guess wondering is about all we can do.. I wonder why I haven't figured that out by now lol


To add to what Moose said, the last word we had (at the Guild Summit last April) was that SGRs would be coming "with other story content". It certainly sounded as though the Dev Team had a notion of how the material would be added - if not specifically when.


While plans can change, and delays do happen, I think ongoing story content will have to be part of SWTOR, F2P or no. This has already been in the works, and I don't see it being thrown out - that is a waste of money already spent. Whether it will still be rolled out this year remains to be seen. As we have heard nothing further, I for one am thinking that the last word we had is still the case.


Rolling oit F2P is plainly THE big deal of the moment, and where we'll be hearing the most from the Team. Once the ruckus dies down over that, I imagine an update on SGRs will be more forthcoming. But I don't expect more than a "Yes, it is still to come" until they are just about to roll it out - which is pretty much what they told us in April.

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The lack of SGR content is making me insane.


I've been playing my Sith Warrior. I'm a woman and I prefer playing women, and I play my warrior as gay because I don't want her to be with Quinn - for obvious reasons. Her interactions with Vette are just so adorable, and it's heartbreaking that it can't go any further. They'd make the most adorable pair. And then I got Jaesa, whose devotion to the Light Side and her master is just really nice, too. Either of them would make such a fantastic partner for my light Warrior.


gh I just really, really want SGR content. Guess I'll have to be patient...somehow. :(

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I know how you feel I have a bunch of chars leveled up until the point of getting the companion I wish to romance just in case they don't work retroactively.. which would suck but.. at this point I'll take what I can get Edited by Tenebram
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I've been wondering, are there any confirmed SGRA romances in Star Wars storylines in general. I know Trek has had them.
You mean in the Star Wars Extended Universe (books, comics, games and TV stuff)? A few that I know of.


Goran Beviin and Medrit Vasur, two Mandalorians (the books) and the Cathar Jedi Juhani (the KotOR game).


There may be more, but those are the ones I recall offhand.

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You mean in the Star Wars Extended Universe (books, comics, games and TV stuff)? A few that I know of.


Goran Beviin and Medrit Vasur, two Mandalorians (the books) and the Cathar Jedi Juhani (the KotOR game).


There may be more, but those are the ones I recall offhand.


Belaya as well, sort of. The context of her interactions seemed to imply deep-rooted feelings for Juhani, as if you killed her, Belaya would flee to join the Sith and later attempt to murder you for it.. That's a lot to lose over just a friendship.


Also, Luxa. That one Exchange boss on Telos Station in KotOR II. She flirts just as hard with a male Exile or female.

Edited by Raiellyn
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Finally got around to a concerted effort to raise my companions' affection levels, and found that several(well, at least 2) female companions will accept Courting gifts from female PCs, and at lower affection levels than they will from male PCs. The only 2 I've actually tried with are Temple and Kira, who happily accepted them, even though they didn't like them as much as some other things. Oh, wait, tried Kaliyo, too, but apparently she just doesn't take courting gifts at all, regardless of gender, which actually makes sense for her character. So maybe that's a little hint as to which NPCs will be SGRs. Not sure if any male companions take courting gifts from male PCs, 'cause I don't have any male characters.
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The lack of SGR content is making me insane.


I've been playing my Sith Warrior. I'm a woman and I prefer playing women, and I play my warrior as gay because I don't want her to be with Quinn - for obvious reasons. Her interactions with Vette are just so adorable, and it's heartbreaking that it can't go any further. They'd make the most adorable pair. And then I got Jaesa, whose devotion to the Light Side and her master is just really nice, too. Either of them would make such a fantastic partner for my light Warrior.


gh I just really, really want SGR content. Guess I'll have to be patient...somehow. :(

Meant to reply to this earlier, as I totally feel your pain. :eek: I've had to stop playing my Sith Inquisitor completely, because I know she's going to meet Ashara soon - the mission she's on but won't actually start is called "the apprentice", fer cryin' out loud. Also, my JK has to just chill at the Republic Fleet until she can start over and actually do things right with Kira; they have this Xena/Gabrielle thing going on and it's just horrible that it can't actually work out. And I know my BH and Mako would be awesome together.


As much as I understand why BioWare is keeping quiet on upcoming stuff, not knowing if the current companions are going to be SGR-able really sucks sometimes. :( Speaking of which...


Finally got around to a concerted effort to raise my companions' affection levels, and found that several(well, at least 2) female companions will accept Courting gifts from female PCs, and at lower affection levels than they will from male PCs. The only 2 I've actually tried with are Temple and Kira, who happily accepted them, even though they didn't like them as much as some other things. Oh, wait, tried Kaliyo, too, but apparently she just doesn't take courting gifts at all, regardless of gender, which actually makes sense for her character. So maybe that's a little hint as to which NPCs will be SGRs. Not sure if any male companions take courting gifts from male PCs, 'cause I don't have any male characters.

