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RP-PvP "Lord Calypho" - Excluded from Transfers...


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Hi folks,


I've seen a lot of back and forth from RPers that want people to stay on their servers and from people that want to option to transfer out to a different PvP server. There are, understandably, concerns on both sides.


My question to you all: as a community on one of these three servers, what ideal solutions do you folks have in mind? I'm not saying we have the capability of doing anything, but I genuinely want to hear your thoughts.Thank you!

(basically the same comment as posted in the German mirror-thread: http://www.swtor.com/de/community/showthread.php?p=4674361&posted=1#post4674361)



My favorite solution would be Jen'Jidai and the other EU-RP-PvP-servers staying alive and well visited.

But: Since the population-graph is constantly declining during the past months and (due to the stared server-transfers) other "competing servers" are far more frequented, this downward trend ist unlikely to be reversed. Due to this slow population decline, a worthwile gaming will become more and more unlikely and difficult (right until now it is, at least for me, still possible).


So, a measurable influx of new players is mandatory for continuing the EU-RP-PvP-servers as reasonable servers notwendig (read: JJ becomes a target-server for RP- and/or PvP-servers... nevertheless, I doubt, that a relevant portion of players choises would be the RP-PvP-servers, since the concept of RP-PvP seems to be... to "hard(core)" for many players. :( Something that I'm kind of bemoaning, since I like RP and as few engine-/security-boundaries as possible... since I'm an old UO-gamer, even this kind of "hardcore"-server is basically almost to "softcore" for me... ;) If this influx is not possible, the players on the EU-RP-PvP-servers have to the able to transfer to other appropriate servers (=> 2.).



If a (re)vitalization of Jen'Jidai (or of the other EU-RP-PvP-servers) is not possible (or only with an unreasonable effort), it would only be fair to be able to transfer to another RP- or PvP-server (else, an MMO-gaming would not be possible on the appropriate servers within th foreseeable future).

Since every player on the RP-PvP-servers has his/her own gaming focus/priorities concerning RP(-PvE) and PvP (for example, I am a RP- and PvE-gamer to 95%... I'm just playing RP-PvP due to the fewer "security measures" compared to an "ordinary" RP-PvE-server) the players should be able to choose individually between transfering to a RP-PvE- and transfering to a PvP-server.

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Anyone remember the last time a csr or dev posted in this? I cant be bothered looking back over almost 100 pages of ignored comments...


a few days ago, tell us about new info after weekend, soon TM, could be next month

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Just thought I should keep everyone updated.... they have added new servers from Europe too the transfers list


Of course Lord Calypho is not in that list


Most people have already cancelled their subscription


I do believe they are just going to make us all re-roll or quit


How much views ? how much posts on this thread? And still no action

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Hi folks, as we are still not done with this initial character transfer phase, we are still examining the options. We've taken your ideas into consideration and will compare them against what is feasible.


It is my hope that we will have more to share with you after the weekend.


So, any updates on what can be done and how soon? RP-PVP servers still not included in today's list.

At this point it is very, very simple. Allow transfers or loose customers.

Edited by vandana_
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"I'm not saying we have the capability of doing anything" - This part of JovethGonzalez's post is just epic.... its like saying - guys, We, here at Bioware are running out of tears to drink, could you please cry a bit more so that we can water out throats with your delicious eye juices?


Unbelievable Bioware, unbelievable

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"I'm not saying we have the capability of doing anything" - This part of JovethGonzalez's post is just epic.... its like saying - guys, We, here at Bioware are running out of tears to drink, could you please cry a bit more so that we can water out throats with your delicious eye juices?


Unbelievable Bioware, unbelievable



their PR is hilarious and sad at the same time

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"I'm not saying we have the capability of doing anything" - This part of JovethGonzalez's post is just epic.... its like saying - guys, We, here at Bioware are running out of tears to drink, could you please cry a bit more so that we can water out throats with your delicious eye juices?


It's "just in case" safety button crap although executed poorly. Who has capability of doing anything if not the damn game developer, is that Snow White?


I seriously don't understand how it was possible to destroy such potential you guys had with bad management and bad PR. 6 months after release you say you are going free-to-play with a game that had 2 million excited customers and the best launch in MMO history? Your entire team should have been sacked after guild summit which was a display of incompetence. But at that point we still had faith in you and noone was saying it out loud.


The way you are handling Lord Calypho just confirms every single word I'm saying.

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It's "just in case" safety button crap although executed poorly. Who has capability of doing anything if not the damn game developer, is that Snow White?


Not snow white.




But seriously, for once more bioware managed to dissapoint it's customers. From the day you made this game all you accomplished is to make me any respect i had for you as a company:(

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It's "just in case" safety button crap although executed poorly. Who has capability of doing anything if not the damn game developer, is that Snow White?


I seriously don't understand how it was possible to destroy such potential you guys had with bad management and bad PR. 6 months after release you say you are going free-to-play with a game that had 2 million excited customers and the best launch in MMO history? Your entire team should have been sacked after guild summit which was a display of incompetence. But at that point we still had faith in you and noone was saying it out loud.


The way you are handling Lord Calypho just confirms every single word I'm saying.


I have to admitt this is quite amazing. I really like the game. Pretty much the only thing that I complained about was abysmall engine performance in PvP. It has been somewhat improved, but still needs some work.


I didn't complain about balance, lack of content, nerfs, buffs, and all the usual MMO stuff.


