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Dead Server and I'm not transfering?


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It's spelled queue. And there were major queues trying to get into The Harbinger and Drooga's Pleasure Barge. I could give a *** about The Bastion because it's not like I can choose to transfer there instead.


And in any matter I don't want a filled to the maximum server, even if they didn't have queues. I liked my medium population servers. I don't know why they were even included in these transfers. They weren't dead servers until BioWare did this and killed them.




I used a short form for queue I'm a terrible person, I could careless about you or your server I was pointing out my expierence thus far.


But hey if you need to prove you can spell Queue then congrats ... I'm sure someone will eventually release a Scrabble online MMO that you can dominate.

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most servers have been dead WAAAAY before bioware did this.. the razor for example has had 20 or less on in prime time for MONTHS... because everyone left due to FPS issues and problems with 1.2 patch.


enjoy your time alone in the dark when they shut off the power to the fleet =)


Most servers according to who? What is the population amount that qualifies it as dead?


Both of my servers (Kaas City and Mask of Nihilis) had very good medium populations. Before this both of those servers averaged 25-60 players on fleet. They were not dead at all.


They are now.


Thanks BioWare!



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I used a short form for queue I'm a terrible person, I could careless about you or your server I was pointing out my expierence thus far.


But hey if you need to prove you can spell Queue then congrats ... I'm sure someone will eventually release a Scrabble online MMO that you can dominate.


Dude, don't be a troll.


You were talking about Bastion as if I had a choice to go there. I don't. My servers are both being funneled into the overly populated queue causing cluster-bash that are The Harbinger and Drooga's Pleasure Barge. I'm stuck with the choices dead server or shoulder to shoulder, pushing and shoving to get into Walmart on Black Friday, nothing else.


And a Q is a god-like being from the Star Trek universe. A queue is a queue. One is not an abbreviation for the other.



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Well here's a situation I'm in that makes the OP's question a good one. I rolled several toons on Server A and got them to level 50 then suddenly that server became a ghost town. So I rerolled on Server B and Server C because neither were dead but neither were high population but both had friends I could join in adventures with. Now all 3 servers are transfer servers all with Server D as the destination server. So between Servers A, B and C I have 14 toons. All of which are levelled or geared enough that I'd still play any one of them. We can only have 8 characters per server, so 6 toons will be left stranded.
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Most servers according to who? What is the population amount that qualifies it as dead?


Both of my servers (Kaas City and Mask of Nihilis) had very good medium populations. Before this both of those servers averaged 25-60 players on fleet. They were not dead at all.


They are now.


Thanks BioWare!




u think 25-60 ppl is not a dead server in mmo terms alot of fps game can hold more... joint ops was 150 or somthing silly and that was 5-6 years ago

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Eventually they would bring in the wrecking ball and evict you just like the little old lady in the old twilight zone episode. She didn't leave and decided to delete her character instead at the suggestion of Robert Redford (death). A cool episode.


It's a good thing the mods will do that! It's a very good thing! :D

Edited by BradTheImpaler
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u think 25-60 ppl is not a dead server in mmo terms alot of fps game can hold more... joint ops was 150 or somthing silly and that was 5-6 years ago


25-60 average (not prime time, mind you, average), yeah, that's not dead.


1... that's dead.



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i wouldnt be shocked if they used some empty servers as the lvl upto 15 never ending trial servers.


Doubtful since the idea is to get those trial players to keep playing. Putting all these new players, testing out an MMO, on a dead server with no population would be counter-productive to the goal of turning them into subscribers.

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Well here's a situation I'm in that makes the OP's question a good one. I rolled several toons on Server A and got them to level 50 then suddenly that server became a ghost town. So I rerolled on Server B and Server C because neither were dead but neither were high population but both had friends I could join in adventures with. Now all 3 servers are transfer servers all with Server D as the destination server. So between Servers A, B and C I have 14 toons. All of which are levelled or geared enough that I'd still play any one of them. We can only have 8 characters per server, so 6 toons will be left stranded.


That sounds like the ideal situation actually... If you have 14 toons you have duplicate classes anyway.

Edited by iain_b
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The Bastion hit full lastnight, there was no Q to get onto the server.


People will find any reason to complain.


Clearly this is a troll because it was directed solely at you.


News flash your not the only person in exsistance, if your that insecure that you think every post is directed at you then you need to seek some help.


Read it again then read it again its my expierence I don't name anyone. Take the tin foil hat off and I'm sorry I insulted your fictional trek god. Carry on being the centre of the universe good sir.

Edited by Nuzt
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That sounds like the ideal situation actually... If you have 14 toons you have duplicate classes anyway.


Yeah but they're different specs/genders/sides and I still like playing all of them. I feel like the first half of I Am Legend, where I'm the only one on the planets, talking to the NPCs like Will Smith was talking to the mannequins. :p

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Clearly this is a troll because it was directed solely at you.


News flash your not the only person in exsistance, if your that insecure that you think every post is directed at you then you need to seek some help.


Read it again then read it again its my expierence I don't name anyone. Take the tin foil hat off and I'm sorry I insulted your fictional trek god. Carry on being the centre of the universe good sir.


That wasn't the troll post, this was.


I used a short form for queue I'm a terrible person, I could careless about you or your server I was pointing out my expierence thus far.


But hey if you need to prove you can spell Queue then congrats ... I'm sure someone will eventually release a Scrabble online MMO that you can dominate.


And it was directed at me because you quoted me.



