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Worth Coming Back? I Thought So... Here's Why

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Yeah TOR is amazing... all those problems and issues were just made up lies... due to some conspiracy about Bioware and the goverment. The issues don't really exist just a few people hadn't a clue what they were talking about. Servers are like sardine tins, There's tons of end game content and peoples game don't really crash every five minutes....


/end sarcasm


about as worth it as herpes.


I'll bite...


That's not what anyone in this thread has said. We all know there are issues and bugs, and a lot that can be improved on. Does this mean the game is utter and complete crap? Does it mean the game is impossible to enjoy? That it's a hopeless, lost cause?


I don't think so. Even with bugs and issues, I enjoy this game far more than I would enjoy WoW right now. I hope I will continue to do so for a long time.


If stating this, my personal opinion, means that I will be regarded by the majority if the forum posters as an immature, brainless and naive MMO-player, then so be it. I'll still be playing the game for as long as I enjoy it, and I'll still continue posting about my enjoyment, maybe about some ideas to improve it further, while my companions are running errands for me in-game.

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First off, welcome back OP.


Second, I look at TOR and I see a repeat of what happened when WoW launched. Now, some people may not remember or may be in denial about it; but WoW was horrible when it launched. Many game breaking bugs, there launch version of the game engine was crappy. It took Blizzard years to fix there engine to make it run like it does today.


To me, this game still has alot of potential to go forward.

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As a returning player it is glad to be back. Other MMOs just don't feel as smooth I am afraid, questing wise aren't as engaging for sure. The main problems people have can be fixed and that's what matters.


Unlike another game (Rift) that has a lot of stuff in it, it's just not as fun. Combat feels boring and drags me down and I just never have fun with it.


Again the problems that many seem to have with the game are fixable. There is a lot of room for the game to grow and it has some systems in place that if Bioware takes advantage of those systems will have people flocking back to the game.


Things like Space and expanding the story

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To reiterate my initial point: I'm not saying this game doesn't have room for improvement. It totally does. A lot. For many different people and in many different ways. That doesn't mean that I don't enjoy the ride and the masterful fluidity of the overall game.


To the poster who said that this game made him go back to WoW. Well, there you have it. You like WoW. And that's fine. But don't tell me it's just because "there are people walking around outside!" If that's your only prerequisite for an MMO then why aren't you deeply invested in Second Life? No... you have to like (or at the very least be okay with) WoW's fantasy genre, the cartoony and outdated art direction or non-spoken dialogue and just the overall goofiness of the game. If that's your thing, then no problem... WoW is for you. It ain't for me.


And to be honest... I never realized how much I liked the dialogue in TOR until I played all those other games and had to read all the quests: certainly took away from the immersion. Something I wouldn't have realized if not for playing TOR (not to mention how cleverly all the fetch/kill quests are disguised in the dialogue so you actually feel like a hero).


Also... if anyone mentions that SWG is either on par with or superior to this game (perhaps even several years after its launch) then I don't think we are talking about the same game. I remember when it came out. My friend brought it over and we played it together on my pc. We stayed up all night doing... well... pretty much the only thing there was to do. Kill animals and skin them. For hours. For a refresher here is a good write up: http://thegameguru.me/2011/06/25/why-did-star-wars-galaxies-fail/


And another thing to people who complain about content or about getting BM gear "so quickly" or having reached lvl 50 on many toons. Damn... I thought I played a lot... how much do you guys play?


I guess the strangest thing for me is that so many of you guys seem genuinely mad or upset at this game and its developer. Even those of you who spent countless hours playing it only to declare that it sucks at the end.


As for the game-crashing bugs. These things happen for two reasons: a) new game b) PC configurations. If you don't believe me, google this:


"Diablo 3 + error code"


(Hint: It's made by the same people behind WoW)

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Been away too few months and now been back about 4days, started a new char with high hopes and....fail


Same little bugs still around, not working videos or camera angles and a new bug has emerged on videos :p sound keeps disapearing, cant preview weapons .. still?!? World is still dead like its been, even the new story wont make you wanna play as all the fill in quests r ofc the same.





