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What does your crew do to pass time?


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saw this thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=457525


and thought to myself.


" another headcannon drabble idea" what the heck do you think your crew and your toons do for weeks on end?

does the holonet work in hyperspace?

is there some crazy games room behind some of those doors that can't be highlighted?

medicine induced hibernation?

i know in one of her letters kaliyo adressed this, asking for more holofeed channels, booze, and " attractive people" of her choice to tag along for entertainment.

i'd imagine for most toon crews, alcohol in considerable ammounts probably is involved somewhere.

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my guess is (with the ones i have so far)



Quinn; flys the ship or navigates it

Vette; probbally pasassak

Jessa; (dark) thinks about a great kill

Jessa; (light) a hard one as i dont have her but my guess is meditates

Pierce: cleanes his guns keeps an eye on quinn (love their hate for each other)

Broomark;: hopefully falls out an airlock

Droid: paints my quaters again.



T7; i assume fixes repairs and upgrades the ship

kiera; Moniters communications both military and chats with Doc (he brings it up during a convo)

Doc; medical stuff (probbaly gives check ups and such)

Rusk; same as pierce

Scorge; my guess would be analise his vision and meditate on the dark side (doesnt strike me as a social person)



Corso; plays passak with Bowdaar

Bowdaar; plays passak with corso and get angry when he looses

Risha; chats with my smuggler about girl stuff you know jews diamonds and who to sell them to :D



Kaliyo; drinks herself stupid

Doc; genetic reaserch

Vector; communitates with the hive

Temple; training

Scorpio; calculates ways to kill me

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My smuggler is a secret nerd. She likes math, so I think she spends the time buried in her ledgers and account stuff. Smugglers do handle a lot of money, and she has to keep it all organized.


I think she and Risha probably do each other's hair and makeup, and girl talk a lot. I like to imagine that they dismantle that stupid droid a lot, too.

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Hmmm...I think I would rather not know what my crew do...but here's a guess:


Havoc Squad Antics (when leader isn't present!):


Elara: Well. Everyone thinks that Elara is all about rules and regulations and stuff. She is. But off duty on my ship, when I am not around, I have it on good authority (ie the cameras I planted) that she lets her hair down, hits the mini bar, gets up on the holo and dances like a madwoman - whilst listening to 80s hair band metal. Its true!


Fourex: I actually think this guy goes to the nearest mirror and practices his FOR-THE-REPUBLIC-ALL-IMPERIALS MUST-DIE speeches - kinda like a pep talk - to himself. Cause everyone else on the ship is too drunk to care. So he sits and practices his imperial propaganda and complains because droids can't get drunk.


Yuun: You know, I really don't know what Yuun does when I am not around. I think he meditates. Its hard however to meditate effectively when Elara has that horrible music pumping all throughout the Thunderclap. Maybe this is why he has been in a bad mood lately - not enough meditation time!


Tanno: This one is easy. When I am not around - Tanno contacts Gault - Gault comes over, they slam back shots of Jack and play pazaak until they pass out. Alternatively they cut deals all over the universe and bring me creds. I don't care how they do it or what they do - I just take the creds and ASK NO QUESTIONS.


Aric: Aric doesn't get much alone time since he is always out with me doing whatever it is I do. At the moment its dailies. :( Poor Aric. But I need someone to keep me warm on Ilum, and fur is warm, right?

Edited by Taalbert
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On my scoundrel's crew, Bow and Akaavi do a lot of stuff together, like train, but I think there's attraction there that they'd like to remain hidden. I think Risha does a lot of the business stuff of the job, keeps invoices and payments straight when she's not hot rigging the hyperdrive to do something crazy. Risha is a practical joker, too, you should have seen the mess when she rigged the hair dryer in the crew shower to one of the ship's engines on Bowdaar's shower day-- wookie hair everywhere!


Guss is addicted to reality holonet shows, and spends hours sipping cocktails with umbrellas in them, watching crazy stuff that no one will watch with him. On the off chance he's not with me, Corso stays busy restoring antique weapons that he finds on the trade network, or communcates with the farm manager at the Dantooine place about the herds.