I've heard that theory before, and I actually went through three or four different listings of companion affection gained from gifts to see if there was a pattern. I was thinking the same thing you are - it might be some kind of sign on which companions would be SGR-able. There was no pattern that I could find. :( I also think BW designed it all based on the characters' personality, hence Kaliyo telling you to shove off if you try a stereotypically romantic gift on her. As for why Kira and Temple would take them, I don't know... maybe they just like pretty things? :)

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Finally got around to a concerted effort to raise my companions' affection levels, and found that several(well, at least 2) female companions will accept Courting gifts from female PCs, and at lower affection levels than they will from male PCs. The only 2 I've actually tried with are Temple and Kira, who happily accepted them, even though they didn't like them as much as some other things. Oh, wait, tried Kaliyo, too, but apparently she just doesn't take courting gifts at all, regardless of gender, which actually makes sense for her character. So maybe that's a little hint as to which NPCs will be SGRs. Not sure if any male companions take courting gifts from male PCs, 'cause I don't have any male characters.


You can find lists of gifts companions will/will not gain affection from here. If a companion will accept courting gifts un-romanced, they'll accept them at all levels of affection. Romancing a companion will change their preferences for certain gifts, most commonly it will increase affection gains from courting gifts (not always), but it will change other rewards from other gifts as well.


Kaliyo won't gain any affection from courting gifts, even if romanced (instead she changes her preference for luxury gifts from favourite to love).


M1-4X like courting gifts, by the way, as does Bowdaar, Guss, Doc, Tharan Cedrax, Malavai Quinn, and Talos Drellik. ;) (Which means they'll accept courting gifts, no matter the gender of the character giving them to them.)


I don't think this can be taken as any indication of SGRability.

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I've been playing my Sith Warrior. I'm a woman and I prefer playing women, and I play my warrior as gay because I don't want her to be with Quinn - for obvious reasons. Her interactions with Vette are just so adorable, and it's heartbreaking that it can't go any further. They'd make the most adorable pair. And then I got Jaesa, whose devotion to the Light Side and her master is just really nice, too. Either of them would make such a fantastic partner for my light Warrior.


I know *sniffs*


I'm even warming up to the idea of Fem!SI/Ashara now.


I never thought this day would come.

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I know *sniffs*


I'm even warming up to the idea of Fem!SI/Ashara now.


I never thought this day would come.


I'll admit Quinn creeps me out. My SW is male and heterosexual, so it's not ever going to be an issue there, but if I were playing a female SW I'd be decidedly alarmed to have Quinn as my sole relationship option.

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I can see where you're coming from, especially with the current, rather sorry state of companion character stories in ToR. However, I'd rather move towards ME\DA depth of characters, rather than further reinforce the faceless stereotype mass, which seems to be currently dominating.


I don't think ME/DA characters are deeper than TOR characters.


All suffer the same "issues" with being characters in the type of story-telling medium you see in video games (i.e., the fact that the player is given more control over how the story plays out vs. the lack of control over story that a reader of a novel has).


I know DA featured characters in which you could completely change their morality, similar to Jaesa.


I'm not opposed to that myself but it depends on how it's implemented.

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I don't think ME/DA characters are deeper than TOR characters.


All suffer the same "issues" with being characters in the type of story-telling medium you see in video games (i.e., the fact that the player is given more control over how the story plays out vs. the lack of control over story that a reader of a novel has).

Dunno, I enjoyed ME - especially DA characters way more. They get significantly more dialogue time, a lot more dialogue options, background, etc.


In ToR, companion storylines seem to be very linear. You get the dialogue popup, you get, basically, what amounts to one (and rather stumpy) branch of conversation with a DA companion. In my view, you get to experience a very bare-bones description, as well as a 1-2 sidequest subplots. Maybe I'm just spoilt by previous Bioware quality, but... this just doesn't seem enough. It feels watered-down, really.


Might be because you get to "touch" your companion's background in their sidequests - interact with it. In ToR, it's mostly a dry Codex entry with dating site-like "Likes-dislikes" description, and a couple of sidequests that don't give you a lot more insight into the background. Exclusing plot-centric characters, like Kira Carsen and Jaesa, that is.

Edited by Helig
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Dunno, I enjoyed ME - especially DA characters way more. They get significantly more dialogue time, a lot more dialogue options, background, etc.


In ToR, companion storylines seem to be very linear. You get the dialogue popup, you get, basically, what amounts to one (and rather stumpy) branch of conversation with a DA companion. In my view, you get to experience a very bare-bones description, as well as a 1-2 sidequest subplots. Maybe I'm just spoilt by previous Bioware quality, but... this just doesn't seem enough. It feels watered-down, really.


Might be because you get to "touch" your companion's background in their sidequests - interact with it. In ToR, it's mostly a dry Codex entry with dating site-like "Likes-dislikes" description, and a couple of sidequests that don't give you a lot more insight into the background. Exclusing plot-centric characters, like Kira Carsen and Jaesa, that is.


I can say that the conversations are shorter in TOR than in those other games, though there seems to be more than them.


Actually, I agree that companions in TOR need more personal missions. Some of them have missions you can go on but most kinda go off and do their own thing and you don't get to see what's going on in their story.

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