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Dead Server and I'm not transfering?


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From another thread:


So much truth in this so much truth... But they'll still find a way to blame BioWare...


Then they start demanding for x-server group finders because they feel that squatting on a dead server means their needs should be catered to as well.

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It is such a slog to try and load this character now that the server is so full. Lag is horrendous, and even with only 200ish people on fleet. I guess the rest of the server is sooo stuffed, that the game has to chug to even load one character.


Its probably not the server but your PC trying to draw/animate all those people standing around the GTN. Try setting the number of players it draws to minimum (its the last item in the graphics settings as I recall), if that fixes it then you will know its not server lag that is causing the problem.


I had very bad lag on Nightmare Lands in fleet, turned that setting to minimum and its was ok from then on.

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I am hanging around my dead personal playground until they give me an acceptable option. By acceptable I mean for ME, not what other players might accept. I paid good money to get in before launch and get the names I wanted. I chose a server based on a reasonable population level. I Have 8 toons and 6 of them will lose thier names plus I will lose legacy if I go to the over stuffed place they have decided would be best for me. Unacceptable.


I am hoping that after a period of time that they deem to be good enough they will assume that the players still actively subbed to a dead server are choosing to be there for a reason. They would then hopefully merge oll of the remaining dead servers into one server that would be probably low to medium population and thus keeping those players who wish to not be in a super heavy pop fairly happy. It would also give them a better chance of saving as many names as possible since it would be merging with fewer people.

Edited by Luap
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I am hanging around my dead personal playground until they give me an acceptable option. By acceptable I mean for ME, not what other players might accept. I paid good money to get in before launch and get the names I wanted. I chose a server based on a reasonable population level. I Have 8 toons and 6 of them will lose thier names plus I will lose legacy if I go to the over stuffed place they have decided would be best for me. Unacceptable.


I am hoping that after a period of time that they deem to be good enough they will assume that the players still actively subbed to a dead server are choosing to be there for a reason. They would then hopefully merge oll of the remaining dead servers into one server that would be probably low to medium population and thus keeping those players who wish to not be in a super heavy pop fairly happy. It would also give them a better chance of saving as many names as possible since it would be merging with fewer people.


If they do forced mergers, then in the event of a charcater name or legacy name conflict, who gets priority? The highest level? The longest existing? The one who logs in first to grab it?

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If they do forced mergers, then in the event of a charcater name or legacy name conflict, who gets priority? The highest level? The longest existing? The one who logs in first to grab it?


Does it matter?


If there was a reasonable way to fix it, BW will pick the exact opposite.

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If they do forced mergers, then in the event of a charcater name or legacy name conflict, who gets priority? The highest level? The longest existing? The one who logs in first to grab it?


Same as it is now I suppose, first come first serve. But with a much smaller group it would be less likely to be taken. I mean my names are not exactly mike, john and joe...I honestly could not believe that 6 out of 8 were taken. I was way late getting to the transfers though so maybe someone I played with on the origin server saw them and liked them and took them when they could not get thier own...dunno.

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I am hanging around my dead personal playground until they give me an acceptable option. By acceptable I mean for ME, not what other players might accept. I paid good money to get in before launch and get the names I wanted. I chose a server based on a reasonable population level. I Have 8 toons and 6 of them will lose thier names plus I will lose legacy if I go to the over stuffed place they have decided would be best for me. Unacceptable.


I am hoping that after a period of time that they deem to be good enough they will assume that the players still actively subbed to a dead server are choosing to be there for a reason. They would then hopefully merge oll of the remaining dead servers into one server that would be probably low to medium population and thus keeping those players who wish to not be in a super heavy pop fairly happy. It would also give them a better chance of saving as many names as possible since it would be merging with fewer people.


ya im clinging to my lost server for the same reasons reguarding my lost names, its pretty crappy that we have to transfer with such limited and few options if we wanna do any group stuff now though because they mean something to us.

Edited by demonmana
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Next time, try to come up with a more original name and maybe you wouldn't have this problem.


I can understand how my main toons name "Luap" would possibly be grabbed up since it is fairly simple. That is why I got in early to get it...I have used it for many, many years. But some of the other ones were surely not normal names and yet they too were supposedly used. I often wonder how true that actually is. I will not say any of them here since some a hole would surely use them up on every server just for spite but they really were unique...or should have been.

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Next time, try to come up with a more original name and maybe you wouldn't have this problem.


Because you should expect to have to change your characters' names 6 months after creating them. :rolleyes: Besides, it's not like everyone who has had to change names is a "Hansolo" or "Joe". I'm assuming that not every "Skidrowbro" that shows up on a GIS is you.

