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HK-51: Minimum of 1 Empire and 1 Republic Toon On Same Server to Unlock

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Lol wrong

You can send money, items, anything not bound cross-faction when you unlocked legacy.

It's not WoW


Except there were ZERO details regarding what Legacy would do when the game came out. That poster had no way of knowing that down the line there'd be a way to send money/items easily cross-faction. I'm certain that a lot of people split servers that way as well, having one for Republic and one for Imperial.

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Wow. So your guild chooses to limit itself, even within the parameters of the game, by not forming a sister guild of opposite faction, because some people ARE going to play toons in that faction no matter WHAT your guild policy is, and well, it's dead easy to log in on a level 1 alt if you want to "keep track of them."


Of course, we use our Mumble server to actually keep track of people. But when someone isn't logged into Mumble, it's rather easy to pop over to the other faction quickly to see if they're there, and ask them to come play their main. Mountain, molehill........and a huge sense of entitlement. I'd love to see what people on these forums would do when faced with something like the EQ1 need to form a 72 person raid to get your epic weapon quest done. I did not have my epic weapon until long after it didn't take 72 people to form a raid because I was NOT IN A RAID GUILD. And I didn't sit there and whine about how SOE limited the content of casual players and made it impossible for me to get this awesome (and actually game-effecting) weapon, unlike this fluff companion, because it was understood that some things were going to be hard, if not impossible, to achieve by everyone.


It's FLUFF. If you don't want it, don't put in the effort. If you do, well, they're rewarding people who choose to play differently than you, just as they reward PVP players, or raiders. Either adopt the playstyle to the extent required to gain the reward or stop saying you can't achieve it, because it's only you yourself preventing you. If it's too much effort for people to make an opposing faction alt guild and log in to the main guild and say "hi, I'm playing so and so tonight if you need me, pop over and yell," then it's only your own guild you have to blame.


A few things worth mentioning:

1. Our Guild`s internal policy was never up for debate. It is how it is. End of story.

2. As per the previous point, it can be an issue against cross-faction playing.

3. I NEVER said it should be easy, or I would like it to be easy. All I said was that it is wrong to ask cross-faction alts, even for a Legacy companion.


3.addendum. I have nothing against alts. I only don`t like being asked to roll one on the opposite side. Also, I am fully aware that it might very well be at a cost..like 20-25 mils. I think the prices are prohibitive for one reason only: they`d rather have you spend time getting the money, or actually "gain" what you can buy. So, it would be cheaper and probably less time consuming to actually roll the opposite side alt and do the quest, than buy it. Which is cheap on Bioware`s part.


[EDIT]4. Also, as a rule of thumb: if you ask players to do something, provide the needed tools to do it. In this case, Bioware has failed to provide cross-faction INGAME communication. Mumble, TeamSpeak, Ventrillo are outside of the game tools. There should not be mandatory to make alts with friendlists and login/logout or Mirror Guilds, in order to keep track of a Guild`s players.

Edited by Styxx
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Wow. So your guild chooses to limit itself, even within the parameters of the game, by not forming a sister guild of opposite faction, because some people ARE going to play toons in that faction no matter WHAT your guild policy is, and well, it's dead easy to log in on a level 1 alt if you want to "keep track of them."


Of course, we use our Mumble server to actually keep track of people. But when someone isn't logged into Mumble, it's rather easy to pop over to the other faction quickly to see if they're there, and ask them to come play their main. Mountain, molehill........and a huge sense of entitlement. I'd love to see what people on these forums would do when faced with something like the EQ1 need to form a 72 person raid to get your epic weapon quest done. I did not have my epic weapon until long after it didn't take 72 people to form a raid because I was NOT IN A RAID GUILD. And I didn't sit there and whine about how SOE limited the content of casual players and made it impossible for me to get this awesome (and actually game-effecting) weapon, unlike this fluff companion, because it was understood that some things were going to be hard, if not impossible, to achieve by everyone.


It's FLUFF. If you don't want it, don't put in the effort. If you do, well, they're rewarding people who choose to play differently than you, just as they reward PVP players, or raiders. Either adopt the playstyle to the extent required to gain the reward or stop saying you can't achieve it, because it's only you yourself preventing you. If it's too much effort for people to make an opposing faction alt guild and log in to the main guild and say "hi, I'm playing so and so tonight if you need me, pop over and yell," then it's only your own guild you have to blame.


Which is why I have an aversion to joining Guilds here. It's strange, but Guilds here are very similar to EQ, EQ II, and WoW Guilds. Politics ruins my game, so I avoid politics like the plague. :D

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Which is why I have an aversion to joining Guilds here. It's strange, but Guilds here are very similar to EQ, EQ II, and WoW Guilds. Politics ruins my game, so I avoid politics like the plague. :D


There are mature, well-functioning guilds without much in the way of rules and politics. In my experience, the presence of rules at the guild level rarely address a need of the guild, they address an emotional need of the guild leader.

