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Everything posted by Luap

  1. It is possible that merging the remaining servers into one light server could have been the plan all along. It would not be so much caving and rewarding holdouts as it would be making two different player types happy. The player base that wanted more populated servers were given an option to go to one place while the playerbase who stuck around were obviously happy with light population. Merging the remainder would keep them still on light and all would be happy. The problem is that they did not tell anyone if this was the plan and thus many people transferred thinking it was that or nothing. Sure I would imagine that everyone would have rather kept thier names if given the choice but those who chose to move and lose them obviously found it to be less necessary than those who have not.
  2. As a player who stuck with SWG for almost 3 years without complaining much even through the CU and the NGE I can lay claim to being quite loyal to any game "Star Wars". I have been subbed since before launch and up to now. I cancelled my sub last week and am watching the remaining days tick off. I am not one to do a lot of complaining, I don't post a whole lot in the forums. I just like to play the game. I can understand that issues arise and sometimes things need to change and normally I just move right along. However, I have some problems with the current fiasco. I paid extra money off the bat to get early game access soley to get the character names I desired. The current destination server I have been offered will negate that by causing me to lose 6 of the 8 names I have plus my legacy name. I was told that I could avoid this by using my option to stay put. So this is what I did. I am now being informed that despite what I was told before I will now be forced to move because they will be shutting down the empty server. Frankly I mostly expected this but the catch is that it will be forced to the same designated server? My computer can not handle a near full server. I would much rather be on a light or standard server. I am hoping that the last remaining possible option may be that they did not specify that the "designated" server would be the same one that is my current option. It is possible that they will designate one of the remaining light servers for all of the remaining light servers from a particular region to get forced to go to. I see this as pretty much the only option left that they could give me that would get me to resub. I refuse to pay more money for transfers later to achieve something that I already paid more money to have. I refuse to move to where they are telling me to go. I can not stay where I currently am. I will not waste more time working on my toons that I may endup never playing again. Pretty sad Bioware to have lost a player as easily satisfied, loyal, and willing to pay as this one.
  3. I don't believe there was any other way to get early access...but maybe I am mistaken.
  4. If they did it in my prime time (USA) I would simply find something else to do. Maintenance is a necessary evil and they have to do it sometime...no matter when that time is someone will be upset since they have players around the world. They will not do it during thier own work hours since it would mean they could not work so the people on the other side of the planet take most of the hits. Sorry but it is pretty much the same with ANY US made game.
  5. Technically, this is true that I payed for a special version of the game, but different people do things for different reasons. Me personally the only reason I payed the extra money to pre-order was for the ability to get in early and get my names. The free speeder was a good thing too. I also agree that other servers may give me issues too, but it won't matter if they ask me to pay for it I will just be moving on. I am simply continuing to play my low level toons as if it is a single player game until such time as they announce what thier intent is with the dead servers. I am hoping they will throw the tiny servers together to make one low or medium server and keep those of us who are obviously more happy on light than heavy somewhat happy.
  6. I can understand how my main toons name "Luap" would possibly be grabbed up since it is fairly simple. That is why I got in early to get it...I have used it for many, many years. But some of the other ones were surely not normal names and yet they too were supposedly used. I often wonder how true that actually is. I will not say any of them here since some a hole would surely use them up on every server just for spite but they really were unique...or should have been.
  7. You however, do not get the social points if alone. I can understand why they would change this but it does kinda blow for players who do not do a lot of FP's. I did however just run a BT helping someone on a dead server on a level 20 and still got the points.
  8. Same as it is now I suppose, first come first serve. But with a much smaller group it would be less likely to be taken. I mean my names are not exactly mike, john and joe...I honestly could not believe that 6 out of 8 were taken. I was way late getting to the transfers though so maybe someone I played with on the origin server saw them and liked them and took them when they could not get thier own...dunno.
  9. I am hanging around my dead personal playground until they give me an acceptable option. By acceptable I mean for ME, not what other players might accept. I paid good money to get in before launch and get the names I wanted. I chose a server based on a reasonable population level. I Have 8 toons and 6 of them will lose thier names plus I will lose legacy if I go to the over stuffed place they have decided would be best for me. Unacceptable. I am hoping that after a period of time that they deem to be good enough they will assume that the players still actively subbed to a dead server are choosing to be there for a reason. They would then hopefully merge oll of the remaining dead servers into one server that would be probably low to medium population and thus keeping those players who wish to not be in a super heavy pop fairly happy. It would also give them a better chance of saving as many names as possible since it would be merging with fewer people.
  10. Hello all, I have been a member of this forum for a few years before the game launched, Pre-ordered specifically so I could get the names I desired and have been consistently subbed since day one. I don't come on here and complain since it rarely does any good, hell I rarely post at all because there really was not much to say. Recently I was forced by real life to take about a months break from the game and even though I was not playing I still maintained my sub. I was aware that 1.3 was comming and had heard that the transfer option was also in the works but really had not paid it much mind. So now I come back to the game and for 3 nights straight I have been completely alone on the imperial station of my current server. While I did not spend a lot of time playing with others prior to the transfers it was nice to be able to do a warzone now and then if I chose to. I have 1 level 50 out of 8 toons on the server and could easily spend a great deal of time leveling up my other toons right where I am but something tells me that Bioware is not going to continue funding this server just so I can play . So I looked into the destination server that they have ordained for me and every night since I have been back it is Very Heavy or Heavy population. I am on a 4 year old PC which freaked the heck out during the raghoul event and could only imagine what trying to play on a consistently full server would be like for me. On top of this issue, I also spent some time looking into my character names and of my 8 toons I would lose 6 of the names and my legacy name. I payed extra money for those names and would rather not lose them if at all possible. Having said all this as my background my question is this...Has anything been said about what or when the next phase of this transition might be? I can't see myself shipping over to a server where I would lose my identity and my ability to play lagfree and for the full amount of time I have available (que time) when there might be a better option coming down the tubes. I am fine with playing on my personal server for the time being inorder to possibly gain a way out later but if phase 2 requires me to pay more money to fix an issue that had nothing to do with me then I guess they can subtract my piddley little income from thier budget. Thanks in advance for any info that you can provide.