Right now there is NO reason to resubscribe TOR in any way.


Maybe with 1.3 but if you've been bothered by the content already 1.3 won't help anyways.


Resubscribing after 1.3, better 1.4 would be a good idea - but right now? Never.

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I couldn't agree more with you OP. I played since late December and got burnt out about 2 months ago. I unsubbed and thought I was done with the game. The game was a disappointment for me as I expected something more akin to a sandbox world than what we got. However, I came to miss the game and realized, disappointment notwithstanding, I had been having tons of fun with this game, more than in any MMO and most SP games. I resubbed yesterday and I'm having a blast.


I agree that the game is getting a lot of hate all over the internet. Some of it is definitely self earned (BW and EA hyped their game to such a point that people expected the second coming and when the game came out they found themselves with a lot of disappointed and angry players), some of it not (side effect of the ME3 debacle, trolling of the forums, people expecting every little issue to be immediately fixed...).


So, bottom line, I think the main problem of this game is not the game itself but the extremely clumsy management of expectations made by EA and BW prerelease as well as their communication post release which appeared completely out of sync with what players wanted and complained about (population issues mainly). The game is good, it can grow but BW needs to come off its high horses and tackle the population issue asap (transfers are good but they need to reduce drastically the number of servers as well).

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I'll bite...


That's not what anyone in this thread has said. We all know there are issues and bugs, and a lot that can be improved on. Does this mean the game is utter and complete crap? Does it mean the game is impossible to enjoy? That it's a hopeless, lost cause?


Yes, for over a million people it does. I think that might be another record that SWTOR can claim, the quickest MMO to lose 1 million subs.(In only 4 months)


I don't think so. Even with bugs and issues, I enjoy this game far more than I would enjoy WoW right now. I hope I will continue to do so for a long time.


If stating this, my personal opinion, means that I will be regarded by the majority if the forum posters as an immature, brainless and naive MMO-player, then so be it. I'll still be playing the game for as long as I enjoy it, and I'll still continue posting about my enjoyment, maybe about some ideas to improve it further, while my companions are running errands for me in-game.


For some the game is fun and thats all good for them, but for the majority of the people who have bought this game its not. Waiting for server transfer and all th eexcuse where the subs are when all but 2 of the servers are above standard after 2 weeks.

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Hi everyone,


I thought I would drop in and share my two cents on why I left and why I decided to come back. I'm not trying to start a flame war, nor am I trying to waste your time. All I'm going to talk about is what the title says...


I initially left SWTOR a few months ago (a few weeks before 1.2) for a multitude of reasons; most of which were of my own doing. There was the time commitment issue, but that is to be expected from any RPG game - nothing can help that but my own willpower (damn those games and their fun!). There was also the problem that I joined an excellent raiding guild but I joined on the condition that I would level up a character (unfortunately, same class, different specialization) to raid with them. This was also my fault, since the game kind of turned into a level grinding job and it lost its 'fun' flavour for me. Again... my fault. There was also the problem of 'lack of stuff to do.' Don't get me wrong, the PvP was real fun, but playing huttball over and over began looking a bit lackluster. I'll be honest: if I had spent a bit less time in-game I probably would've had more fun overall. But it is what it is...


So I've been away for a few months and I've been reading a lot of the news surrounding this game lately. 25% sub loss. Firing of developers and community manager. EA CEO putting it just above Tiger Woods PGA in terms of importance. Low pop servers. You name it... it didn't look good for this game.


So I was thinking... well if this game is in this state, let me look at the other MMOs on the market, just so I can get some perspective on just why this game appears to be faltering. I tried out the whole lot of them, as long as they were F2P or free to try.


Now this is only my opinion, but after going through about 15 of the most popular MMOs I was shocked to see that SWTOR was getting a bad rap. Maybe this game didn't come out with all the features and content that would've pleased everyone but in comparison to everything out there this is a damn polished game in terms of the overall feel. Nothing else out there felt so smooth, so visually enthralling, and that's not even mentioning the audio component. The F2P model cheapens the game beyond belief. It's just not the same when so many game altering mechanics can be individually bought. By the way... you think you'll be spending less money on F2P than you will be on a subscription service? Maybe over the course of a 4 year subscription... otherwise... sorry. That's what microtransactions do - they attempt to use the same psychology as the .99 cents price model. I rather just pay upfront and know that I'll be getting everything content-wise. No guides about what to purchase from the in-game store and how to most frugally spend your money.


