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RP-PvP "Lord Calypho" - Excluded from Transfers...


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RP-PvP (Lord Calypho) --> RP-PvE (The Progenitor)

RP-PvP (Lord Calypho) --> PvP (Tomb of Freedon Nadd)


This one is what should happen. It's not fun to force roleplayers to PvP server or PvP players to RP server.


Let people choose themselves, which of the two is better.

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we are a dead server and if we cant transfer our characters to a pvp server Like Tomb of Freedon Nadd all the players will abandon the game. WE cant do nothink now at this server not even a flashpoint , an operation . the open world warzones are abandoned (illum open world warzone and tatoine warzone)
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Some Suggest we should be allowed to move to either PVP either RP-PVE by giving us a choise about where we would like to go. I think That this , even though it may sound like the ideal Solution keep it mind that it is kinda UNFAIR to ALL THE OTHER TRANSFERS. I mean why should we get special treatment and have destinations to pick from, so personally i think that would be unfair to the majority of the players of this game.


Lets not exaggerate here with "special treatment", I believe we have strong arguments supporting us no matter how much someone can't deal with it and they can't understand that as of right now we are stuck on 1 underpopulated server. Our server combines two aspects of the game (RP and PVP). It can't be decided which one is more important to players of our server by anyone else then these players themselves. Also, it would not be like we can jump from place to place. It's a one way ticket and it should be so.


Your other options are not viable in my opinion. I believe combining all languages RP-PVP will still end up with underpopulated server (or at least much less populated server than current destination servers) and not all of the people playing in French and German servers necessarily speak English. Making us a destination server is unfair to PVP and RP-PVE players for the same exact reason we should be given a choice - you can't decide for them.


The only viable option is to give us a choice of PVP or RP-PVE and seriously people who think we are getting special treatment ask yourselves - is it that much of a big deal to you or can you live with that?

Edited by vandana_
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Some Suggest we should be allowed to move to either PVP either RP-PVE by giving us a choise about where we would like to go. I think That this , even though it may sound like the ideal Solution keep it mind that it is kinda UNFAIR to ALL THE OTHER TRANSFERS. I mean why should we get special treatment and have destinations to pick from, so personally i think that would be unfair to the majority of the players of this game.


Oh, so you believe that having NO TRANSFERS at all is FAIR, yet giving us two possible destinations (simply because THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION) is NOT FAIR ?


Where's the logic in that ?

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Hi folks,


I've seen a lot of back and forth from RPers that want people to stay on their servers and from people that want to option to transfer out to a different PvP server. There are, understandably, concerns on both sides.


My question to you all: as a community on one of these three servers, what ideal solutions do you folks have in mind? I'm not saying we have the capability of doing anything, but I genuinely want to hear your thoughts.Thank you!


First of all I want to thank you for responding to this issue and I hope you can help us. The last few days 50-75% of the chat on fleet have been on this issue. Some ppl prefer to be moved to a pvp server claiming there is no rp going on anyways while a lot of people oppse them saying yes there is rp and I haven't really figured out what they want. I'm in an rp guild and we do have events almost every night and there are several more guilds who are just as active as us. So the question it boils down to for me is this; What's stopping us from roleplaying on a regular servers?


Anyways, since the server seems split on the issue I would recommend what laserbak suggested:


RP-PvP (Lord Calypho) --> RP-PvE (The Progenitor)

RP-PvP (Lord Calypho) --> PvP (Tomb of Freedon Nadd)


This should satisfy everyone. Those who regard rp over pvp and thinks it's impossible to rp on a regular server will still have an option open to them.

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Hi folks,


I've seen a lot of back and forth from RPers that want people to stay on their servers and from people that want to option to transfer out to a different PvP server. There are, understandably, concerns on both sides.


My question to you all: as a community on one of these three servers, what ideal solutions do you folks have in mind? I'm not saying we have the capability of doing anything, but I genuinely want to hear your thoughts.Thank you!


Even though I never post on these forums anymore due to the hassle of having to generate & enter a security key to be able to log in on the forum, I made an exception so I could post a reply to this.


At the moment the population on Lord Calypho is low enough that it hampers my gameplay experience.


Yesterday evening at 22:00 GMT I did a small census, and these were the results:



64 people online on the Imperial Fleet, 12 on Dromund Kaas, 6 on Belsavis, 4 on Corellia, 6 on Alderaan, 9 on Nar Shaddaa, 4 on Korriban, 4 on Hutta, 5 on Hoth, 7 on Voss, 8 on Balmorra, 0 on Quesh, 0 on Ilum, 15 on Tatooine, and 21 on Taris.


That makes a grand total 165 people in the game at prime time on Lord Calypho.