On my counsular's crew, Qyzen does a lot of side hunts when he's not recording the history of his clan on holo. Theran does a lot of nothing that anyone cares about but Holiday, but then he presents his findings at symposiums. Zenith is busy running back and forth to Balmorra, running his Senate seat. And Iresso? Well, he's always with me, and I keep him well busy, don't worry :)

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some basic info abut my characters first: all 3 male (smuggler: twi'lek, bounty hunter: human, inquisitor: Pureblood)

all light side (in order from greatest to least: Hunter, Inquisitor, Smuggler)

romances: Akaavi, Mako, Ashara


Corso/Bowdaar/Smuggler: often play pazaak or sabacc together, with bowdaar flipping the table when he loses (he loses often)

risha: Trying to manage my Smugglers finances, he tends to lose money as fast as he makes it.

Akaavi: a mix between trying to figure out how she married such an idiot, and not showing embarrassment at losing every card game (she really wants to join bowdaar in flipping the table)

Guss: trying not to piss risha or akaavi off

Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunter/Torian: Torian teaching the Hunter to speak mando'a, and finding things to hunt.

Mako: surfing the holonet, paying special attention to sites dedicated to a certain hunter and crushing the hearts of fangirls (i loled when she mentioned he had fans)

Gault: divides his time between strong drinks, cons, and

trying to win hylo visz back


Blizz: making gifts for the crew, except for skadge who scares him.

Skadge:..taking up space (wish i could have killed him)

Sith Inquisitor

Darth Imperius (inquisitor) working on the politics behind the empire while trying to reform it from the inside.

Andronikos: drinking and teaching Imperius and Ashara pazaak and Sabacc

Ashara: Meditation, and helping Imperius with the politics.

Xalek: Brooding, or training/ doing missions for Imperius


Zash: Reading her books and finding a way into a human body


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1. Ashara Zavros - Meditates and explores her emotions, yesterday I introduced her to the delights of pummelling the ships combat dummy! I began to worry slightly when she started frothing at the mouth, but since this led her to jump onto to me, wrap her legs around my waist and do this thing with her tongue... well, I'm encouraging her to spend some time slicing up that dummy EVERY DAY:D


2. Khem Val - Thinks about Tulak Hord and eats the force users I leave in the cargo hold. I used to give him live ones that I'd softened up a bit, but Ashara was most displeased.


3. Talos - Studies artifacts. As the new head of the Pyramid of Knowledge, I've given Talos an official position as Excavation Commander. He spends much of his time prioritizing digs - I guess you can take the Archeologist out of the Reclamation Service, but you can't take the Reclamation Service out of the Archeologist.


4. Xalek - Stalks Ashara some of the time. http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff519/blue_bolt/SWTOR%20Screenshots/XalekisstalkingAshara.jpg

I expect him to try and kill her soon, he will fail and I will be forced to pretend I didn't see this coming when I break the two of them up. Much of the time Xalek works on his Lightsaber. The other day he asked permission to go across the Galaxy to Ziost to kill some Sith that had called his Lightsaber blade "pink," it's Magenta. I gave him permission and he brought me their heads and hearts back in jars - such a good apprentice:)


5. Andronikos Revel - Pilots the ship. Recently he performed a service to the Empire (quite unintentionally) when he realized a seemingly derelict ship - I detected no life in the Force, and it had a hull breach that meant there was no air - was still being piloted. The ship was one of many Republic vessels that Moff Regus had defeated ina battle the previous day. Apparently it's seemingly random tailspin was altered for half a second to avoid small asteroids. We blasted the ship and discovered that Republic Droids on board had been priming a ZR-57 orbital strike bomb. Had the droids succeeded in detonating the bomb we and a sizable portion of the mop up wing would have been destroyed.

Edited by AshlaBoga
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As my Smuggler is my only toon to get the complete crew (lazy me)...


Corso: Plays Pazaak with Risha; wins surprisingly often. Also keeps up a complete collection of Blasters and Powerpacks holomagazine.