Anyhow... I was blown away just how every other MMO paled in comparison to this one. Maybe it's because I'm such an ardent Star Wars fan, but I can't bring myself to understand all the hate. I've been going through a lot of people's complaints and I kind of feel sorry for the developers. Why? Because so many of the complaints are so ludicrously specific that I'm sure they must be pounding their heads against the wall as EA management breathes down their necks.


Anyway. I'm back. I'm really excited to see the changes to the game since I've been away. I'm glad to be here - wouldn't want to be anywhere else (I checked). Hopefully I can spread the good word and support a game that is, in my somewhat educated opinion, one hell of a ride.


May the force be with you!


Nice to see some positive feedback about this game. Not enough of that going around in my opinion.


I remember a time when people played the games they like and did not play the ones they didn't like.

Now? They play the ones they don't like and waste everyone's time crying because the game is not what THEY think it should be.


Anyhow, I hope you enjoy your return.

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I couldn't agree more with you OP. I played since late December and got burnt out about 2 months ago. I unsubbed and thought I was done with the game. The game was a disappointment for me as I expected something more akin to a sandbox world than what we got. However, I came to miss the game and realized, disappointment notwithstanding, I had been having tons of fun with this game, more than in any MMO and most SP games. I resubbed yesterday and I'm having a blast.


I agree that the game is getting a lot of hate all over the internet. Some of it is definitely self earned (BW and EA hyped their game to such a point that people expected the second coming and when the game came out they found themselves with a lot of disappointed and angry players), some of it not (side effect of the ME3 debacle, trolling of the forums, people expecting every little issue to be immediately fixed...).


So, bottom line, I think the main problem of this game is not the game itself but the extremely clumsy management of expectations made by EA and BW prerelease as well as their communication post release which appeared completely out of sync with what players wanted and complained about (population issues mainly). The game is good, it can grow but BW needs to come off its high horses and tackle the population issue asap (transfers are good but they need to reduce drastically the number of servers as well).


Yep some overhype...I feel bad for GW2.


A lot of people are hoping it will be the second coming, if it isn't that then those people are going to hate the game instead of just enjoying it for what it is like they do with this one.

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I quit a while back, and I won't be coming back until this game has all of the features that I want. I felt like this was one of the most polished beta tests I had ever played. I'll be happy to come back, cash in hand, when the product is finished.


How many months do you think BioWare should have delayed launching the game to get to put in the features you want? Multiply that number times $20 million, and that's a rough estimate of the revenue lost.

Edited by Kthx
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For some the game is fun and thats all good for them, but for the majority of the people who have bought this game its not. Waiting for server transfer and all th eexcuse where the subs are when all but 2 of the servers are above standard after 2 weeks.


Please don't claim to speak for the 'majority' when you are clearly not. My steadily growing guild on one of those servers that you say are not in the top two is proof enough for me that people are playing and enjoying. Bugs will get fixed, are getting fixed and are being fixed as fast and smoother than Blizzard was able to pull off at launch. I know, I was there. And I also have seen that Blizzard still sucks at major launches. Only have to look at D3 to see that.

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I have myself have unsubbed not only because of server pop, but because of no matter what character you play, almost all the damn quest are exactly the same. I cannot do the same planets with the same damn quest, regardless of class over and over and over again. There are extremely few class specific quest for the different classes and I for one have just had enough. I do not PvP and will not PvP, I did not buy a MMORPG to PvP. The way it is now it is a MMOPVP with very few elements of an RPG and they have tried to sell it as a MMORPG.
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How many months do you think BioWare should have delayed launching the game to get to put in the features you want? Multiply that number times $20 million, and that's a rough estimate of the revenue lost.