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Well here's a situation I'm in that makes the OP's question a good one. I rolled several toons on Server A and got them to level 50 then suddenly that server became a ghost town. So I rerolled on Server B and Server C because neither were dead but neither were high population but both had friends I could join in adventures with. Now all 3 servers are transfer servers all with Server D as the destination server. So between Servers A, B and C I have 14 toons. All of which are levelled or geared enough that I'd still play any one of them. We can only have 8 characters per server, so 6 toons will be left stranded.


That's a tough situation, but not one that should've been unforeseen on your part, to be frank. Your best bet, assuming you don't want to keep those extra 6 chars just to be left languishing on a dead server is this:


1) Transfer your main.

2) Transfer the 6 chars you won't keep, then email their money, crafting materials, even bound gear, to your main.

3) Delete those 6 and transfer your other characters.


Now at least you have the money and stuff you worked for, and can even sell the bound gear as junk for a decent amount. Only other option would be to wait for paid transfers and ship those extra chars off to another higher pop server, if you want to keep them.

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Age of Conan did something like this. They started with a bunch of servers and then had to merge most of them within a few months. It wasn't happy. People lost the names they had from launch, etc.


I'm on Lord Ieldis (after jumping around a bit trying to find a server without a queue at launch). I have no plans to transfer to BC unless they make me by saying they are shutting down that server. Which yes, will irk me to no end.


I don't want to deal with queues to get into the server. I don't want to stand in line to kill a mob to complete a quest (Experimental Warbot at Grathen's Estate during launch anyone?).


I prefer low-med pop servers, always have and I've been geeking in MMOs since Ultima Online.


So, personally, I hope they keep a few lower pop servers around for those of us that don't want to deal with overfull servers with excessive queues and lag because of it.

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Eventually you'll be the last person on the server and you'll finally have time to read all the books in the Sith Library.


No.....my glasses......but I had time now.....I had...time! IT'S NOT FAIR! IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!!!!

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I plan on lingering for a while in an attempt to gather mats. My server hasnt been listed yet but I hope that it will become an origin server and that the destination will change between when the majority of players on my current server transfer and when I choose to do it, a few weeks from now. That way I don't have to come across some of the guilds I currently can't stand, since we will be on different servers :)
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I have settled on Fatman, and that's the only server I care to transfer my characters to(on 2 different servers). So I have no plans of going through the transfer process when the free transfers are available. If they decide to merge servers so be it. . .but I wont be going through the hassle until I can transfer to fatman(i dont mind a small fee)


This is my thought exactly.... I moved to Fatman in the 1st month the game was out so my original lvl 50 has been hanging out running crafting missions and gathering resources.... he will stay on the dead server and gather resources until paid transfers come or they make me move.


I never get lucky enough to have things easy. It would have been nice to get him on the Fatman but I will just have to wait

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If your on a dead server and you do not transfer what happens? The way I see it the population is already small, if people start getting free transfers off of the server the population is only going to get smaller. Will they merge servers? Will they force me to transfer?


Not sure what will happen but I plan on finding out, they have not announced where Vornskr folks will get to move but I am guessing it's not Dalborra and seeing that's where BW moved my guild (a group of friends from all over who play MMO's together in case a BW employee reads this) I guess I will just sit on Vornskr until paid transfers. If you do transfer off Vornskr and forgot to lock your abandoned star-ships, water the plants or left behind your droid by accident drop me a line will be happy to stop by and take care of things. If I am left in charge I will institute a rule banning the use of Ilum for world PVP, ban travel to Tatooine due to plague outbreaks and enforce a strict limit on the speeds of all personal transports on the fleet. On a serious note any of you in the same boat as me (stuck on Vornskr because BW does not understand that people from other countries often join the same guild to play together) pipe up, maybe they will let us rejoin our guilds after the dust settles on the free transfers.

Edited by bobojoerat
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Age of Conan did something like this. They started with a bunch of servers and then had to merge most of them within a few months. It wasn't happy. People lost the names they had from launch, etc.


I'm on Lord Ieldis (after jumping around a bit trying to find a server without a queue at launch). I have no plans to transfer to BC unless they make me by saying they are shutting down that server. Which yes, will irk me to no end.


I don't want to deal with queues to get into the server. I don't want to stand in line to kill a mob to complete a quest (Experimental Warbot at Grathen's Estate during launch anyone?).


I prefer low-med pop servers, always have and I've been geeking in MMOs since Ultima Online.


So, personally, I hope they keep a few lower pop servers around for those of us that don't want to deal with overfull servers with excessive queues and lag because of it.


Same here, I share your concerns and feelings...but I would'nt hold your breath. This game has all the signs Rift had before they merged down to 30 servers. I cannot see them keeping some really low servers open from a financial point. Guess it depends on if they own them or are leasing them a year at a time.

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They might end up doing what Trion did with Rifts "Trial servers"... limit the server to the immediate area around Meridian (or Sanctum) and if you try to leave you get teleported back.. You might get stuck on the fleet, alone, for ever :D
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I was wondering the same thing. When SWG did it they would offer more free server moves, then they closed the server. Well it was phases they kept doing it then they closed them.


I'm guessing it will be something like that like another phase of moves and maybe close the server? who knows.

Edited by darthyrag
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If your on a dead server and you do not transfer what happens? The way I see it the population is already small, if people start getting free transfers off of the server the population is only going to get smaller. Will they merge servers? Will they force me to transfer?


well eventually the server will be removed from the game. then any toons left on it will be forced onto another server. a few servers will be kept as the new trial f2p level 15 ones. this is exactly what rift did and from a business stand point it makes perfect sense. there is no reason to pay for the upkeep or renew a lease on servers not being used. so sooner or later you will be moved. where to if forced is another question but i would think it would be the same server.

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