Bowdaar: Alternates playing dejarik with Akavi and watching do-it-yourself cybertech shows on the holonet. Is a big fan of "The New Corellian Workshop with Norm Antillies".

Risha: Refuses to play pazaak with Guss for some reason. Tries (mostly successfully) to keep her addiction to the Holonet Shopping Network under control.

Akavi: Is trying to improve her dejarik game after getting curb-stomped by Bowdaar six straight times. Hides her collection of "My Little Bantha: Friendship is the Force" vids from everybody.

Guss: Is still trying to figure out how Corso took him for Cr. 500 in Paazak on Voss. Watches Mon Cal cooking shows and tries out recipes on Bowdaar with mixed results.

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As my Smuggler is my only toon to get the complete crew (lazy me)...


Corso: Plays Pazaak with Risha; wins surprisingly often. Also keeps up a complete collection of Blasters and Powerpacks holomagazine.

Bowdaar: Alternates playing dejarik with Akavi and watching do-it-yourself cybertech shows on the holonet. Is a big fan of "The New Corellian Workshop with Norm Antillies".

Risha: Refuses to play pazaak with Guss for some reason. Tries (mostly successfully) to keep her addiction to the Holonet Shopping Network under control.

Akavi: Is trying to improve her dejarik game after getting curb-stomped by Bowdaar six straight times. Hides her collection of "My Little Bantha: Friendship is the Force" vids from everybody.

Guss: Is still trying to figure out how Corso took him for Cr. 500 in Paazak on Voss. Watches Mon Cal cooking shows and tries out recipes on Bowdaar with mixed results.


I laughed so hard at everyone's favorite shows. I REALLY hope there's a Mon Calamari version of Rachael Ray. Although I think my smuggler would shoot her holoterminal if there were...

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Vette: Hides Quinn's things in Pierce's locker and/or bed.

Pierce: Keeps an eye on the spy camera system he set up in the femwarrior's quarters.

Quinn: Avoids Vette. Paces around the meeting room thinking up excuses to talk to the femwarrior.

Broonmark: Makes creepy ceiling nests out of wet newspaper.


Nadia: (God only knows, I've lost her on my ship but I imagine she: ) hides in the male Consulars room to try and get a peak at him without a shirt on at the end of the day.


Aric: Reads a stash of 'Playkitty' he got from the Trooper ship's locker with those questionable posters on it (really, go take a look when you next play your Troopers...)


I'll try and think of some more later (I think my mind is warped) :D

Edited by AelixVII
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Well on my bounty hunter's crew i'd guess that during long hyperspace journeys they

Blizz: enjoys looking through all the ships components, occasionally fixing a loose wire here and there.

Gault: spends time trying to slice into bank accounts to steal a few credits, and then he gambles over the holonet.

Torian: He spends time practicing with my hunter trying to perfect his techniques, but also spends time upgrading his armor.

Mako: She enjoys browsing the holonet while making sure the ship is still on course, when she gets tired she snuggles up to my hunter in bed and lets the ship droid take over.

Haven't unlocked Skadge yet, but i'm sure i'll hate him


My sentinel:

T7: Maintains the ships systems and occasionally snoops on the holonet, at other times he shuts down and rests his circuits

Kira: Browses the holonet, sometimes talking to old friends using an instant messaging system, at other times she spends time with my sentinel, at night time she sleeps in bed with her husband.

Doc: Plays pazaak, buys kolto, flicks through his copies of "Lady Lekku" he keeps stashed under the bed in medbay.

Rusk: Checks his gun, patrols the ship as if he is a security guard, also likes keeping in contact with republic military as a consultant.

Scourge: Meditates, occasionally practicing lightsaber forms in the cargo hold. Has been known to sleep with a little blue teddy bear in his portable bed that he unpacks at night time in the cargo hold. It gave Kira and my sentinel quite a laugh when we noticed it :D

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Corso: Watches "Galactic Guns" on the holonet when not staring nostalgically out of my ship's cockpit now wishing he was back on Ord Mantell where people thought heroism was more important then credits.


Risha: Not much alone time because she is always with her smuggler husband.


