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RP-PvP "Lord Calypho" - Excluded from Transfers...


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Thing is that whatever you decide over there at biowar It must be done asap. If you do not react now I personally do not see any reason to continue playing in a dying server. Regarding me you have 6 days till my subscription ends, and all those who are playing from DAY 1 Of this game have subs ending on the 20th or 21st. So just to make things clear, unless a decision is made till then i am not gonna resub even though i would love the 1.3 with rated and all.


But really if you do not act now, you just doom us into playing not an MMO rather than a game that we could be playing at any internet's cafe's Local pirate server since the ranked teams will be like 4 -8 AT BEST in lord calypho.


And Even though I might resub for 1.3 I really doubt i will tbh , since summer is here and all my *need* to play this game will probably be gone till then. It will just be another game in the shelf i guess:P


You asked what we think. We said what we think.


Time has come for you to decide.

Edited by Davelakos
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Took a while to sip through all the pages and I would like to thank everyone for their constructive posts and desire to improve our dying SWTOR gaming experience. I will not repeat the issues we have on Lord Calypho as people have done this in the last 60 pages or so.


BioWare has asked us for solutions to our problem and many here, including Daveliss, have given viable suggestions which implemented right will benefit both bioware and us. We get back to a healthy population and BioWare re-organizes their servers more efficiently which will lead to less hassle.



I run Dai Bendu on Lord Calypho and it is quite sad to see 30 people on the republic fleet in the evening, 20 of them being from my guild. Don't get me wrong, it is good to be the biggest guild on the republic fleet but not on a dead server. They might as well rename the server Dai Bendu :D.



For the past weeks my guildies and I have been approaching the transfer idea and were very disappointed to find out that we were not given the choice. The majority of Dai Bendu will stick together if we are given a choice but seeing that even in this final hour we are still the same 50 on both fleets I will follow the other GMs on Lord Calypho, disband my guild and quit the server with my guildies. If our guilds quit, this server might as well be shutdown as we are the ones holding PVP and PVE alive.



Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope we get a positive reaction to our feedback. SWTOR has a lot of potential, it is a shame that it has reached this low point in such a short time. Fix it soon BioWare or you will have nothing left to fix.




Irisa (dai bendu guild master).

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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It is nice to finally have received a yellow post in this thread from Bioware, at least now we now know the situation is being looked at. I do hope Bioware are quick in resolving the issue and give us a response sooner rather then later, on there intentions.


I have skimmed through a lot of the replies, since the yellow post and tend to agree with the following. To give us the option either to move to a PVP or RP-PVE destination, this can be changed, rotated week by week should Bioware remain with the policy of one designation server.


However I do disagree with the suggested remedy of unifying all language types of RP-PVP servers. There is no point on having three mini servers on one server, and trade chat would be a miss-mash of three languages.


As I have stated above i do hope Bioware are quick in forthcoming with a remedy. The longer it is left the more players they risk losing, and more importantly the risk of losing character names should we have to transfer.

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well the game is nice but when you reach 50lv and you are in a dead server the game becomes so boring i am in a good guild during the day was about 9 players online from my guild but the server is dead so they abandon the game and now im the only online player from my guild. Players abandon if you dont do somethink all we will abandon the game i have 20 i think days left for the game and if you dont do somethink im not sure yet but i will abadon the game. we are a rp-pvp server but we actually do only pvp. SO the most of the players prefer to go to a pvp server.Now there are some players (Rpers) who want the role play . They can do role playing at all servers no mater its type,im sure they dont have problem to transfer somewhere esle i hope to do somethink soon i dont want to leave the game , all the players we dont want to leave the game but if you dont do somethink we will leave


sorry for the mistakes in english


Zaxos lord calypho

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Took a while to sip through all the pages and I would like to thank everyone for their constructive posts and desire to improve our dying SWTOR gaming experience. I will not repeat the issues we have on Lord Calypho as people have done this in the last 60 pages or so.