Edited by Kthx
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Well thats flat out crap. I have a Republic server and a Imperial server, simply because whats the point of cluttering up a server with alts that can't help each other in terms of crafting/items/money?

They can help each other out in terms of items, crafting, and money. Any imperial that is a part of your republics legacy and vice versa can send mail to each other. Perhaps you'd know if you had them both on the same server. :rolleyes:

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There are mature, well-functioning guilds without much in the way of rules and politics. In my experience, the presence of rules at the guild level rarely address a need of the guild, they address an emotional need of the guild leader.


Only one I've found like that is my Corp over in EVE. :D

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A few things worth mentioning:

1. Our Guild`s internal policy was never up for debate. It is how it is. End of story.

2. As per the previous point, it can be an issue against cross-faction playing.

3. I NEVER said it should be easy, or I would like it to be easy. All I said was that it is wrong to ask cross-faction alts, even for a Legacy companion.


3.addendum. I have nothing against alts. I only don`t like being asked to roll one on the opposite side. Also, I am fully aware that it might very well be at a cost..like 20-25 mils. I think the prices are prohibitive for one reason only: they`d rather have you spend time getting the money, or actually "gain" what you can buy. So, it would be cheaper and probably less time consuming to actually roll the opposite side alt and do the quest, than buy it. Which is cheap on Bioware`s part.


[EDIT]4. Also, as a rule of thumb: if you ask players to do something, provide the needed tools to do it. In this case, Bioware has failed to provide cross-faction INGAME communication. Mumble, TeamSpeak, Ventrillo are outside of the game tools. There should not be mandatory to make alts with friendlists and login/logout or Mirror Guilds, in order to keep track of a Guild`s players.


I don't think it's wrong to require cross-faction alts at all. Why? Because there almost certainly is going to be an alternate Legacy level + credits unlocking method.

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It's like this is a lifestyle change or something.


You're terrified that your guild will lose track of you or disown you because you leveled a character on the other faction?


Really. Nobody is asking you to marry the character and make it your new main, is it really a requirement for you to enjoy the game that your guild mates have constant knowledge of where you are and what you're doing and the ability to interrupt your actitivities? If your guild frowns on cross faction play, oh well, you do realize you're playing this for your own enjoyment right? Not so that you can be prevented from enjoying it because of what other people want, yeah?


I personally don't care either way, because I'm one of the people that took the initiative and started leveling on both factions as soon as legacy appeared. Idc what anyone says, if you can't see the potential benefits of playing both factions and the things that are already restricted to you if you don't, you're simply ignoring them on purpose.


If you're so against the idea of playing an imperial, make an agent, take him along the story line and make him a turncoat (yes, it's an option to become a part of the republic SIS as an imperial agent). There are a lot of things that can be considered for the RPers out there who feel prevented from playing the other faction simply because of an affinity for the one they're on.

Edited by Celebrus
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He said that u will have to make an imperial on the same server and have u playing both sides of the Galactic Conlict will have to come together and earn ur EK-51, but never said I think how you get EK-51 to a Imperial side or the Republic side, so that'll be interesting.


Me I won't be bothering to go go him, since I aready have 7 other characters to play with and I rarely play the game.

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I don't think it's wrong to require cross-faction alts at all. Why? Because there almost certainly is going to be an alternate Legacy level + credits unlocking method.


I agree with the above. Plus if you like the voice acting for the class quests, one of the primary differentiators between SWTOR and other MMOs, why would you only want to experience 1/2 the game? And if you do choose to experience only 1/2 the game then why complain that people that choose to experience the whole game get certain perks?


I have 2 Republic 50s and 2 Imperial 50s I've enjoyed leveling all of them and I'm working on two more Republic and two more Imperials :) I have to admit I like the Imperial stories a bit better so far. Although the Smuggler story is pretty good also.

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It's like this is a lifestyle change or something.


You're terrified that your guild will lose track of you or disown you because you leveled a character on the other faction?


Really. Nobody is asking you to marry the character and make it your new main, is it really a requirement for you to enjoy the game that your guild mates have constant knowledge of where you are and what you're doing and the ability to interrupt your actitivities? If your guild frowns on cross faction play, oh well, you do realize you're playing this for your own enjoyment right? Not so that you can be prevented from enjoying it because of what other people want, yeah?


I personally don't care either way, because I'm one of the people that took the initiative and started leveling on both factions as soon as legacy appeared. Idc what anyone says, if you can't see the potential benefits of playing both factions and the things that are already restricted to you if you don't, you're simply ignoring them on purpose.


If you're so against the idea of playing an imperial, make an agent, take him along the story line and make him a turncoat (yes, it's an option to become a part of the republic SIS as an imperial agent). There are a lot of things that can be considered for the RPers out there who feel prevented from playing the other faction simply because of an affinity for the one they're on.



Yeah u don't even have to tell ur Guildmates, the game is what u make of it, for me I hate grinding and have to help my Mother a lot and I can't hardly walk to play this game. But i,m so fed up with grinding that MMOs are not much for me, i'm older and put all my grinding skills into the Vanilla SWG and CU Galaxies and had 4 Jedi and a Jedi Sentinel.