Akaavi: Constantly pondering how she feels after attempting to have an honorable conversation with my male smuggler, and wondering why he chose the unhonorable pirate child Risha over her.


Guss/Bowdaar: Both spend hours having conflicting conversations about whether a life debt could be paid off with credits or not - Guss has already come close to losing an arm since the conversations started.

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agent- so secretive even i don't know what she does a lot of the time. Probably fluttering from one crew member to the next to socialise, in order to keep such a dysfunctional group somewhat coherent. She likes to watch Vector meditate, despite it being comparable to paint drying. She often falls asleep curled up near him, and he won't notice until he snaps out of his trance. His fault for radiating such tranquilly at such times.


Kaliyo- holovids of SW version of back yard wrestling, that cheaters show ( she appears on it a few times, oh man the fights that break out!)


darn, my dad called to pick me up..will think of more

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After a dangerous mission against the Empire, while commanding Havoc Squad to victory had a member fall in battle. Aric Jorgan was in the med bay for some time...and Elara stood in her corner. One day I went to Elara..and well.....while Jorgan was on the adjacent med bed....she and I....well lets say I hope Jorgan's med were kicking in during that time. :cool::D

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Gault just plays and constantly beats Torian and Mako at Pazzak through countless cheating methods.

Blizz spends time building things, inspecting the ship or thinking of ways to upgrade/scavenge 2VR8.

Torian either communicates with the rest of the Caderas, cooks traditional mandalorian food (he has his own cooking show on the holonet, he keeps it secret to the rest of the crew, finding ways to block Mako's implant from receiving his signal) or plans hunting trips when he is not losing to Gault at Pazzak.

Mako surfs the holonet watching her favorite videos of random creatures doing random things (ex. a singing womp rat).

Skadge has no life and he sits in the corner and imagines sadistic things he could do to the rest of the crew, most of the others leave him alone, giving him full access to the sleeping quarters.

2VR8 paints my quarters, plans new meal plans(much to Torian's disdain), cleans the sublight drives and occasionally takes breaks to use his superior robot brain to crush everyone at Pazzak(the bounty hunter often finds 2V mysteriously disabled when he returns from wherever).

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Bounty Hunter crew:


Blizz: Keeps the ship in shape, but gets off track trying to remove stuff from 2V-R8. Yesterday was the sixth time I had to repair that dumb droid. Apparently 2V does more then you think.

Gault: Browses holonet for new ways to scam people. Beats the crew in Pazaak. Tells Blizz about his latest schemes.

Torian: Avoids Gault and mainly keeps to himself.

Mako: When she's not browsing the holonet for new marks, she spends her time out on missions or under the sheets with her awesome Bounty Hunter husband

Skadge: I don't bother with him. Leave him be I say.


Will post my other characters later.

Edited by Aurbere
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This thread is amusing. xD For my Consular:


Qyzen - he's away on a hunt (or something, my JC doesn't really want to ask) more often than not.

Tharan - hanging out with Holiday and doing science-y things (again, my JC doesn't really want to ask, he wouldn't understand anyway). Lounging around reading the latest high-tech news. Occasionally "watches" Nadia when Holiday isn't around to zap him.

Nadia - studying Jedi teachings, practicing her saber skills with earnest determination, reading the latest news from home, and daydreaming about my JC (and once again, my JC doesn't want to ask, let alone know). Sometimes talks Iresso into training with her.

Lt. Iresso - reading up on the Republic's latest military maneuvers and trying to learn meditation. Also organizing the ship's supplies, which then get re-organized by the ship droid on a regular basis.

Zenith - doesn't get much free time as he runs with my JC. Other than that, keeping up with Balmorran politics and making sure the ship is secure (my JC doesn't ask what he does, really). Keeps a close eye on Tharan and Qyzen especially.


Hmm, seems like my Consular is better off not knowing half of what they get up to. :p

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agent- so secretive even i don't know what she does a lot of the time. Probably fluttering from one crew member to the next to socialise, in order to keep such a dysfunctional group somewhat coherent. She likes to watch Vector meditate, despite it being comparable to paint drying. She often falls asleep curled up near him, and he won't notice until he snaps out of his trance. His fault for radiating such tranquilly at such times.