A modern MMORPG should launch with at a minimum a comparable list of features from other similarly themed or labeled MMORPGs currently on the market, or don't bother wasting the money to develope one. If it is a ground breaking MMORPG that is one thing, but this is nothing but a WoW clone and as such, should not be so far behind the starting line in features.

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A modern MMORPG should launch with at a minimum a comparable list of features from other similarly themed or labeled MMORPGs currently on the market, or don't bother wasting the money to develope one. If it is a ground breaking MMORPG that is one thing, but this is nothing but a WoW clone and as such, should not be so far behind the starting line in features.


as much as i love features.. and i do. idisagree.. there were very few things that swtor really needed in order to launch successfully.. the big one in my opinion was more end game stuff.


the servers were not an issue until they opened more.. however this game levels far to easy, getting to 50 is far to easy and with little to do at end game peopel got bored..


other than that the rest could have waited, the lfg tool wouldnt have been needed if they didnt muck up the servers at launch..

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Glad to have you back OP. There are many of us that are still here and others who come and go as needed. I believe this game offers a great deal of entertainment and beyond the jaded perceptions of some it is worth the time and money. The beauty of it is that once you have had your fill or are no longer able to play for whatever reason you can leave with the option to come back.


So, thanks for your thoughts, now... lets get back to it. I'm on the PTS and I'm loving what I'm seeing. I look forward to much more in the months to come.

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I unsubbed, bought a 60 day time card for WoW and went back. Played for about a week and I've come running back. WoW may be more polished and smooth, but who are they targeting that game too?! It can't be to anyone over the age of 18! The style is way too goofy! And I thought PvP over here made me scream lol.


But sure, ToR has MASSIVE issues that BW needs to get on, but I remember Rift's launch and playing that game then and it was not fun! Everything was boring! Fast forward a year and I tried it out again, the game is MUCH better. Sure BW =/= Trion in terms of speed, but I trust down the line they will improve this game remarkable, despite all their blunders.

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Anyhow... I was blown away just how every other MMO paled in comparison to this one. Maybe it's because I'm such an ardent Star Wars fan, but I can't bring myself to understand all the hate. I've been going through a lot of people's complaints and I kind of feel sorry for the developers. Why? Because so many of the complaints are so ludicrously specific that I'm sure they must be pounding their heads against the wall as EA management breathes down their necks.


Anyway. I'm back. I'm really excited to see the changes to the game since I've been away. I'm glad to be here - wouldn't want to be anywhere else (I checked). Hopefully I can spread the good word and support a game that is, in my somewhat educated opinion, one hell of a ride.


May the force be with you!



As for the game-crashing bugs. These things happen for three reasons: a) new game b) PC configurations c) it's complicated. If you don't believe me, google this:


"Diablo 3 + error code"


(Hint: It's made by the same people behind WoW)


P.S. Thanks for all the great messages of welcome! I truly enjoy this community!


This game really is good in its genre, but the thing that gets most of us, is that it could have been the greatest. If it did launch with fully implemented LFG, more polish, less bugs, better UI, optional x-server LFG and WZs, optional in-game DMG meters as well as other metrics, better mid and low range machine performance, it would have been truly the greatest.


We are upset because it had the potential to dethrone WoW, really, for reals, but it got screwed up by the devs and also by EA overhead such as investors pushing time etc. Sorry but the bottom line is that WoW of today, not WoW of 2004, is the benchmark to make it or break it from many players perspectives, even those that have never played WoW but other games and do not realize the features they refer to are from there or have been established as main stream in there.


As far as games success, well, you can define success as being "profitable" and not in the red, but with the amount of hype and capital that went into this and the knowledge you had the perfect opportunity to beat WoW and screwed it up, would you not be upset even if you were still successfull ?


I remember reading interviews and articles around launch time and something around 130 mil USD went into development or SWTOR. So for that 130 mil, would you rather have around 200k-500k steady subs, or would you rather have around 7-12 mil subs ?

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I agree the game is great and here is why i think people are mad.


1. The time put into the game.

2. Bioware is a great gaming company which caused shock.

3. The most expensive game in history and yet has many issuess. However much of it went to voice acting.

4. The constant delays from devs about patches.

5. The firing of the orignal developers.

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