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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Same gender relationships clarifications?


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Still need them to procreate. No males, no babies.

Not really.

One of my brother's best friends is a lesbian and she got married last year. IIRC, this october she'll be giving birth to a baby boy. She never had sex with any men.


Welcome to the XXI century :)


I stopped playing my Consular-Sage because I really feel like she should be interested in Nadia... Or Qyzen :(


Same here :(


I left my trooper on Nar Shadda's cantina because I feel Elara is awesome for her, but I don't want to keep playing without knowing what is going to happen. If Elara will be available for a female Trooper, and if she is, how. Only for new characters or for 50s as well ?


I have my male Marauder married to Vette and he's almost in full black hole/campaign gear so I rarely play him anymore.

My Sorcerer is all alone (no one was good enough for her :rolleyes: ) She's the one I play the most since there's gear grind to make. But that will be finish sooner rather than later. I honestely don't know what I'm going to do afterwards....

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My Gunslinger is sitting on Tattooine until that happy day. I joke about Bowdaar, but he's waiting for Corso.


I can and do play characters who aren't interested in romance. Neither my Mercenary not my Marauder are anyone you would want interested in you in that way. My Jedi are Jedi and have more important things to do, and so on.


But I do feel like I am missing out on the fun - particularly when, for example, Bioware makes a big to-do over the companion romances, as with the polls they ran last February.


I'd like to explore that content. I could explore opposite gender content - it's there already - but I am not interested. I'd also like to [Flirt], for that matter, but the opportunity has never arisen.


If people are going to quit the game when SGRAs are implemented, seriously, my only question is "Why wait?" I won't even ask "Can I have your stuff?" Anyone that narrow is no one I'll miss from my game community.

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This. I stopped playing my Consular-Sage because I really feel like she should be interested in Nadia... Or Qyzen :(

Yeah, I've had to stop playing my Inquisitor because she's about to hit Taris, and Ashara's waiting there. The name of the mission is even "The Apprentice", so I know what's going to happen. My SI is one creepy little twi'lek to begin with, I can only imagine what she'll be like after a few months of sitting on the ship, not able to kill anyone to relax. :eek:

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Take a look at the post I made on the first page of this thread. There's a link to a YouTube video from the guild summit BioWare held this past March. In it, the person from BioWare speaking, Daniel Erickson, specifically states that same-gender relationships are coming, and they will be added to the game this year.


Also: you talk about the people wanting SGRs as a small percentage of people who play the game. Do you have any data to back this up? I'm certain BioWare knows how many people have done the companion romance missions; considering they made the game, I've no doubt they have the systems in place to track such things. Based on that, I'm sure they can make a good guess at how many people would pursue other companion relationships, and thus see if adding more relationships would be good for the game and keep people playing. If you have no hard numbers to back up your claim, I'd like to ask that you stop making it. Thank you.


Irrelevancy, duly noted.


here ya go.


Hello all,


We would just like to throw in a reminder to please stay on topic. This isn't a thread to discuss whether or not it should or should not be implemented as we have already stated it will be (you can find the statement at the beginning of the thread).


Also, discussion of real world social issues, morality, or politics regarding homosexuality is not appropriate for the forums.


If you have any questions, please send us an email: communitysupport@swtor.com

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Not really.

One of my brother's best friends is a lesbian and she got married last year. IIRC, this october she'll be giving birth to a baby boy. She never had sex with any men.....


still, no males, no baby. gotta get those swimmers from somewhere:D

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still, no males, no baby. gotta get those swimmers from somewhere:D

Sorry to play mod, but this thread really isn't for that sort of discussion. Besides, if we try to relate that back to Star Wars, we might have to involve midichlorians. Nobody wants that. :D


So, to steer things back on-topic, I'll try to pick up on an earlier discussion suggestion I made: if you could put two companions in an SGR, who would you put together? I say Kaliyo/Vette because it would be hilarious, and Kira/Mako because it would be awesome. What say the rest of you?