Edited by MadBlue
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Same as it is now I suppose, first come first serve. But with a much smaller group it would be less likely to be taken. I mean my names are not exactly mike, john and joe...I honestly could not believe that 6 out of 8 were taken. I was way late getting to the transfers though so maybe someone I played with on the origin server saw them and liked them and took them when they could not get thier own...dunno.


IMO, the difference between a transfer and a merger is that with transfer the destination server already exists, and the people already on that server obviously have priority when it comes to keeping their names. With a merger, on the o0ther hand, a new server is created and all the players from the merged servers are transferred to a new server where there are no previously existing names. So, if it is a new server and no one has already established a given name, but two or more players with the same name are placed on this new server, who gets to keep their name?


Does this mean that BW will create a new server if they do merge servers? Who knows?

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Its probably not the server but your PC trying to draw/animate all those people standing around the GTN.


There is no probably about it. That is flat out wrong.


For two reasons.

  • For the longest time I have been running very high, if not max, settings on most things (shadows off) without a hiccup. Now, before the "mass exodus," I only had problems on the Fleet at 250+ people. At 249 or less, no problems. This was prior to the optimizations done.
  • With 1.3 release, I tried the optimization option that dropped all my settings to minimum. I still had fleet slog/lag with only 200ish players. I raised all of my settings up to medium (because at minimum settings I realized how much the game wasn't running very well at my previous max/very high settings), and still have lag at the fleet. That is roughly half the settings I had previously.


So, unless 1.3 screwed up my rigs ability to render the game at minimum settings (not entirely unlikely), it isn't my rig at all. And for background, my system is an ATI Radeon 5770, 1GB card with a ASUS Xonar D2X for sound, and a Core i3 processor. Not top shelf by any stretch, but far from bottom shelf. And did just fine lag wise at very high/max graphical settings prior to server tranfers, and with even more people on fleet, and before all the optimization that was done.

Edited by Blattan
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I look at it this way, this game is already dead and pops are already 6 feet under. So If I'm on a "dead" or very low populated server, that's great for me - more nodes for me to gather without the competition from anyone else :D And I can pretend to be the emperor of that server mwahahahahah!
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Its probably not the server but your PC trying to draw/animate all those people standing around the GTN.


There is no probably about it. That is flat out wrong.


For two reasons.

  • For the longest time I have been running very high, if not max, settings on most things (shadows off) without a hiccup. Now, before the "mass exodus," I only had problems on the Fleet at 250+ people. At 249 or less, no problems. This was prior to the optimizations done.
  • With 1.3 release, I tried the optimization option that dropped all my settings to minimum. I still had fleet slog/lag with only 200ish players. I raised all of my settings up to medium (because at minimum settings I realized how much the game wasn't running very well at my previous max/very high settings), and still have lag at the fleet. That is roughly half the settings I had previously.


So, unless 1.3 screwed up my rigs ability to render the game at minimum settings (not entirely unlikely), it isn't my rig at all. And for background, my system is an ATI Radeon 5770, 1GB card with a ASUS Xonar D2X for sound, and a Core i3 processor. Not top shelf by any stretch, but far from bottom shelf. And did just fine lag wise at very high/max graphical settings prior to server tranfers, and with even more people on fleet, and before all the optimization that was done.


In an interesting turn of events, patch 1.3b solved my lag issues. I guess all of those incorrectly handled augment slots were slowing the servers down. ;-P


It is still a little choppy and sluggish with 250+ players on Fleet, but at least I don't have to stare at the UI over laying a black screen for 30 second plus when logging in.

Edited by Blattan
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Yeah this is just...so disappointing.


My characters names on the server I am now were chosen during early access. They've had these names for, oh, I don't know, since the game came out and I've played them all a ton.


Now my server is dead. It seems like a slap in the face I have to transfer to an overstuffed server where only 2/8 of my characters will even be able to keep their names.


Forget that. Maybe some don't care that their name was taken, (the ones whos names that aren't even actual names, more then likely) but some do.

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I noticed that Black Vulcars ( PVP) is kinda dead now... ( Low pop ) yet that server before the transfer option was packed pretty much all the time ( Heavy to Full ) but ppl transfered out ( maybe for a change ) now it's Light everytime I log...seems kinda counter productive and silly to me as well as adding to what's now become a fiasco of queque waiting to log on again like the after the launch.... or am I crazy..
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Yeah this is just...so disappointing.


My characters names on the server I am now were chosen during early access. They've had these names for, oh, I don't know, since the game came out and I've played them all a ton.


Now my server is dead. It seems like a slap in the face I have to transfer to an overstuffed server where only 2/8 of my characters will even be able to keep their names.