That's me every1 can do what they want to do out of this game. Me I don't hate this game it's just the stupid grinding, but this game is comming out with so much stuff faster than any other MMO that I still think this will be a great game.

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Well thats flat out crap. I have a Republic server and a Imperial server, simply because whats the point of cluttering up a server with alts that can't help each other in terms of crafting/items/money?


The logic behind this is bizarre. You have eight slots, eight stories to play and in effect you can have all crafting specialities. You can send things via message over to your alts no matter what the faction.

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Well thats flat out crap. I have a Republic server and a Imperial server, simply because whats the point of cluttering up a server with alts that can't help each other in terms of crafting/items/money?


You do realize that all of your alts can help each other in terms of crafting/items/money right?

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so based on his remarks we have play both factions on 1 server to get this LEGACY companion to unlock. Not cool


Remember that they said they'd eventually give us more character slots... *HINT, HINT!*

Hell, I'd even be willing to buy them, Guild Wars* style.

Would be nice for those Cathar as well, Bioware! :D



* Along with many other MMOs

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Today's Q&A? It's so secret, I couldn't see it.




Aymi: You guys are including a whole bunch of things to motivate us to reroll and unlock stuff through Legacy, but if I’m playing on one server because the community is great, I’ll be limited to eight characters. You said during the Guild Summit you were going to think about it at some point, any update on that?


Daniel Erickson: We are 100% committed to providing more character slots per server in the future but unfortunately we’re not ready to talk about how that will work.


From this Q&A.

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The logic behind this is bizarre. You have eight slots, eight stories to play and in effect you can have all crafting specialities. You can send things via message over to your alts no matter what the faction.


You do realise that while you have 8 slots, there are also 8 different advanced classes per faction. How is it bizarre that some people preference combat over story?

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Someone off topic: does anyone know what type of role this comp will fill? Ranged dps/tank/healer? Or can he toggle between multiple roles?


If he's a healer I hope he's not just another gimpy ship droid healer because I'd sure like to replace Malavai Quinn.

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If it's a Legacy unlock, does having two faction characters really matter? I can't really see them starting to add Legacy features that people won't be able to just buy with a massive grind of dailies, which will be even easier should 1.3 include additional.


If people do have multiple characters, even if they are all on the same faction, then any Legacy level should be high enough to just pay the credits.


I do have characters on both factions, two Imps and three Reps (each a different class and four of five are different species) so I will try unlocking him the normal way, so I guess I'll need to start looking into making droid parts with Cybertech as I rarely use my droid companions (including the ship droid).

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Someone off topic: does anyone know what type of role this comp will fill? Ranged dps/tank/healer? Or can he toggle between multiple roles?


If he's a healer I hope he's not just another gimpy ship droid healer because I'd sure like to replace Malavai Quinn.


I highly doubt an assasin droid is going tobe a healer, he will prob be a ranged sniper type class. My best guess is he will work alot like risha but a different pool of skills and probably something tasty for crafting and gathering.

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Exactly, you don't get the automatically spelled name when you start typing for your opposite faction toon, but as long as you remember how you spelled it the mail gets there sure enough.


And if you don't...open your legacy panel. They are all in there.

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Oh my god, they're not giving me something for free?! I have to earn it?! I'M UNSUBBING!




Me too; I don't even want it it (I'm not even sure what IT is), but I'm unsubbing because you can't have it - that'll teach Bioware...:D

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Ok for those that don't want to roll the oppisite faction here is the way you get the new HK-51 Companion.


First you have to have 4 level 50's

Purchased VIP wristbands for at least 2.

Purchase the speeder from the VIP vender.


The call CS and while talking to them take a picture of you self standing on one leg and say I want my HK-51 companion. Then send it to Bioware at Onelegged-HK-51@SWTOR.com


Then you picture will be posted to the SWTOR Facebook page.


You will receive your companion via in game Bounty-hunter assassination attempt on your character. If you survive then the companion becomes yours. If not. HK-51 will go into hiding and try to kill you 2 weeks later. This will continue until you defeat HK-51.


This offer is subject to change without notice. :p

Edited by Ranid
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Ok for those that don't want to roll the oppisite faction here is the way you get the new HK-51 Companion.


First you have to have 4 level 50's

Purchased VIP wristbands for at least 2.

Purchase the speeder from the VIP vender.


The call CS and while talking to them take a picture of you self standing on one leg and say I want my HK-51 companion. Then send it to Bioware at Onelegged-HK-51@SWTOR.com


Then you picture will be posted to the SWTOR Facebook page.


You will receive your companion via in game Bounty-hunter assassination attempt on your character. If you survive then the companion becomes yours. If not. HK-51 will go into hiding and try to kill you 2 weeks later. This will continue until you defeat HK-51.


This offer is subject to change without notice. :p


That seems pretty reasonable to me. I'm sure I speak for the entire thread when I say that I agree with these requirements.

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