Kaliyo- holovids of SW version of back yard wrestling, that cheaters show ( she appears on it a few times, oh man the fights that break out!)


darn, my dad called to pick me up..will think of more


ok cont..


kaliyo: when shes not calling everyone over to show off her cameos in shows like COPS and CHEATERS ( shes very proud of her appearances) she's probably drunk and/or spiced up and picking fights with the training dummies.


Lokin i could see having small colonies of intrigueing animals for experiments (like axolotls, plants, small insects ect) and plotting awesome things. Also buisy researching dialects, regeonal knowledge, and languages to help back up fake identities.


Temple: Romance novels.


scorpio: polishing her chasis. i mean come on, you can see your reflection in her chest.


also i would not be surprised if vector is a brony. not surprised at all. and all his hive commune time, hes secretly watching episodes, and chatting with other bronies.



My bh ... moderate drinking. Considerable window shopping for crazy luxuries on the net with mako. Often spars with torian and sometimes skadge ( she always wins, she needs to assert her place with skadge often). Studies mandoa language and culture on the net, as let's face it: Torian is a horrible teacher as far as that's concerned ( she still gets frequent lessions tho :rak_03: )


Mako- watches funny and cute cat videos on whatever SW equivalent of youtube is. Has learned that blizz makes a wonderful beautician: He just LOVES working on her hair, giving her manicures and pedicures, and overall just loves grooming her like the little rodent he is.


Blizz: getting his paws on anything and everything. He gets used for drunken dwarf tossing games. he loves it. My BH needs to buy him a huge pile of beads, and some jewelry making equipment. i think he would go crazy with the shineys.


Torian- talking with his old homies, weapon and armor maintenance, cooking. Can't stand skadge, but will spar with him sometimes. Also a brony.


Skadge- going from person to person, butting in with " hey whatcha doin?!" sees that whatever it is, totally bores him, and then storms off to some corner, where he settles in, and sulks about nothing good to do. At least gault lets him have the fun of disposing of pissed off con victems that try too hard to get thier creds back.


gault- practices his slight of hand, looks up ways to spend his ill-gotten creds online. Sets up his army of nigerian scam email spambots.

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Hmmm....on my Agent's ship:


Kaliyo - polishes her guns, gets drunk, sneaks shots of membrosia, brings home various "good looking people" who are usually scared off for good after meeting the other crew members.


Vector - works on those memoirs of his that he's always talking about, chats with Dr. Lokin about opera, meditates and listens to exotic music from various obscure galactic cultures.


Dr. Lokin - dissects rakgouls and works on cloning himself. (Are the 3 Lokins that appear in the agent's final ship quest a bug or is he up to something?) Conducts strange DNA experiments, runs around in rakgoul form when no one else in around.


Raina Temple - reads "How to win friends and then kill them" by an anonymous former agent.


Scorpio - surfs the holonet gathering data on the best and most sadistic ways to kill us all.

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My Bh's crew.


Mako: Probably hacking stuff, piloting the ship and learning new ways of curing stuff oh and trying to find excuses to spend more time with my Bounty Hunter.


Gault: Thinks about ways to trick people in buying stuff from him.


Torian: Hunting, he is a Mandalorian, only thing Mandalorians would do is hunt, try to prove he is a better shot than my BH, and some sparring.


Blizz: Crafts stuff for the crew except for Skadge.


Skadge: His mouth waters, thinking about all the people he could kill and he loves crushing bones. He secretly loves Cheesecake and listening to pop music

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I believe my trooper crew has a pool table stashed away somewhere, and they all (with the exception of the droids) play regularly. For some reason, they just all seem like the type of people who would be REALLY good at it, ergo EPIC POOL TOURNAMENTS!! (Occasional guest appearances by Kira [who must be watched carefully to ensure she's not using the Force to cheat] and Gault [who must be watched like a fricking hawk to ensure he's not cheating, period].)
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hmmm... my crew?


Vette: Watches holonet comedies. mostly nar shadaa's funniest scams gone wrong. when im not trying to woo her.