Forget that. Maybe some don't care that their name was taken, (the ones whos names that aren't even actual names, more then likely) but some do.


heh, can't say I understand this. my names are very much 'actual names'... well, ok, they really aren't, but y'know... I actually chose names that are kinda 'star-wars-ish' and still... present something. they are fitting to the class/race I play, they have something to do with my real-life-interests and people usually tell me they are 'unique' and pretty cool.


the only name that was already taken was the name that was pretty 'generic'. not generic in the sense that I actually thought long and hard about how to call that character and still have it be something very personal - while fitting the character - but 'generic' in that it's just a word that people probably thought about while naming a char.


you know what I ended up doing? I used that word in a different language, and now the name is even more fitting to the 'personality' touch, while still similar enough to the original name so people from my old server will recognize me.




be proud of your super generic name, but don't make this an issue.

(and I know the pain of names being taken, we had people from our old server reserve the names of 'popular' player just to be plain vile, so you better not tell me anything about how I 'just don't see your point' just because you think you have a special name for it being an 'actual name')

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Yeah this is just...so disappointing.


My characters names on the server I am now were chosen during early access. They've had these names for, oh, I don't know, since the game came out and I've played them all a ton.


Now my server is dead. It seems like a slap in the face I have to transfer to an overstuffed server where only 2/8 of my characters will even be able to keep their names.


Almost everyone who transferred and lost their names was in early access. If 6 out of 8 of your names were taken, chances are they were already taken by others who also chose those names during early access. Whether they still play or not is another issue. It's possible that at some point in the future, such names will be made available by request (as they are in WoW), but I wouldn't get my hopes up.


I don't know how many people had to rename characters when they transferred, but I imagine the percent to be rather high. I wonder how many people elected to stay on their origin server over the name issue (as opposed to waiting to consolidate characters on one server, play on the same server as friends, etc).


Forget that. Maybe some don't care that their name was taken, (the ones whos names that aren't even actual names, more then likely) but some do.


Well, origin servers are practically empty, and the destination servers are packed and lively - in spite of people having to change their names. It's not that the majority of people who lost names "don't care" that their names were taken, it's that they've gotten past it.


If there's one silver lining in all this, it's that if you have to pick a new legacy name as well as character names, you can select a new legacy name and then rename characters with that in mind, rather than naming characters with a legacy name in mind and then leveling up only to find the legacy name is taken.

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  • 1 month later...
I am hanging around my dead personal playground until they give me an acceptable option. By acceptable I mean for ME, not what other players might accept. I paid good money to get in before launch and get the names I wanted. I chose a server based on a reasonable population level. I Have 8 toons and 6 of them will lose thier names plus I will lose legacy if I go to the over stuffed place they have decided would be best for me. Unacceptable.


I am hoping that after a period of time that they deem to be good enough they will assume that the players still actively subbed to a dead server are choosing to be there for a reason. They would then hopefully merge oll of the remaining dead servers into one server that would be probably low to medium population and thus keeping those players who wish to not be in a super heavy pop fairly happy. It would also give them a better chance of saving as many names as possible since it would be merging with fewer people.


This is how I feel as well. If they come up with an option that does not cost me my character names, I'll probably take it. Until then, I will pay my subscription fee to play on an empty server. If they force me to give up my character names, I'll stop paying my subscription fee. All are about equal to me.

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This is how I feel as well. If they come up with an option that does not cost me my character names, I'll probably take it. Until then, I will pay my subscription fee to play on an empty server. If they force me to give up my character names, I'll stop paying my subscription fee. All are about equal to me.


lol....are you kidding me. Not transfering because you might lose your names? How sad is that.

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This is how I feel as well. If they come up with an option that does not cost me my character names, I'll probably take it. Until then, I will pay my subscription fee to play on an empty server. If they force me to give up my character names, I'll stop paying my subscription fee. All are about equal to me.


Concerning the people who already transfered their character, they accepted the potential drawback such as the losing the names and eventually reform their guild. It was a choice.


As officially announced, servers will be merged toward the end of Summer for consolidation of the player base.



However unlike the Free Transfer Service, there will be no choice, the move gonna be forced on the players.

There will be potentially and most probably characters, legacies and guild names collisions.

That's why I hope Bioware will at least do it in a fair way such as:


1) Publicly don't merge Server A into Server B. But merge Server A and B into a new server C. (well technically it could really be A merged into B, and B renamed to C, but that's a Bioware internal aspect)


2) In case of name collision, give priority to keep the name to the actively subscribed account (many inactive account are probably just there as ghost anyway, just using names for nothing), and then by character/legacy/guild registration date if necessary. This will reward active subscribers and players that have registered their name first.


3) Guild should be automatically transfered as well. Unlike with independent free character transfer, that should not technically be an issue since all characters will be moved at once.

Edited by Elysith
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