The first time in the history of my MMO gaming the developer is making me quit the game I really like. That's the most sad thing about it.

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The first time in the history of my MMO gaming the developer is making me quit the game I really like. That's the most sad thing about it.


Yep. That's the sad part. But at this point I don't rally care anymore.


We'll now see a standard yellow post confirming that they are still evaluating and IF they can do something they will. I would ask them to finally get their sh*t together but I believe them now - they have no capability of doing anything.

Edited by vandana_
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Dear BioWare,



This Friday and Saturday we had 17 people on the fleet the whole afternoon. In two hours, I had 3 warzones and this is an all time low for me on Lord Calypho. Sunday, for some reason I cannot fathom, we had 50 people on the fleet but warzone queue times war still abysmal compared to the usual. You can check your logs and you will see I am not manipulating numbers to support my case. Today we had again 17 people and we barely managed to do our daily pvp.



All the facts point to an urgent solution but you, my dear BioWare, seem to have a different agenda. I do not know what that is but I hope it will work out because at the moment Lord Calypho is dead. People cannot run flashpoints, they cannot run their operations and they cannot pvp. Most of our time on the fleet is spent waiting and not playing. At this point in time I cannot justify my subscription anymore. Consequently, I will stop my recurring payment as of now. I am sure nobody at BioWare is paying for a service they cannot use therefore surely you will understand my decision.



'Your subscription has been cancelled.You have xx days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code.'

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So what gives BW?


What are you gonna do to deliver the game experience the Lord Calypho residents are paying you for?


I expect a clear statement today and action taken shortly after. That [CANCEL] button is looking more and more appealing by the minute.

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I only want two things from BW!


1st - I request an Immidiate transfer for all of us stuck on this ghost-town server Lord Calypho and anyone else from the other servers that have been left out for no good reason. Personally i couldnt care less where I go as long as it has a strong population, PVE, PVP whatever. TOFN would be fine but i think it's full or close to it but im sure they could squeeze us in if they really wanted to.


And if you cannnot do that for some mind boggling reason, then...


2nd - To be told a straight answer for once. No PR spin or oblique comments. Just give ut to us straight, As we have been effectivly paying your wages I think its the least you can do.


Because as it stands I am starting to regret buying one of my most eagerly awaited games. And i never thought I would say that about a BW title. :confused:

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*snip*[CANCEL] button is looking more and more appealing by the minute.


It's so close I can touch it.. oh, did I just.. nah.. holding my breath for a tad more - go go BioWare, give us the transfers already :rak_02:

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As much as i liked this game i cannot bare the wait anymore like many said the game is no longer playable

So i decided too cancel the game i realy liked but is no longer playable

the two guild i was in are no longer so raid is no go and off all the friends i had maybe 2 still play the game

shame on you BW

I've been long time fan of you're games played them on xbox as on pc but now it's time too say farewell

I still hope the remaining of LC find a good home because it was a good community

The end my only friend ....

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As much as i liked this game i cannot bare the wait anymore like many said the game is no longer playable

So i decided too cancel the game i realy liked but is no longer playable

the two guild i was in are no longer so raid is no go and off all the friends i had maybe 2 still play the game

shame on you BW

I've been long time fan of you're games played them on xbox as on pc but now it's time too say farewell

I still hope the remaining of LC find a good home because it was a good community

The end my only friend ....


Sad to see another fellow resident leave, and im confident more are on the verge of following in your footsteps unless a solution is announced today.


So long - hope you find a game that delivers!

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To all those that say RP isn't happening anyway, consider:


You need people for operations, right?


You need people for flashpoints, right?


You need people for HMs, right?


You need people for PvP, right?


Well, guess what? You need people for RP, too!


The reasons you don't see a lot of PvP, or Ops, or HMs, or FPs are the very same reasons you don't see RP. What does that mean? It means that the same solution that would increase activity in PvP, Ops, HMs and FPs would also increase activity in RP.


So, saying that the RP stipulation doesn't matter because it's not happening anyway would be akin to saying that PvP, Ops, HMs and FPs don't matter because it's not happening anyway.


Hope I'm saying this right to get the point across. As much importance as you place on PvP, RPers place on RP.

When you have finished being patronising please point out where I said RP doesn't matter.

Your point seems to be don't allow transfers from LC. I've been playing on LC since launch. I've seen it go from full (and queued) to empty. I've joined in RP where I have come across it (although I haven't the wit to keep up with good RP'rs) and enjoyed the experience.


Do you feel there is likely to be an influx of people who wish to play on an English speaking RP-PVP server in Europe?



My post did indeed show that you need people for RP. The problem is there isn't enough people. Those left on LC are leaving. Day by day we reach new lows in fleet pop and longer wz queue times.


BW have asked my preference regarding transfers. I play on LC. I will unsubscribe if nothing is done. I doubt BW is going to spend a lot of time ensuring everyone is catered for. Due to the low numbers of people who wish to play RP-PVP it is clear that something has to give. I would support the choice to transfer to PVP, RP-PVE or PVE in that order. If options are going to be limited by BW then I'll go for PVP (in the hope that open world PVP exists in the future).


I'm not sure what your solution is, or if anyone on LC supports it. What I don't want to happen is waiting any longer whilst BW make statements like "the community is still discussing". You are not part of the LC community (as far as I know).


You say you support the RP'rs on LC. It would be easy for you to do this. Roll on LC and join in.

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