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Sorry to play mod, but this thread really isn't for that sort of discussion. Besides, if we try to relate that back to Star Wars, we might have to involve midichlorians. Nobody wants that. :D


So, to steer things back on-topic, I'll try to pick up on an earlier discussion suggestion I made: if you could put two companions in an SGR, who would you put together? I say Kaliyo/Vette because it would be hilarious, and Kira/Mako because it would be awesome. What say the rest of you?


HAH. Read my mind.


Though I admit contemplating which two companions I'd shack up together is a bit useless in my case as I haven't seen all of them.

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So, to steer things back on-topic, I'll try to pick up on an earlier discussion suggestion I made: if you could put two companions in an SGR, who would you put together?


... Duh.

Temple and Dorne. :cool:


/discussion over

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So, to steer things back on-topic, I'll try to pick up on an earlier discussion suggestion I made: if you could put two companions in an SGR, who would you put together? I say Kaliyo/Vette because it would be hilarious, and Kira/Mako because it would be awesome. What say the rest of you?


ohhhhh hmmmm


well TMW already covered pierce and quinn... hmmm hmmm....


torian and corso... ooooo

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Sorry to play mod, but this thread really isn't for that sort of discussion. Besides, if we try to relate that back to Star Wars, we might have to involve midichlorians. Nobody wants that. :D


So, to steer things back on-topic, I'll try to pick up on an earlier discussion suggestion I made: if you could put two companions in an SGR, who would you put together? I say Kaliyo/Vette because it would be hilarious, and Kira/Mako because it would be awesome. What say the rest of you?


Frankly i've found Mako not a very exciting character and a boring romance story arc (the worst i've tried, and i've experienced Sith Warrior, Inquisitor, BH, Agent, Trooper and part of Jedi Knight); Kaliyo's wonderful, even with a female Agent her cynic comments are awesome and i love her (even if i don't like so much her appearance) - she remind me a lot of Ventress (and not only because she's a Rattataki).


I think that a wonderful (tragic-funny) companion would be Thana Vesh: i dare to think a SGRA relationship between her and a LS Jaesa XD or even better: a Thana-Kira couple *_*

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I think that a wonderful (tragic-funny) companion would be Thana Vesh: i dare to think a SGRA relationship between her and a LS Jaesa XD or even better: a Thana-Kira couple *_*


I think of Thana as more angry than evil, which is why I have a modicum of sympathy for her. It would be interesting to see whether or not (and how) Kira and/or LS Jaesa could reach her.


LS Jaesa and Kira would be interesting together (especially if we're talking about Jaesa post defection to the Empire).

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I think of Thana as more angry than evil, which is why I have a modicum of sympathy for her. It would be interesting to see whether or not (and how) Kira and/or LS Jaesa could reach her.


Through the medium of Interpretive Dance!


Companion hook up? Mako and Vette would be too adorable. And... :eek: Andronikus/Quinn/Torian!


Ashara and LS Jaesa - they could discuss their previous lives as Jedi and find solace in each other.

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Kira and Elara. Come on, tell me you wouldn't like to see the story of an impulsive Jedi who manages to warm up the stuffy, by-the-book soldier. On the male side, I don't know why but I think Doc and Zenith would make a good couple.
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Okay, let's try this out and see if I can think of something without weirding myself out...


Holiday and Mako, maybe?


You win the whole world for this.


And just chiming in to see glad that the thread has stayed mostly on topic, without huge forays into other games. It was a bit disheartening to see this place often turning into Dragon Age/Mass Effect discussion.


In any case, I'm not discouraged by the lack of announcement at ComicCon. While I think SGRAs are pretty important as a storyline addition, I don't think they're actually a selling point to get people in. However, once people are in the game and see romances, they're probably bound to wonder where the SGRAs are. I know I was. I went into this game not even knowing about most of it, and the lack of SGRA inclusion continues to baffle me.


But I am patient!

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