During daytime the amount of people on the fleet is often lower than 30 (sometimes lower than 15), with a total server population < 70. Warzone queues can take 30+ minutes, and finding groups for PVE content is nearly impossible.


Needless to say, if this situation does not change in a positive way before my game-time ends, I will not resubscribe.

As for possible solutions:


The best solution in my opinion would be be the option for us to either transfer to a RP-PVE server (Progenitor) or a PvP server. We have to be able to choose! For me the RP is more important than the PvP, so if I'm forced to transfer to a PvP server I will not resubscribe. I can imagine players on Lord Calypho who are mainly interested in PvP will have a similar issue if they are forced to transfer to a RP-PVE server, so give us the choice!


Also, it would be nice if we in addition to the option to transfer to a RP or PvP server had the option of transferring to the US RP-PvP server.


The alternative of making Lord Calypho a destination server will not have the desired effect I fear. People on PvP servers probably don't care much about RP, otherwise they'd play on the RP-PvP server already. So they probably won't have much incentive to transfer to Lord Calypho.

And most people on a RP-PvE server are probably not that much into open world PvP, otherwise they too would be playing on the RP-PvP server already. So they too will have little reason to transfer to Lord Calypho.


Merging the English, German and French RP-PvP servers is another option. I have no idea what the population numbers are on the German & French RP-PvP servers and if merging them would create a server with a healthy population, but personally I'm not an incredibly big fan of having to play with people who prefer to type in their own language which I can barely understand. (And no, I'm not a native English speaker.)


Regardless of what you intend to do with us, please communicate it to us in a clear and timely fashion. Even if nothing will be done about our server, fine but at least tell us so we know where we stand.

Edited by LordExozone
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I'm still flying the flag for a transfer to a PvE server as an option too. Seems churlish to leave it out if there is going to be a choice.


Again, that would be very problematic. First of all the problem is that we are only proposing a choice simply because there is no other RP-PvP english server for us to transfer. Second of all, very few people so far have stated that they would like to transfer out to a PvE server.


IF you give us an option to transfer to a PvE server (which doesn't make any sense at all, since we rolled on a PvP server for a reason), pretty much EVERYBODY else (people from other servers) is going to QQ about it.


If we retain RP-PvP -> PvP and RP-PvP -> RP-PvE options, nobody will have any reasonable arguments against it, and nobody could claim there is uneven treatment.


So the question it boils down to for me is this; What's stopping us from roleplaying on a regular servers?


Precisely! There is absolutely nothing stopping people from RPing on a regular server.

Edited by Rogoo
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IDEAL scenario would be to allow us to transfer to ANY destination server of any type which is not already overbooked. The only other alternative (the current situation) is to be forced to switch to an East Coast RP-PvP server, or stay put on an abandoned West Coast RP-PvP server, both of which are bad options. Edited by miiser
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I would just like to say that the vast majority of players on LC realize that, if a free transfer for us is in the works, we will have to wait our turn. This is absolutely not a problem, our complaints are in no way meant to show that we see ourselves as special and more important. The real issue is the impression amongst our population that since transfers are only PVP->PVP, PVE->PVE, etc we will be left out of any consideration for a free transfer.


We are absolutely willing to wait for Bioware to come up with a solution, but are not okay with being told we are SOL or that our only option is a (possible) paid transfer at some point (possibly) in the future. We really just would like to hear something more definite that is more than just wait and see what happens. A simple "we are looking into this and trying to come up with a solution" would be wonderful. All we ask is that our server be offered the same opportunity as other low population servers which have either already been allowed free transfers or will be allowed to transfer in the near future. As far as we can tell, if LC were a "PVP" or "PVE" server it would qualify for the free transfer program.


I would love to see something like this, as suggested previously:

RP-PvP (Lord Calypho) --> RP-PvE (The Progenitor)

RP-PvP (Lord Calypho) --> PvP (Tomb of Freedon Nadd)


I am primarily a PVPer and have already created one new character on ToFN to guage that server's population.

Edited by MalcolmGunn
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IDEAL scenario would be to allow us to transfer to ANY destination server of any type which is not already overbooked. The only other alternative (the current situation) is to be forced to switch to an East Coast RP-PvP server, or stay put on an abandoned West Coast RP-PvP server.


Transfer to PVE is not even remotely logical. Transfer to US would mean high latency and no influx of new players from Europe in future.

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I would like for the follow options to be offered to us


1) For those who just want too PVP let them transfer to a pvp server


2) For those who still want too RP they should be given the option too transfer too another RP-PVP server in a different region.


And for those who want us too stay on this server and are making the suggestion that we stay here with them on this ghost town? please do not drag us down with you alot of us are currently not happy with the population here.