BioWare has asked us for solutions to our problem and many here, including Daveliss, have given viable suggestions which implemented right will benefit both bioware and us. We get back to a healthy population and BioWare re-organizes their servers more efficiently which will lead to less hassle.



I run Dai Bendu on Lord Calypho and it is quite sad to see 30 people on the republic fleet in the evening, 20 of them being from my guild. Don't get me wrong, it is good to be the biggest guild on the republic fleet but not on a dead server. They might as well rename the server Dai Bendu :D.



For the past weeks my guildies and I have been approaching the transfer idea and were very disappointed to find out that we were not given the choice. The majority of Dai Bendu will stick together if we are given a choice but seeing that even in this final hour we are still the same 50 on both fleets I will follow the other GMs on Lord Calypho, disband my guild and quit the server with my guildies. If our guilds quit, this server might as well be shutdown as we are the ones holding PVP and PVE alive.



Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope we get a positive reaction to our feedback. SWTOR has a lot of potential, it is a shame that it has reached this low point in such a short time. Fix it soon BioWare or you will have nothing left to fix.




Irisa (dai bendu guild master).


You're a bunch of good guys... hope we get to move to a proper server all together.,

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However I do disagree with the suggested remedy of unifying all language types of RP-PVP servers. There is no point on having three mini servers on one server, and trade chat would be a miss-mash of three languages.



They are not 3 mini servers actually the french one is standard population so if they want to keep server type just open transfers to the english one and let the french and german decide if they want to stay in their own lagnuage or come to Lord calypho...


It is not gonna end up with a FULL server but at least it will be playable.

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However I do disagree with the suggested remedy of unifying all language types of RP-PVP servers. There is no point on having three mini servers on one server, and trade chat would be a miss-mash of three languages.

They are not 3 mini servers actually the french one is standard population so if they want to keep server type just open transfers to the english one and let the french and german decide if they want to stay in their own lagnuage or come to Lord calypho...


It is not gonna end up with a FULL server but at least it will be playable.

I think what Reenox was saying was that if they merged the English (LC) RP-PVP server with the French and German ones, you'd have more people on a single server but mostly acting as three distinct groups due to language issues etc meaning that organising groups might be quicker but they may be less effective due to communication issues etc

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imho it is now pretty obvious, BioWare - the ball is in your court


Lord Calypho ceases to exists and get the following destination servers: The Progenitor for the RP crowd, TOFN for the pvp crowd, perhaps throw in a pure pve server while at it.

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I think what Reenox was saying was that if they merged the English (LC) RP-PVP server with the French and German ones, you'd have more people on a single server but mostly acting as three distinct groups due to language issues etc meaning that organising groups might be quicker but they may be less effective due to communication issues etc


Don't think that poses that much of a problem. Even though we're trying hard to dismantle our public school system so we can sell education to the rich and have a comfortable amount of dumb people to exploit, English is pretty common as a second language nowadays.


And there were a multitude of language communities on LC and all did well with another. At least I haven't seen any harm done and enjoyed the diversity. The more the merrier!

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Man, i made a bounty hunter on this server before the Australian servers were put up, simply because it was the server my friends made their characters on. when the free transfers to Australian servers popped up earlier, i wasn't eligible for whatever reason and now it seems my bounty hunter is stuck in lord calypho forever.

I can't STAND doing things I've done before so making a new bounty hunter would put me off the character for good.

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Don't think that poses that much of a problem. Even though we're trying hard to dismantle our public school system so we can sell education to the rich and have a comfortable amount of dumb people to exploit, English is pretty common as a second language nowadays.