Quinn: Reads self help holobooks. mostly "taking revenge on all those bullies who picked on you as a child for nerds"

Jaesa: meditate, mostly on the state of the galaxy, and Lt. Peirce's abs. She practically melts everytime he walks past the med bay.

Lt. Peirce: polishes blasters. his blasters, vette's blasters, quinn's blaster (Thats the story he told me when i saw him sneaking quinn's blaster into his bunk, but i am not sure that's the truth). also, he walks around shirtless.

Broonmark: stands in the middle of the cargo bay akwardly. plots revenge on everyone who has ever wronged him. or... so i assume.


me? i try to woo vette, and watch some of her holonet comedies with her. sometimes i join jaesa for meditation.

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My crew, eh?


Sith Warrior


Vette - Horrifically beating my SW at games, watches Holonet comedy videos, and troll Quinn.

Malavai Quinn - Makes sure every system on ship is in peak condition, endures constant pranks from Vette.

Jaesa Willsaam (Light) - Meditate... Like all the time. Often discusses philosophy with my SW though.

Lt. Pierce - Clean weapons, sometimes watch funny videos alongside Vette, though doesn't make a move on her since she's married to my SW ;).

Broonmark (Wait, why am I still keeping him on my ship. Note to self, toss him out airlock later.) - Keep his claws sharp and his trophy collection of memorable kills tidy.


Bounty Hunter


Mako - Keeping track of how many credits their group has, find well-paying bounties, and, as above, watch romantic movies with my BH.

Gault - Plot and scheme future scams for credits.

Torian Cadera- As stated, spars with my BH and is the one who most often accompanies him on a hunt. Also teaches him the Mandalorian language.

Blizz - Crafts stuff for everyone. (Ex: Armor and weapon upgrades for my BH and Torian, tech upgrades for Mako, etc.)

Skadge - Raiding the ship's fridge for food, sometimes playing pazaak with Gault, though loses horribly, and repeatedly hits a special punching bag made specifically for him when bored.


Imperial Agent


Kaliyo Djannis - Brings random men on ship when docked and spends a ton of credits, much to my IA's chagrin, gets drunk quite often, and spits in Vector's tea every single when he isn't looking and can't hear it.

Vector Hyllis - Meditates, drink tea, and discreetly tends to the small Killik bugs within the walls of the ship.

Doctor Lokin - Experiment with chemicals, dissect any corpses he can get his hands on, basically... Sciencey stuff. :D

Raina Temple - Watch romance movies, books on how to court men, and tries to woo my IA.

SCORPIO - On the Holonet 24/7 looking up everything.

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Mako- slicing, looking through holonet for good bounties, trying to avoid Jedi or sith entanglements, practicing blaster shooting with my BH (I liked that convo. Are there any more like that? I've just started chapter 3 with that toon.) Trying to keep Torian and gault from butting heads. Chatting with BH.

Gault- scheming, drinking, and playing pazak.

Torian- sharing stories, flirting and sparring with my BH and teaching her Mando'a. Arguing with Gault over ways to lie low.

Blizz- tinkering on ship, upgrading things he finds as he goes along, crafting.

(haven't found skadge yet. And just wait till I get HK :d_cool: )



Vette- watching holomovies, helping locate relics and artifacts for warrior, when not playfully flirting with him.

Quinn- keeping the ship running at 100%, strategizing, working hard to prove himself after his betrayal.

Jaessa- hunting down light side leaning Sith (DS), scanning my crew, helping dispatch my enemies.

Pierce- keeping the weapons in top condition, watching holovids, talking with Broonmark about best kills and operations.

Broonmark- Guarding the ship, helping hunt down our enemies, and that's about it (I've not been able to unlock any combos with him yet, how much affection do I need? :rak_02: )



Khem Val- watching my inquisitor for signs of weakness, looking for more force sensitives and foes to feast on.



Kaliyo- Having fun watching my agent spread chaos and undermine the republics efforts.


((I really need to work on my alts more. My pubs are only in the teens or at ten. And my inq and agent are only on Dromund Kaas and Balmorra. :| ))

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