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We are absolutely willing to wait for Bioware to come up with a solution, but are not okay with being told we are SOL or that our only option is a (possible) paid transfer at some point (possibly) in the future. We really just would like to hear something more definite that is more than just wait and see what happens. A simple "we are looking into this and trying to come up with a solution" would be wonderful.


You nailed it except for the fact that "we are looking into this and trying to come up with a solution" is still not specific enough. I would like to know if we are talking days, weeks, or (hopefully not) months here. When other people were concerned after the initial announcement of several servers eligible for transfers there was a clear dev response that more servers will be added to the list within hours and days but not weeks. That kind of precision is what we expect. Certainly not "I'm not saying we have capability to do anything" and "some time in future in a galaxy far far away"

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You nailed it except for the fact that "we are looking into this and trying to come up with a solution" is still not specific enough. I would like to know if we are talking days, weeks, or (hopefully not) months here. When other people were concerned after the initial announcement of several servers eligible for transfers there was a clear dev response that more servers will be added to the list within hours and days but not weeks. That kind of precision is what we expect. Certainly not "I'm not saying we have capability to do anything" and "some time in future in a galaxy far far away"


I'm still a bit puzzled by the phrase "I'm not saying we have the capability to do anything".


Since english isn't my first language I would like to ask the native speakers: by saying "anything" did he mean:


- we surely won't be able to implement EVERY possible suggestion you put forward


or did he mean:


- I'm not sure that anything will be done about your situation at all




Because from my understanding, that sentence could mean both.


Of course I would still love Joveth to elaborate on this. ;)

Edited by Rogoo
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Your other options are not viable in my opinion. I believe combining all languages RP-PVP will still end up with underpopulated server (or at least much less populated server than current destination servers) and not all of the people playing in French and German servers necessarily speak English. Making us a destination server is unfair to PVP and RP-PVE players for the same exact reason we should be given a choice - you can't decide for them.




What Joveth asked is not ONLY for Lord calypho is Something that has to do with the 3 specific servers, just open transfer from one to those 2 and english one should be the destination imo. That is THE easiest way to do it.


Regarding population the french one is standard Population last time i checked = all 3 combined should be could enough.


It feels the same for me to see people who talk french in genelral, like we do not have russians now??


So without messing other server types just sent all three to one


BUT What i want to see is something done. DO NOT CARE where i will go or with who i am gonna be as long as they open transfers to a populated server. Whatever solution they provide us with, we'll have to take that anyway.


And if it does not Happen LIKE NOW. I am not gonna continue subscription. As simple as that for me

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That kind of precision is what we expect. Certainly not "I'm not saying we have capability to do anything" and "some time in future in a galaxy far far away"


This is more what I'm trying to get across. I personally don't even need a definite, final answer right now, I really just want to know that Bioware is actually looking into this matter and not just ignoring hoping it will go away on its own. At least tell us something and we can go from there.


I'm open to pretty much any solution, even a transfer to the NA East Coast RP-PVP server. I'm in the US anyway and only play on an EU server because most of the people I've gamed with for years now are spread across Europe.

Edited by MalcolmGunn
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Again, that would be very problematic. First of all the problem is that we are only proposing a choice simply because there is no other RP-PvP english server for us to transfer. Second of all, very few people so far have stated that they would like to transfer out to a PvE server.


IF you give us an option to transfer to a PvE server (which doesn't make any sense at all, since we rolled on a PvP server for a reason), pretty much EVERYBODY else (people from other servers) is going to QQ about it.


If we retain RP-PvP -> PvP and RP-PvP -> RP-PvE options, nobody will have any reasonable arguments against it, and nobody could claim there is uneven treatment.


Transfer to PVE is not even remotely logical. Transfer to US would mean high latency and no influx of new players from Europe in future.


Respectfully, I disagree. I chose a server that offered a combination of RP and PvP. RP on it's own is not the same, PVP on its own is not the same. If we're going to change type, any type should be open (within region, and language, of course).


I think the QQ will be far less than you think - firstly, it's pretty obvious to the vast majority that we have no other server to go to, and secondly we would (I presume) we getting a transfer significantly after other people. The combination of having to wait and having to change server type is, in my opinion pretty well balanced against the ability to chose the type of server we transfer to.


Oh, and lets be totally honest - everyone will QQ about it whatever happens :p

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Why Can't they just transfer pvp servers to our server ? The rp part of it isn't really noticable.


Because transfering a bunch of non RPers with non RP names to a RP server doesn't make any sense at all.

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Because transfering a bunch of non RPers with non RP names to a RP server doesn't make any sense at all.


on LC, there's a guy named Darth Darkmember Darkmember, and he is the guild master of the biggest guild on the server. does it seems to you an RP name? LOL

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