And there were a multitude of language communities on LC and all did well with another. At least I haven't seen any harm done and enjoyed the diversity. The more the merrier!


server is dead

PvP is dead

we need transfers out

ppl that wants to stay ...ok

i can see why, but we need transfers outt at least for the pvp crowd

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Man, i made a bounty hunter on this server before the Australian servers were put up, simply because it was the server my friends made their characters on. when the free transfers to Australian servers popped up earlier, i wasn't eligible for whatever reason and now it seems my bounty hunter is stuck in lord calypho forever.

I can't STAND doing things I've done before so making a new bounty hunter would put me off the character for good.

Did you contact CS? I think they can help you with your issue and mover your char to an pacific server?

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Did you contact CS? I think they can help you with your issue and mover your char to an pacific server?


Nah I didn't really think of it for whatever reason. I figure with the free Australian jumps long over they would be less than thrilled to move one character over, especially when they aren't letting any other others off.

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Hi folks,


I've seen a lot of back and forth from RPers that want people to stay on their servers and from people that want to option to transfer out to a different PvP server. There are, understandably, concerns on both sides.


My question to you all: as a community on one of these three servers, what ideal solutions do you folks have in mind? I'm not saying we have the capability of doing anything, but I genuinely want to hear your thoughts.Thank you!


I have four chars on Lord Calipho, (50lvl, 50lvl, 41lvl and 35lvl). Server dying with every day.

If dev do not allow transfer, the only option i`ll have it`s to leave this game (I can`t PvP in empty server, and don`t want to start all over again).


I think, the best solution is to allow transfer, and allow people to choose the type of server on which they want to go.

Lord Calipho ---> PVP server

Lord Calipho ---> RP PVE server

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Also, I put the blame on Bioware for killing RP. Why ?


- there is no RP naming policy, people can roll all kinds of stupid names on a RP server

- chat bubbles ? (lol)

- no community forums -> no events -> no RP


We are not the ones responsible for the demise of the RP. The game launched 6 months ago and not a SINGLE new feature was geared towards the RPers.


I've played role-playing games my entire life, and even in online role-playing games. The chief element in Role-Playing is imagination. With that, you can work around anything on an MMO.


I've never heard of blaming the game company for "killing RP" because they won't give you chat bubbles, or pre-oraganized "events", and especially not because of a lack of "naming policy". That's entirely up to the individual. In an RP Scenario, if someone walks up to you with a weird name, you just "react to it" and move on. It doesn't "kill the imagination".


Would small things like chat bubbles, being able to sit in chairs, having "star wars-sounding" names and things like that help? Sure... but if the RP community is DEMANDING it in order to keep the RP community active, then in my opinion, the RP community has gotten lazy and deserves to die off.


Ever watch Larpers play in a public club? I have to hand it to them, THEY are the true role-players in the RP community. They overcome any obstacle with their imagination.

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I've played role-playing games my entire life, and even in online role-playing games. The chief element in Role-Playing is imagination. With that, you can work around anything on an MMO.


I've never heard of blaming the game company for "killing RP" because they won't give you chat bubbles, or pre-oraganized "events", and especially not because of a lack of "naming policy". That's entirely up to the individual. In an RP Scenario, if someone walks up to you with a weird name, you just "react to it" and move on. It doesn't "kill the imagination".


Would small things like chat bubbles, being able to sit in chairs, having "star wars-sounding" names and things like that help? Sure... but if the RP community is DEMANDING it in order to keep the RP community active, then in my opinion, the RP community has gotten lazy and deserves to die off.


Ever watch Larpers play in a public club? I have to hand it to them, THEY are the true role-players in the RP community. They overcome any obstacle with their imagination.


Awesome! -Then please make LC available for transfering to a crowded pvp server only. The roleplayers can imagine they are either on a RP server OR they can imagine that LC is filled with roleplaying players!


-Thats 2 options the RP'rs get while im happy with the 1 option to move to a pvp server!!



Im joking ofc, the only option is to let people chose between moving to a RP or PVP server. Only allowing 1 of those options will result in alot of subs withdrawn, myself included if i were to be forced onto a pure RP server...


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