  11. Hello all, I have been a member of this forum for a few years before the game launched, Pre-ordered specifically so I could get the names I desired and have been consistently subbed since day one. I don't come on here and complain since it rarely does any good, hell I rarely post at all because there really was not much to say. Recently I was forced by real life to take about a months break from the game and even though I was not playing I still maintained my sub. I was aware that 1.3 was comming and had heard that the transfer option was also in the works but really had not paid it much mind. So now I come back to the game and for 3 nights straight I have been completely alone on the imperial station of my current server. While I did not spend a lot of time playing with others prior to the transfers it was nice to be able to do a warzone now and then if I chose to. I have 1 level 50 out of 8 toons on the server and could easily spend a great deal of time leveling up my other toons right where I am but something tells me that Bioware is not going to continue funding this server just so I can play . So I looked into the destination server that they have ordained for me and every night since I have been back it is Very Heavy or Heavy population. I am on a 4 year old PC which freaked the heck out during the raghoul event and could only imagine what trying to play on a consistently full server would be like for me. On top of this issue, I also spent some time looking into my character names and of my 8 toons I would lose 6 of the names and my legacy name. I payed extra money for those names and would rather not lose them if at all possible. Having said all this as my background my question is this...Has anything been said about what or when the next phase of this transition might be? I can't see myself shipping over to a server where I would lose my identity and my ability to play lagfree and for the full amount of time I have available (que time) when there might be a better option coming down the tubes. I am fine with playing on my personal server for the time being inorder to possibly gain a way out later but if phase 2 requires me to pay more money to fix an issue that had nothing to do with me then I guess they can subtract my piddley little income from thier budget. Thanks in advance for any info that you can provide. Edited in: PS I would also like to point out to those who are confused or irritated by players who do not seem to know what they want (i.e. complain severers are full, complain servers are empty) that there is a really strong chance that they are not the same players making the alternating complaints. Seems to make sense to me that no matter what you do there will always be a group of people who dislike it. The trick is to please the majority of players, not the remainder.
  12. Oh and I would also like to be able to have more than 2 windows open at once and be able to move said windows around the screen if I choose.
  13. Please think about changing the fact that when your companion returns from a crew skill and the reward window pops up it kicks you out of whatever other window you may have been in at the time. This includes email you may be typing, Galactic Market searching, Character sheets, Cargo holds, Vendors, etc. It has actually caused me to lose items that I was transfering from one window to another and also lose long winded emails I was typing. Please A) make it so when you use the option to set your character to "Looking for Group" (the little purple people next to your name) That the people and the setting are automatically removed when you enter a group. Currently you can be looking for a group while already in one. B) Could you put this ability onto a button that can be put on a quickslot? Please provide an option for changing nameplate colors such as you did for Chat text colors. In particular I think Party members should be purple like thier Party chat text and the little icons on the minimap. It is very difficult for some people (particularly colorblind) to discern the normal Blue "player character" color from the slightly lighter blue used currently for party members. Thanks, have a nice day.
  14. Well I have been looking forward to this day for a long time. I purposely stayed out of any of the Beta testing or other options to get any early looks so as not to ruin anything by seeing inferior product. I have to say i am rather dissapointed. I am not one of those people who falsely raises thier hopes so high that there really is no choice but to fail to meet them. I am realistic, and level headed. However, so far this still did not meet my expectations. I started off with a bounty hunter and have in the first night proceeded to level 6. My first comment is that there is apparently no real need to be inquisitive about your surroundings because everything you can interract with has an icon on the map and/or something floating over its head. The controls feel very clunky, I found myself zig/zagging down every path because I had so little control over the left and right turning that it overshot no matter how lightly you pressed a or d. This seems to be compensated for though by the ENORMOUS size of everything. Hallways are 30' wide, cielings somewhere in the 40' range rooms are the size of factories and factories the size of cities. It seems that rather than filling a large world with lots of interesting things they made a few interesting things extremely large and then repeated it until space is full. The interiors feel so empty and dead, and all you hear is your footsteps as you traverse the expansive spaces. There are dozens of people around doing all manner of animations ...silently and repeating over and over with no indication they will ever change. The missions are entertaining. The story is great so far. Combat is a boring chore, and so far besides seeing other people doing the same marathon runs through a building built for giants, I have seen no indication of any of the typical side entertainment or tasks of the average MMO. It strikes me as a linear single player game with a few choices of which particular line you want to follow at any given time. Hopefully As I continue playing, and yes I plan to continue, some things will improve but at the moment I feel like I am intruding on my child's basic run of the mill mission based game, not the fleshed out, detailed, inviting entertainment I expected form this combination of franchise and developer.
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